Manual Reference Pages  - return (7fortran)


return(7f) - [STATEMENT] completes execution of the instance of the subprogram in which it appears


RETURN [scalar-int-expr]


Execution of the RETURN statement completes execution of the instance of the subprogram in which it appears.

It is generally considered good practice to avoid having multiple RETURN statements in a single subprogram. A RETURN is not required in a subprogram as reaching the end of the subprogram is equivalent to execution of a RETURN statement with no expression.

The RETURN statement must appear in the scoping unit of a function or subroutine subprogram.


scalar-int-expr Alternate returns are deprecated!

                    If the expression appears and has a value n between
                    1 and the number of asterisks in the dummy argument
                    list, the CALL statement that invoked the subroutine
                    transfers control to the statement identified by
                    the nth alternate return specifier in the actual
                    argument list of the referenced procedure. If the
                    expression is omitted or has a value outside the
                    required range, there is no transfer of control to
                    an alternate return.

The scalar-int-expr is allowed only in the scoping unit of a subroutine subprogram.


Sample program

        program demo_return
           call tryreturn(1)
           write(*,*)’back at main program:1’
           call tryreturn(10)
           write(*,*)’back at main program:10’
        subroutine tryreturn(i)
        integer,intent(in) :: i
           select case(i)
           case default
              write(*,*)’*unexpected value*’
           end select
           write(*,*)’*<ERROR> should not get here*’
        end subroutine tryreturn
        end program demo_return


     >  *one*
     >  back at main program:1
     >  *unexpected value*
     >  *<ERROR> should not get here*
     >  back at main program:10

Sample program using alternate returns. Alternate returns are an obsolescent feature.

       program alt_return
       implicit none
          call one(2,*10,*20,*30)
          write(*,*)’did not select alternate return’
          goto 999
       10 continue
          write(*,*)’picked first alternate return’
          goto 999
       20 continue
          write(*,*)’picked second alternate return’
          goto 999
       30 continue
          write(*,*)’picked third alternate return’
          goto 999
       999 continue
       subroutine one(ipick,*,*,*)
       implicit none
       integer :: ipick
          select case(ipick)
             write(*,*)’first alternate return selected’
             return 1
             write(*,*)’second alternate return selected’
             return 2
             write(*,*)’third alternate return selected’
             return 3
          end select
          write(*,*)’no alternate return selected’
       end subroutine one
       end program alt_return


     >  second alternate return selected
     >  picked second alternate return

Fortran statement descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 return (7fortran) March 14, 2025
Generated by manServer 1.08 from 14eefd4a-ede8-4c1c-a1a6-34bce5ef025d using man macros.