Manual Reference Pages  - kracken (3m_kracken)


kracken(3f) - [ARGUMENTS:M_kracken] crack command line options on Fortran programs, using "-KEYWORD VALUE" syntax (LICENSE:PD)


See Also


subroutine kracken(verb, string[,ierror][style])

       character(len=*), intent(in) ::  verb
       character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
       integer, intent(out), optional :: ierror
       character(len=*), intent(in),optional :: style


This is the main public procedure in the M_kracken(3f) module. It is used to define the command line options, their default values, and to crack the command line options using a syntax that looks very much like an execution of the program.


VERB arbitrary command name, usually ’cmd’ or the name of the program calling the routine. This defines the variable prefix name used by the other functions to retrieve command option values.
STRING prototype command to define keywords and defaults. This string is simply a list of all keywords and their default values exactly as you would type them on the command line, with default values explicitly set.
IERROR If an error occurs such as an unknown keyword the calling program will be stopped unless the optional parameter IERROR is present. If present, it is up to the calling program to decide what to do if a non-zero value is returned.
STYLE parsing style. Either ’kracken’ or ’args’. The default is ’kracken’.


Sample program:

      program demo_kracken

use M_kracken implicit none ! define command arguments, default values and crack command line call kracken(’cmd’, & & ’-int 20 & & -real 10e3 & & -file input & & -dble 4.11223344556677d0 & & -help .false. & & -version .false. ’& & ) ! that’s it. You defined your command arguments and their default ! values and parsed the user-supplied command line arguments.

! Now you can just retrieve the values as strings using ! names of the form VERB_SWITCHNAME anywhere in your program. ! Note that the special name "VERB_oo" is for the string ! before any switch. if(lget(’cmd_help’))then ! was -help specified? write(*,*)’The help text’ stop endif if(lget(’cmd_version’))then ! was -version specified? write(*,*)’version 1.0 20161030’ stop endif ! convert all the remaining options to scalar values ! and call a procedure with the values call mymain( & & sget(’cmd_file’), & & rget(’cmd_real’), & & dget(’cmd_dble’), & & iget(’cmd_int’) & & ) contains subroutine mymain(filename,value1,value2,ivalue3) ! this routine is using conventional values and does ! not use M_kracken(3fm) module at all implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename real,intent(in) :: value1 doubleprecision,intent(in) :: value2 integer,intent(in) :: ivalue3 ! just to show the command arguments have ! been processed echo the values print *, ’filename=’,trim(filename) print *, ’values=’,value1,value2,ivalue3 end subroutine mymain end program demo_kracken

expected output from : "./cmd"

         values= 10000.0000  4.1122334455667700  20

expected output from : "./cmd -file myfile -int 1234"

         values= 10000.0000  4.1122334455667700  1234


dget(3f), dgets(3f), iget(3f), igets(3f), lget(3f), lgets(3f), rget(3f), rgets(3f), sget(3f), sgets(3f), retrev(3f)

parse(3f), dissect(3f), store(3f), setprompts(3f), show(3f)


John S. Urban


Public Domain

Nemo Release 3.1 kracken (3m_kracken) April 23, 2023
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