Manual Reference Pages  - M_list (3m_list)


M_list(3f) - [M_list::INTRO] maintain simple lists (LICENSE:PD)




use M_list, only : insert, replace, remove, locate use M_list, only : dictionary


The M_list(3fm) module allows for maintaining an allocatable array of intrinsic type (REAL, INTEGER, CHARACTER) as a sorted list. An example is given that creates a keyword-value dictionary using the lists.

The lists are maintained as simple allocatable arrays. Each time an entry is added or deleted the array is re-allocated. Because of the expense of reallocating the data these routines are best suited for maintaining small lists that do not change size frequently.

The advantage of this simplistic approach is that the dictionary components are simple arrays of intrinsic types which can be easily accessed with standard routines. It is easy to understand, as it works with simple arrays. For more demanding applications this would be implemented as a linked list, which there are a number of freely available examples of; several are listed on the Fortran Wiki.


subroutine locate(list,value,place,ier,errmsg)
  finds the index where a value is found or should be in a sorted array and flag if the value exists already
subroutine insert(list,value,place)
  insert entry into an allocatable array at specified position
subroutine replace(list,value,place)
  replace entry in an allocatable array at specified position
subroutine remove(list,place)
  remove entry from an allocatable array at specified position


Sample program

   program demo_M_list
   use M_list, only : insert, locate, replace, remove
   ! create a dictionary with character keywords, values, and value lengths
   ! using the routines for maintaining a list

use M_list, only : locate, insert, replace implicit none character(len=:),allocatable :: keywords(:) character(len=:),allocatable :: values(:) integer,allocatable :: counts(:) integer :: i ! insert and replace entries call update(’b’,’value of b’) call update(’a’,’value of a’) call update(’c’,’value of c’) call update(’c’,’value of c again’) call update(’d’,’value of d’) call update(’a’,’value of a again’) ! show array write(*,’(*(a,"==>","[",a,"]",/))’)& & (trim(keywords(i)),values(i)(:counts(i)),i=1,size(keywords)) ! remove some entries call update(’a’) call update(’c’) write(*,’(*(a,"==>","[",a,"]",/))’)& & (trim(keywords(i)),values(i)(:counts(i)),i=1,size(keywords)) ! get some values write(*,*)’get b=>’,get(’b’) write(*,*)’get d=>’,get(’d’) write(*,*)’get notthere=>’,get(’notthere’) ! contains subroutine update(key,valin) character(len=*),intent(in) :: key character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: valin integer :: place integer :: ilen character(len=:),allocatable :: val if(present(valin))then val=valin ilen=len_trim(val) ! find where string is or should be call locate(keywords,key,place) ! if string was not found insert it if( call insert(keywords,key,iabs(place)) call insert(values,val,iabs(place)) call insert(counts,ilen,iabs(place)) else call replace(values,val,place) call replace(counts,ilen,place) endif else call locate(keywords,key,place) if( call remove(keywords,place) call remove(values,place) call remove(counts,place) endif endif end subroutine update function get(key) result(valout) character(len=*),intent(in) :: key character(len=:),allocatable :: valout integer :: place ! find where string is or should be call locate(keywords,key,place) if( valout=’’ else valout=values(place)(:counts(place)) endif end function get end program demo_M_list


      >  d==>[value of d]
      >  c==>[value of c again]
      >  b==>[value of b]
      >  a==>[value of a again]
      > d==>[value of d]
      > b==>[value of b]
      >  get b=>value of b
      >  get d=>value of d
      >  get notthere=>


A basic dictionary that uses the basic M_list functions.

Consider using generic linked-list based dictionaries when heavy usage is required, now that that is available in more recent versions of Fortran.

Note: this does not work with gfortran(1) up to at least 7.4.0 but works from at least 10.3.0 and onward.

Dictionary type definition:

      type dictionary
         character(len=:),allocatable :: key(:)
         character(len=:),allocatable :: value(:)
         integer,allocatable          :: count(:)
            procedure,public :: get => dict_get
            procedure,public :: set => dict_add
            procedure,public :: del => dict_delete
            procedure,public :: clr => dict_clear
      end type dictionary

%get get value from type(dictionary) given an existing key %set set or replace value for type(dictionary) given a key %del delete an existing key from type(dictionary) %clr empty a type(dictionary) %ifdef test if name is defined


Sample program

      program test_dictionary
      use M_list, only : dictionary
      implicit none
      type(dictionary)             :: table
        ! create a character string dictionary
        call table%set(’A’,’aye’)
        call table%set(’B’,’bee’)
        call table%set(’C’,’see’)
        call table%set(’D’,’dee’)
        call print_dict()
        ! delete dictionary entries
        call  table%del(’A’)
        call  table%del(’C’)
        call  table%del(’z’) ! a noop as there is no key of ’z’
        call print_dict()
        ! clear dictionary
        call  table%clr()
        call print_dict()
      subroutine print_dict()
      integer :: i
         ! the dictionary is just three arrays
         write(*,’(*(a,"==>","[",a,"]",/))’) &
         & (trim(table%key(i)),               &
         & table%value(i)(:table%count(i)),    &
         & i=1,size(table%key))
      end subroutine print_dict
      end program test_dictionary


John S. Urban


Public Domain

Nemo Release 3.1 M_list (3m_list) July 10, 2023
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