open(7f) - [IO] Initiates or modifies a connection between an external file and a specified unit.
[ UNIT = ] file-unit-number ACCESS = scalar-default-char-expr ACTION = scalar-default-char-expr ASYNCHRONOUS = scalar-default-char-expr BLANK = scalar-default-char-expr DECIMAL = scalar-default-char-expr DELIM = scalar-default-char-expr ENCODING = scalar-default-char-expr ERR = label FILE = file-name-scalar-default-char-expr FORM = scalar-default-char-expr IOMSG = scalar-default-char-variable IOSTAT = scalar-int-variable NEWUNIT = scalar-int-variable PAD = scalar-default-char-expr POSITION = scalar-default-char-expr RECL = scalar-int-expr ROUND = scalar-default-char-expr SIGN = scalar-default-char-expr STATUS = scalar-default-char-expr)
An OPEN statement initiates or modifies the connection between an external file and a specified unit. The OPEN statement may be used to connect an existing file to a unit, create a file that is preconnected, create a file and connect it to a unit, or change certain modes of a connection between a file and a unit.
An external unit may be connected by an OPEN statement in the main program or any subprogram and, once connected, a reference to it may appear in any program unit of the program.
If the file to be connected to the unit does not exist but is the same as the file to which the unit is preconnected, the modes specified by an OPEN statement become a part of the connection.
If the file to be connected to the unit is not the same as the file to which the unit is connected, the effect is as if a CLOSE statement without a STATUS= specifier had been executed for the unit immediately prior to the execution of an OPEN statement.
If a unit is connected to a file that exists, execution of an OPEN statement for that unit is permitted. If the FILE= specifier is not included in such an OPEN statement, the file to be connected to the unit is the same as the file to which the unit is already connected.
If the file to be connected to the unit is the same as the file to which the unit is connected, only the specifiers for changeable modes (9.5.2) may have values different from those currently in effect. If the POSITION= specifier appears in such an OPEN statement, the value specified shall not disagree with the current position of the file. If the STATUS= specifier is included in such an OPEN statement, it shall be specified with the value OLD. Execution of such an OPEN statement causes any new values of the specifiers for changeable modes to be in effect, but does not cause any change in any of the unspecified specifiers and the position of the file is unaffected. The ERR=, IOSTAT=, and IOMSG= specifiers from any previously executed OPEN statement have no effect on any currently executed OPEN statement.
A STATUS= specifier with a value of OLD is always allowed when the file to be connected to the unit is the same as the file to which the unit is connected. In this case, if the status of the file was SCRATCH before execution of the OPEN statement, the file will still be deleted when the unit is closed, and the file is still considered to have a status of SCRATCH.
If a file is already connected to a unit, an OPEN statement on that file with a different unit shall not be executed.
A specifier that requires a scalar-default-char-expr may have a limited list of character values. These values are listed for each such specifier. Any trailing blanks are ignored. The value specified is without regard to case. Some specifiers have a default value if the specifier is omitted. No specifier shall appear more than once in a given connect-spec-list.
If the NEWUNIT= specifier does not appear, a file-unit-number shall be specified; if the optional characters UNIT= are omitted, the file-unit-number shall be the first item in the connect-spec-list.
The label used in the ERR= specifier shall be the statement label of a branch target statement that appears in the same scoping unit as the OPEN statement.
If a NEWUNIT= specifier appears, a file-unit-number shall not appear.
IOSTAT=, ERR=, and IOMSG= specifiers are described in 9.11.
ACCESS : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to SEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, or STREAM. The ACCESS= specifier specifies the access method for the connection of the file as being sequential, direct, or stream. If this specifier is omitted, the default value is SEQUENTIAL. For an existing file, the specified access method shall be included in the set of allowed access methods for the file. For a new file, the processor creates the file with a set of allowed access methods that includes the specified method.
ACTION : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to READ, WRITE, or READWRITE. READ specifies that the WRITE, PRINT, and ENDFILE statements shall not refer to this connection. WRITE specifies that READ statements shall not refer to this connection. READWRITE permits any input/output statements to refer to this connection. If this specifier is omitted, the default value is processor dependent. If READWRITE is included in the set of allowable actions for a file, both READ and WRITE also shall be included in the set of allowed actions for that file. For an existing file, the specified action shall be included in the set of allowed actions for the file. For a new file, the processor creates the file with a set of allowed actions that includes the specified action.
ASYNCHRONOUS : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to YES or NO. If YES is specified, asynchronous input/output on the unit is allowed. If NO is specified, asynchronous input/output on the unit is not allowed. If this specifier is omitted, the default value is NO.
BLANK : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to NULL or ZERO. The BLANK= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. It specifies the current value of the blank interpretation mode (10.8.6, for input for this connection. This mode has no effect on output. It is a changeable mode (9.5.2). If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the default value is NULL.
DECIMAL : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to COMMA or POINT. The DECIMAL= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. It specifies the current value of the decimal edit mode (10.6, 10.8.8, for this connection. This is a changeable mode (9.5.2). If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the default value is POINT.
DELIM : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to APOSTROPHE, QUOTE, or NONE. The DELIM= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. It specifies the current value of the delimiter mode ( for list-directed (10.10.4) and namelist ( output for the connection. This mode has no effect on input. It is a changeable mode (9.5.2). If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the default value is NONE.
ENCODING : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to UTF-8 or DEFAULT. The ENCODING= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. The value UTF-8 specifies that the encoding form of the file is UTF-8 as specified by ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000. Such a file is called a Unicode file, and all characters therein are of ISO 10646 character type. The value UTF-8 shall not be specified if the processor does not support the ISO 10646 character type. The value DEFAULT specifies that the encoding form of the file is processor-dependent. If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the default value is DEFAULT.
FILE : The value of the FILE= specifier is the name of the file to be connected to the specified unit. Any trailing blanks are ignored. The file-name-expr shall be a name that is allowed by the processor. If this specifier is omitted and the unit is not connected to a file, the STATUS= specifier shall be specified with a value of SCRATCH; in this case, the connection is made to a processor-dependent file. The interpretation of case is processor dependent.
FORM : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to FORMATTED or UNFORMATTED. The FORM= specifier determines whether the file is being connected for formatted or unformatted input/output. If this specifier is omitted, the default value is UNFORMATTED if the file is being connected for direct access or stream access, and the default value is FORMATTED if the file is being connected for sequential access. For an existing file, the specified form shall be included in the set of allowed forms for the file. For a new file, the processor creates the file with a set of allowed forms that includes the specified form.
NEWUNIT : If the NEWUNIT= specifier appears in an OPEN statement, either the FILE= specifier shall appear, or the STATUS= specifier shall appear with a value of SCRATCH. The unit identified by a NEWUNIT value shall not be preconnected.
The variable is defined with a processor determined NEWUNIT value if no error occurs during the execution of the OPEN statement. If an error occurs, the processor shall not change the value of the variable.
A NEWUNIT value is a negative number, and shall not be equal to -1, any of the named constants ERROR_UNIT, INPUT_UNIT, or OUTPUT_UNIT from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV (13.8.2), any value used by the processor for the unit argument to a defined input/output procedure, nor any previous NEWUNIT value that identifies a file that is currently connected.
PAD : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to YES or NO. The PAD= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. It specifies the current value of the pad mode (, for input for this connection. This mode has no effect on output. It is a changeable mode (9.5.2). If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the default value is YES.
POSITION : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to ASIS, REWIND, or APPEND. The connection shall be for sequential or stream access. A new file is positioned at its initial point. REWIND positions an existing file at its initial point. APPEND positions an existing file such that the endfile record is the next record, if it has one. If an existing file does not have an endfile record, APPEND positions the file at its terminal point. ASIS leaves the position unchanged if the file exists and already is connected. ASIS leaves the position unspecified if the file exists but is not connected. If this specifier is omitted, the default value is ASIS.
RECL : The value of the RECL= specifier shall be positive. It specifies the length of each record in a file being connected for direct access, or specifies the maximum length of a record in a file being connected for sequential access. This specifier shall not appear when a file is being connected for stream access. This specifier shall appear when a file is being connected for direct access. If this specifier is omitted when a file is being connected for sequential access, the default value is processor dependent. If the file is being connected for formatted input/output, the length is the number of characters for all records that contain only characters of default kind. When a record contains any nondefault characters, the effect of the RECL= specifier is processor dependent. If the file is being connected for unformatted input/output, the length is measured in file storage units. For an existing file, the value of the RECL= specifier shall be included in the set of allowed record lengths for the file. For a new file, the processor creates the file with a set of allowed record lengths that includes the specified value.
ROUND : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to one of UP, DOWN, ZERO, NEAREST, COMPATIBLE, or PROCESSOR DEFINED. The ROUND= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. It specifies the current value of the I/O rounding mode for this connection. This is a changeable mode. If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the I/O rounding mode is processor dependent; it shall be one of the above modes.
A processor is free to select any I/O rounding mode for the default mode. The mode might correspond to UP, DOWN, ZERO, NEAREST, or COMPATIBLE; or it might be a completely different I/O rounding mode.
SIGN : The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to one of PLUS, SUPPRESS, or PROCESSOR DEFINED. The SIGN= specifier is permitted only for a connection for formatted input/output. It specifies the current value of the sign mode this connection. This is a changeable mode. If this specifier is omitted in an OPEN statement that initiates a connection, the default value is PROCESSOR DEFINED.
STATUS : If the STATUS= specifier has the value NEW or REPLACE, the FILE= specifier shall appear. If the STATUS= specifier has the value SCRATCH, the FILE= specifier shall not appear. If the STATUS= specifier has the value OLD, the FILE= specifier shall appear unless the unit is connected and the file connected to the unit exists.
The scalar-default-char-expr shall evaluate to OLD, NEW, SCRATCH, REPLACE, or UNKNOWN. If OLD is specified, the file shall exist. If NEW is specified, the file shall not exist.
Successful execution of an OPEN statement with NEW specified creates the file and changes the status to OLD. If REPLACE is specified and the file does not already exist, the file is created and the status is changed to OLD. If REPLACE is specified and the file does exist, the file is deleted, a new file is created with the same name, and the status is changed to OLD. If SCRATCH is specified, the file is created and connected to the specified unit for use by the program but is deleted at the execution of a CLOSE statement referring to the same unit or at the normal termination of the program.
SCRATCH shall not be specified with a named file.
If UNKNOWN is specified, the status is processor dependent. If this specifier is omitted, the default value is UNKNOWN.
An example of an OPEN statement is:
program demo_open integer :: ios character(len=256) :: message integer :: lun open ( & & newunit=lun, & & file=employee.names, & & action=read, & & iostat=ios, & & iomsg=message) if (ios < 0) then ! Perform end-of-file processing on the file connected to unit call end_processing() elseif (ios > 0) then ! Perform error processing write(*,(a))trim(message) call error_processing() stop else write(*,*)OPENED FILE endif contains ! subroutine end_processing() write(*,*)END OF FILE:,ios,MESSAGE=,trim(message) close(unit=lun,iostat=ios) stop end subroutine end_processing ! subroutine error_processing() write(*,*)ERROR:,ios,MESSAGE=,trim(message) close(unit=lun,iostat=ios) stop end subroutine error_processing ! end program demo_open
Nemo Release 3.1 | open (7fortran) | March 14, 2025 |