where(7f) - [ASSIGNMENT] masked array assignment
WHERE statement:
WHERE ( mask-expr ) where-assignment-stmtWHERE construct without ELSEWHERE:
[where-construct-name:] WHERE ( mask-expr ) ELSEWHERE (mask-expr ) [where-construct-name]WHERE construct with ELSEWHEREs:
[where-construct-name:] WHERE ( mask-expr ) [ELSEWHERE (mask-expr ) elemental-statements] [ELSEWHERE (mask-expr ) elemental-statements] : [ELSEWHERE elemental-statements ] END WHERE [where-construct-name]
A masked array assignment is either a WHERE statement or a WHERE construct. It is used to mask the evaluation of expressions and assignment of values in array assignment statements, according to the value of a logical array expression.
where-assignment-stmt that is a defined assignment shall be elemental.
A statement that is part of a where-body-construct shall not be a branch target statement.
If a where-construct contains a where-stmt, a masked-elsewhere-stmt, or another where-construct then each mask-expr within the where-construct shall have the same shape. In each where-assignment-stmt, the mask-expr and the variable being defined shall be arrays of the same shape.
Examples of a masked array assignment are:
WHERE (TEMP > 100.0) TEMP = TEMP - REDUCE_TEMPInterpretation of masked array assignmentswhere (PRESSURE <= 1.0) PRESSURE = PRESSURE + INC_PRESSURE TEMP = TEMP - 5.0 elsewhere RAINING = .TRUE. endwhere
When a WHERE statement or a where-construct-stmt is executed, a control mask is established. In addition, when a WHERE construct statement is executed, a pending control mask is established. If the statement does not appear as part of a where-body-construct, the mask-expr of the statement is evaluated, and the control mask is established to be the value of mask-expr . The pending control mask is established to have the value .NOT. mask-expr upon execution of a WHERE construct statement that does not appear as part of a where-body-construct. The mask-expr is evaluated only once.
Each statement in a WHERE construct is executed in sequence.
Upon execution of a masked-elsewhere-stmt, the following actions take place in sequence.
The mask-expr is evaluated at most once.
1. The control mask mc is established to have the value of the pending control mask. 2. The pending control mask is established to have the value mc .AND. (.NOT. mask-expr ). 3. The control mask mc is established to have the value mc .AND. mask-expr . Upon execution of an ELSEWHERE statement, the control mask is established to have the value of the pending control mask. No new pending control mask value is established.
Upon execution of an ENDWHERE statement, the control mask and pending control mask are established to have the values they had prior to the execution of the corresponding WHERE construct statement. Following the execution of a WHERE statement that appears as a where-body-construct, the control mask is established to have the value it had prior to the execution of the WHERE statement.
The establishment of control masks and the pending control mask is illustrated with the following example:
where(cond1) ! Statement 1 . . . elsewhere(cond2) ! Statement 2 . . . elsewhere ! Statement 3 . . . end whereFollowing execution of statement 1, the control mask has the value cond1 and the pending control mask has the value .NOT. cond1. Following execution of statement 2, the control mask has the value (.NOT. cond1) [char46]AND. cond2 and the pending control mask has the value (.NOT. cond1) [char46]AND. (.NOT. cond2). Following execution of statement 3, the control mask has the value (.NOT. cond1) .AND. (.NOT. cond2). The false condition values are propagated through the execution of the masked ELSEWHERE statement.
Upon execution of a WHERE construct statement that is part of a where-body-construct, the pending control mask is established to have the value mc .AND. (.NOT. mask-expr ). The control mask is then established to have the value mc .AND. mask-expr. The mask-expr is evaluated at most once.
Upon execution of a WHERE statement that is part of a where-body-construct, the control mask is established to have the value mc .AND. mask-expr. The pending control mask is not altered.
If a nonelemental function reference occurs in the expr or variable of a where-assignment-stmt or in a mask-expr , the function is evaluated without any masked control; that is, all of its argument expressions are fully evaluated and the function is fully evaluated. If the result is an array and the reference is not within the argument list of a nonelemental function, elements corresponding to true values in the control mask are selected for use in evaluating the expr, variable or mask-expr.
If an elemental operation or function reference occurs in the expr or variable of a where-assignment-stmt or in a mask-expr , and is not within the argument list of a nonelemental function reference, the operation is performed or the function is evaluated only for the elements corresponding to true values of the control mask.
If an array constructor appears in a where-assignment-stmt or in a mask-expr , the array constructor is evaluated without any masked control and then the where-assignment-stmt is executed or the mask-expr is evaluated.
When a where-assignment-stmt is executed, the values of expr that correspond to true values of the control mask are assigned to the corresponding elements of the variable.
The value of the control mask is established by the execution of a WHERE statement, a WHERE construct statement, an ELSEWHERE statement, a masked ELSEWHERE statement, or an ENDWHERE statement. Subsequent changes to the value of entities in a mask-expr have no effect on the value of the control mask. The execution of a function reference in the mask expression of a WHERE statement is permitted to affect entities in the assignment statement.
Examples of function references in masked array assignments are:
where (A > 0.0) A = LOG (A) ! LOG is invoked only for positive elements. A = A / SUM (LOG (A)) ! LOG is invoked for all elements ! because SUM is transformational. end where
program demo_where ! Example of WHERE, ELSE WHERE, END WHERE integer,parameter :: nd=10, ndh=nd/2, nduh=nd-ndh-1 integer :: j real, dimension(nd):: a=[ (2*j,j=1,nd) ] real, dimension(nd):: b ! =[ ndh*1.0, 0.0, nduh*2.0 ] real, dimension(nd):: c ! =[ nd*-77.77 ] integer iflag(nd) data b/ndh*1,0.0,nduh*2./,c/nd*-77.77/Results:where (b.ne.0) c=a/b write (*,2000) c(1:nd) ! ! The above protects against divide by zero, but doesnt actually ! assign values to elements in c when the corresponding element in ! b is zero The following covers that, and sets a flag when a divide ! by zero is present ! where (b(1:nd).ne.0.0) c=a/b iflag=0 else where c=0.0 iflag=1 end where
write (*,2000) c(1:nd) write (*,1000) iflag(1:nd) 1000 format (iflag= ,/,(10i7)) 2000 format (a/b = ,/,(10f7.2)) end program demo_where
> a/b = > 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 -77.77 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 > a/b = > 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 0.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 > iflag= > 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Nemo Release 3.1 | where (7fortran) | March 14, 2025 |