Manual Reference Pages  - rewind (7fortran)


rewind(7f) - [FILE_POSITIONING] rewind specified sequential access I/O unit


rewind file-unit-number

rewind ( [UNIT=]file-unit-number][,IOMSG=iomsg-variable] & & [,IOSTAT=scalar-int-variable][,ERR=label] )


Execution of a REWIND(7F) statement causes the file connected to the specified unit to be positioned at the beginning of the file.

If the file is already positioned at its initial point, execution of this statement has no effect on the position of the file.

Execution of a REWIND(7F) statement for a file that is connected but does not exist is permitted and has no effect on any file.


UNIT : unit number of file to rewind. A unit open for direct access or stream access cannot be referenced by a REWIND(7F) (e.g. you cannot typically rewind stdin and stdout).

IOSTAT : (Optional) a compiler-specific number that indicates an error occurred if non-zero. If not present and an error occurs the program terminates.

IOMSG : (Optional) a message describing the error if IOSTAT is not zero.

ERR : (Optional) a label number to jump to if an error occurs


An example of a REWIND(7F) statement is:

        program demo_rewind
        implicit none
        character(len=256) :: line
        character(len=256) :: mssge
        integer            :: i
        integer            :: ios
           open (10, file=’demo_rewind.txt’) ! open a file
           do i = 1, 100                     ! write lines to it
              write (10, ’(a,i0)’) ’line ’, i
           rewind (10, iostat=ios, iomsg=mssge)
           if (ios .ne. 0) then
              write (*, *) ’*error* ’, trim(mssge)
           write (*, *) ’wrote 100 lines, but now at line ...’
           read (10, ’(a)’) line
           write (*, ’(a)’) line
           read (10)
           read (10)
           read (10)
           write (*, *) ’skipped a few lines, now at ...’
           read (10, ’(a)’) line
           write (*, ’(a)’) line
           close (10, status=’delete’)
        end program demo_rewind


The input/output statements are the OPEN(3), CLOSE(3), READ(3), WRITE(3), PRINT(3), BACKSPACE(3), ENDFILE(3), REWIND(3), FLUSH(3), WAIT(3) and INQUIRE(3) statements.
o The READ(3) statement is a data transfer input statement.
o The WRITE(3) statement and the PRINT(3) statement are data transfer output statements.
o The WAIT(3) and FLUSH(3) statements are data transfer statements.
o The OPEN(3) statement and the CLOSE(3) statement are file connection statements.
o The INQUIRE(3) statement is a file inquiry statement.
o The BACKSPACE(3), ENDFILE(3), and REWIND(3) statements are file positioning statements.
Fortran statement descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 rewind (7fortran) March 14, 2025
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