Manual Reference Pages  - locate (3m_list)


locate(3f) - [M_list] finds the index where a string is found or should be in a sorted array (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine locate(list,value,place,ier,errmsg)

   character(len=:)|doubleprecision|real|integer,allocatable :: list(:)
   character(len=*)|doubleprecision|real|integer,intent(in)  :: value
   integer, intent(out)                  :: PLACE

integer, intent(out),optional :: IER character(len=*),intent(out),optional :: ERRMSG


LOCATE(3f) finds the index where the VALUE is found or should be found in an array. The array must be sorted in descending order (highest at top). If VALUE is not found it returns the index where the name should be placed at with a negative sign.

The array and list must be of the same type (CHARACTER, DOUBLEPRECISION, REAL,INTEGER)


VALUE the value to locate in the list.
LIST is the list array.


PLACE is the subscript that the entry was found at if it is greater than zero(0).

If PLACE is negative, the absolute value of PLACE indicates the subscript value where the new entry should be placed in order to keep the list alphabetized.

IER is zero(0) if no error occurs. If an error occurs and IER is not present, the program is stopped.
ERRMSG description of any error


Find if a string is in a sorted array, and insert the string into the list if it is not present ...

    program demo_locate
    use M_sort, only : sort_shell
    use M_list, only : locate
    implicit none
    character(len=:),allocatable  :: arr(:)
    integer                       :: i

arr=[character(len=20) :: ’’, ’ZZZ’, ’aaa’, ’b’, ’xxx’ ] ! make sure sorted in descending order call sort_shell(arr,order=’d’)

call update(arr,’b’) call update(arr,’[’) call update(arr,’c’) call update(arr,’ZZ’) call update(arr,’ZZZZ’) call update(arr,’z’)

contains subroutine update(arr,string) character(len=:),allocatable :: arr(:) character(len=*) :: string integer :: place, plus, ii, end ! find where string is or should be call locate(arr,string,place) write(*,*)’for "’//string//’" index is ’,place, size(arr) ! if string was not found insert it if( plus=abs(place) ii=len(arr) end=size(arr) ! empty array if(end.eq.0)then arr=[character(len=ii) :: string ] ! put in front of array elseif(plus.eq.1)then arr=[character(len=ii) :: string, arr] ! put at end of array elseif(plus.eq.end)then arr=[character(len=ii) :: arr, string ] ! put in middle of array else arr=[character(len=ii) :: arr(:plus-1), string,arr(plus:) ] endif ! show array write(*,’("SIZE=",i0,1x,*(a,","))’)end,(trim(arr(i)),i=1,end) endif end subroutine update end program demo_locate


      >  for "b" index is            2           5
      >  for "[" index is           -4           5
      > SIZE=5 xxx,b,aaa,[,ZZZ,
      >  for "c" index is           -2           6
      > SIZE=6 xxx,c,b,aaa,[,ZZZ,
      >  for "ZZ" index is           -7           7
      > SIZE=7 xxx,c,b,aaa,[,ZZZ,,
      >  for "ZZZZ" index is           -6           8
      > SIZE=8 xxx,c,b,aaa,[,ZZZZ,ZZZ,,
      >  for "z" index is           -1           9
      > SIZE=9 z,xxx,c,b,aaa,[,ZZZZ,ZZZ,,


1989,2017 John S. Urban


Public Domain

Nemo Release 3.1 locate (3m_list) July 10, 2023
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