Manual Reference Pages  - M_sort (3m_sort)


M_sort(3fm) - [M_sort::INTRO] Fortran module containing sorting algorithms for arrays of standard scalar types (LICENSE:PD)




use M_sort, only : sort_quick_rx, sort_quick_compact use M_sort, only : sort_shell, sort_heap use M_sort, only : unique


Under development. Currently only provides a few common routines, but it is intended that other procedures will provide a variety of sort methods, including ...
Exchange sorts
  Bubble sort, Cocktail shaker sort, Odd-even sort, Comb sort, Gnome sort, Quicksort, Stooge sort, Bogosort
Selection sorts
  Selection sort, Heapsort, Smoothsort, Cartesian tree sort, Tournament sort, Cycle sort
Insertion sorts
  Insertion sort, Shellsort, Splaysort, Tree sort, Library sort, Patience sorting
Merge sorts
  Merge sort, Cascade merge sort, Oscillating merge sort, Polyphase merge sort
Distribution sorts
  American flag sort, Bead sort, Bucket sort, Burstsort, Counting sort, Pigeonhole sort, Proxmap sort, Radix sort, Flashsort
Concurrent sorts
  Bitonic sorter, Batcher odd-even mergesort, Pairwise sorting network
Hybrid sorts
  Block merge sortTimsort, Introsort, Spreadsort
Other Topological sorting, Pancake sorting, Spaghetti sort
and an overview of topics concerning sorting
Theory Computational complexity theory, Big O notation, Total orderLists, InplacementStabilityComparison sort, Adaptive sort, Sorting network, Integer sorting, X + Y sorting, Transdichotomous model, Quantum sort
In the mean time those keywords can be useful in locating materials on the WWW, especially in Wikipedia.


Sorting generally refers to rearranging data in a specific order. Ranking consists in finding, for each element of a set, its rank in the sorted set, without changing the initial order of the set. In many instances ranking is more flexible in that the order may be based on one value of a user-defined type, and the indices can be used to reorder virtually any type or related set; but it requires creating an array of indices as well as the data being sorted.

Ranking is also useful when the sizes of the elements being sorted are large, and therefore moving them around is resource-consuming.


Quicksort, also known as partition-exchange sort, uses these steps

o Choose any element of the array to be the pivot.
o Divide all other elements (except the pivot) into two partitions.
o All elements less than the pivot must be in the first partition.
o All elements greater than the pivot must be in the second partition.
o Use recursion to sort both partitions.
o Join the first sorted partition, the pivot, and the second sorted partition.

The best pivot creates partitions of equal length (or lengths differing by 1).

The worst pivot creates an empty partition (for example, if the pivot is the first or last element of a sorted array).

The run-time of Quicksort ranges from O(n log n) with the best pivots, to O(n2) with the worst pivots, where n is the number of elements in the array.

Quicksort has a reputation as the fastest sort. Optimized variants of quicksort are common features of many languages and libraries.

Nemo Release 3.1 M_sort (3m_sort) July 09, 2023
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