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M_pixel__writegif man(3) pages

grouping page description
M_pixel::INTROM_pixel module for drawing into a pixel array with 2D vector operations (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCSarc draw an arc using current line width and color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCScircle draw a circle using current line width and color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:ARCScircleprecision set number of line segments used to approximate a circle (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORclosest_color_name returns the closest name for the given RGB values. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORcolor set current color index (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORcolor_name2rgb returns the RGB values in the range 0 to 100 for a given known color name. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORhue converts color components from one color model to another (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:COLORmapcolor set a color index using RGB values (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWdraw2 draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWline draw line between two points (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWmove2 change current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWpoint2 Draw a point at x, y (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWpolyline2 - draw an unclosed polyline in the XY plane (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWrdraw2 draw from current position to given point (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:DRAWrmove2 relative move (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSclosepoly Terminates a polygon opened by makepoly(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSmakepoly opens polygon constructed by a series of move-draws and closed by closepoly (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONSpoly2 construct a polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:POLYGONrect draw rectangle given two corners (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ansi print small pixel array as colored text on terminals and terminal emulators that obey ANSI escape sequences (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ascii print small pixel array as ASCII text (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_p3 print pixel array as a ppm p3 file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_p6 print pixel array as a ppm file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:PRINTprint_ppm print pixel array as a ppm file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTcentertext set text centering mode for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTdrawchar Draw a character at the current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTdrawstr Draw the text string at the current position (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTfont select font style by name (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXThershey draw text string as Hershey software vector fonts (LICENSE:PD
M_pixel:TEXTjustfy return lengths used to justify a string when calling hershey (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTstrlength return length of string (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTtextang set text angle (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTtextsize set text size in world units (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTxcentertext set text centering mode on for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) in X direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TEXTycentertext set text centering mode on for drawstr(3f) and drawc(3f) in Y direction (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TRIGONOMETRYd2r convert degrees to radians (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel:TRIGONOMETRYpolar_to_cartesian convert polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelclear clear background to current color or specified color index (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetdisplaysize Returns the width and height of the device in pixels (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetgp2 Gets the current graphics position in world coords. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelgetviewport return viewport in screen pixel coordinates (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixellinewidth set linewidth (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelortho2 define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpage define the area of the virtual world coordinates to map to the viewport (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelpixel set pixel to current color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelprefsize specify size of pixel array (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelstate print graphics state of M_pixel graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelvexit exit pixel graphics mode (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelviewport Specify which part of the screen to draw in. (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixelvinit initialize pixel graphics module (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel__readgifreadgif read a GIF file (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel__writegifwritegif Codes pixel-map with palette into GIF format. Optional transparent color (LICENSE:PD)
M_pixel__writegif_animatedwrite_animated_gif Codes pixel-maps with palette into animated GIF format. Optional transparent color