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M_orderpack man(3) pages

grouping page description
M_orderpack::INTROM_orderpackGeneral and Specialized Ranking and Sorting Routines
M_orderpack:FRACTILEorderloc Return INDEX of Nth ordered value of array (Quick-Sort-like)
M_orderpack:FRACTILEorderval Return VALUE of Nth ordered element of array (Quick-Sort-like)
M_orderpack:FRACTILEorderval_special Return VALUE of Nth ordered element of array (InsertSort-like)
M_orderpack:MEDIANmedian Calculates median VALUE. If number of elements is even, returns average of the two "medians".
M_orderpack:MEDIANmedianloc Returns median value's INDEX.
M_orderpack:MEDIANmedianval Returns median VALUE.
M_orderpack:MULTIPLICITYoccurrences Give the multiplicity for each array value (number of times that it appears in the array)
M_orderpack:PERMUTATIONperturb generate a random permutation of an array leaving elements close to initial locations
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIAL:UNIQUEprank_unique partially ranks an array removing duplicates
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank partially ranks an array (Quick-Sort-like)
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank_basic partially ranks an array (Quick-Sort)
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank_decreasing partially ranks an array in DECREASING order.
M_orderpack:RANK:PARTIALprank_special partially ranks an array in ASCENDING order (Insertion Sort)
M_orderpack:RANK:UNIQUErank_decreasing ranks an array in decreasing order, with duplicate entries assigned the same rank(Merge-Sort)
M_orderpack:RANK:UNIQUErank_unique ranks an array, with removal of duplicate entries (Merge-Sort)
M_orderpack:RANKrank produces an INDEX that sorts an input array (optimized merge-sort)
M_orderpack:RANKrank_basic create an INDEX that defines the order of array sorted in ascending order (basic merge-sort)
M_orderpack:SORT:PARTIALpsort partially sorts an array (Insertion Sort, generally for small or nearly sorted arrays)
M_orderpack:SORTsort Sorts array into ascending order (Quick-sort)
M_orderpack:SORTsort_special Sorts array into ascending order (Insertion sort, generally for small or nearly sorted arrays)
M_orderpack:UNIQUEunique removes duplicates from an array otherwise retaining original order (i.e. it is "stable")