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M_io man(3) pages

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M_io::INTROM_io Fortran I/O module (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:FILENAMEfilename_generator generate a filename containing a number (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESbasename return last component from filename (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESdirname strip last component from filename (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESjoinpath join parts of a pathname together (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:PATHNAMESsplitpath split a Unix pathname into components (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYget_env a function returning the value of an environment variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYget_tmp Return the name of the scratch directory (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYgetname get name of the current executable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYis_hidden_file determine if a pathname points to a hidden file, which is defined as a file basename starting with a period. (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYnotopen Find a FUN/LUN (Fortran-unit-number) that is not in use (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYnumber_of_lines read an open sequential file to get number of lines (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYprint_inquire Do INQUIRE on file by name/number and print results (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYseparator try to determine pathname directory separator character (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:QUERYuniq append a number to the end of filename to make a unique name if name exists (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READfilebyte read a file into a character array (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READfileread read a file into a string array (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READget_next_char read from a file one character at a time (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READgetline read a line from specified LUN into allocatable string up to line length limit (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READrd ask for string from standard input with user-definable prompt (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READread_line read a line from specified LUN into allocatable string up to line length limit cleaning up input line (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:READread_table read file containing a table of numeric values (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:SCANNAMESlookfor look for a filename in a number of directories specified by an environment variable (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:SCANNAMESwhich given a command name find the pathname by searching the directories in the environment variable $PATH (LICENSE:PD)
M_io:WRITEfilewrite A simple write of a CHARACTER array to a file (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofileclose A simple close of a sequential file (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofiledelete A simple close of an open file with STATUS='DELETE' (LICENSE:PD)
M_iofileopen A simple open of a sequential file (LICENSE:PD)