abs(3) - [NUMERIC] Absolute value
a may be any real, integer, or complex value.
If a is complex the returned value will be a real with the same kind as a.
Otherwise the returned type and kind is the same as for a.
abs(3) computes the absolute value of numeric argument a.
In mathematics, the absolute value or modulus of a real number x, denoted |x|, is the magnitude of x without regard to its sign.
The absolute value of a number may be thought of as its distance from zero. So for a complex value the absolute value is a real number with magnitude sqrt(x%re**2,x%im**2), as if the real component is the x value and the imaginary value is the y value for the point <x,y>.
If a is of type integer or real, the value of the result is the absolute value |a| and of the same type and kind as the input argument.
If a is complex with value (x, y), the result is a real equal to a processor-dependent approximation to
computed without undue overflow or underflow (that means the computation of the result can overflow the allowed magnitude of the real value returned, and that very small values can produce underflows if they are squared while calculating the returned value, for example).
That is, if you think of non-complex values as being complex values on the x-axis and complex values as being x-y points <x%re,x%im> the result of abs(3) is the (positive) magnitude of the distance of the value from the origin.
Sample program:
program demo_abs
implicit none
integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0)
! some values to use with ABS(3)
integer :: i = -1
real :: x = -1.0
complex :: z = (-3.0,-4.0)
doubleprecision :: rr = -45.78_dp
! some formats for pretty-printing some information
character(len=*),parameter :: &
frmt = '(1x,a15,1x," In: ",g0, T51," Out: ",g0)', &
frmtc = '(1x,a15,1x," In: (",g0,",",g0,")",T51," Out: ",g0)', &
gen = '(*(g0,1x))'
! the basics
print gen, 'basic usage:'
! any integer, real, or complex type
write(*, frmt) 'integer ', i, abs(i)
write(*, frmt) 'real ', x, abs(x)
write(*, frmt) 'doubleprecision ', rr, abs(rr)
write(*, frmtc) 'complex ', z, abs(z)
! elemental
print gen, 'abs is elemental:', abs([20, 0, -1, -3, 100])
! the returned value for complex input can be thought of as the
! distance from the origin <0,0>
print gen, 'distance of (', z, ') from zero is', abs( z )
call DUSTY_CORNERS_1("beware of abs(-huge(0)-1)")
call DUSTY_CORNERS_2("beware of losing precision using CMPLX(3)")
call DUSTY_CORNERS_3("beware of overflow of complex values")
call DUSTY_CORNERS_4("custom meaning for absolute value of COMPLEX")
subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_1(message)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: message
! A dusty corner is that abs(-huge(0)-1) of an integer would be
! a representable negative value on most machines but result in a
! positive value out of range.
print gen, message
! By definition:
! You can take the absolute value of any value whose POSITIVE value
! is representable with the same type and kind.
print gen, 'abs range test : ', abs(huge(0)), abs(-huge(0))
print gen, 'abs range test : ', abs(huge(0.0)), abs(-huge(0.0))
print gen, 'abs range test : ', abs(tiny(0.0)), abs(-tiny(0.0))
end subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_1
subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_2(message)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: message
! dusty corner: "kind=dp" is required or the value returned by
! CMPLX() is a default real instead of double precision.
! Working with complex values you often encounter the CMPLX(3)
! function. CMPLX(3) defaults to returning a default REAL regardless
! of input type. Not really a direct problem with ABS(2f) per-se,
! but a common error when working with doubleprecision complex values
print gen, message
print gen, 'real result versus doubleprecision result', &
& abs(cmplx(30.0_dp,40.0_dp)), &
& abs(cmplx(30.0_dp,40.0_dp,kind=dp))
end subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_2
subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_3(message)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: message
print gen, message
! this will probably cause an overflow error, or
!print gen, abs(cmplx( huge(0.0), huge(0.0) ))
print gen, 'because the biggest default real is',huge(0.0)
print gen, 'because returning magnitude of sqrt(x%re**2,x%im**2)'
end subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_3
subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_4(message)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: message
print gen, message
! if you do not want the distance for a complex value you
! might want something like returning a complex value with
! both the imaginary and real parts. One way to do that is
print gen, cmplx(abs(z%re),abs(z%im),kind=kind(z))
end subroutine DUSTY_CORNERS_4
end program demo_abs
> integer In: -1 Out: 1
> real In: -1.00000000 Out: 1.00000000
> doubleprecision In: -45.780000000000001 Out: 45.780000000000001
> complex In: (-3.00000000,-4.00000000) Out: 5.00000000
> abs is elemental: 20 0 1 3 100
> distance of ( -3.00000000 -4.00000000 ) from zero is 5.00000000
> beware of abs(-huge(0)-1)
> abs range test : 2147483647 2147483647
> abs range test : 0.340282347E+39 0.340282347E+39
> abs range test : 0.117549435E-37 0.117549435E-37
> beware of losing precision using CMPLX(3)
> real result versus doubleprecision result 50.0000000 50.000000000000000
> beware of overflow of complex values
> because the biggest default real is 0.340282347E+39
> because returning magnitude of sqrt(x%re**2,x%im**2)
> making your own meaning for ABS(COMPLEX_VALUE)
> 3.00000000 4.00000000
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
achar(3) - [CHARACTER:CONVERSION] Returns a character in a specified position in the ASCII collating sequence
elemental character(len=1,kind=KIND) function achar(i,KIND)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
The character kind returned is the value of kind if present. otherwise, a single default character is returned.
achar(3) returns the character located at position i (commonly called the ADE or ASCII Decimal Equivalent) in the ASCII collating sequence.
The achar(3) function is often used for generating in-band escape sequences to control terminal attributes, as it makes it easy to print unprintable characters such as escape and tab. For example:
will clear the screen on an ANSI-compatible terminal display,
The ADEs (ASCII Decimal Equivalents) for ASCII are
| 00 nul| 01 soh| 02 stx| 03 etx| 04 eot| 05 enq| 06 ack| 07 bel|
| 08 bs | 09 ht | 10 nl | 11 vt | 12 np | 13 cr | 14 so | 15 si |
| 16 dle| 17 dc1| 18 dc2| 19 dc3| 20 dc4| 21 nak| 22 syn| 23 etb|
| 24 can| 25 em | 26 sub| 27 esc| 28 fs | 29 gs | 30 rs | 31 us |
| 32 sp | 33 ! | 34 " | 35 # | 36 $ | 37 % | 38 & | 39 ' |
| 40 ( | 41 ) | 42 * | 43 + | 44 , | 45 - | 46 . | 47 / |
| 48 0 | 49 1 | 50 2 | 51 3 | 52 4 | 53 5 | 54 6 | 55 7 |
| 56 8 | 57 9 | 58 : | 59 ; | 60 < | 61 = | 62 > | 63 ? |
| 64 @ | 65 A | 66 B | 67 C | 68 D | 69 E | 70 F | 71 G |
| 72 H | 73 I | 74 J | 75 K | 76 L | 77 M | 78 N | 79 O |
| 80 P | 81 Q | 82 R | 83 S | 84 T | 85 U | 86 V | 87 W |
| 88 X | 89 Y | 90 Z | 91 [ | 92 \ | 93 ] | 94 ^ | 95 _ |
| 96 ` | 97 a | 98 b | 99 c |100 d |101 e |102 f |103 g |
|104 h |105 i |106 j |107 k |108 l |109 m |110 n |111 o |
|112 p |113 q |114 r |115 s |116 t |117 u |118 v |119 w |
|120 x |121 y |122 z |123 { |124 | |125 } |126 ~ |127 del|
Assuming i has a value in the range 0 <= I <= 127, the result is the character in position i of the ASCII collating sequence, provided the processor is capable of representing that character in the character kind of the result; otherwise, the result is processor dependent.
Sample program:
program demo_achar
implicit none
integer :: i
write(*,'("decimal =",i0)')i
write(*,'("character =",a1)')achar(i)
write(*,'("binary =",b0)')achar(i)
write(*,'("octal =",o0)')achar(i)
write(*,'("hexadecimal =",z0)')achar(i)
write(*,'(8(i3,1x,a,1x))')(i,achar(i), i=32,126)
write(*,'(a)')upper('Mixed Case')
! a classic use of achar(3) is to convert the case of a string
pure elemental function upper(str) result (string)
!$@(#) upper(3): function to return a trimmed uppercase-only string
! input string to convert to all uppercase
character(*), intent(in) :: str
! output string that contains no miniscule letters
character(len(str)) :: string
integer :: i, iend
integer,parameter :: toupper = iachar('A')-iachar('a')
! initialize output string to trimmed input string
string = str(:iend)
! process each letter in the string
do concurrent (i = 1:iend)
select case (str(i:i))
! located miniscule letter
case ('a':'z')
! change miniscule to majuscule letter
string(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))+toupper)
end select
end function upper
end program demo_achar
> decimal =65
> character =A
> binary =1000001
> octal =101
> hexadecimal =41
> 32 33 ! 34 " 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 '
> 40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 /
> 48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7
> 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ; 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ?
> 64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G
> 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O
> 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W
> 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _
> 96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g
> 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o
> 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w
> 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~
FORTRAN 77. KIND argument added Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
acosd(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arccosine (inverse cosine) function in degrees
acosd(3) computes the arccosine of x in degrees (inverse of cosd(x)). For example, ACOSD(-1.0) has the value 180.0 (approximately).
The return value is of the same type and kind as x. The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the arc cosine of X. It is expressed in degrees and lies in the range
0 <= ACOSD (X) <= 180
Sample program:
program demo_acosd
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32,real64,real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
real(kind=real64) :: x , d2r
! basics
print *,'acosd(-1.0) -->',acosd( -1.0 )
print *,'acosd( 0.0) -->',acosd( -1.0 )
print *,'acosd( 1.0) -->',acosd( 0.0 )
x = 0.866_real64
print all,'acosd(',x,') is ', acosd(x)
! any real kind
write(*,*) acosd(-1.0_real64)
! elemental
print all,'elemental',acosd([-1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.50,1.0])
end program demo_acosd
> acosd(-1.0) --> 180.000000
> acosd( 0.0) --> 180.000000
> acosd( 1.0) --> 90.0000000
> acosd( 0.86599999999999999 ) is 30.002910931188026
> 180.00000000000000
> elemental 180.000000 120.000000 90.0000000 60.0000000 0.00000000
Inverse function: cosd(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
acosh(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acosh(3) computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x in radians.
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the inverse hyperbolic cosine function of X.
If x is complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians and lies between
Sample program:
program demo_acosh
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64,sp=>real32
implicit none
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) :: x = [ 1.0_dp, 2.0_dp, 3.0_dp ]
if( any(x.lt.1) )then
write (*,*) ' warning: values < 1 are present'
write (*,*) acosh(x)
end program demo_acosh
> 0.0000000000000000 1.3169578969248166 1.7627471740390861
Fortran 2008
Inverse function: cosh(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
acos(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arccosine (inverse cosine) function
acos(3) computes the arccosine of x (inverse of cos(x)).
The return value is of the same type and kind as x. The real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range 0 <= acos(x%re) <= PI .
Sample program:
program demo_acos
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32,real64,real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
real(kind=real64) :: x , d2r
! basics
x = 0.866_real64
print all,'acos(',x,') is ', acos(x)
! acos(-1) should be PI
print all,'for reference', new_line('a'), &
&'PI ~= 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510'
write(*,*) acos(-1.0_real64)
print all,'90 degrees is ', d2r*90.0_real64, ' radians'
! elemental
print all,'elemental',acos([-1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.50,1.0])
! complex
print *,'complex',acos( (-1.0, 0.0) )
print *,'complex',acos( (-1.0, -1.0) )
print *,'complex',acos( ( 0.0, -0.0) )
print *,'complex',acos( ( 1.0, 0.0) )
end program demo_acos
> acos( 0.86599999999999999 ) is 0.52364958093182890
> for reference
> PI ~= 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
> 3.1415926535897931
> 90 degrees is 1.5707963267948966 radians
> elemental 3.14159274 2.09439516 1.57079637 1.04719758 0.00000000
> complex (3.14159274,-0.00000000)
> complex (2.23703575,1.06127501)
> complex (1.57079637,0.00000000)
> complex (0.00000000,-0.00000000)
FORTRAN 77 ; for a complex argument - Fortran 2008
Inverse function: cos(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
acospi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular Arccosine (inverse circular cosine) function
acospi(3) computes the circular arccosine of x (inverse of cospi(x)). The result is expressed in half-revolutions (ie. PI’s) and lies in the range
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the arc cosine of X.
The return value is of the same type and kind as x.
It is expressed in half-revolutions and lies in the range 0 <= ACOSPI (X) <= 1.
Sample program:
program demo_acospi
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32,real64,real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
real(kind=real64) :: x , d2r
real(kind=real64),parameter :: &
& PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_real64
! basics
x = PI/4.0_real64
print all,'acospi(',x,') is ', acospi(x)
! acospi(-1) should be PI
write(*,*) acospi(-1.0_real64)
print all,'90 degrees is ', d2r*90.0_real64, ' radians'
! elemental
print all,'elemental',acospi([-1.0,-0.5,0.0,0.50,1.0])
print *,'-1.0',acospi( -1.0 )
print *,' 0.0',acospi( 0.0 )
print *,' 1.0',acospi( 1.0 )
end program demo_acospi
> acospi( 0.78539816339744828 ) is 0.21245823046654463
> 1.0000000000000000
> 90 degrees is 0.50000000000000000 radians
> elemental 1.00000000 0.666666687 0.500000000 0.333333343 0.00000000
> -1.0 1.00000000
> 0.0 0.500000000
> 1.0 0.00000000
Fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
adjustl(3) - [CHARACTER:WHITESPACE] Left-justified a string
elemental character(len=len(string),kind=KIND) function adjustl(string)
character(len=*,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: string
adjustl(3) will left-justify a string by removing leading spaces. Spaces are inserted at the end of the string as needed.
A copy of string where leading spaces are removed and the same number of spaces are inserted on the end of string.
Sample program:
program demo_adjustl
implicit none
character(len=20) :: str = ' sample string'
character(len=:),allocatable :: astr
integer :: length
! basic use
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'original: ',str
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'adjusted: ',str
! a fixed-length string can be printed
! trimmed using trim(3) or len_trim(3)
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'trimmed: ',trim(str)
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'substring:',str(:length)
! note an allocatable string stays the same length too
! and is not trimmed by just an adjustl(3) call.
astr=' allocatable string '
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'original:',astr
astr = adjustl(astr)
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'adjusted:',astr
! trim(3) can be used to change the length
astr = trim(astr)
write(*,'(a,"[",a,"]")') 'trimmed: ',astr
end program demo_adjustl
> original: [ sample string ]
> adjusted: [sample string ]
> trimmed: [sample string]
> substring:[sample string]
> original:[ allocatable string ]
> adjusted:[allocatable string ]
> trimmed: [allocatable string]
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
adjustr(3) - [CHARACTER:WHITESPACE] Right-justify a string
elemental character(len=len(string),kind=KIND) function adjustr(string)
character(len=*,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: string
adjustr(3) right-justifies a string by removing trailing spaces. Spaces are inserted at the start of the string as needed to retain the original length.
Trailing spaces are removed and the same number of spaces are inserted at the start of string.
Sample program:
program demo_adjustr
implicit none
character(len=20) :: str
! print a short number line
! basic usage
str = ' sample string '
write(*,'(a)') str
str = adjustr(str)
write(*,'(a)') str
! elemental
write(*,'(a)')adjustr([character(len=50) :: &
' first ', &
' second ', &
' third ' ])
end program demo_adjustr
> 12345678901234567890
> sample string
> sample string
> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
> first
> second
> third
> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
aimag(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Imaginary part of complex number
The type of the argument z is complex. It may be of any supported complex kind
The return value is of type real with the kind type parameter of the argument z.
aimag(3) yields the imaginary part of the complex argument z.
This is similar to the modern complex-part-designator %IM which also designates the imaginary part of a value, accept a designator is treated as a variable. This means it may appear on the left-hand side of an assignment as well, as in val%im=10.0 or as an argument in a procedure call that will act as a typical variable passed by reference.
The return value is a real value with the magnitude and sign of the imaginary component of the argument z.
That is, If z has the value (x,y), the result has the value y.
Sample program:
program demo_aimag
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: it='(*(1x,g0))'
integer :: i
complex :: z4
complex :: arr(3)
complex(kind=real64) :: z8
print it, 'basics:'
z4 = cmplx(1.e0, 2.e0)
print *, 'value=',z4
print it, 'imaginary part=',aimag(z4),'or', z4%im
print it, 'kinds other than the default may be supported'
z8 = cmplx(3.e0_real64, 4.e0_real64,kind=real64)
print *, 'value=',z8
print it, 'imaginary part=',aimag(z8),'or', z8%im
print it, 'an elemental function can be passed an array'
print it, 'given a complex array:'
print *, (arr(i),new_line('a'),i=1,size(arr))
print it, 'the imaginary component is:'
print it, aimag( arr )
end program demo_aimag
> basics:
> value= (1.00000000,2.00000000)
> imaginary part= 2.00000000 or 2.00000000
> kinds other than the default may be supported
> value= (3.0000000000000000,4.0000000000000000)
> imaginary part= 4.0000000000000000 or 4.0000000000000000
> an elemental function can be passed an array
> given a complex array:
> (1.00000000,2.00000000)
> (0.500000000,1.00000000)
> (2.00000000,4.00000000)
> the imaginary component is:
> 2.00000000 1.00000000 4.00000000
Fortran has strong support for complex values, including many intrinsics that take or produce complex values in addition to algebraic and logical expressions:
abs(3), acosh(3), acos(3), asinh(3), asin(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), atan(3), cosh(3), cos(3), co_sum(3), dble(3), dot_product(3), exp(3), int(3), is_contiguous(3), kind(3), log(3), matmul(3), precision(3), product(3), range(3), rank(3), sinh(3), sin(3), sqrt(3), storage_size(3), sum(3), tanh(3), tan(3), unpack(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
aint(3) - [NUMERIC] Truncate toward zero to a whole number
elemental real(kind=KIND) function iaint(x,KIND)
real(kind=**),intent(in) :: x
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
aint(3) truncates its argument toward zero to a whole number.
The sign is the same as the sign of x unless the magnitude of x is less than one, in which case zero is returned.
Otherwise aint(3) returns the largest whole number that does not exceed the magnitude of x with the same sign as the input.
That is, it truncates the value towards zero.
Sample program:
program demo_aint
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : sp=>real32, dp=>real64
implicit none
real(kind=dp) :: x8
print *,'basics:'
print *,' just chops off the fractional part'
print *, aint(-2.999), aint(-2.1111)
print *,' if |x| < 1 a positive zero is returned'
print *, aint(-0.999), aint( 0.9999)
print *,' input may be of any real kind'
x8 = 4.3210_dp
print *, aint(-x8), aint(x8)
print *,'elemental:'
print *,aint([ &
& -2.7, -2.5, -2.2, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, &
& 0.0, &
& +0.5, +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, +2.2, +2.5, +2.7 ])
end program demo_aint
> basics:
> just chops off the fractional part
> -2.000000 -2.000000
> if |x| < 1 a positive zero is returned
> 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00
> input may be of any real kind
> -4.00000000000000 4.00000000000000
> elemental:
> -2.000000 -2.000000 -2.000000 -2.000000 -1.000000
> -1.000000 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.000000
> 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000
anint(3), int(3), nint(3), selected_int_kind(3), ceiling(3), floor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
all(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Determines if all the values are true
function all(mask ,dim)
logical(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: mask(..)
integer,intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=KIND) :: all(..)
all(3) determines if all the values are true in mask in the array along dimension dim if dim is specified; otherwise all elements are tested together.
This testing type is called a logical conjunction of elements of mask along dimension dim.
The mask is generally a logical expression, allowing for comparing arrays and many other common operations.
If dim is not present all(mask) is .true. if all elements of mask are .true.. It also is .true. if mask has zero size; otherwise, it is .false. .
If the rank of mask is one, then all(mask, dim) is equivalent to all(mask).
If the rank of mask is greater than one and dim is present then all(mask,dim) returns an array with the rank (number of dimensions) of mask minus 1. The shape is determined from the shape of mask where the dim dimension is elided. A value is returned for each set of elements along the dim dimension.
Sample program:
program demo_all
implicit none
logical,parameter :: T=.true., F=.false.
logical bool
! basic usage
! is everything true?
bool = all([ T,T,T ])
print *, 'are all values true?', bool
bool = all([ T,F,T ])
print *, 'are all values true now?', bool
! compare matrices, even by a dimension
ARRAYS: block
integer :: a(2,3), b(2,3)
! set everything to one except one value in b
a = 1
b = 1
b(2,2) = 2
! now compare those two arrays
print *,'entire array :', all(a == b )
print *,'compare columns:', all(a == b, dim=1)
print *,'compare rows:', all(a == b, dim=2)
end block ARRAYS
end program demo_all
> T
> F
> entire array : F
> compare columns: T F T
> compare rows: T F
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
allocated(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Allocation status of an allocatable entity
logical function allocated(array,scalar)
type(TYPE(kind=**)),allocatable,optional :: array(..)
type(TYPE(kind=**)),allocatable,optional :: scalar
allocated(3) checks the allocation status of both arrays and scalars.
At least one and only one of array or scalar must be specified.
If the argument is allocated then the result is .true.; otherwise, it returns .false..
Sample program:
program demo_allocated
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64,sp=>real32
implicit none
real(kind=sp), allocatable :: x(:)
character(len=256) :: message
integer :: istat
! basics
if( allocated(x)) then
write(*,*)'do things if allocated'
write(*,*)'do things if not allocated'
! if already allocated, deallocate
if ( allocated(x) ) deallocate(x,STAT=istat, ERRMSG=message )
! only if not allocated, allocate
if ( .not. allocated(x) ) allocate(x(20))
! allocation and intent(out)
call intentout(x)
write(*,*)'note it is deallocated!',allocated(x)
subroutine intentout(arr)
! note that if arr has intent(out) and is allocatable,
! arr is deallocated on entry
real(kind=sp),intent(out),allocatable :: arr(:)
write(*,*)'note it was allocated in calling program',allocated(arr)
end subroutine intentout
end program demo_allocated
> do things if not allocated
> note it was allocated in calling program F
> note it is deallocated! F
Fortran 95. allocatable scalar entities were added in Fortran 2003.
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
anint(3) - [NUMERIC] Real nearest whole number
elemental real(kind=KIND) function anint(x,KIND)
real(kind=**),intent(in) :: x
integer,intent(in),optional :: KIND
anint(3) rounds its argument to the nearest whole number.
Unlike nint(3) which returns an integer the full range or real values can be returned (integer types typically have a smaller range of values than real types).
The return value is the real whole number nearest a.
If a is greater than zero, anint(a)(3) returns aint(a + 0.5).
If a is less than or equal to zero then it returns aint(a - 0.5), except aint specifies that for |a| < 1 the result is zero (0).
It is processor-dependent whether anint(a) returns negative zero when -0.5 < a <= -0.0. Compiler switches are often available which enable or disable support of negative zero.
Sample program:
program demo_anint
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real,allocatable :: arr(:)
! basics
print *, 'ANINT (2.783) has the value 3.0 =>', anint(2.783)
print *, 'ANINT (-2.783) has the value -3.0 =>', anint(-2.783)
print *, 'by default the kind of the output is the kind of the input'
print *, anint(1234567890.1234567890e0)
print *, anint(1234567890.1234567890d0)
print *, 'sometimes specifying the result kind is useful when passing'
print *, 'results as an argument, for example.'
print *, 'do you know why the results are different?'
print *, anint(1234567890.1234567890,kind=real64)
print *, anint(1234567890.1234567890d0,kind=real64)
! elemental
print *, 'numbers on a cusp are always the most troublesome'
print *, anint([ -2.7, -2.5, -2.2, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0 ])
print *, 'negative zero is processor dependent'
arr=[ 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5, 2.7 ]
print *, anint(arr)
arr=[ -0.0, -0.1, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, -2.2, -2.5, -2.7 ]
print *, anint(arr)
end program demo_anint
> ANINT (2.783) has the value 3.0 => 3.000000
> ANINT (-2.783) has the value -3.0 => -3.000000
> by default the kind of the output is the kind of the input
> 1.2345679E+09
> 1234567890.00000
> sometimes specifying the result kind is useful when passing
> results as an argument, for example.
> do you know why the results are different?
> 1234567936.00000
> 1234567890.00000
> numbers on a cusp are always the most troublesome
> -3.000000 -3.000000 -2.000000 -2.000000 -2.000000
> -1.000000 -1.000000 0.0000000E+00
> negative zero is processor dependent
> 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 1.000000 1.000000 2.000000
> 2.000000 2.000000 3.000000 3.000000
> 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 -1.000000 -1.000000 -2.000000
> -2.000000 -2.000000 -3.000000 -3.000000
aint(3), int(3), nint(3), selected_int_kind(3), ceiling(3), floor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
any(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Determines if any of the values in the logical array are .true.
function any(mask, dim)
logical(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: mask(..)
integer,intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=KIND) :: any(..)
any(3) determines if any of the values in the logical array mask along dimension dim are .true..
any(mask) returns a scalar value of type logical where the kind type parameter is the same as the kind type parameter of mask. If dim is present, then any(mask, dim) returns an array with the rank of mask minus 1. The shape is determined from the shape of mask where the dim dimension is elided.
any(mask) is .true. if any element of mask is .true.; otherwise, it is .false.. It also is .false. if mask has zero size.
If the rank of mask is one, then any(mask, dim) is equivalent to any(mask). If the rank is greater than one, then any(mask, dim) is determined by applying any(mask) to the array sections.
Sample program:
program demo_any
implicit none
logical,parameter :: T=.true., F=.false.
integer :: a(2,3), b(2,3)
logical :: bool
! basic usage
bool = any([F,F,T,F])
print *,bool
bool = any([F,F,F,F])
print *,bool
! fill two integer arrays with values for testing
a = 1
b = 1
b(:,2) = 2
b(:,3) = 3
! using any(3) with logical expressions you can compare two arrays
! in a myriad of ways
! first, print where elements of b are bigger than in a
call printl( 'first print b > a ', b > a )
! now use any() to test
call printl( 'any true values? any(b > a) ', any(b > a ) )
call printl( 'again by columns? any(b > a,1)', any(b > a, 1) )
call printl( 'again by rows? any(b > a,2)', any(b > a, 2) )
! CONVENIENCE ROUTINE. this is not specific to ANY()
subroutine printl(title,a)
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : &
& stderr=>ERROR_UNIT,&
& stdin=>INPUT_UNIT,&
& stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d logical scalar, vector, or matrix
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
character(len=*),parameter :: row='(" > [ ",*(l1:,","))'
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
logical,intent(in) :: a(..)
integer :: i
& ' : shape=',shape(a),',rank=',rank(a),',size=',size(a)
! get size and shape of input
select rank(a)
rank (0); write(*,'(a)')'(a scalar)'
write(*,'(" ]")')
rank (1); write(*,'(a)')'(a vector)'
do i=1,size(a)
write(*,'(" ]")')
rank (2); write(*,'(a)')'(a matrix) '
do i=1,size(a,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
rank default
write(stderr,*)'*printl* did not expect rank=', rank(a), &
& 'shape=', shape(a),'size=',size(a)
stop '*printl* unexpected rank'
end select
end subroutine printl
end program demo_any
> T
> F
> first print b > a : shape=23,rank=2,size=6(a matrix)
> > [ F,T,T ]
> > [ F,T,T ]
> any true values? any(b > a) : shape=,rank=0,size=1(a scalar)
> > [ T ]
> again by columns? any(b > a,1) : shape=3,rank=1,size=3(a vector)
> > [ F ]
> > [ T ]
> > [ T ]
> again by rows? any(b > a,2) : shape=2,rank=1,size=2(a vector)
> > [ T ]
> > [ T ]
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
asind(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arcsine function in degrees
asind(3) computes the arc sine of its argument x in degrees
The arcsine is the inverse function of the sine function. It is commonly used in trigonometry when trying to find the angle when the lengths of the hypotenuse and the opposite side of a right triangle are known.
Example: asind(1.0) has the value 90.0 (approximately).
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to arcsin(x).
If x is real the result is real and it is expressed in radians and lies in the range
If the argument (and therefore the result) is imaginary the real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range
The arcsine will allow you to find the measure of a right angle when you know the ratio of the side opposite the angle to the hypotenuse.
So if you knew that a train track rose 1.25 vertical miles on a track that was 50 miles long, you could determine the average angle of incline of the track using the arcsine. Given
sin(theta) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)
Sample program:
program demo_asind
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
implicit none
! value to convert degrees to radians
real(kind=dp),parameter :: R2D=180.0_dp/acos(-1.0_dp)
real(kind=dp) :: angle, rise, run
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
! given sine(theta) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)
! then taking the arcsine of both sides of the equality yields
! theta = arcsine(1.25 miles/50 miles) ie. arcsine(opposite/hypotenuse)
angle = asind(rise/run)
print all, 'angle of incline(degrees) = ', angle
angle = angle/R2D
print all, 'angle of incline(radians) = ', angle
print all, 'percent grade=',rise/run*100.0_dp
subroutine sub1()
! notice the (incidently empty) type is defined below
! the implicit statement
implicit type(nil) (a)
type nil
end type nil
type(nil) :: anull
end subroutine sub1
end program demo_asind
> angle of incline(degrees) = 1.4325437375665075
> angle of incline(radians) = 0.25002604899361135E-1
> percent grade= 2.5000000000000000
The percentage grade is the slope, written as a percent. To calculate the slope you divide the rise by the run. In the example the rise is 1.25 mile over a run of 50 miles so the slope is 1.25/50 = 0.025. Written as a percent this is 2.5 %.
For the US, two and 1/2 percent is generally thought of as the upper limit. This means a rise of 2.5 feet when going 100 feet forward. In the US this was the maximum grade on the first major US railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio. Note curves increase the frictional drag on a train reducing the allowable grade.
Fortran 2023
Inverse function: sin(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
asinh(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinh(3) computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the inverse hyperbolic sine function of x.
If x is complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians and lies between
Sample program:
program demo_asinh
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64,sp=>real32
implicit none
real(kind=dp), dimension(3) :: x = [ -1.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0 ]
! elemental
write (*,*) asinh(x)
end program demo_asinh
> -0.88137358701954305 0.0000000000000000 0.88137358701954305
Fortran 2008
Inverse function: sinh(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
asin(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arcsine function
asin(3) computes the arcsine of its argument x.
The arcsine is the inverse function of the sine function. It is commonly used in trigonometry when trying to find the angle when the lengths of the hypotenuse and the opposite side of a right triangle are known.
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to arcsin(x).
If x is real the result is real and it is expressed in radians and lies in the range
If the argument (and therefore the result) is imaginary the real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range
The arcsine will allow you to find the measure of a right angle when you know the ratio of the side opposite the angle to the hypotenuse.
So if you knew that a train track rose 1.25 vertical miles on a track that was 50 miles long, you could determine the average angle of incline of the track using the arcsine. Given
sin(theta) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)
Sample program:
program demo_asin
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
implicit none
! value to convert degrees to radians
real(kind=dp),parameter :: D2R=acos(-1.0_dp)/180.0_dp
real(kind=dp) :: angle, rise, run
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
! given sine(theta) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)
! then taking the arcsine of both sides of the equality yields
! theta = arcsine(1.25 miles/50 miles) ie. arcsine(opposite/hypotenuse)
angle = asin(rise/run)
print all, 'angle of incline(radians) = ', angle
angle = angle/D2R
print all, 'angle of incline(degrees) = ', angle
print all, 'percent grade=',rise/run*100.0_dp
end program demo_asin
> angle of incline(radians) = 2.5002604899361139E-002
> angle of incline(degrees) = 1.4325437375665075
> percent grade= 2.5000000000000000
The percentage grade is the slope, written as a percent. To calculate the slope you divide the rise by the run. In the example the rise is 1.25 mile over a run of 50 miles so the slope is 1.25/50 = 0.025. Written as a percent this is 2.5 %.
For the US, two and 1/2 percent is generally thought of as the upper limit. This means a rise of 2.5 feet when going 100 feet forward. In the US this was the maximum grade on the first major US railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio. Note curves increase the frictional drag on a train reducing the allowable grade.
FORTRAN 77 , for a complex argument Fortran 2008
Inverse function: sin(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
asinpi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular arc sine function
asinpi(3) computes the arcsine of its argument x.
The arcsine is the inverse function of the sine function. It is commonly used in trigonometry when trying to find the angle when the lengths of the hypotenuse and the opposite side of a right triangle are known.
The returned value is in half-revolutions (ie. in multiples of PI).
Example: ASINPI(1:0) has the value 0:5 (approximately).
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the arc sine of X. The result is real and it is expressed in half-revolutions and lies in the range
and is the same kind as the input.
The arcsine will allow you to find the measure of a right angle when you know the ratio of the side opposite the angle to the hypotenuse.
So if you knew that a train track rose 1.25 vertical miles on a track that was 50 miles long, you could determine the average angle of incline of the track using the arcsine. Given
sin(theta) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)
Sample program:
program demo_asinpi
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
implicit none
! value to convert degrees to half-revolutions
real(kind=dp),parameter :: D2HR=1/180.0_dp
real(kind=dp) :: angle, rise, run
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
! basics
! elemental
print all, asinpi( [0.0d0, 0.5d0, -0.5d0, 1.0d0, -1.0d0 ])
! sample application
! given sine(theta) = 1.25 miles/50 miles (opposite/hypotenuse)
! then taking the arcsine of both sides of the equality yields
! theta = arcsine(1.25 miles/50 miles) ie. arcsine(opposite/hypotenuse)
angle = asinpi(rise/run)
print all, 'angle of incline(half-revolutions) = ', angle
angle = angle/D2HR
print all, 'angle of incline(degrees) = ', angle
print all, 'percent grade=',rise/run*100.0_dp
elemental function asinpi(x)
real(kind=dp),parameter :: PI=acos(-1.0_dp)
real(kind=dp),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=dp) :: asinpi
end function asinpi
end program demo_asinpi
> 0.00, 0.166667, -0.166667, 0.50, -0.50
> angle of incline(half-revolutions) = 0.79585763198139307E-2
> angle of incline(degrees) = 1.4325437375665075
> percent grade= 2.5000000000000000
The percentage grade is the slope, written as a percent. To calculate the slope you divide the rise by the run. In the example the rise is 1.25 mile over a run of 50 miles so the slope is 1.25/50 = 0.025. Written as a percent this is 2.5 %.
For the US, two and 1/2 percent is generally thought of as the upper limit. This means a rise of 2.5 feet when going 100 feet forward. In the US this was the maximum grade on the first major US railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio. Note curves increase the frictional drag on a train reducing the allowable grade.
Fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
associated(3) - [STATE:INQUIRY] Association status of a pointer or pointer/target pair
logical function associated(pointer,target)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),pointer :: pointer
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),pointer,optional :: target
associated(3) determines the status of the pointer pointer or if pointer is associated with the target target.
associated(3) returns a scalar value of type logical. There are several cases:
When the optional target is not present then associated(pointer) is .true. if pointer is associated with a target; otherwise, it returns .false..
If target is present and a scalar target, the result is .true. if target is not a zero-sized storage sequence and the target associated with pointer occupies the same storage units. If pointer is disassociated, the result is .false..
If target is present and an array target, the result is .true. if target and pointer have the same shape, are not zero-sized arrays, are arrays whose elements are not zero-sized storage sequences, and target and pointer occupy the same storage units in array element order.
As in case 2, the result is .false., if pointer is disassociated.
If target is present and an scalar pointer, the result is .true. if target is associated with pointer, the target associated with target are not zero-sized storage sequences and occupy the same storage units.
The result is .false., if either target or pointer is disassociated.
If target is present and an array pointer, the result is .true. if target associated with pointer and the target associated with target have the same shape, are not zero-sized arrays, are arrays whose elements are not zero-sized storage sequences, and target and pointer occupy the same storage units in array element order.
If target is present and is a procedure, the result is true if and only if pointer is associated with target and, if target is an internal procedure, they have the same host instance.
If target is present and is a procedure pointer, the result is true if and only if pointer and target are associated with the same procedure and, if the procedure is an internal procedure, they have the same host instance.
Sample program:
program demo_associated
implicit none
real, target :: tgt(2) = [1., 2.]
real, pointer :: ptr(:)
ptr => tgt
if (associated(ptr) .eqv. .false.) &
if (associated(ptr,tgt) .eqv. .false.) &
if (associated(ptr) ) &
if (associated(ptr,tgt) ) &
end program demo_associated
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
atan2d(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arc tangent function in degrees (inverse tangent)
elemental real(kind=KIND) function atan2d(y, x)
real,kind=KIND) :: atan2d
real,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: y, x
atan2d(3) computes in degrees a processor-dependent approximation of the arctangent of the principal value of the arctangent of the value y/x (which determines a unique angle).
If y has the value zero, x shall not have the value zero.
The resulting phase lies in the range -180 <= atan2d (Y,X) <= 180 and is equal to a processor-dependent approximation to a value of arctan(Y/X) expressed in degrees.
It is equivalent to ATAN2(Y, X)*180/PI but limited to real values.
The result is in degrees, not radians.
The radian value is by definition the principal value of the complex number (x, y), or in other terms, the phase of the phasor x+i*y.
The principal value is simply what we get when we adjust the value to lie between -180 and 180 degrees inclusive,
The classic definition of the arctangent is the angle that is formed in Cartesian coordinates of the line from the origin point <0,0> to the point <x,y> .
Pictured as a vector it is easy to see that if x and y are both zero the angle is indeterminate because it sits directly over the origin, so atan2d(0.0,0.0) will produce an error.
Range of returned values by quadrant:
> +90
> |
> |
> 90 < z < 180 | 0 > z < 90
> |
> +-180 ------------+---------------- +-0
> |
> 90 < -z < 180 | 0 < -z < 90
> |
> |
> -90
If the processor distinguishes -0 and +0 then the sign of the
returned value is that of Y when Y is zero, else when Y is zero
the returned value is always positive.
Sample program:
program demo_atan2d
implicit none
integer,parameter :: wp=kind(0.0)
real(wp),parameter :: d2r=acos(-1.0_wp)/180.0_wp
real :: z
complex :: c
! basic usage
! atan2d (1.5574077, 1.0) has the value 1.0 radian (approximately).
z=atan2d(1.5574077, 1.0)
write(*,*) 'degrees=',z,'radians=',d2r*z
! elemental arrays
write(*,*)'elemental',atan2d( [10.0, 20.0], [30.0,40.0] )
! elemental arrays and scalars
write(*,*)'elemental',atan2d( [10.0, 20.0], 50.0 )
! multi-dimensional returns multi-dimensional
write(*,*) atan2(reshape([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0],[2,2]),&
& reshape([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0],[2,2]) )
! break complex values into real and imaginary components
write(*,*)'complex value treated as components', &
& c,atan2d( x=c%re, y=c%im )
! extended sample
real :: ang
complex,allocatable :: vals(:)
integer :: i
vals=[ &
( 1.0, 0.0 ), & ! 0
( 1.0, 1.0 ), & ! 45
( 0.0, 1.0 ), & ! 90
(-1.0, 1.0 ), & ! 135
(-1.0, 0.0 ), & ! 180
(-1.0,-1.0 ), & ! 225
( 0.0,-1.0 )] ! 270
do i=1,size(vals)
ang=atan2d(vals(i)%im, vals(i)%re)
101 format( &
& 'X= ',f5.2, &
& ' Y= ',f5.2, &
& ' ANGLE= ',g0, &
& T38,'RADIANS= ',g0.4)
end program demo_atan2d
> degrees= 57.2957802 radians= 1.00000000
> elemental 18.4349480 26.5650520
> elemental 11.3099327 21.8014107
> 0.785398185 0.785398185 0.785398185 0.785398185
> complex value treated as components (0.0000,1.0000) 90.000
> X= 1.00 Y= 0.00 ANGLE= 0.00000000 RADIANS= 0.000
> X= 1.00 Y= 1.00 ANGLE= 45.0000000 RADIANS= 0.7854
> X= 0.00 Y= 1.00 ANGLE= 90.0000000 RADIANS= 1.571
> X= -1.00 Y= 1.00 ANGLE= 135.000000 RADIANS= 2.356
> X= -1.00 Y= 0.00 ANGLE= 180.000000 RADIANS= 3.142
> X= -1.00 Y= -1.00 ANGLE= -135.000000 RADIANS= -2.356
> X= 0.00 Y= -1.00 ANGLE= -90.0000000 RADIANS= -1.571
Fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
atan2(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arctangent (inverse tangent) function
elemental real(kind=KIND) function atan2(y, x)
real,kind=KIND) :: atan2
real,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: y, x
atan2(3) computes in radians a processor-dependent approximation of the arctangent of the complex number ( x, y ) or equivalently the principal value of the arctangent of the value y/x (which determines a unique angle).
If y has the value zero, x shall not have the value zero.
The resulting phase lies in the range
-PI <= ATAN2 (Y,X) <= PI
and is equal to a processor-dependent approximation to a value of arctan(Y/X).
The value returned is by definition the principal value of the complex number (x, y), or in other terms, the phase of the phasor x+i*y.
The principal value is simply what we get when we adjust a radian value to lie between -PI and PI inclusive,
The classic definition of the arctangent is the angle that is formed in Cartesian coordinates of the line from the origin point <0,0> to the point <x,y> .
Pictured as a vector it is easy to see that if x and y are both zero the angle is indeterminate because it sits directly over the origin, so atan(0.0,0.0) will produce an error.
Range of returned values by quadrant:
> +PI/2
> |
> |
> PI/2 < z < PI | 0 > z < PI/2
> |
> +-PI -------------+---------------- +-0
> |
> PI/2 < -z < PI | 0 < -z < PI/2
> |
> |
> -PI/2
If the processor distinguishes -0 and +0 then the sign of the
returned value is that of Y when Y is zero, else when Y is zero
the returned value is always positive.
Sample program: ```fortran program demo_atan2 real :: z complex :: c ! ! basic usage ! ATAN2 (1.5574077, 1.0) has the value 1.0 (approximately). z=atan2(1.5574077, 1.0) write(,) ‘radians=’,z,‘degrees=’,r2d(z) ! ! elemental : arrays write(,)‘elemental’,atan2( [10.0, 20.0], [30.0,40.0] ) ! ! elemental : arrays and scalars write(,)‘elemental’,atan2( [10.0, 20.0], 50.0 ) ! ! break complex values into real and imaginary components ! (note TAN2() can take a complex type value ) c=(0.0,1.0) write(,)‘complex’,c,atan2( x=c%re, y=c%im ) ! ! extended sample converting cartesian coordinates to polar COMPLEX_VALS: block real :: ang, radius complex,allocatable :: vals(:) integer :: i ! vals=[ & ! 0 45 90 135 ( 1.0, 0.0 ), ( 1.0, 1.0 ), ( 0.0, 1.0 ), (-1.0, 1.0 ), & ! 180 225 270 (-1.0, 0.0 ), (-1.0,-1.0 ), ( 0.0,-1.0 ) ] do i=1,size(vals) call cartesian_to_polar(vals(i), radius,ang) write(,101)vals(i),ang,r2d(ang),radius enddo 101 format( ‘X=’,f5.2,’ Y= ‘,f5.2,’ ANGLE= ‘,g0, & & T38,’DEGREES=’,g0.4, T54,‘DISTANCE=’,g0) endblock COMPLEX_VALS ! contains ! elemental real function r2d(radians) ! input radians to convert to degrees doubleprecision,parameter :: DEGREE=0.017453292519943d0 ! radians real,intent(in) :: radians r2d=radians / DEGREE ! do the conversion end function r2d ! subroutine cartesian_to_polar(xy,radius,inclination) ! return angle in radians in range 0 to 2PI implicit none complex,intent(in) :: xy real,intent(out) :: radius,inclination radius=abs( xy ) ! arbitrarily set angle to zero when radius is zero inclination=merge(0.0,atan2(x=xy%re, y=xy%im),radius==0.0) ! bring into range 0 <= inclination < 2PI if(inclination < 0.0)inclination=inclination+2atan2(0.0d0,-1.0d0) end subroutine cartesian_to_polar ! end program demo_atan2
radians= 1.00000000 degrees= 57.2957802 elemental 0.321750551 0.463647604 elemental 0.197395563 0.380506366 complex (0.00000000,1.00000000) 1.57079637 X= 1.00 Y= 0.00 ANGLE= 0.00000000 DEGREES= 0.000 DISTANCE=1.00000000 X= 1.00 Y= 1.00 ANGLE= 0.785398185 DEGREES= 45.00 DISTANCE=1.41421354 X= 0.00 Y= 1.00 ANGLE= 1.57079637 DEGREES= 90.00 DISTANCE=1.00000000 X= -1.00 Y= 1.00 ANGLE= 2.35619450 DEGREES= 135.0 DISTANCE=1.41421354 X= -1.00 Y= 0.00 ANGLE= 3.14159274 DEGREES= 180.0 DISTANCE=1.00000000 X= -1.00 Y= -1.00 ANGLE= 3.92699075 DEGREES= 225.0 DISTANCE=1.41421354 X= 0.00 Y= -1.00 ANGLE= 4.71238899 DEGREES= 270.0 DISTANCE=1.00000000
atan2pi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular Arc tangent (inverse tangent) function
elemental real(kind=KIND) function atan2pi(y, x)
real,kind=KIND) :: atan2pi
real,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: y, x
atan2pi(3) computes in half-revolutions a processor-dependent approximation of the arctangent of the components of the complex number ( x, y ) or equivalently the principal value of the arctangent of the value y/x (which determines a unique angle).
If y has the value zero, x shall not have the value zero.
The resulting phase lies in the range -1 <= atan2pi (Y,X) <= 1 and is equal to a processor-dependent approximation to a value of arctan(Y/X).
The value returned is by definition the principal value of the complex number (x, y), or in other terms, the phase of the phasor x+i*y.
The principal value is simply what we get when we adjust an angular half-revolution value to lie between -1 and 1 inclusive,
The classic definition of the arctangent is the angle that is formed in Cartesian coordinates of the line from the origin point <0,0> to the point <x,y> .
Pictured as a vector it is easy to see that if x and y are both zero the angle is indeterminate because it sits directly over the origin, so atan(0.0,0.0) will produce an error.
Range of returned values by quadrant:
> +1/2
> |
> |
> 1/2 < z < 1 | 0 > z < 1/2
> |
> +-1 -------------+---------------- +-0
> |
> 1/2 < -z < 1 | 0 < -z < 1/2
> |
> |
> -1/2
If the processor distinguishes -0 and +0 then the sign of the
returned value is that of Y when Y is zero, else when Y is zero
the returned value is always positive.
Sample program:
program demo_atan2pi
real :: z
complex :: c
real, parameter :: h2d = 180.0
! basic usage
! atan2pi (1.5574077, 1.0) has the value 1.0 (approximately).
z=atan2pi(1.5574077, 1.0)
write(*,*) 'half-revolutions=',z,'degrees=',h2d*z
! elemental arrays
write(*,*)'elemental',atan2pi( [10.0, 20.0], [30.0,40.0] )
! elemental arrays and scalars
write(*,*)'elemental',atan2pi( [10.0, 20.0], 50.0 )
! break complex values into real and imaginary components
! (note TAN2() can take a complex type value )
write(*,*)'complex',c,atan2pi( x=c%re, y=c%im )
! extended sample converting cartesian coordinates to polar
real :: ang
complex,allocatable :: vals(:)
integer :: i
vals=[ &
( 1.0, 0.0 ), & ! 0
( 1.0, 1.0 ), & ! 45
( 0.0, 1.0 ), & ! 90
(-1.0, 1.0 ), & ! 135
(-1.0, 0.0 ), & ! 180
(-1.0,-1.0 ), & ! 225
( 0.0,-1.0 )] ! 270
do i=1,size(vals)
101 format( &
& 'X= ',f5.2, &
& ' Y= ',f5.2, &
& ' HALF-REVOLUTIONS= ',f7.3, &
& T50,' DEGREES= ',g0.4)
end program demo_atan2pi
> half-revolutions= 0.318309873 degrees= 57.2957764
> elemental 0.102416381 0.147583619
> elemental 6.28329590E-02 0.121118948
> complex (0.00000000,1.00000000) 0.500000000
> X= 1.00 Y= 0.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= 0.000 DEGREES= 0.000
> X= 1.00 Y= 1.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= 0.250 DEGREES= 45.00
> X= 0.00 Y= 1.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= 0.500 DEGREES= 90.00
> X= -1.00 Y= 1.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= 0.750 DEGREES= 135.0
> X= -1.00 Y= 0.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= 1.000 DEGREES= 180.0
> X= -1.00 Y= -1.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= -0.750 DEGREES= -135.0
> X= 0.00 Y= -1.00 HALF-REVOLUTIONS= -0.500 DEGREES= -90.00
Fortran 2023
atand(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arc tangent AKA inverse tangent function in degrees
elemental real(kind=KIND) function atand(y,x)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: y
atand(3) calculates the Arc Tangent function in degrees.
The returned value is a real type of the same kind as x that approximates the arc tangent of x expressed in degrees. If y is present, the result is identical to atan2d(y,x). The result lies in the range -90 <= atand(x) <= 90 .
atand(1.0) has the value 45.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program demo_atand
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
real(kind=real64),parameter :: &
Deg_Per_Rad = 57.2957795130823208767981548_real64
real(kind=real64) :: x
print all, atand(x)
print all, atand( 2.0d0, 2.0d0),atand( 2.0d0, 2.0d0)/Deg_Per_Rad
print all, atand( 2.0d0,-2.0d0),atand( 2.0d0,-2.0d0)/Deg_Per_Rad
print all, atand(-2.0d0, 2.0d0),atand(-2.0d0, 2.0d0)/Deg_Per_Rad
print all, atand(-2.0d0,-2.0d0),atand(-2.0d0,-2.0d0)/Deg_Per_Rad
end program demo_atand
> 70.765182904405478
> 45.000000000000000 0.78539816339744828
> 135.00000000000000 2.3561944901923448
> -45.000000000000000 -0.78539816339744828
> -135.00000000000000 -2.3561944901923448
Fortran 2023
atan2d(3), tand(3), atan2(3), tan(3), atan2pi(3), tanpi(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
atanh(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanh(3) computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
The return value has same type and kind as x. If x is complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians and lies between
Sample program:
program demo_atanh
implicit none
real, dimension(3) :: x = [ -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]
write (*,*) atanh(x)
end program demo_atanh
> -Infinity 0.0000000E+00 Infinity
Fortran 2008
Inverse function: tanh(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
atan(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Arctangent AKA inverse tangent function
elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function atan(y,x)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
TYPE(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: y
atan(3) computes the arctangent of x.
The returned value is of the same type and kind as x. If y is present, the result is identical to atan2(y,x). Otherwise, it is the arc tangent of x, where the real part of the result is in radians and lies in the range -PI/2 <= atan(x) <= PI/2
Sample program:
program demo_atan
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
real(kind=real64),parameter :: &
Deg_Per_Rad = 57.2957795130823208767981548_real64
real(kind=real64) :: x
print all, atan(x)
print all, atan( 2.0d0, 2.0d0),atan( 2.0d0, 2.0d0)*Deg_Per_Rad
print all, atan( 2.0d0,-2.0d0),atan( 2.0d0,-2.0d0)*Deg_Per_Rad
print all, atan(-2.0d0, 2.0d0),atan(-2.0d0, 2.0d0)*Deg_Per_Rad
print all, atan(-2.0d0,-2.0d0),atan(-2.0d0,-2.0d0)*Deg_Per_Rad
end program demo_atan
> 1.235085437457879
> .7853981633974483 45.00000000000000
> 2.356194490192345 135.0000000000000
> -.7853981633974483 -45.00000000000000
> -2.356194490192345 -135.0000000000000
FORTRAN 77 for a complex argument; and for two arguments Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
atanpi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular Arctangent AKA inverse tangent function
elemental real(kind=KIND) function atanpi(y,x)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=KIND),intent(in),optional :: y
atan(3) computes the circular arctangent of x in half-revolutions.
If y appears, the result is the same as the result of atan2pi(y,x). If y does not appear, the result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the arc tangent of x; it is expressed in half-revolutions and lies in the range -0.5 <= atanpi(x) <= 0.5.
Example. atanpi(1.0) has the value 0.25 (approximately).
The returned value is of the same type and kind as x. If y is present, the result is identical to atan2pi(y,x). Otherwise, it is the arc tangent of x, where the result is in half-revolutions and lies in the range -1 <= atan(x) <= 1
Sample program:
program demo_atanpi
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
real(kind=real64) :: x, y
print all, atanpi(x)
print all, atanpi( 2.0d0, 2.0d0),atanpi( 2.0d0, 2.0d0)*180
print all, atanpi( 2.0d0,-2.0d0),atanpi( 2.0d0,-2.0d0)*180
print all, atanpi(-2.0d0, 2.0d0),atanpi(-2.0d0, 2.0d0)*180
print all, atanpi(-2.0d0,-2.0d0),atanpi(-2.0d0,-2.0d0)*180
end program demo_atanpi
> 0.39313990502447488
> 0.25000000000000000 45.000000000000000
> 0.75000000000000000 135.00000000000000
> -0.25000000000000000 -45.000000000000000
> -0.75000000000000000 -135.00000000000000
Fortran 2023
atan2d(3), tan2d(3), atan2pi(3), tan2pi(3)
atomic_add(3) - [ATOMIC] Atomic ADD operation
subroutine atomic_add(atom,value,stat)
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
integer(atomic_int_kind),intent(in) :: value
integer,intent(out),intent(out) :: stat
atom is a scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer type with atomic_int_kind kind.
value is a scalar of the same type as atom. If the kind is different, the value is converted to the kind of atom.
stat is a Scalar default-kind integer variable.
atomic_add(3) atomically adds the value of VAR to the variable atom. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed ATOM, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE and if the remote image has failed, the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_add
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
call atomic_add (atom[1], this_image())
end program demo_atomic_add
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_fetch_add(3), atomic_and(3), atomic_or(3), atomic_xor(3) iso_fortran_env(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_and(3) - [ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION] Atomic bitwise AND operation
subroutine atomic_and(atom,value,stat)
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
integer(atomic_int_kind),intent(in) :: value
integer,intent(out),intent(out) :: stat
atom is a scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer type with atomic_int_kind kind.
value is a scalar of the same type as atom. If the kind is different, the value is converted to the kind of atom.
stat is a Scalar default-kind integer variable.
atomic_and(3) atomically defines atom with the bitwise and between the values of atom and value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_and
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
call atomic_and(atom[1], int(b'10100011101'))
end program demo_atomic_and
TS 18508
atomic_fetch_and(3), atomic_define(3), atomic_ref(3), atomic_cas(3), iso_fortran_env(3), atomic_add(3), atomic_or(3), atomic_xor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_cas(3) - [ATOMIC] Atomic compare and swap
atomic_cas(3) compares the variable atom with the value of compare; if the value is the same, atom is set to the value of new. Additionally, old is set to the value of atom that was used for the comparison. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_cas
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
logical(atomic_logical_kind) :: atom[*], prev
call atomic_cas(atom[1], prev, .false., .true.)
end program demo_atomic_cas
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_ref(3), iso_fortran_env(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_define(3) - [ATOMIC] Setting a variable atomically
subroutine atomic_define(atom, value, stat)
TYPE(kind=atomic_KIND_kind) :: atom[*]
TYPE(kind=KIND) :: value
integer,intent(out),optional :: stat
atomic_define(3) defines the variable atom with the value value atomically.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_define
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
call atomic_define(atom[1], this_image())
end program demo_atomic_define
Fortran 2008 ; with stat, TS 18508
atomic_ref(3), atomic_cas(3), iso_fortran_env(3), atomic_add(3), atomic_and(3), atomic_or(3), atomic_xor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_fetch_add(3) - [ATOMIC] Atomic ADD operation with prior fetch
atomic_fetch_add(3) atomically stores the value of atom in old and adds the value of var to the variable atom. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_fetch_add
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old
call atomic_add(atom[1], this_image(), old)
end program demo_atomic_fetch_add
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_add(3), iso_fortran_env(3),
atomic_fetch_and(3), atomic_fetch_or(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_fetch_and(3) - [ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION] Atomic bitwise AND operation with prior fetch
atomic_fetch_and(3) atomically stores the value of atom in old and defines atom with the bitwise AND between the values of atom and value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_fetch_and
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old
call atomic_fetch_and (atom[1], int(b'10100011101'), old)
end program demo_atomic_fetch_and
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_and(3), iso_fortran_env(3),
atomic_fetch_add(3), atomic_fetch_or(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_fetch_or(3) - [ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION] Atomic bitwise OR operation with prior fetch
atomic_fetch_or(3) atomically stores the value of atom in old and defines atom with the bitwise OR between the values of atom and value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_fetch_or
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old
call atomic_fetch_or(atom[1], int(b'10100011101'), old)
end program demo_atomic_fetch_or
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_or(3), iso_fortran_env(3),
atomic_fetch_add(3), atomic_fetch_and(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_fetch_xor(3) - [ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION] Atomic bitwise XOR operation with prior fetch
atomic_fetch_xor(3) atomically stores the value of atom in old and defines atom with the bitwise xor between the values of atom and value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_fetch_xor
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*], old
call atomic_fetch_xor (atom[1], int(b'10100011101'), old)
end program demo_atomic_fetch_xor
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_xor(3), iso_fortran_env(3),
atomic_fetch_add(3), atomic_fetch_and(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_or(3) - [ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION] Atomic bitwise OR operation
subroutine atomic_or(atom,value,stat)
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
integer(atomic_int_kind),intent(in) :: value
integer,intent(out),intent(out) :: stat
atom is a scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer type with atomic_int_kind kind.
value is a scalar of the same type as atom. If the kind is different, the value is converted to the kind of atom.
stat is a Scalar default-kind integer variable.
atomic_or(3) atomically defines atom with the bitwise or between the values of atom and value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_or
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
call atomic_or(atom[1], int(b'10100011101'))
end program demo_atomic_or
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_fetch_or(3),
iso_fortran_env(3), atomic_add(3), atomic_or(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_ref(3) - [ATOMIC] Obtaining the value of a variable atomically
subroutine atomic_ref(value,atom,stat)
integer(atomic_int_kind),intent(in) :: value
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
integer,intent(out),intent(out) :: stat
atom is a scalar coarray or coindexed variable of either integer type with atomic_int_kind kind or logical type with atomic_logical_kind kind.
value is a scalar of the same type as atom. If the kind is different, the value is converted to the kind of atom.
stat is a Scalar default-kind integer variable.
atomic_ref(3) atomically assigns the value of the variable atom to value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_ref
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
logical(atomic_logical_kind) :: atom[*]
logical :: val
call atomic_ref( val, atom[1] )
if (val) then
print *, "Obtained"
end program demo_atomic_ref
Fortran 2008 ; with STAT, TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_cas(3), iso_fortran_env(3),
atomic_fetch_add(3), atomic_fetch_and(3),
atomic_fetch_or(3), atomic_fetch_xor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
atomic_xor(3) - [ATOMIC:BIT MANIPULATION] Atomic bitwise OR operation
subroutine atomic_xor(atom,value,stat)
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
integer(atomic_int_kind),intent(in) :: value
integer,intent(out),intent(out) :: stat
atom is a scalar coarray or coindexed variable of integer type with atomic_int_kind kind.
value is a scalar of the same type as atom. If the kind is different, the value is converted to the kind of atom.
stat is a Scalar default-kind integer variable.
atomic_xor(3) atomically defines atom with the bitwise xor between the values of atom and value. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value; in particular, for a coindexed atom, if the remote image has stopped, it is assigned the value of iso_fortran_env’s stat_stopped_image and if the remote image has failed, the value stat_failed_image.
Sample program:
program demo_atomic_xor
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(atomic_int_kind) :: atom[*]
call atomic_xor(atom[1], int(b'10100011101'))
end program demo_atomic_xor
TS 18508
atomic_define(3), atomic_fetch_xor(3), iso_fortran_env(3), atomic_add(3), atomic_or(3), atomic_xor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bessel_j0(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Bessel function of the first kind of order 0
bessel_j0(3) computes the Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 of x.
the Bessel function of the first kind of order 0 of x. The result lies in the range -0.4027 <= bessel(0,x) <= 1.
Sample program:
program demo_bessel_j0
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x
x = 0.0_real64
x = bessel_j0(x)
end program demo_bessel_j0
> 1.0000000000000000
Fortran 2008
bessel_j1(3), bessel_jn(3), bessel_y0(3), bessel_y1(3), bessel_yn(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bessel_j1(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Bessel function of the first kind of order 1
bessel_j1(3) computes the Bessel function of the first kind of order 1 of x.
The return value is of type real and lies in the range -0.5818 <= bessel(0,x) <= 0.5818 . It has the same kind as x.
Sample program:
program demo_bessel_j1
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 1.0_real64
x = bessel_j1(x)
end program demo_bessel_j1
> 0.44005058574493350
Fortran 2008
bessel_j0(3), bessel_jn(3), bessel_y0(3), bessel_y1(3), bessel_yn(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bessel_jn(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Bessel function of the first kind
elemental real(kind=KIND) function bessel_jn(n,x)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: n
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=KIND) function bessel_jn(n1, n2, ,x)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: n1
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: n2
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
bessel_jn( n, x ) computes the Bessel function of the first kind of order n of x.
bessel_jn(n1, n2, x) returns an array with the Bessel function|Bessel functions of the first kind of the orders n1 to n2.
The result value of BESSEL_JN (N, X) is a processor-dependent approximation to the Bessel function of the first kind and order N of X.
The result of BESSEL_JN (N1, N2, X) is a rank-one array with extent MAX (N2-N1+1, 0). Element i of the result value of BESSEL_JN (N1, N2, X) is a processor-dependent approximation to the Bessel function of the first kind and order N1+i-1 of X.
Sample program:
program demo_bessel_jn
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 1.0_real64
x = bessel_jn(5,x)
end program demo_bessel_jn
> 2.4975773021123450E-004
Fortran 2008
bessel_j0(3), bessel_j1(3), bessel_y0(3), bessel_y1(3), bessel_yn(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bessel_y0(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Bessel function of the second kind of order 0
bessel_y0(3) computes the Bessel function of the second kind of order 0 of x.
The return value is of type real. It has the same kind as x.
Sample program:
program demo_bessel_y0
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 0.0_real64
x = bessel_y0(x)
end program demo_bessel_y0
> -Infinity
Fortran 2008
bessel_j0(3), bessel_j1(3), bessel_jn(3), bessel_y1(3), bessel_yn(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bessel_y1(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Bessel function of the second kind of order 1
bessel_y1(3) computes the Bessel function of the second kind of order 1 of x.
The return value is real. It has the same kind as x.
Sample program:
program demo_bessel_y1
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 1.0_real64
write(*,*)x, bessel_y1(x)
end program demo_bessel_y1
> 1.00000000000000 -0.781212821300289
Fortran 2008
bessel_j0(3), bessel_j1(3), bessel_jn(3), bessel_y0(3), bessel_yn(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bessel_yn(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Bessel function of the second kind
elemental real(kind=KIND) function bessel_yn(n,x)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: n
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=KIND) function bessel_yn(n1, n2, ,x)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: n1
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: n2
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
bessel_yn(n, x) computes the Bessel function of the second kind of order n of x.
bessel_yn(n1, n2, x) returns an array with the Bessel function|Bessel functions of the first kind of the orders n1 to n2.
The result value of BESSEL_YN (N, X) is a processor-dependent approximation to the Bessel function of the second kind and order N of X.
The result of BESSEL_YN (N1, N2, X) is a rank-one array with extent MAX (N2-N1+1, 0). Element i of the result value of BESSEL_YN (N1, N2, X) is a processor-dependent approximation to the Bessel function of the second kind and order N1+i-1 of X.
Sample program:
program demo_bessel_yn
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 1.0_real64
write(*,*) x,bessel_yn(5,x)
end program demo_bessel_yn
> 1.0000000000000000 -260.40586662581222
Fortran 2008
bessel_j0(3), bessel_j1(3), bessel_jn(3), bessel_y0(3), bessel_y1(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
bge(3) - [BIT:COMPARE] Bitwise greater than or equal to
elemental logical function bge(i, j)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: j
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
the integer kind of i and j may not necessarily be the same. In addition, values may be a BOZ constant with a value valid for the integer kind available with the most bits on the current platform.
The return value is of type default logical.
bge(3) Determines whether one integer is bitwise greater than or equal to another.
The bit-level representation of a value is platform dependent. The endian-ness of a system and whether the system uses a “two’s complement” representation of signs can affect the results, for example.
A BOZ constant (Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal) does not have a kind or type of its own, so be aware it is subject to truncation when transferred to an integer type. The most bits the constant may contain is limited by the most bits representable by any integer kind supported by the compilation.
When bit sequences of unequal length are compared, the shorter sequence is padded with zero bits on the left to the same length as the longer sequence (up to the largest number of bits any available integer kind supports).
Bit sequences are compared from left to right, one bit at a time, until unequal bits are found or until all bits have been compared and found to be equal.
The bits are always evaluated in this order, not necessarily from MSB to LSB (most significant bit to least significant bit).
If unequal bits are found the sequence with zero in the unequal position is considered to be less than the sequence with one in the unequal position.
Returns .true. if i is bit-wise greater than j and .false. otherwise.
Sample program:
program demo_bge
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: i
integer(kind=int8) :: byte
integer(kind=int8),allocatable :: arr1(:), arr2(:)
write(*,*)'bge(-127,127)=',bge( -127, 127 )
! on (very common) "two's complement" machines that are
! little-endian -127 will be greater than 127
! BOZ constants
! BOZ constants are subject to truncation, so make sure
! your values are valid for the integer kind being compared to
write(*,*)'bge(b"0001",2)=',bge( b"1", 2)
! an array and scalar
write(*, *)'compare array of values [-128, -0, +0, 127] to 127'
write(*, *)bge(int([-128, -0, +0, 127], kind=int8), 127_int8)
! two arrays
write(*, *)'compare two arrays'
arr1=int( [ -127, -0, +0, 127], kind=int8 )
arr2=int( [ 127, 0, 0, -127], kind=int8 )
write(*, *)'bge(arr1,arr2)=',bge( arr1, arr2 )
! actually looking at the bit patterns should clarify what affect
! signs have ...
write(*,*)'Compare some one-byte values to 64.'
write(*,*)'Notice that the values are tested as bits not as integers'
write(*,*)'so the results are as if values are unsigned integers.'
do i=-128,127,32
! are +0 and -0 the same on your platform? When comparing at the
! bit level this is important
write(*,'("plus zero=",b0)') +0
write(*,'("minus zero=",b0)') -0
end program demo_bge
How an integer value is represented at the bit level can vary. These are just the values expected on Today’s most common platforms …
> bge(-127,127)= T
> bge(b"0001",2)= F
> compare array of values [-128, -0, +0, 127] to 127
> T F F T
> compare two arrays
> arr1= -127 0 0 127
> arr2= 127 0 0 -127
> bge(arr1,arr2)= T T T F
> Compare some one-byte values to 64.
> Notice that the values are tested as bits not as integers
> so the results are as if values are unsigned integers.
> -0128 T 10000000
> -0096 T 10100000
> -0064 T 11000000
> -0032 T 11100000
> +0000 F 00000000
> +0032 F 00100000
> +0064 T 01000000
> +0096 T 01100000
> plus zero=0
> minus zero=0
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
bgt(3) - [BIT:COMPARE] Bitwise greater than
elemental logical function bgt(i, j)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: j
bgt determines whether an integer is bitwise greater than another. Bit-level representations of values are platform-dependent.
The return value is of type logical and of the default kind. The result is true if the sequence of bits represented by i is greater than the sequence of bits represented by j, otherwise the result is false.
Bits are compared from right to left.
Sample program:
program demo_bgt
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: i
integer(kind=int8) :: byte
! Compare some one-byte values to 64.
! Notice that the values are tested as bits not as integers
! so sign bits in the integer are treated just like any other
write(*,'(a)') 'we will compare other values to 64'
write(*,'(a)') "comparing at the bit level, not as whole numbers."
write(*,'(a)') "so pay particular attention to the negative"
write(*,'(a)') "values on this two's complement platform ..."
do i=-128,127,32
! see the BGE() description for an extended description
! of related information
end program demo_bgt
> we will compare other values to 64
> +0064 F 01000000
> comparing at the bit level, not as whole numbers.
> so pay particular attention to the negative
> values on this two's complement platform ...
> -0128 T 10000000
> -0096 T 10100000
> -0064 T 11000000
> -0032 T 11100000
> +0000 F 00000000
> +0032 F 00100000
> +0064 F 01000000
> +0096 T 01100000
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
bit_size(3) - [BIT:INQUIRY] Bit size inquiry function
bit_size(3) returns the number of bits (integer precision plus sign bit) represented by the type of the integer i.
The number of bits used to represent a value of the type and kind of i. The result is a integer scalar of the same kind as i.
Sample program:
program demo_bit_size
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : integer_kinds
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: fmt=&
& '(a,": bit size is ",i3," which is kind=",i3," on this platform")'
! default integer bit size on this platform
write(*,fmt) "default", bit_size(0), kind(0)
write(*,fmt) "int8 ", bit_size(0_int8), kind(0_int8)
write(*,fmt) "int16 ", bit_size(0_int16), kind(0_int16)
write(*,fmt) "int32 ", bit_size(0_int32), kind(0_int32)
write(*,fmt) "int64 ", bit_size(0_int64), kind(0_int64)
write(*,'(a,*(i0:,", "))') "The available kinds are ",integer_kinds
end program demo_bit_size
Typical Results:
> default: bit size is 32 which is kind= 4 on this platform
> int8 : bit size is 8 which is kind= 1 on this platform
> int16 : bit size is 16 which is kind= 2 on this platform
> int32 : bit size is 32 which is kind= 4 on this platform
> int64 : bit size is 64 which is kind= 8 on this platform
> The available kinds are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ble(3) - [BIT:COMPARE] Bitwise less than or equal to
elemental logical function ble(i, j)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: j
ble(3) determines whether an integer is bitwise less than or equal to another, assuming any shorter value is padded on the left with zeros to the length of the longer value.
The return value is .true. if any bit in j is less than any bit in i starting with the rightmost bit and continuing tests leftward.
Sample program:
program demo_ble
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: i
integer(kind=int8) :: byte
! Compare some one-byte values to 64.
! Notice that the values are tested as bits not as integers
! so sign bits in the integer are treated just like any other
do i=-128,127,32
! see the BGE() description for an extended description
! of related information
end program demo_ble
> -0128 F 10000000
> +0064 01000000
> -0096 F 10100000
> +0064 01000000
> -0064 F 11000000
> +0064 01000000
> -0032 F 11100000
> +0064 01000000
> +0000 T 00000000
> +0064 01000000
> +0032 T 00100000
> +0064 01000000
> +0064 T 01000000
> +0064 01000000
> +0096 F 01100000
> +0064 01000000
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
blt(3) - [BIT:COMPARE] Bitwise less than
elemental logical function blt(i, j)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: j
BOZ constants must have a value valid for the integer kind available with the most bits on the current platform.
blt(3) determines whether an integer is bitwise less than another.
The return value is of type logical and of the default kind.
Sample program:
program demo_blt
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: i
integer(kind=int8) :: byte
! Compare some one-byte values to 64.
! Notice that the values are tested as bits not as integers
! so sign bits in the integer are treated just like any other
do i=-128,127,32
! BOZ literals
write(*,*)blt(z'1000', z'101011010')
! see the BGE() description for an extended description
! of related information
end program demo_blt
> -0128 F 10000000
> -0096 F 10100000
> -0064 F 11000000
> -0032 F 11100000
> +0000 T 00000000
> +0032 T 00100000
> +0064 F 01000000
> +0096 F 01100000
> T
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
btest(3) - [BIT:INQUIRY] Tests a bit of an integer value.
elemental logical function btest(i,pos)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: pos
btest(3) returns logical .true. if the bit at pos in i is set to 1. Position zero is the right-most bit. Bit position increases from right to left up to bitsize(i)-1.
The result is a logical that has the value .true. if bit position pos of i has the value 1 and the value .false. if bit pos of i has the value 0.
Positions of bits in the sequence are numbered from right to left, with the position of the rightmost bit being zero.
Sample program:
program demo_btest
implicit none
integer :: i, j, pos, a(2,2)
logical :: bool
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(*(g0))'
i = 32768 + 1024 + 64
write(*,'(a,i0,"=>",b32.32,/)')'Looking at the integer: ',i
! looking one bit at a time from LOW BIT TO HIGH BIT
write(*,g)'from bit 0 to bit ',bit_size(i),'==>'
do pos=0,bit_size(i)-1
bool = btest(i, pos)
! a binary format the hard way.
! Note going from bit_size(i) to zero.
write(*,g)'so for ',i,' with a bit size of ',bit_size(i)
write(*,g)'and for ',-i,' with a bit size of ',bit_size(i)
! elemental:
a(1,:)=[ 1, 2 ]
a(2,:)=[ 3, 4 ]
write(*,'(a,/,*(i2,1x,i2,/))')'given the array a ...',a
! the second bit of all the values in a
write(*,'(a,/,*(l2,1x,l2,/))')'the value of btest (a, 2)',btest(a,2)
! bits 1,2,3,4 of the value 2
write(*,'(a,/,*(l2,1x,l2,/))')'the value of btest (2, a)',btest(2,a)
end program demo_btest
> Looking at the integer: 33856=>11111111111111110111101111000000
> 00000000000000001000010001000000
> 11111111111111110111101111000000
> 1000010001000000
> 11111111111111110111101111000000
> from bit 0 to bit 32==>
> so for 33856 with a bit size of 32
> 00000000000000001000010001000000
> ________________^____^___^______
> and for -33856 with a bit size of 32
> 11111111111111110111101111000000
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^_^^^^______
> given the array a ...
> 1 3
> 2 4
> the value of btest (a, 2)
> F F
> F T
> the value of btest (2, a)
> T F
> F F
Fortran 95
iand(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
c_associated(3) - [ISO_C_BINDING] Status of a C pointer
logical function c_associated(c_prt_1, cptr_2)
TYPE,intent(in) ::c_ptr_1
TYPE,intent(in),optional ::c_ptr_2
c_associated(3) determines the status of the C pointer c_ptr_1 or if c_ptr_1 is associated with the target c_ptr_2.
The return value is of type logical; it is .false. if either c_ptr_1 is a C NULL pointer or if c_ptr1 and c_ptr_2 point to different addresses.
Sample program:
program demo_c_associated
subroutine association_test(a,b)
use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated, c_loc, c_ptr
implicit none
real, pointer :: a
type(c_ptr) :: b
if(c_associated(b, c_loc(a))) &
stop 'b and a do not point to same target'
end subroutine association_test
end program demo_c_associated
Fortran 2003
c_loc(3), c_funloc(3), iso_c_binding(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
ceiling(3) - [NUMERIC] returns the least integer greater than or equal to a.
elemental integer(KIND) function ceiling(a,KIND)
real(kind=**),intent(in) :: a
integer,intent(in),optional :: KIND
ceiling(3) returns the least integer greater than or equal to a.
On the number line -n <– 0 -> +n the value returned is always at or to the right of the input value.
For example, ceil(0.5) is 1.0, and ceil(-0.5) is 0.0.
The input value may be too large to store the result in an integer
type. To avoid an overflow (which produces an undefined result), an application should perform a range check on the input value before using ceiling(3).
The result will be the integer value equal to a or the least integer greater than a if the input value is not equal to a whole number.
If a is equal to a whole number, the returned value is int(a).
The result is undefined if it cannot be represented in the specified integer type.
Sample program:
program demo_ceiling
implicit none
! just a convenient format for a list of integers
character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(1x,*(g0:,1x))'
real :: x
real :: y
integer :: ierr
real,parameter :: arr(*)=[ &
& -2.7, -2.5, -2.2, -2.0, -1.5, &
& -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, +0.5, +1.0, &
& +1.5, +2.0, +2.2, +2.5, +2.7 ]
character(len=80) :: message
print *, 'Basic Usage'
x = 63.29
y = -63.59
print gen, ceiling(x), ceiling(y)
! note the result was the next integer larger to the right
print *, 'Whole Numbers' ! real values equal to whole numbers
x = 63.0
y = -63.0
print gen, ceiling(x), ceiling(y)
print *, 'Elemental' ! (so an array argument is allowed)
print gen , ceiling(arr)
print *, 'Advanced Usage' ! Dealing with large magnitude values
print '(a)',[character(len=80):: &
'Limits ',&
'You only care about Limits if you are using values near or above ',&
'the limits of the integer type you are using (see huge(3)). ',&
'Surprised by some of the following results? ',&
'What do real values clearly out of the range of integers return? ',&
'What do values near the end of the range of integers return? ',&
'The standard only specifies what happens for representable values',&
'in the range of integer values. ',&
'It is common but not required that if the input is out of range ',&
'and positive the result is -huge(0) and -huge(0)-1 if negative. ',&
'Note you are out of range before you get to real(huge(0)). ',&
'' ]
print gen , 'For reference: huge(0)=',huge(0),'-huge(0)-1=',-huge(0)-1
call displayx()
call displayx()
call displayx()
call displayx()
print gen , repeat('=',80)
subroutine displayx()
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int8,int16,int32,int64
print gen , repeat('=',80)
print gen , 'x=',x,' spacing=',spacing(x)
print gen , ' ceiling(x):',ceiling(x)
print gen , ' ceiling(x,kind=int64):',ceiling(x,kind=int64)
print gen , ' ceiling_robust(x):',ceiling_robust(x,ierr,message)
print gen, ierr,'=>',trim(message)
end subroutine displayx
elemental impure function ceiling_robust(x,ierr,message)
! return the least integer >= x
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: int8,int16,int32,int64
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: real32,real64,real128
real,intent(in) :: x
integer,intent(out),optional :: ierr
character(len=*),intent(out),optional :: message
character(len=80) :: message_local
integer :: ceiling_robust
integer :: ierr_local
! allow -huge(0)-1 or not?
if(spacing(x) > 128)then ! bounds checking
write(message_local,*)'<ERROR>X=',x,' >=',anint(real(huge(0)))
write(message_local,*)'<ERROR>X=',x,' <=',anint(real(-huge(0)-1))
! used to use a computed goto to do this!
ceiling_robust = int(x)
if (x > 0.0) then
if (real(ceiling_robust) < x)then
ceiling_robust = ceiling_robust + 1
stop message_local
end function ceiling_robust
end program demo_ceiling
> Basic Usage
> 64 -63
> Whole Numbers
> 63 -63
> Elemental
> -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
> Limits
> Surprised by some of the following results?
> What do real values clearly out of the range of integers return?
> What do values near the end of the range of integers return?
> The standard only specifies what happens for representable values
> in the range of integer values.
> It is common but not required that if the input is out of range
> and positive the result is -huge(0) and -huge(0)-1 if negative.
> Note you are out of range before you get to real(huge(0)).
> For reference: huge(0)= 2147483647 -huge(0)-1= -2147483648
> ======================================================================
> x= 0.214748365E+10 spacing= 256.000000
> ceiling(x): -2147483647
> ceiling(x,kind=int64): 2147483648
> ceiling_robust(x): 2147483647
> 1 => <ERROR>X= 2.14748365E+09 >= 2.14748365E+09
> ======================================================================
> x= 0.429496730E+10 spacing= 512.000000
> ceiling(x): -2147483647
> ceiling(x,kind=int64): 4294967296
> ceiling_robust(x): 2147483647
> 1 => <ERROR>X= 4.29496730E+09 >= 2.14748365E+09
> ======================================================================
> x= -0.214748365E+10 spacing= 256.000000
> ceiling(x): -2147483648
> ceiling(x,kind=int64): -2147483648
> ceiling_robust(x): -2147483648
> 2 => <ERROR>X= -2.14748365E+09 <= -2.14748365E+09
> ======================================================================
> x= -0.429496730E+10 spacing= 512.000000
> ceiling(x): -2147483648
> ceiling(x,kind=int64): -4294967296
> ceiling_robust(x): -2147483648
> 2 => <ERROR>X= -4.29496730E+09 <= -2.14748365E+09
> ======================================================================
Fortran 95
aint(3), anint(3), int(3), selected_int_kind(3)
nearest(3), spacing(3), epsilon(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
c_f_pointer(3) - [ISO_C_BINDING] Convert C into Fortran pointer
subroutine c_f_pointer(cptr, fptr ,shape )
type(c_ptr),intent(in) :: cprt
type(TYPE),pointer,intent(out) :: fprt
integer,intent(in),optional :: shape(:)
The Fortran pointer fprt must be interoperable with cptr
shape is only specified if fptr is an array.
c_f_pointer(3) assigns the target (the C pointer cptr) to the Fortran pointer fptr and specifies its shape if fptr points to an array.
Sample program:
program demo_c_f_pointer
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
subroutine my_routine(p) bind(c,name='myC_func')
import :: c_ptr
type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: p
end subroutine
end interface
type(c_ptr) :: cptr
real,pointer :: a(:)
call my_routine(cptr)
call c_f_pointer(cptr, a, [12])
end program demo_c_f_pointer
Fortran 2003
c_loc(3), c_f_procpointer(3), iso_c_binding(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
c_f_procpointer(3) - [ISO_C_BINDING] Convert C into Fortran procedure pointer
subroutine c_f_procpointer(cptr, fptr )
type(c_funptr),intent(in) :: cprt
type(TYPE),pointer,intent(out) :: fprt
c_f_procpointer(3) assigns the target of the C function pointer cptr to the Fortran procedure pointer fptr.
Sample program:
program demo_c_f_procpointer
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
abstract interface
function func(a)
import :: c_float
real(c_float), intent(in) :: a
real(c_float) :: func
end function
end interface
function getIterFunc() bind(c,name="getIterFunc")
import :: c_funptr
type(c_funptr) :: getIterFunc
end function
end interface
type(c_funptr) :: cfunptr
procedure(func), pointer :: myFunc
cfunptr = getIterFunc()
call c_f_procpointer(cfunptr, myFunc)
end program demo_c_f_procpointer
Fortran 2003
c_loc(3), c_f_pointer(3), iso_c_binding(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
c_funloc(3) - [ISO_C_BINDING] Obtain the C address of a procedure
c_funloc(3) determines the C address of the argument.
The return value is of type c_funptr and contains the C address of the argument.
Sample program:
! program demo_c_funloc and module
module x
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
subroutine sub(a) bind(c)
real(c_float) :: a
a = sqrt(a)+5.0
end subroutine sub
end module x
program demo_c_funloc
use iso_c_binding
use x
implicit none
subroutine my_routine(p) bind(c,name='myC_func')
import :: c_funptr
type(c_funptr), intent(in) :: p
end subroutine
end interface
call my_routine(c_funloc(sub))
end program demo_c_funloc
Fortran 2003
c_associated(3), c_loc(3), c_f_pointer(3),
c_f_procpointer(3), iso_c_binding(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
char(3) - [CHARACTER:CONVERSION] Generate a character from a code value
elemental character(kind=KIND) function char(i,KIND)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
Generates a character value given a numeric code representing the position i in the collating sequence associated with the specified kind kind.
Note that achar(3) is a similar function specifically for ASCII characters that is preferred when only ASCII is being processed, which is equivalent to char(i,kind=selected_char_kind(“ascii”) )
The ichar(3) function is the reverse of char(3), converting characters to their collating sequence value.
The return value is a single character of the specified kind, determined by the position of i in the collating sequence associated with the specified kind.
Sample program:
program demo_char
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ascii = selected_char_kind ("ascii")
character(len=1, kind=ascii ) :: c, esc
integer :: i
! basic
write(*,*)'ASCII character ',i,'is ',c
write(*,'(*(g0))')'Uppercase ASCII: ',(char(i),i=65,90)
write(*,'(*(g0))')'lowercase ASCII: ',(char(i),i=97,122)
write(*,'(*(g0))')'Elemental: ',char([65,97,90,122])
print *, 'a selection of ASCII characters (shows hex if not printable)'
do i=0,127,10
c = char(i,kind=ascii)
select case(i)
! print hexadecimal value for unprintable characters
case default
write(*,'(i3,1x,a,1x,a)')i,c,'non-standard ASCII'
end select
end program demo_char
> ASCII character 74 is J
> lowercase ASCII: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> Elemental: AaZz
> a selection of ASCII characters (shows hex if not printable)
> 0 00
> 10 0A
> 20 14
> 30 1E
> 40 (
> 50 2
> 60 <
> 70 F
> 80 P
> 90 Z
> 100 d
> 110 n
> 120 x
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
c_loc(3) - [ISO_C_BINDING] Obtain the C address of an object
c_loc(3) determines the C address of the argument.
The return value is of type c_ptr and contains the C address of the argument.
Sample program:
subroutine association_test(a,b)
use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated, c_loc, c_ptr
implicit none
real, pointer :: a
type(c_ptr) :: b
if(c_associated(b, c_loc(a))) &
stop 'b and a do not point to same target'
end subroutine association_test
Fortran 2003
c_associated(3), c_funloc(3), c_f_pointer(3),
c_f_procpointer(3), iso_c_binding(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
cmplx(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Conversion to a complex type
elemental complex(kind=KIND) function cmplx( x, y, kind )
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in) :: x
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in),optional :: y
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
The type of the arguments does not affect the kind of the result except for a complex x value.
if kind is not present and x is complex the result is of the kind of x.
if kind is not present and x is not complex the result if of default complex kind.
NOTE: a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
The cmplx(3) function converts numeric values to a complex value.
Even though constants can be used to define a complex variable using syntax like
this will not work for variables. So you cannot enter
so to construct a complex value using non-complex values you must use the cmplx(3) function:
or assign values separately to the imaginary and real components using the %IM and %RE designators:
If x is complex y is not allowed and cmplx essentially returns the input value except for an optional change of kind, which can be useful when passing a value to a procedure that requires the arguments to have a different kind (and does not return an altered value):
would pass a copy of a value with kind=real64 even if z had a different kind
but otherwise is equivalent to a simple assign. So if z1 and z2 were complex:
If x is not complex x is only used to define the real component of the result but y is still optional – the imaginary part of the result will just be assigned a value of zero.
If y is present it is converted to the imaginary component.
Primarily in order to maintain upward compatibility you need to be careful when working with complex values of higher precision that the default.
It was necessary for Fortran to continue to specify that cmplx(3) always return a result of the default kind if the kind option is absent, since that is the behavior mandated by FORTRAN 77.
It might have been preferable to use the highest precision of the arguments for determining the return kind, but that is not the case. So with arguments with greater precision than default values you are required to use the kind argument or the greater precision values will be reduced to default precision.
This means cmplx(d1,d2), where d1 and d2 are doubleprecision, is treated as:
which looses precision.
So Fortran 90 extends the cmplx(3) intrinsic by adding an extra argument used to specify the desired kind of the complex result.
integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0)
complex(kind=dp) :: z8
! wrong ways to specify constant values
! note this was stored with default real precision !
z8 = cmplx(1.2345678901234567d0, 1.2345678901234567d0)
print *, 'NO, Z8=',z8,real(z8),aimag(z8)
z8 = cmplx(1.2345678901234567e0_dp, 1.2345678901234567e0_dp)
! again, note output components are just real
print *, 'NO, Z8=',z8,real(z8),aimag(z8)
! kind= makes it work
z8 = cmplx(1.2345678901234567d0, 1.2345678901234567d0,kind=dp)
print *, 'YES, Z8=',z8,real(z8),aimag(z8)
A more recent alternative to using cmplx(3) is “F2018 component syntax” where real and imaginary parts of a complex entity can be accessed independently:
Where the designator value is of course of complex type.
The type of a complex-part-designator is real, and its kind and shape are those of the designator. That is, you retain the precision of the complex value by default, unlike with cmplx.
The following are examples of complex part designators:
impedance%re !-- Same value as real(impedance)
fft%im !-- Same value as AIMAG(fft)
x%im = 0.0 !-- Sets the imaginary part of x to zero
x(1:2)%re=[10,20] !-- even if x is an array
Note that if format statements are specified a complex value is treated as two real values.
For list-directed I/O (ie. using an asterisk for a format) and NAMELIST output the values are expected to be delimited by “(” and “)” and of the form “(real_part,imaginary_part)”. For NAMELIST input parenthesized values or lists of multiple real values are acceptable.
If x is complex, the result is the same as if the real part of the input was passed as x and the imaginary part as y.
That is, a complex x value is copied to the result value with a possible change of kind.
The return value is of complex type, with magnitudes determined by the values x and y.
The common case when x is not complex is that the real component of the result is assigned the value of x and the imaginary part is zero or the value of y if y is present.
When x is complex y is not allowed and the result is the same value as x with a possible change of kind. That is, the real part is real(x, kind) and the imaginary part is real(y, kind).
Sample program:
program demo_aimag
implicit none
integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0)
real(kind=dp) :: precise
complex(kind=dp) :: z8
complex :: z4, zthree(3)
! basic
z4 = cmplx(-3)
print *, 'Z4=',z4
z4 = cmplx(1.23456789, 1.23456789)
print *, 'Z4=',z4
! with a format treat a complex as two real values
print '(1x,g0,1x,g0,1x,g0)','Z4=',z4
! working with higher precision values
! using kind=dp makes it keep DOUBLEPRECISION precision
! otherwise the result would be of default kind
z8 = cmplx(precise, -precise )
print *, 'lost precision Z8=',z8
z8 = cmplx(precise, -precise ,kind=dp)
print *, 'kept precision Z8=',z8
! assignment of constant values does not require cmplx(3)00
! The following is intuitive and works without calling cmplx(3)
! but does not work for variables just constants
z8 = (1.1111111111111111d0, 2.2222222222222222d0 )
print *, 'Z8 defined with constants=',z8
! what happens when you assign a complex to a real?
print *, 'LHS=',precise,'RHS=',z8
! elemental
print *, 'zthree=',zthree
! descriptors are an alternative
print *, 'zthree=',zthree
end program demo_aimag
> Z4= (-3.000000,0.0000000E+00)
> Z4= (1.234568,1.234568)
> Z4= 1.234568 1.234568
> lost precision Z8= (1.23456788063049,-1.23456788063049)
> kept precision Z8= (1.23456789012346,-1.23456789012346)
> Z8 defined with constants= (1.11111111111111,2.22222222222222)
> LHS= 1.11111111111111 RHS= (1.11111111111111,2.22222222222222)
> zthree= (10.00000,-1.000000) (20.00000,-1.000000) (30.00000,-1.000000)
> zthree= (100.0000,-1.000000) (200.0000,-1.000000) (30.00000,-1.000000)
FORTRAN 77, KIND added in Fortran 90.
Fortran has strong support for complex values, including many intrinsics that take or produce complex values in addition to algebraic and logical expressions:
abs(3), acosh(3), acos(3), asinh(3), asin(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), atan(3), cosh(3), cos(3), co_sum(3), dble(3), dot_product(3), exp(3), int(3), is_contiguous(3), kind(3), log(3), matmul(3), precision(3), product(3), range(3), rank(3), sinh(3), sin(3), sqrt(3), storage_size(3), sum(3), tanh(3), tan(3), unpack(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
co_broadcast(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Copy a value to all images the current set of images
co_broadcast(3) copies the value of argument a on the image with image index source_image to all images in the current team. a becomes defined as if by intrinsic assignment. If the execution was successful and stat is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the execution failed, stat gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, errmsg gets assigned a value describing the occurred error.
Sample program:
program demo_co_broadcast
implicit none
integer :: val(3)
if (this_image() == 1) then
val = [1, 5, 3]
call co_broadcast (val, source_image=1)
print *, this_image(), ":", val
end program demo_co_broadcast
Fortran xx
co_max(3), co_min(3), co_sum(3), co_reduce(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
co_max(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Maximal value on the current set of images
co_max(3) determines element-wise the maximal value of a on all images of the current team. If result_image is present, the maximum values are returned in a on the specified image only and the value of a on the other images become undefined. If result_image is not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was successful and stat is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the execution failed, stat gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, errmsg gets assigned a value describing the occurred error.
Sample program:
program demo_co_max
implicit none
integer :: val
val = this_image()
call co_max(val, result_image=1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
write(*,*) "Maximal value", val ! prints num_images()
end program demo_co_max
> Maximal value 2
TS 18508
co_min(3), co_sum(3), co_reduce(3), co_broadcast(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
co_min(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Minimal value on the current set of images
co_min(3) determines element-wise the minimal value of a on all images of the current team. If result_image is present, the minimal values are returned in a on the specified image only and the value of a on the other images become undefined. If result_image is not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was successful and stat is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the execution failed, stat gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, errmsg gets assigned a value describing the occurred error.
Sample program:
program demo_co_min
implicit none
integer :: val
val = this_image()
call co_min(val, result_image=1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
write(*,*) "Minimal value", val ! prints 1
end program demo_co_min
TS 18508
co_max(3), co_sum(3), co_reduce(3), co_broadcast(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
command_argument_count(3) - [SYSTEM:COMMAND LINE] Get number of command line arguments
command_argument_count(3) returns the number of arguments passed on the command line when the containing program was invoked.
The return value is of type default integer. It is the number of arguments passed on the command line when the program was invoked.
If there are no command arguments available or if the processor does not support command arguments, then the result has the value zero.
If the processor has a concept of a command name, the command name does not count as one of the command arguments.
Sample program:
program demo_command_argument_count
implicit none
integer :: count
count = command_argument_count()
print *, count
end program demo_command_argument_count
Sample output:
# the command verb does not count
# quoted strings may count as one argument
./test_command_argument_count count arguments
./test_command_argument_count 'count arguments'
Fortran 2003
get_command(3), get_command_argument(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
compiler_options(3) - [COMPILER:INQUIRY] Options passed to the compiler
compiler_options(3) returns a string with the options used for compiling.
The result contains the compiler flags used to compile the file containing the compiler_options(3) call.
Sample program:
program demo_compiler_version
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_version
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_options
implicit none
print '(4a)', &
'This file was compiled by ', &
compiler_version(), &
' using the options ', &
end program demo_compiler_version
> This file was compiled by GCC version 10.3.0 using
> the options -I build/gfortran_2A42023B310FA28D
> -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -auxbase-strip
> build/gfortran_2A42023B310FA28D/compiler_options/app_main.f90.o
> -g -Wall -Wextra -Wimplicit-interface -fPIC -fmax-errors=1
> -fcheck=bounds -fcheck=array-temps -fbacktrace
> -fcoarray=single -J build/gfortran_2A42023B310FA28D
> -fpre-include=/usr/include/finclude/math-vector-fortran.h
> This file was compiled by nvfortran 21.5-0 LLVM
> using the options app/main.f90 -c -Minform=inform
> -Mbackslash -Mbounds -Mchkptr -Mchkstk -traceback -module
> build/nvfortran_78229DCE997517A4 -Ibuild/nvfortran_78229DCE997517A4 -o
> build/nvfortran_78229DCE997517A4/compiler_options/app_main.f90.o
> This file was compiled by Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic
> for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.3.0 Build
> 20210609_000000 using the options -Ibuild/ifort_5C58216731706F11
> -c -warn all -check all -error-limit 1 -O0 -g -assume
> byterecl -traceback -module build/ifort_5C58216731706F11 -o
> build/ifort_5C58216731706F11/compiler_options/app_main.f90.o
Fortran 2008
compiler_version(3), iso_fortran_env(7)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
compiler_version(3) - [COMPILER:INQUIRY] Compiler version string
compiler_version(3) returns a string containing the name and version of the compiler.
The return value contains the name of the compiler and its version number used to compile the file containing the compiler_version(3) call.
Sample program:
program demo_compiler_version
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_version
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_options
implicit none
print '(4a)', &
'This file was compiled by ', &
compiler_version(), &
' using the options ', &
end program demo_compiler_version
> This file was compiled by GCC version 10.3.0
> This file was compiled by Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler
> Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.3.0 Build
> 20210609_000000
> This file was compiled by nvfortran 21.5-0 LLVM
Fortran 2008
compiler_options(3), iso_fortran_env(7)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
conjg(3) - [NUMERIC] Complex conjugate of a complex value
conjg(3) returns the complex conjugate of the complex value z.
That is, If z is the complex value (x, y) then the result is (x, -y).
In mathematics, the complex conjugate of a complex number is a value whose real and imaginary part are equal parts are equal in magnitude to each other but the y value has opposite sign.
For matrices of complex numbers, conjg(array) represents the element-by-element conjugation of array; not the conjugate transpose of the array .
Returns a value equal to the input value except the sign of the imaginary component is the opposite of the input value.
That is, if z has the value (x,y), the result has the value (x, -y).
Sample program:
program demo_conjg
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
complex :: z = (2.0, 3.0)
complex(kind=real64) :: dz = ( &
& 1.2345678901234567_real64, -1.2345678901234567_real64)
complex :: arr(3,3)
integer :: i
! basics
! notice the sine of the imaginary component changes
print *, z, conjg(z)
! any complex kind is supported. z is of default kind but
! dz is kind=real64.
print *, dz
dz = conjg(dz)
print *, dz
print *
! the function is elemental so it can take arrays
arr(1,:)=[(-1.0, 2.0),( 3.0, 4.0),( 5.0,-6.0)]
arr(2,:)=[( 7.0,-8.0),( 8.0, 9.0),( 9.0, 9.0)]
arr(3,:)=[( 1.0, 9.0),( 2.0, 0.0),(-3.0,-7.0)]
arr = conjg(arr)
end program demo_conjg
> (2.000000,3.000000) (2.000000,-3.000000)
> (1.23456789012346,-1.23456789012346)
> (1.23456789012346,1.23456789012346)
> original
> (-1.0 , 2.0 ) ( 3.0 , 4.0 ) ( 5.0 ,-6.0 )
> ( 7.0 ,-8.0 ) ( 8.0 , 9.0 ) ( 9.0 , 9.0 )
> ( 1.0 , 9.0 ) ( 2.0 , 0.0 ) (-3.0 ,-7.0 )
> conjugate
> (-1.0 ,-2.0 ) ( 3.0 ,-4.0 ) ( 5.0 , 6.0 )
> ( 7.0 , 8.0 ) ( 8.0 ,-9.0 ) ( 9.0 ,-9.0 )
> ( 1.0 ,-9.0 ) ( 2.0 , 0.0 ) (-3.0 , 7.0 )
Fortran has strong support for complex values, including many intrinsics that take or produce complex values in addition to algebraic and logical expressions:
abs(3), acosh(3), acos(3), asinh(3), asin(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), atan(3), cosh(3), cos(3), co_sum(3), dble(3), dot_product(3), exp(3), int(3), is_contiguous(3), kind(3), log(3), matmul(3), precision(3), product(3), range(3), rank(3), sinh(3), sin(3), sqrt(3), storage_size(3), sum(3), tanh(3), tan(3), unpack(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
co_reduce(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Reduction of values on the current set of images
co_reduce(3) determines element-wise the reduction of the value of a on all images of the current team. The pure function passed as operation is used to pairwise reduce the values of a by passing either the value of a of different images or the result values of such a reduction as argument. If a is an array, the reduction is done element wise. If result_image is present, the result values are returned in a on the specified image only and the value of a on the other images become undefined. If result_image is not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was successful and stat is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the execution failed, stat gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, errmsg gets assigned a value describing the occurred error.
(optional) a scalar integer expression; if present, it shall have the same the same value on all images and refer to an image of the current team.
Sample program:
program demo_co_reduce
implicit none
integer :: val
val = this_image()
call co_reduce(val, myprod, 1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
write(*,*) "Product value", val ! prints num_images() factorial
pure function myprod(a, b)
integer, value :: a, b
integer :: myprod
myprod = a * b
end function myprod
end program demo_co_reduce
> Product value 1
While the rules permit in principle an intrinsic function, none of the intrinsics in the standard fulfill the criteria of having a specific function, which takes two arguments of the same type and returning that type as a result.
TS 18508
co_min(3), co_max(3), co_sum(3), co_broadcast(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
cosd(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Degree cosine function
cosd(3) computes the cosine of an angle x given the size of the angle in degrees.
The cosine is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.
The return value is an approximation of the cosine of x.
The return value lies in the range
-1 \<= cosd(x) \<= 1
cosd(180.0) has the value -1.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program demo_cosd
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: g2='(a,t20,g0)'
end program demo_cosd
> cosd(0.0)= 1.00000000
> cosd(180.0)= -1.00000000
> cosd(90.0d0)= 0.0000000000000000
> cosd(360.0)= 1.00000000
> cosd(-360.0)= 1.00000000
> cosd(-2000*180.0)= 1.00000000
> cosd(3000*180.0)= 1.00000000
Fortran 2023
acosd(3), acos(3), sind(3), tand(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
cosh(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Hyperbolic cosine function
cosh(3) computes the hyperbolic cosine of x.
If x is of type complex its imaginary part is regarded as a value in radians.
If x is complex, the imaginary part of the result is in radians.
If x is real, the return value has a lower bound of one, cosh(x) >= 1.
Sample program:
program demo_cosh
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 1.0_real64
end program demo_cosh
> X= 1.00000000000000 COSH(X=) 1.54308063481524
FORTRAN 77 , for a complex argument - Fortran 2008
Inverse function: acosh(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
cos(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Cosine function
cos(3) computes the cosine of an angle x given the size of the angle in radians.
The cosine of a real value is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.
The return value is the cosine of x.
If x is type real, the return value lies in the range -1 <= cos(x) <= 1 .
Sample program:
program demo_cos
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: g2='(a,t20,g0)'
doubleprecision,parameter :: PI=atan(1.0d0)*4.0d0
write(*,g2)'COS(0.0)= ', cos(0.0)
write(*,g2)'COS(PI)= ', cos(PI)
write(*,g2)'COS(PI/2.0d0)=', cos(PI/2.0d0),'EPSILON=',epsilon(PI)
write(*,g2)'COS(2*PI)= ', cos(2*PI)
write(*,g2)'COS(-2*PI)= ', cos(-2*PI)
write(*,g2)'COS(-2000*PI)=', cos(-2000*PI)
write(*,g2)'COS(3000*PI)= ', cos(3000*PI)
end program demo_cos
> COS(0.0)= 1.000000
> COS(PI)= -1.000000000000000
> COS(PI/2.0d0)= .6123233995736766E-16
> EPSILON= .2220446049250313E-15
> COS(2*PI)= 1.000000000000000
> COS(-2*PI)= 1.000000000000000
> COS(-2000*PI)= 1.000000000000000
> COS(3000*PI)= 1.000000000000000
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
cospi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular Cosine function
cospi(3) computes the circular cosine of an angle x given the size of the angle in half-revolutions.
The cosine of a real value is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.
cospi(x) is approximately equal to cos(x*PI).
The return value is the approximate value of the cosine of x.
The return value lies in the range -1 <= cospi(x) <= 1 .
Example: cospi(1.0) has the value -1.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program demo_cos
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: g2='(a,t21,*(g0,1x))'
write(*,g2) 'Basics:'
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(0)=', cospi(0.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(1)=', cospi(1.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(1/2)=', cospi(1.0d0/2.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(2)=', cospi(2.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(-2)=', cospi(-2.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(-2000)=', cospi(-2000.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'COSpi(3000)=', cospi(3000.0d0)
write(*,g2) 'Elemental:'
write(*,g2) 'COSpi([0,1/4,-1/4])=',COSpi([0.0,0.25,-0.25])
end program demo_cos
> Basics:
> COSpi(0)= 1.0000000000000000
> COSpi(1)= -1.0000000000000000
> COSpi(1/2)= 0.61232339957367660E-16
> COSpi(2)= 1.0000000000000000
> COSpi(-2)= 1.0000000000000000
> COSpi(-2000)= 1.0000000000000000
> COSpi(3000)= 1.0000000000000000
> Elemental:
> COSpi([0,1/4,-1/4])=1.00000000 0.707106769 0.707106769
Fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
co_sum(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Sum of values on the current set of images
co_sum(3) sums up the values of each element of a on all images of the current team.
If result_image is present, the summed-up values are returned in a on the specified image only and the value of a on the other images become undefined.
If result_image is not present, the value is returned on all images. If the execution was successful and stat is present, it is assigned the value zero. If the execution failed, stat gets assigned a nonzero value and, if present, errmsg gets assigned a value describing the occurred error.
Sample program:
program demo_co_sum
implicit none
integer :: val
val = this_image()
call co_sum(val, result_image=1)
if (this_image() == 1) then
! prints (n**2 + n)/2, with n = num_images()
write(*,*) "The sum is ", val
end program demo_co_sum
> The sum is 1
TS 18508
co_max(3), co_min(3), co_reduce(3), co_broadcast(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
count(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Count true values in an array
integer(kind=KIND) function count(mask, dim, KIND )
logical(kind=**),intent(in) :: mask(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
count(3) counts the number of .true. elements in a logical mask, or, if the dim argument is supplied, counts the number of elements along each row of the array in the dim direction. If the array has zero size or all of the elements of mask are false, then the result is 0.
The corresponding actual argument shall not be an optional dummy argument, a disassociated pointer, or an unallocated allocatable.
The return value is the number of .true. values in mask if dim is not present.
If dim is present, the result is an array with a rank one less than the rank of the input array mask, and a size corresponding to the shape of array with the dim dimension removed, with the remaining elements containing the number of .true. elements along the removed dimension.
Sample program:
program demo_count
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: ints='(*(i2,1x))'
! two arrays and a mask all with the same shape
integer, dimension(2,3) :: a, b
logical, dimension(2,3) :: mymask
integer :: i
integer :: c(2,3,4)
print *,'the numeric arrays we will compare'
a = reshape( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ], [ 2, 3 ])
b = reshape( [ 0, 7, 3, 4, 5, 8 ], [ 2, 3 ])
c = reshape( [( i,i=1,24)], [ 2, 3 ,4])
print '(3i3)', a(1,:)
print '(3i3)', a(2,:)
print *
print '(3i3)', b(1,:)
print '(3i3)', b(2,:)
! basic calls
print *, 'count a few basic things creating a mask from an expression'
print *, 'count a>b',count(a>b)
print *, 'count b<a',count(a<b)
print *, 'count b==a',count(a==b)
print *, 'check sum = ',count(a>b) + &
& count(a<b) + &
& count(a==b).eq.size(a)
! The common usage is just getting a count, but if you want
! to specify the DIM argument and get back reduced arrays
! of counts this is easier to visualize if we look at a mask.
print *, 'make a mask identifying unequal elements ...'
mymask = a.ne.b
print *, 'the mask generated from a.ne.b'
print '(3l3)', mymask(1,:)
print '(3l3)', mymask(2,:)
print *,'count total and along rows and columns ...'
print '(a)', 'number of elements not equal'
print '(a)', '(ie. total true elements in the mask)'
print '(3i3)', count(mymask)
print '(a)', 'count of elements not equal in each column'
print '(a)', '(ie. total true elements in each column)'
print '(3i3)', count(mymask, dim=1)
print '(a)', 'count of elements not equal in each row'
print '(a)', '(ie. total true elements in each row)'
print '(3i3)', count(mymask, dim=2)
! working with rank=3 ...
print *, 'lets try this with c(2,3,4)'
print *,' taking the result of the modulo '
print *,' z=1 z=2 z=3 z=4 '
print *,' 1 3 0 || 2 4 1 || 3 0 2 || 4 1 3 |'
print *,' 2 4 1 || 3 0 2 || 4 1 3 || 0 2 4 |'
print *,' '
print *,' would result in the mask .. '
print *,' F F T || F F F || F T F || F F F |'
print *,' F F F || F T F || F F F || T F F |'
print *,' '
print *,' the total number of .true.values is'
print ints, count(modulo(c,5).eq.0)
call printi('counting up along a row and removing rows',&
call printi('counting up along a column and removing columns',&
call printi('counting up along a depth and removing depths',&
subroutine printi(title,arr)
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))' ! a handy format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest
print all
print all, trim(title),':(',shape(arr),')' ! print title
biggest=' ' ! make buffer to write integer into
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
biggest='(" > [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'
! print one row of array at a time
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
end subroutine printi
end program demo_count
> the numeric arrays we will compare
> 1 3 5
> 2 4 6
> 0 3 5
> 7 4 8
> count a few basic things creating a mask from an expression
> count a>b 1
> count b<a 2
> count b==a 3
> check sum = T
> make a mask identifying unequal elements ...
> the mask generated from a.ne.b
> T F F
> T F T
> count total and along rows and columns ...
> number of elements not equal
> (ie. total true elements in the mask)
> 3
> count of elements not equal in each column
> (ie. total true elements in each column)
> 2 0 1
> count of elements not equal in each row
> (ie. total true elements in each row)
> 1 2
> lets try this with c(2,3,4)
> taking the result of the modulo
> z=1 z=2 z=3 z=4
> 1 3 0 || 2 4 1 || 3 0 2 || 4 1 3 |
> 2 4 1 || 3 0 2 || 4 1 3 || 0 2 4 |
> would result in the mask ..
> F F T || F F F || F T F || F F F |
> F F F || F T F || F F F || T F F |
> the total number of .true.values is
> 4
> counting up along a row and removing rows :( 3 4 )
> > [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
> > [ 0, 1, 1, 0 ]
> > [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
> counting up along a column and removing columns :( 2 4 )
> > [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
> > [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ]
> counting up along a depth and removing depths :( 2 3 )
> > [ 0, 1, 1 ]
> > [ 1, 1, 0 ]
Fortran 95 , with KIND argument - Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
cpu_time(3) - [SYSTEM:TIME] Return CPU processor time used in seconds
cpu_time(3) returns a real value representing the elapsed CPU time in seconds. This is useful for testing segments of code to determine execution time.
If no time source is available, time is set to a negative value.
The exact definition of time is left imprecise because of the variability in what different processors are able to provide.
Note that time may contain a system dependent, arbitrary offset and may not start with 0.0. For cpu_time(3) the absolute value is meaningless. Only differences between subsequent calls, as shown in the example below, should be used.
Whether the value assigned is an approximation to the amount of time used by the invoking image, or the amount of time used by the whole program, is processor dependent.
A processor for which a single result is inadequate (for example, a parallel processor) might choose to provide an additional version for which time is an array.
The start time is left imprecise because the purpose is to time sections of code, as in the example. This might or might not include system overhead time.
Sample program:
program demo_cpu_time
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32,real64,real128
implicit none
real :: start, finish
real(kind=real64) :: startd, finishd
call cpu_time(start)
call cpu_time(startd)
! put code to time here
call cpu_time(finish)
call cpu_time(finishd)
! writes processor time taken by the piece of code.
! the accuracy of the clock and whether it includes system time
! as well as user time is processor dependent. Accuracy up to
! milliseconds is common but not guaranteed, and may be much
! higher or lower
print '("Processor Time = ",f6.3," seconds.")',finish-start
! see your specific compiler documentation for how to measure
! parallel jobs and for the precision of the time returned
print '("Processor Time = ",g0," seconds.")',finish-start
print '("Processor Time = ",g0," seconds.")',finishd-startd
end program demo_cpu_time
The precision of the result, some aspects of what is returned, and what if any options there are for parallel applications may very from system to system. See compiler-specific for details.
> Processor Time = 0.000 seconds.
> Processor Time = .4000030E-05 seconds.
> Processor Time = .2000000000000265E-05 seconds.
Fortran 95
system_clock(3), date_and_time(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
cshift(3) - [ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL] Circular shift elements of an array
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function cshift(array, shift, dim )
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: dim
NOTE: :a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
cshift(3) performs a circular shift on elements of array along the dimension of dim. If dim is omitted it is taken to be 1. dim is a scalar of type integer in the range of 1 <= dim <= n, where “n” is the rank of array.
If the rank of array is one, then all elements of array are shifted by shift places. If rank is greater than one, then all complete rank one sections of array along the given dimension are shifted. Elements shifted out one end of each rank one section are shifted back in the other end.
Returns an array of same type and rank as the array argument.
The rows of an array of rank two may all be shifted by the same amount or by different amounts.
Sample program:
program demo_cshift
implicit none
integer, dimension(5) :: i1
integer, dimension(3,4) :: a, b
print *,'start with:'
print '(1x,5i3)', i1
print *,'shift -2'
print '(1x,5i3)', cshift(i1,-2)
print *,'shift +2'
print '(1x,5i3)', cshift(i1,+2)
print *,'start with a matrix'
a = reshape( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ], [ 3, 4 ])
print '(4i3)', a(1,:)
print '(4i3)', a(2,:)
print '(4i3)', a(3,:)
print *,'matrix shifted along rows, each by its own amount [-1,0,1]'
b = cshift(a, SHIFT=[1, 0, -1], DIM=2)
print *
print '(4i3)', b(1,:)
print '(4i3)', b(2,:)
print '(4i3)', b(3,:)
end program demo_cshift
> start with:
> 10 20 30 40 50
> shift -2
> 40 50 10 20 30
> shift +2
> 30 40 50 10 20
> start with a matrix
> 1 4 7 10
> 2 5 8 11
> 3 6 9 12
> matrix shifted along rows, each by its own amount
> 4 7 10 1
> 2 5 8 11
> 12 3 6 9
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
c_sizeof(3) - [ISO_C_BINDING] Size in bytes of an expression
c_sizeof(3) calculates the number of bytes of storage the expression x occupies.
The return value is of type integer and of the system-dependent kind csize_t (from the iso_c_binding module). Its value is the number of bytes occupied by the argument. If the argument has the pointer attribute, the number of bytes of the storage area pointed to is returned. If the argument is of a derived type with pointer or allocatable components, the return value does not account for the sizes of the data pointed to by these components.
Sample program:
program demo_c_sizeof
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
real(c_float) :: r, s(5)
print *, (c_sizeof(s)/c_sizeof(r) == 5)
end program demo_c_sizeof
> T
The example will print .true. unless you are using a platform where default real variables are unusually padded.
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
date_and_time(3) - [SYSTEM:TIME] Gets current date and time
subroutine date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)
character(len=8),intent(out),optional :: date
character(len=10),intent(out),optional :: time
character(len=5),intent(out),optional :: zone
integer,intent(out),optional :: values(8)
date_and_time(3) gets the corresponding date and time information from the real-time system clock.
Unavailable time and date character parameters return blanks.
Unavailable numeric parameters return -huge(value).
The characters of this value are all decimal digits.
If there is no date available, date is assigned all blanks.
Except for the decimal point, the characters of this value shall all be decimal digits.
If there is no clock available, time is assigned all blanks.
The characters of this value following the sign character are all decimal digits.
If this information is not available, zone is assigned all blanks.
The date, clock, and time zone information might be available on some images and not others. If the date, clock, or time zone information is available on more than one image, it is processor dependent whether or not those images share the same information.
Sample program:
program demo_date_and_time
implicit none
character(len=8) :: date
character(len=10) :: time
character(len=5) :: zone
integer, dimension(8) :: values
call date_and_time(date, time, zone, values)
! using keyword arguments
call date_and_time(DATE=date, TIME=time, ZONE=zone)
print '(*(g0))','DATE="',date,'" TIME="',time,'" ZONE="',zone,'"'
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
write (*, '(i5,a)') &
& values(1), ' - The year', &
& values(2), ' - The month', &
& values(3), ' - The day of the month', &
& values(4), ' - Time difference with UTC in minutes', &
& values(5), ' - The hour of the day', &
& values(6), ' - The minutes of the hour', &
& values(7), ' - The seconds of the minute', &
& values(8), ' - The milliseconds of the second'
write (*, '(a)') iso_8601()
function iso_8601()
! return date using ISO-8601 format at a resolution of seconds
character(len=8) :: dt
character(len=10) :: tm
character(len=5) :: zone
character(len=25) :: iso_8601
call date_and_time(dt, tm, zone)
ISO_8601 = dt(1:4)//'-'//dt(5:6)//'-'//dt(7:8) &
& //'T'// &
& tm(1:2)//':'//tm(3:4)//':'//tm(5:6) &
& //zone(1:3)//':'//zone(4:5)
end function iso_8601
end program demo_date_and_time
> DATE="20240426" TIME="111545.335" ZONE="-0400"
> 2024 - The year
> 4 - The month
> 26 - The day of the month
> -240 - Time difference with UTC in minutes
> 11 - The hour of the day
> 15 - The minutes of the hour
> 45 - The seconds of the minute
> 335 - The milliseconds of the second
> 2024-04-26T11:15:45-04:00
Fortran 95
These forms are compatible with the representations defined in ISO 8601:2004.
UTC is established by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM, i.e. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) and the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS).
date and time conversion, formatting and computation
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
dble(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Converstion to double precision real
dble(3) Converts a to double precision real type.
The return value is of type doubleprecision. For complex input, the returned value has the magnitude and sign of the real component of the input value.
Sample program:
program demo_dble
implicit none
real:: x = 2.18
integer :: i = 5
complex :: z = (2.3,1.14)
print *, dble(x), dble(i), dble(z)
end program demo_dble
> 2.1800000667572021 5.0000000000000000 2.2999999523162842
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
digits(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Significant digits in the numeric model
x an integer or real scalar or array
The return value is an integer of default kind.
digits(3) returns the number of significant digits of the internal model representation of x. For example, on a system using a 32-bit floating point representation, a default real number would likely return 24.
The number of significant digits in a variable of the type and kind of x.
Sample program:
program demo_digits
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0:,1x))'
integer :: i = 12345
real :: x = 3.143
doubleprecision :: y = 2.33d0
print all, 'default integer: ', digits(i)
print all, 'default real: ', digits(x)
print all, 'default doubleprecision:', digits(y)
end program demo_digits
> default integer: 31
> default real: 24
> default doubleprecision: 53
Fortran 95
epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
dim(3) - [NUMERIC] Positive difference of X - Y
dim(3) returns the maximum of x - y and zero. That is, it returns the difference x - y if the result is positive; otherwise it returns zero. It is equivalent to
Returns the difference x - y or zero, whichever is larger.
Sample program:
program demo_dim
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real64
implicit none
integer :: i
real(kind=real64) :: x
! basic usage
i = dim(4, 15)
x = dim(4.321_real64, 1.111_real64)
print *, i
print *, x
! elemental
print *, dim([1,2,3],2)
print *, dim([1,2,3],[3,2,1])
print *, dim(-10,[0,-10,-20])
end program demo_dim
> 0
> 3.21000000000000
> 0 0 1
> 0 0 2
> 0 0 10
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
dot_product(3) - [ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL] Dot product of two vectors
TYPE(kind=KIND) function dot_product(vector_a, vector_b)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: vector_a(:)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: vector_b(:)
The two vectors may be either numeric or logical and must be arrays of rank one and of equal size.
dot_product(3) computes the dot product multiplication of two vectors vector_a and vector_b.
If the arguments are numeric, the return value is a scalar of numeric type. If the arguments are logical, the return value is .true. or .false..
If the vectors are integer or real, the result is
If the vectors are complex, the result is
If the vectors have size zero, the result has the value zero.
If the vectors are logical, the result is
Sample program:
program demo_dot_prod
implicit none
integer, dimension(3) :: a, b
a = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
b = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
print '(3i3)', a
print *
print '(3i3)', b
print *
print *, dot_product(a,b)
end program demo_dot_prod
> 1 2 3
> 4 5 6
> 32
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
dprod(3) - [NUMERIC] Double precision real product
The setting of compiler options specifying the size of a default real can affect this function.
dprod(3) produces a doubleprecision product of default real values x and y.
That is, it is expected to convert the arguments to double precision before multiplying, which a simple expression x*y would not be required to do. This can be significant in specialized computations requiring high precision.
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the product of x and y. Note it is recommended in the standard that the processor compute the product in double precision, rather than in single precision then converted to double precision; but is only a recommendation.
The returned value of the product should have the same value as dble(x)*dble(y).
Sample program:
program demo_dprod
implicit none
integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0)
real :: x = 5.2
real :: y = 2.3
doubleprecision :: xx
real(kind=dp) :: dd
print *,'algebraically 5.2 x 2.3 is exactly 11.96'
print *,'as floating point values results may differ slightly:'
! basic usage
dd = dprod(x,y)
print *, 'compare dprod(xy)=',dd, &
& 'to x*y=',x*y, &
& 'to dble(x)*dble(y)=',dble(x)*dble(y)
print *,'test if an expected result is produced'
write(*,*)DPROD(-3.0, 2.0),xx
write(*,*)merge('PASSED','FAILED',DPROD(-3.0, 2.0) == xx)
print *,'elemental'
print *, dprod( [2.3,3.4,4.5], 10.0 )
print *, dprod( [2.3,3.4,4.5], [9.8,7.6,5.4] )
end program demo_dprod
Results: (this can vary between programming environments):
> algebraically 5.2 x 2.3 is exactly 11.96
> as floating point values results may differ slightly:
> compare dprod(xy)= 11.9599993133545 to x*y= 11.96000
> to dble(x)*dble(y)= 11.9599993133545
> test if an expected result is produced
> -6.00000000000000 -6.00000000000000
> elemental
> 22.9999995231628 34.0000009536743 45.0000000000000
> 22.5399999713898 25.8400004005432 24.3000004291534
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
dshiftl(3) - [BIT:COPY] Combined left shift of the bits of two integers
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function dshiftl(i, j, shift)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: j
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
the kind of i, j, and the return value are the same. An exception is that one of i and j may be a BOZ literal constant (A BOZ literal constant is a binary, octal or hex constant).
If either I or J is a BOZ-literal-constant (but not both), it is first converted as if by the intrinsic function int(3) to type integer with the kind type parameter of the other.
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
dshiftl(3) combines bits of i and j. The rightmost shift bits of the result are the leftmost shift bits of j, and the remaining bits are the rightmost bitsize(i)-shift of i.
Hence dshiftl is designated as a “combined left shift”, because it is like we appended i and j together, shifted it shift bits to the left, and then kept the same number of bits as i or j had.
For example, for two 16-bit values if shift=6
I = 1111111111111111
J = 0000000000000000
COMBINED 11111111111111110000000000000000
DROP LEFT BITS 11111111110000000000000000
KEEP LEFT 16 1111111111000000
This is equivalent to
Also note that using this last representation of the operation is can be derived that when both i and j have the same value as in
the result has the same value as a circular shift:
The leftmost shift bits of j are copied to the rightmost bits of the result, and the remaining bits are the rightmost bits of i.
Sample program:
program demo_dshiftl
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int32) :: i, j
integer :: shift
! basic usage
write(*,*) dshiftl (1, 2**30, 2) ! int32 values on little-endian => 5
! print some simple calls as binary to better visual the results
call printit()
! the leftmost SHIFT bits of J are copied to the rightmost result bits
! and the other bits are the rightmost bits of I
call printit()
! result should be all 1s
call printit()
subroutine printit()
! print i,j,shift and then i,j, and the result as binary values
write(*,'(*(g0))')'I=',i,' J=',j,' SHIFT=',shift
write(*,'(b32.32)') i,j, dshiftl (i, j, shift)
end subroutine printit
end program demo_dshiftl
> 5
> I=-1 J=0 SHIFT=5
> 11111111111111111111111111111111
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 11111111111111111111111111100000
> I=0 J=-134217728 SHIFT=5
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 11111000000000000000000000000000
> 00000000000000000000000000011111
> I=134217727 J=-134217728 SHIFT=5
> 00000111111111111111111111111111
> 11111000000000000000000000000000
> 11111111111111111111111111111111
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
dshiftr(3) - [BIT:COPY] Combined right shift of the bits of two integers
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function dshiftr(i, j, shift)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: j
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
a kind designated as ** may be any kind value for the integer type
the kind of i, j, and the return value are the same. An exception is that one of i and j may be a BOZ literal constant (A BOZ literal constant is a binary, octal or hex constant).
If either I or J is a BOZ-literal-constant, it is first converted as if by the intrinsic function int(3) to type integer with the kind type parameter of the other.
dshiftr(3) combines bits of i and j. The leftmost shift bits of the result are the rightmost shift bits of i, and the remaining bits are the leftmost bits of j.
It may be thought of as appending the bits of i and j, dropping off the shift rightmost bits, and then retaining the same number of rightmost bits as an input value, hence the name “combined right shift”…
Given two 16-bit values labeled alphabetically …
Append them together
Shift them N=6 bits to the right dropping off bits
Keep the 16 right-most bits
dshifr(i,j,shift) is equivalent to
it can also be seen that if i and j have the same value
this has the same result as a negative circular shift
The result is a combined right shift of i and j that is the same as the bit patterns of the inputs being combined left to right, dropping off shift bits on the right and then retaining the same number of bits as an input value from the rightmost bits.
Sample program:
program demo_dshiftr
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int32) :: i, j
integer :: shift
! basic usage
write(*,*) dshiftr (1, 2**30, 2)
! print some calls as binary to better visualize the results
! print values
write(*,'(*(g0))')'I=',i,' J=',j,' SHIFT=',shift
write(*,'(b32.32)') i,j, dshiftr (i, j, shift)
! visualizing a "combined right shift" ...
! appended together ( i//j )
! 0000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111100000
! shifted right SHIFT values dropping off shifted values
! 00000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111
! keep enough rightmost bits to fill the kind
! 11111111111111111111111111111111
! so the result should be all 1s bits ...
write(*,'(*(g0))')'I=',i,' J=',j,' SHIFT=',shift
write(*,'(b32.32)') i,j, dshiftr (i, j, shift)
end program demo_dshiftr
> 1342177280
> I=-1 J=0 SHIFT=5
> 11111111111111111111111111111111
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 11111000000000000000000000000000
> I=31 J=-32 SHIFT=5
> 00000000000000000000000000011111
> 11111111111111111111111111100000
> 11111111111111111111111111111111
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
eoshift(3) - [ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL] End-off shift of elements of an array
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function eoshift(array,shift,boundary,dim)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift(..)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: boundary(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: dim
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
The result is an array of same type, kind and rank as the array argument.
eoshift(3) performs an end-off shift on elements of array along the dimension of dim.
Elements shifted out one end of each rank one section are dropped.
If boundary is present then the corresponding value from boundary is copied back in the other end, else default values are used.
Array Type | Boundary Value
Numeric | 0, 0.0, or (0.0, 0.0) of the type and kind of "array"
Logical | .false.
Character(len)| LEN blanks
These are the only types for which boundary may not be present. For these types the kind is converted as neccessary to the kind of array. - dim : dim is in the range of
where “n” is the rank of array. If dim is omitted it is taken to be 1.
Returns an array of the same characteristics as the input with the specified number of elements dropped off along the specified direction indicated, backfilling the vacated elements with a value indicated by the boundary value.
Sample program:
program demo_eoshift
implicit none
integer, dimension(3,3) :: a
integer :: i
a = reshape( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ], [ 3, 3 ])
call printi(a)
write(*,*)'shift each row differently'
a = eoshift(a, SHIFT=[1, 2, -2], BOUNDARY=-5, DIM=2)
call printi(a)
write(*,*)'shift each column differently'
a = eoshift(a, SHIFT=[1, 2, -2], BOUNDARY=-5, DIM=1)
call printi(a)
call printi(reshape([(i,i=1,12)],[3,4]))
call printi(eoshift(reshape([(i,i=1,12)],[3,4]),+2,dim=1))
call printi(eoshift(reshape([(i,i=1,12)],[3,4]),+2,dim=2))
call printi(eoshift(reshape([(i,i=1,12)],[3,4]),-2,dim=1))
call printi(eoshift(reshape([(i,i=1,12)],[3,4]),-2,dim=2))
subroutine printi(arr)
!@(#) print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=40) :: biggest
write(biggest,'(*(g0))')'(1x,*(i', &
& ceiling(log10(max(1.0,real(maxval(abs(arr))))))+2, &
& ':,","))'
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
end subroutine printi
end program demo_eoshift
> original
> 1, 4, 7
> 2, 5, 8
> 3, 6, 9
> shift each row differently
> 4, 7, -5
> 8, -5, -5
> -5, -5, 3
> shift each column differently
> 8, -5, -5
> -5, -5, -5
> -5, -5, -5
> original
> 1, 4, 7, 10
> 2, 5, 8, 11
> 3, 6, 9, 12
> shift=+2,dim=1
> 3, 6, 9, 12
> 0, 0, 0, 0
> 0, 0, 0, 0
> shift=+2,dim=2
> 7, 10, 0, 0
> 8, 11, 0, 0
> 9, 12, 0, 0
> shift=-2,dim=1
> 0, 0, 0, 0
> 0, 0, 0, 0
> 1, 4, 7, 10
> shift=-2,dim=2
> 0, 0, 1, 4
> 0, 0, 2, 5
> 0, 0, 3, 6
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
epsilon(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Epsilon function
epsilon(3) returns the floating point relative accuracy. It is the nearly negligible number relative to 1 such that 1+ little_number is not equal to 1; or more precisely
It may be thought of as the distance from 1.0 to the next largest floating point number.
One use of epsilon(3) is to select a delta value for algorithms that search until the calculation is within delta of an estimate.
If delta is too small the algorithm might never halt, as a computation summing values smaller than the decimal resolution of the data type does not change.
The return value is of the same type as the argument.
Sample program:
program demo_epsilon
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64,sp=>real32
implicit none
real(kind=sp) :: x = 3.143
real(kind=dp) :: y = 2.33d0
! so if x is of type real32, epsilon(x) has the value 2**-23
print *, epsilon(x)
! note just the type and kind of x matter, not the value
print *, epsilon(huge(x))
print *, epsilon(tiny(x))
! the value changes with the kind of the real value though
print *, epsilon(y)
! adding and subtracting epsilon(x) changes x
write(*,*)x == x + epsilon(x)
write(*,*)x == x - epsilon(x)
! these next two comparisons will be .true. !
write(*,*)x == x + epsilon(x) * 0.999999
write(*,*)x == x - epsilon(x) * 0.999999
! you can calculate epsilon(1.0d0)
function my_dp_eps()
! calculate the epsilon value of a machine the hard way
real(kind=dp) :: t
real(kind=dp) :: my_dp_eps
! starting with a value of 1, keep dividing the value
! by 2 until no change is detected. Note that with
! infinite precision this would be an infinite loop,
! but floating point values in Fortran have a defined
! and limited precision.
my_dp_eps = 1.0d0
SET_ST: do
my_dp_eps = my_dp_eps/2.0d0
t = 1.0d0 + my_dp_eps
if (t <= 1.0d0) exit
enddo SET_ST
my_dp_eps = 2.0d0*my_dp_eps
end function my_dp_eps
end program demo_epsilon
> 1.19209290E-07
> 1.19209290E-07
> 1.19209290E-07
> 2.2204460492503131E-016
> F
> F
> T
> T
> 2.2204460492503131E-016
Fortran 95
digits(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
erfc(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Complementary error function
erfc(3) computes the complementary error function of x. Simply put this is equivalent to 1 - erf(x), but erfc is provided because of the extreme loss of relative accuracy if erf(x) is called for large x and the result is subtracted from 1.
erfc(x) is defined as
\text{erfc}(x) = 1 - \text{erf}(x) = 1 - \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_x^{\infty} e^{-t^2} dt.
The return value is of type real and of the same kind as x. It lies in the range
and is a processor-dependent approximation to the complementary error function of x ( 1-erf(x) ).
Sample program:
program demo_erfc
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 0.17_real64
write(*,'(*(g0))')'X=',x, ' ERFC(X)=',erfc(x)
write(*,'(*(g0))')'equivalently 1-ERF(X)=',1-erf(x)
end program demo_erfc
> X=.1700000000000000 ERFC(X)=.8100075387981912
> equivalently 1-ERF(X)=.8100075387981912
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
erfc_scaled(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Scaled complementary error function
erfc_scaled(3) computes the exponentially-scaled complementary error function of x:
e^{x^2} \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{x}^{\infty}
e^{-t^2} dt.
The complementary error function is asymptotic to exp(-X2)/(X/PI). As such it underflows at approximately X >= 9 when using ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 single precision arithmetic. The exponentially-scaled complementary error function is asymptotic to 1/(X PI). As such it does not underflow until X > HUGE (X)/PI.
The approximation to the exponentially-scaled complementary error function of x
Sample program:
program demo_erfc_scaled
implicit none
real(kind(0.0d0)) :: x = 0.17d0
x = erfc_scaled(x)
print *, x
end program demo_erfc_scaled
> 0.833758302149981
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
erf(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Error function
erf(3) computes the error function of x, defined as
\text{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_0^x e^{__-t__^2} dt.
The return value is of type real, of the same kind as x and lies in the range -1 <= erf(x) <= 1 .
Sample program:
program demo_erf
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 0.17_real64
write(*,*)x, erf(x)
end program demo_erf
> 0.17000000000000001 0.18999246120180879
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
event_query(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Query whether a coarray event has occurred
event_query(3) assigns the number of events to count which have been posted to the event variable and not yet been removed by calling event_wait. When stat is present and the invocation was successful, it is assigned the value 0. If it is present and the invocation has failed, it is assigned a positive value and count is assigned the value -1.
Sample program:
program demo_event_query
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
type(event_type) :: event_value_has_been_set[*]
integer :: cnt
if (this_image() == 1) then
call event_query(event_value_has_been_set, cnt)
if (cnt > 0) write(*,*) "Value has been set"
elseif (this_image() == 2) then
event post(event_value_has_been_set[1])
end program demo_event_query
TS 18508
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
execute_command_line(3) - [SYSTEM:PROCESSES] Execute a shell command
subroutine execute_command_line(command,wait,exitstat,cmdstat,cmdmsg)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: command
logical,intent(in),optional :: wait
integer,intent(inout),optional :: exitstat
integer,intent(inout),optional :: cmdstat
character(len=*),intent(inout),optional :: cmdmsg
For execute_command_line(3) the command argument is passed to the shell and executed. (The shell is generally sh(1) on Unix systems, and cmd.exe on Windows.) If wait is present and has the value .false., the execution of the command is asynchronous if the system supports it; otherwise, the command is executed synchronously.
The three last arguments allow the user to get status information. After synchronous execution, exitstat contains the integer exit code of the command, as returned by system. cmdstat is set to zero if the command line was executed (whatever its exit status was). cmdmsg is assigned an error message if an error has occurred.
Note that the system call need not be thread-safe. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the system is not called concurrently if required.
When the command is executed synchronously, execute_command_line returns after the command line has completed execution. Otherwise, execute_command_line returns without waiting.
Because this intrinsic is making a system call, it is very system dependent. Its behavior with respect to signaling is processor dependent. In particular, on POSIX-compliant systems, the SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals will be ignored, and the SIGCHLD will be blocked. As such, if the parent process is terminated, the child process might not be terminated alongside.
One of the most common causes of errors is that the program requested is not in the search path. You should make sure that the program to be executed is installed on your system and that it is in the system’s path when the program calls it. You can check if it is installed by running it from the command prompt. If it runs successfully from the command prompt, it means that it is installed, and so you should next check that it is in the search path when the program executes (usually this means checking the environment variable PATH).
When the command is executed synchronously, execute_command_line(3) returns after the command line has completed execution. Otherwise, execute_command_line(3) returns without waiting.
It is assigned the value -1 if the processor does not support command line execution, a processor-dependent positive value if an error condition occurs, or the value -2 if no error condition occurs but wait is present with the value false and the processor does not support asynchronous execution. Otherwise it is assigned the value 0.
Sample program:
program demo_execute_command_line
implicit none
integer :: exitstat, cmdstat
character(len=256) :: cmdmsg
call execute_command_line( &
& command = "external_prog.exe", &
& exitstat = exitstat, &
& cmdstat = cmdstat, &
& cmdmsg = cmdmsg)
print *, "Exit status of external_prog.exe was ", exitstat
print *, '<ERROR>'//trim(cmdmsg)
! if asynchronous exitstat and cmdstat may not be relied on
call execute_command_line("reindex_files.exe", wait=.false.)
print *, "Now hopefully reindexing files in the background"
stop 4
! might short-circuit or not if a command fails
if(all(cmd([character(len=80) :: 'date','time myprg','date'])))then
write(*,*)'good time'
write(*,*)'bad time'
stop 'end of program'
elemental impure function cmd(command)
! a functional interface for calling system commands
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : &
& stderr=>ERROR_UNIT, stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
character(len=*),intent(in) :: command
logical :: cmd
logical :: wait
integer :: exitstat
integer :: cmdstat
character(len=256) :: cmdmsg
call execute_command_line(command=command,wait=wait, &
& exitstat=exitstat,cmdstat=cmdstat,cmdmsg=cmdmsg)
end function cmd
end program demo_execute_command_line
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
exp(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Base-e exponential function
exp(3) returns the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of x.
“e” is also known as Euler’s constant.
If x is of type complex, its imaginary part is regarded as a value in radians such that if (see Euler’s formula):
Since exp(3) is the inverse function of log(3) the maximum valid magnitude of the real component of x is log(huge(x)).
The value of the result is e**x where e is Euler’s constant.
If x is of type complex, its imaginary part is regarded as a value in radians.
Sample program:
program demo_exp
implicit none
real :: x, re, im
complex :: cx
x = 1.0
write(*,*)"Euler's constant is approximately",exp(x)
!! complex values
! given
! complex results from complex arguments are Related to Euler's formula
write(*,*)'given the complex value ',cx
write(*,*)'exp(x) is',exp(cx)
write(*,*)'is the same as',exp(re)*cmplx(cos(im),sin(im),kind=kind(cx))
! exp(3) is the inverse function of log(3) so
! the real component of the input must be less than or equal to
write(*,*)'maximum real component',log(huge(0.0))
! or for double precision
write(*,*)'maximum doubleprecision component',log(huge(0.0d0))
! but since the imaginary component is passed to the cos(3) and sin(3)
! functions the imaginary component can be any real value
end program demo_exp
> Euler's constant is approximately 2.71828175
> given the complex value (3.00000000,4.00000000)
> exp(x) is (-13.1287832,-15.2007847)
> is the same as (-13.1287832,-15.2007847)
> maximum real component 88.7228394
> maximum doubleprecision component 709.78271289338397
Wikipedia:Exponential function
Wikipedia:Euler’s formula
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
exponent(3) - [MODEL:COMPONENTS] Exponent of floating-point number
exponent(3) returns the value of the exponent part of x, provided the exponent is within the range of default integers.
exponent(3) returns the value of the exponent part of x
If x is zero the value returned is zero.
If x is an IEEE infinity or NaN, the result has the value HUGE(0).
Sample program:
program demo_exponent
implicit none
real :: x = 1.0
integer :: i
i = exponent(x)
print *, i
print *, exponent(0.0)
print *, exponent([10.0,100.0,1000.0,-10000.0])
! beware of overflow, it may occur silently
!print *, 2**[10.0,100.0,1000.0,-10000.0]
print *, exponent(huge(0.0))
print *, exponent(tiny(0.0))
end program demo_exponent
> 4 7 10 14
> 128
> -125
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
extends_type_of(3) - [STATE:INQUIRY] Determine if the dynamic type of a is an extension of the dynamic type of mold.
logical extends_type_of(a, mold)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: a
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: mold
-a shall be an object or pointer to an extensible declared type, or unlimited polymorphic. If it is a polymorphic pointer, it shall not have an undefined association status. -mole shall be an object or pointer to an extensible declared type or unlimited polymorphic. If it is a polymorphic pointer, it shall not have an undefined association status. - the result is a scalar default logical type.
extends_type_of(3) is .true. if and only if the dynamic type of a is or could be (for unlimited polymorphic) an extension of the dynamic type of mold.
The dynamic type of a disassociated pointer or unallocated allocatable variable is its declared type.
The test performed by extends_type_of is not the same as the test performed by the type guard class is. The test performed by extends_type_of does not consider kind type parameters.
If mold is unlimited polymorphic and is either a disassociated pointer or unallocated allocatable variable, the result is true.
Otherwise if a is unlimited polymorphic and is either a disassociated pointer or unallocated allocatable variable, the result is false.
Otherwise the result is true if and only if the dynamic type of a
if the dynamic type of A or MOLD is extensible, the result is true if and only if the dynamic type of A is an extension type of the dynamic type of MOLD; otherwise the result is processor dependent.
Sample program:
! program demo_extends_type_of
module M_demo_extends_type_of
implicit none
type nothing
end type nothing
type, extends(nothing) :: dot
real :: x=0
real :: y=0
end type dot
type, extends(dot) :: point
real :: z=0
end type point
type something_else
end type something_else
public :: nothing
public :: dot
public :: point
public :: something_else
end module M_demo_extends_type_of
program demo_extends_type_of
use M_demo_extends_type_of, only : nothing, dot, point, something_else
implicit none
type(nothing) :: grandpa
type(dot) :: dad
type(point) :: me
type(something_else) :: alien
write(*,*)'these should all be true'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(me,grandpa),'I am descended from Grandpa'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(dad,grandpa),'Dad is descended from Grandpa'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(me,dad),'Dad is my ancestor'
write(*,*)'is an object an extension of itself?'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(grandpa,grandpa) ,'self-propagating!'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(dad,dad) ,'clone!'
write(*,*)' you did not father your grandfather'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(grandpa,dad),'no paradox here'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(dad,me),'no paradox here'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(grandpa,me),'no relation whatsoever'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(grandpa,alien),'no relation'
write(*,*)extends_type_of(me,alien),'not what everyone thinks'
call pointers()
subroutine pointers()
! Given the declarations and assignments
type t1
real c
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
end type
class(t1), pointer :: p, q
allocate (p)
allocate (t2 :: q)
! the result of EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (P, Q) will be false, and the result
! of EXTENDS_TYPE_OF (Q, P) will be true.
write(*,*)'(P,Q)',extends_type_of(p,q),"mind your P's and Q's"
end subroutine pointers
end program demo_extends_type_of
> these should all be true
> T I am descended from Grandpa
> T Dad is descended from Grandpa
> T Dad is my ancestor
> is an object an extension of itself?
> T self-propagating!
> T clone!
> you did not father your grandfather
> F no paradox here
> F no paradox here
> F no relation whatsoever
> F no relation
> F not what everyone thinks
> (P,Q) F mind your P's and Q's
> (Q,P) T
Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
findloc(3) - [ARRAY:LOCATION] Location of first element of ARRAY identified by MASK along dimension DIM matching a target value
result = findloc (array, value, dim [,mask] [,kind] [,back])
result = findloc (array, value [,mask] [,kind] [,back])
function findloc (array, value, dim, mask, kind, back)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: array(..)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: value
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: kind
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: back
NOTE: a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
findloc(3) returns the location of the first element of array identified by mask along dimension dim having a value equal to value.
If both array and value are of type logical, the comparison is performed with the .eqv. operator; otherwise, the comparison is performed with the == operator. If the value of the comparison is .true., that element of array matches value.
If only one element matches value, that element’s subscripts are returned. Otherwise, if more than one element matches value and back is absent or present with the value .false., the element whose subscripts are returned is the first such element, taken in array element order. If back is present with the value .true., the element whose subscripts are returned is the last such element, taken in array element order.
kind is present, the kind type parameter is that specified by the value of kind; otherwise the kind type parameter is that of default integer type. If dim does not appear, the result is an array of rank one and of size equal to the rank of array; otherwise, the result is of rank n - 1 and shape
[d1, d2, . . ., dDIM-1, dDIM+1, . . ., dn ]
[d1, d2, . . ., dn ]
is the shape of array.
Case (i): The result of findloc (array, value) is a rank-one array whose element values are the values of the subscripts of an element of array whose value matches value. If there is such a value, the ith subscript returned lies in the range 1 to ei, where ei is the extent of the ith dimension of array. If no elements match value or array has size zero, all elements of the result are zero.
Case (ii): the result of findloc (array, value, mask = mask) is a rank-one array whose element values are the values of the subscripts of an element of array, corresponding to a true element of mask, whose value matches value. If there is such a value, the ith subscript returned lies in the range 1 to ei, where ei is the extent of the ith dimension of array. If no elements match value, array has size zero, or every element of mask has the value false, all elements of the result are zero.
Sample program:
program demo_findloc
logical,parameter :: T=.true., F=.false.
integer,allocatable :: ibox(:,:)
logical,allocatable :: mask(:,:)
! basics
! the first element matching the value is returned AS AN ARRAY
call printi('== 6',findloc ([2, 6, 4, 6], value = 6))
call printi('== 6',findloc ([2, 6, 4, 6], value = 6,back=.true.))
! the first element matching the value is returned AS A SCALAR
call printi('== 6',findloc ([2, 6, 4, 6], value = 6,dim=1))
call printi('== 6',findloc ([2, 6, 4, 6], value = 6,back=.true.,dim=1))
ibox=reshape([ 0,-5, 7, 7, &
3, 4, -1, 2, &
1, 5, 6, 7] ,shape=[3,4],order=[2,1])
mask=reshape([ T, T, F, T, &
T, T, F, T, &
T, T, F, T] ,shape=[3,4],order=[2,1])
call printi('array is', ibox )
call printl('mask is', mask )
print *, 'so for == 7 and back=.false.'
call printi('so for == 7 the address of the element is', &
& findloc (ibox, 7, mask = mask) )
print *, 'so for == 7 and back=.true.'
call printi('so for == 7 the address of the element is', &
& findloc (ibox, 7, mask = mask, back=.true.) )
print *,'This is independent of declared lower bounds for the array'
print *, ' using dim=N'
ibox=reshape([ 1, 2, -9, &
2, 2, 6 ] ,shape=[2,3],order=[2,1])
call printi('array is', ibox )
! has the value [2, 1, 0] and
call printi('',findloc (ibox, value = 2, dim = 1) )
! has the value [2, 1].
call printi('',findloc (ibox, value = 2, dim = 2) )
subroutine printl(title,a)
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d logical scalar, vector, matrix in row-column format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
logical,intent(in) :: a(..)
character(len=*),parameter :: row='(" > [ ",*(l1:,","))'
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(" ",*(g0,1x))'
logical,allocatable :: b(:,:)
integer :: i
! copy everything to a matrix to keep code simple
select rank(a)
rank (0); write(*,'(a)')' (a scalar)'; b=reshape([a],[1,1])
rank (1); write(*,'(a)')' (a vector)'; b=reshape(a,[size(a),1])
rank (2); write(*,'(a)')' (a matrix)'; b=a
rank default; stop '*printl* unexpected rank'
end select
do i=1,size(b,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
write(*,all) '>shape=',shape(a),',rank=',rank(a),',size=',size(a)
end subroutine printl
subroutine printi(title,a)
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d integer scalar, vector, matrix in row-column format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: a(..)
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(" ",*(g0,1x))'
character(len=20) :: row
integer,allocatable :: b(:,:)
integer :: i
! copy everything to a matrix to keep code simple
select rank(a)
rank (0); write(*,'(a)')' (a scalar)'; b=reshape([a],[1,1])
rank (1); write(*,'(a)')' (a vector)'; b=reshape(a,[size(a),1])
rank (2); write(*,'(a)')' (a matrix)'; b=a
rank default; stop '*printi* unexpected rank'
end select
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
row='(" > [",*(i'//trim(row)//':,","))'
do i=1,size(b,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
write(*,all) '>shape=',shape(a),',rank=',rank(a),',size=',size(a)
end subroutine printi
end program demo_findloc
> == 6 (a vector)
> > [ 2 ]
> >shape= 1 ,rank= 1 ,size= 1
> == 6 (a vector)
> > [ 4 ]
> >shape= 1 ,rank= 1 ,size= 1
> == 6 (a scalar)
> > [ 2 ]
> >shape= ,rank= 0 ,size= 1
> == 6 (a scalar)
> > [ 4 ]
> >shape= ,rank= 0 ,size= 1
> array is (a matrix)
> > [ 0, -5, 7, 7 ]
> > [ 3, 4, -1, 2 ]
> > [ 1, 5, 6, 7 ]
> >shape= 3 4 ,rank= 2 ,size= 12
> mask is (a matrix)
> > [ T,T,F,T ]
> > [ T,T,F,T ]
> > [ T,T,F,T ]
> >shape= 3 4 ,rank= 2 ,size= 12
> so for == 7 and back=.false.
> so for == 7 the address of the element is (a vector)
> > [ 1 ]
> > [ 4 ]
> >shape= 2 ,rank= 1 ,size= 2
> so for == 7 and back=.true.
> so for == 7 the address of the element is (a vector)
> > [ 3 ]
> > [ 4 ]
> >shape= 2 ,rank= 1 ,size= 2
> This is independent of declared lower bounds for the array
> using dim=N
> array is (a matrix)
> > [ 1, 2, -9 ]
> > [ 2, 2, 6 ]
> >shape= 2 3 ,rank= 2 ,size= 6
> (a vector)
> > [ 2 ]
> > [ 1 ]
> > [ 0 ]
> >shape= 3 ,rank= 1 ,size= 3
> (a vector)
> > [ 2 ]
> > [ 1 ]
> >shape= 2 ,rank= 1 ,size= 2
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
floor(3) - [NUMERIC] Function to return largest integral value not greater than argument
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function floor( a ,kind )
real(kind=**),intent(in) :: a
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
floor(3) returns the greatest integer less than or equal to a.
In other words, it picks the whole number at or to the left of the value on the number line.
This means care has to be taken that the magnitude of the real value a does not exceed the range of the output value, as the range of values supported by real values is typically larger than the range for integers.
The return value is of type integer(kind) if kind is present and of default-kind integer otherwise.
The result is undefined if it cannot be represented in the specified integer type.
If in range for the kind of the result the result is the whole number at or to the left of the input value on the number line.
If a is positive the result is the value with the fractional part removed.
If a is negative, it is the whole number at or to the left of the input value.
Sample program:
program demo_floor
implicit none
real :: x = 63.29
real :: y = -63.59
print *, x, floor(x)
print *, y, floor(y)
! elemental
print *,floor([ &
& -2.7, -2.5, -2.2, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, &
& 0.0, &
& +0.5, +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, +2.2, +2.5, +2.7 ])
! note even a small deviation from the whole number changes the result
print *, [2.0,2.0-epsilon(0.0),2.0-2*epsilon(0.0)]
print *,floor([2.0,2.0-epsilon(0.0),2.0-2*epsilon(0.0)])
! A=Nan, Infinity or huge(0_KIND)-1 < A > huge(0_KIND) is undefined
end program demo_floor
> 63.29000 63
> -63.59000 -64
> -3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1
> -1 0 0 1 1 2
> 2 2 2
> 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000
> 2 1 1
Fortran 95
ceiling(3), nint(3), aint(3), anint(3), int(3), selected_int_kind(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
fraction(3) - [MODEL:COMPONENTS] Fractional part of the model representation
fraction(3) returns the fractional part of the model representation of x.
The fractional part of the model representation of x is returned; it is
If x has the value zero, the result is zero.
If x is an IEEE NaN, the result is that NaN.
If x is an IEEE infinity, the result is an IEEE NaN.
Sample program:
program demo_fraction
implicit none
real :: x
x = 178.1387e-4
print *, fraction(x), x * real(radix(x))**(-exponent(x))
x = 10.0
print *, fraction(x)
print *, fraction(x) * 2**4
end program demo_fraction
> 0.570043862 0.570043862
> 0.625000000
> 10.0000000
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
gamma(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Gamma function, which yields factorials for positive whole numbers
gamma(x) computes Gamma of x. For positive whole number values of n the Gamma function can be used to calculate factorials, as (n-1)! == gamma(real(n)). That is
n! == gamma(real(n+1))
\\__Gamma__(x) = \\int\_0\*\*\\infty
The return value is of type real of the same kind as x. The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the gamma function of x.
Sample program:
program demo_gamma
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : wp=>real64, int64
implicit none
real :: x, xa(4)
integer :: i, j
! basic usage
x = gamma(1.0)
! elemental
! gamma() is related to the factorial function
do i = 1, 171
! check value is not too big for default integer type
if (factorial(i) <= huge(0)) then
write(*,*) i, nint(factorial(i)), 'integer'
elseif (factorial(i) <= huge(0_int64)) then
write(*,*) i, nint(factorial(i),kind=int64),'integer(kind=int64)'
write(*,*) i, factorial(i) , 'user factorial function'
write(*,*) i, product([(real(j, kind=wp), j=1, i)]), 'product'
write(*,*) i, gamma(real(i + 1, kind=wp)), 'gamma directly'
function factorial(i) result(f)
! GAMMA(X) computes Gamma of X. For positive whole number values of N the
! Gamma function can be used to calculate factorials, as (N-1)! ==
! GAMMA(REAL(N)). That is
! n! == gamma(real(n+1))
integer, intent(in) :: i
real(kind=wp) :: f
if (i <= 0) then
write(*,'(*(g0))') '<ERROR> gamma(3) function value ', i, ' <= 0'
stop '<STOP> bad value in gamma function'
f = anint(gamma(real(i + 1,kind=wp)))
end function factorial
end program demo_gamma
> gamma(1.0)= 1.00000000
> 1.00000000 1.00000000 2.00000000 6.00000000
> 1 1 integer
> 2 2 integer
> 3 6 integer
> 4 24 integer
> 5 120 integer
> 6 720 integer
> 7 5040 integer
> 8 40320 integer
> 9 362880 integer
> 10 3628800 integer
> 11 39916800 integer
> 12 479001600 integer
> 13 6227020800 integer(kind=int64)
> 14 87178291200 integer(kind=int64)
> 15 1307674368000 integer(kind=int64)
> 16 20922789888000 integer(kind=int64)
> 17 355687428096000 integer(kind=int64)
> 18 6402373705728001 integer(kind=int64)
> 19 121645100408832000 integer(kind=int64)
> 20 2432902008176640000 integer(kind=int64)
> 21 5.1090942171709440E+019 user factorial function
> 21 5.1090942171709440E+019 product
> 21 5.1090942171709440E+019 gamma directly
> :
> :
> :
> 170 7.2574156153079990E+306 user factorial function
> 170 7.2574156153079940E+306 product
> 170 7.2574156153079990E+306 gamma directly
> 171 Infinity user factorial function
> 171 Infinity product
> 171 Infinity gamma directly
Fortran 2008
Logarithm of the Gamma function: log_gamma(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
get_command_argument(3) - [SYSTEM:COMMAND LINE] Get command line arguments
subroutine get_command_argument( number, value, length, &
& status ,errmsg)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: number
character(len=*),intent(out),optional :: value
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: length
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: status
character(len=*),intent(inout),optional :: errmsg
get_command_argument(3) retrieves or queries the n-th argument that was passed on the command line to the current program execution.
There is not anything specifically stated about what an argument is but in practice the arguments are strings split on whitespace unless the arguments are quoted. IFS values (Internal Field Separators) used by common shells are typically ignored and unquoted whitespace is almost always the separator.
Shells have often expanded command arguments and spell characters before passing them to the program, so the strings read are often not exactly what the user typed on the command line.
Sample program:
program demo_get_command_argument
implicit none
character(len=255) :: progname
integer :: count, i, argument_length, istat
character(len=:),allocatable :: arg
! command name assuming it is less than 255 characters in length
call get_command_argument (0, progname, status=istat)
if (istat == 0) then
print *, "The program's name is " // trim (progname)
print *, "Could not get the program's name " // trim (progname)
! get number of arguments
count = command_argument_count()
write(*,*)'The number of arguments is ',count
! allocate string array big enough to hold command line
! argument strings and related information
do i=1,count
call get_command_argument(number=i,length=argument_length)
allocate(character(len=argument_length) :: arg)
call get_command_argument(i, arg,status=istat)
! show the results
write (*,'(i3.3,1x,i0.5,1x,i0.5,1x,"[",a,"]")') &
& i,istat,argument_length,arg
end program demo_get_command_argument
./demo_get_command_argument a test 'of getting arguments ' " leading"
> The program's name is ./demo_get_command_argument
> The number of arguments is 4
>001 00000 00001 [a]
>002 00000 00004 [test]
>003 00000 00022 [of getting arguments ]
>004 00000 00008 [ leading]
Fortran 2003
get_command(3), command_argument_count(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
get_command(3) - [SYSTEM:COMMAND LINE] Get the entire command line invocation
subroutine get_command( command ,length ,status, errmsg )
character(len=*),intent(out),optional :: command
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: length
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: status
character(len=*),intent(inout),optional :: errmsg
get_command(3) retrieves the entire command line that was used to invoke the program.
Note that what is typed on the command line is often processed by a shell. The shell typically processes special characters and white space before passing it to the program. The processing can typically be turned off by turning off globbing or quoting the command line arguments and/or changing the default field separators, but this should rarely be necessary.
Sample program:
program demo_get_command
implicit none
integer :: command_line_length
character(len=:),allocatable :: command_line
! get command line length
call get_command(length=command_line_length)
! allocate string big enough to hold command line
allocate(character(len=command_line_length) :: command_line)
! get command line as a string
call get_command(command=command_line)
! trim leading spaces just in case
end program demo_get_command
# note that shell expansion removes some of the whitespace
# without quotes
./test_get_command arguments on command line to echo
OUTPUT:./test_get_command arguments on command line to echo
# using the bash shell with single quotes
./test_get_command 'arguments *><`~[]!{}?"\'| '
OUTPUT:./test_get_command arguments *><`~[]!{}?"'|
Fortran 2003
get_command_argument(3), command_argument_count(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
get_environment_variable(3) - [SYSTEM:ENVIRONMENT] Retrieve the value of an environment variable
subroutine character(len=*) get_environment_variable( &
& name, value, length, status, trim_name, errmsg )
character(len=*),intent(in) :: name
character(len=*),intent(out),optional :: value
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: length
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: status
logical,intent(out),optional :: trim_name
character(len=*),intent(inout),optional :: errmsg
get_environment_variable(3) retrieves the value of the environment variable name.
Note that get_environment_variable(3) need not be thread-safe. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the environment is not being updated concurrently.
When running in parallel be aware it is processor dependent whether an environment variable that exists on an image also exists on another image, and if it does exist on both images whether the values are the same or different.
Sample program:
program demo_getenv
implicit none
character(len=:),allocatable :: homedir
character(len=:),allocatable :: var
write (*,'(a,"=""",a,"""")')var,homedir
function get_env(name,default) result(value)
! a function that makes calling get_environment_variable(3) simple
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr=>ERROR_UNIT
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: name
character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: default
character(len=:),allocatable :: value
integer :: howbig
integer :: stat
integer :: length
call get_environment_variable( name, &
& length=howbig,status=stat,trim_name=.true.)
select case (stat)
case (1)
write(stderr,*) &
& name, " is not defined in the environment. Strange..."
case (2)
write(stderr,*) &
& "This processor does not support environment variables. Boooh!"
case default
! make string of sufficient size to hold value
allocate(character(len=max(howbig,1)) :: value)
! get value
call get_environment_variable( &
& name,value,status=stat,trim_name=.true.)
end select
end function get_env
end program demo_getenv
Typical Results:
> HOME="/home/urbanjs"
Fortran 2003
get_command_argument(3), get_command(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
huge(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Largest number of a type and kind
huge(3) returns the largest number that is not an overflow for the kind and type of x.
The result is the largest value supported by the specified type and kind.
Note the result is as the same kind as the input to ensure the returned value does not overflow. Any assignment of the result to a variable requires the variable must be able to hold the value as well. For example:
where R is single-precision would almost certainly result in overflow.
Sample program:
program demo_huge
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: f='(i2,1x,2(i11,1x),f14.0:,1x,l1,1x,a)'
integer :: i, j, k, biggest
real :: v, w
doubleprecision :: tally
! basic
print *, huge(0), huge(0.0), huge(0.0d0)
print *, tiny(0.0), tiny(0.0d0)
! note subtracting one because counter is the end value+1 on exit
do i=0,huge(0)-1
! advanced
! be careful of overflow when using integers in computation
do i=1,14
j=6**i ! Danger, Danger
w=6**i ! Danger, Danger
k=v ! Danger, Danger
write(*,f) i, j, k, v, v.eq.w, 'wrong j and k and w'
write(*,f) i, j, k, v, v.eq.w
! a simple check of the product of two 32-bit integers
print *,checkprod([2,4,5,8],[10000,20000,3000000,400000000])
impure elemental function checkprod(i,j) result(ij32)
! checkprod(3f) - check for overflow when multiplying 32-bit integers
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
integer(kind=int32),intent(in) :: i, j
integer(kind=int64) :: ij64
integer(kind=int32) :: ij32
integer,parameter :: toobig=huge(0_int32)
character(len=80) :: message
& '<ERROR>checkprod(3f):',i,'*',j,'=',ij64,'>',toobig
stop message
end function checkprod
end program demo_huge
> 2147483647 3.40282347E+38 1.7976931348623157E+308
> 1.17549435E-38 2.2250738585072014E-308
> tally= 2.3058430049858406E+018
> 1 6 6 6. T
> 2 36 36 36. T
> 3 216 216 216. T
> 4 1296 1296 1296. T
> 5 7776 7776 7776. T
> 6 46656 46656 46656. T
> 7 279936 279936 279936. T
> 8 1679616 1679616 1679616. T
> 9 10077696 10077696 10077696. T
> 10 60466176 60466176 60466176. T
> 11 362797056 362797056 362797056. T
> 12 -2118184960 -2147483648 2176782336. F wrong j and k and w
> 13 175792128 -2147483648 13060694016. F wrong j and k and w
> 14 1054752768 -2147483648 78364164096. F wrong j and k and w
> STOP <ERROR>checkprod(3f):8*400000000=3200000000>2147483647
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
hypot(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Returns the Euclidean distance - the distance between a point and the origin.
elemental real(kind=KIND) function hypot(x,y)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: y
In mathematics, the Euclidean distance between two points in Euclidean space is the length of a line segment between two points.
hypot(x,y) returns the special case of the Euclidean distance between the point <x,y> and the origin. It is equal to
without undue underflow or overflow.
The result is the positive magnitude of the distance of the point <x,y> from the origin <0.0,0.0> .
Sample program:
program demo_hypot
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real32) :: x, y
real(kind=real32),allocatable :: xs(:), ys(:)
integer :: i
character(len=*),parameter :: f='(a,/,SP,*(3x,g0,1x,g0:,/))'
x = 1.e0_real32
y = 0.5e0_real32
write(*,'(*(g0))')'point <',x,',',y,'> is ',hypot(x,y)
write(*,'(*(g0))')'units away from the origin'
! elemental
xs=[ x, x**2, x*10.0, x*15.0, -x**2 ]
ys=[ y, y**2, -y*20.0, y**2, -y**2 ]
write(*,f)"the points",(xs(i),ys(i),i=1,size(xs))
write(*,f)"have distances from the origin of ",hypot(xs,ys)
write(*,f)"the closest is",minval(hypot(xs,ys))
end program demo_hypot
> point <1.00000000,0.500000000> is 1.11803401
> units away from the origin
> the points
> +1.00000000 +0.500000000
> +1.00000000 +0.250000000
> +10.0000000 -10.0000000
> +15.0000000 +0.250000000
> -1.00000000 -0.250000000
> have distances from the origin of
> +1.11803401 +1.03077638
> +14.1421356 +15.0020828
> +1.03077638
> the closest is
> +1.03077638
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
iachar(3) - [CHARACTER:CONVERSION] Return integer ASCII code of a character
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function iachar(c,kind)
character(len=1),intent(in) :: c
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
iachar(3) returns the code for the ASCII character in the first character position of C.
the result is the position of the character c in the ASCII collating sequence. It is nonnegative and less than or equal to 127.
By ASCII, it is meant that c is in the collating sequence defined by the codes specified in ISO/IEC 646:1991 (International Reference Version).
The value of the result is processor dependent if c is not in the ASCII collating sequence.
The results are consistent with the lge(3), lgt(3), lle(3), and llt(3) comparison functions. For example, if lle(C, D) is true, iachar(C) <= iachar (D) is true where C and D are any two characters representable by the processor.
Sample program:
program demo_iachar
implicit none
! basic usage
! just does a string one character long
! elemental: can do an array of letters
! convert all characters to lowercase
write(*,'(a)')lower('abcdefg ABCDEFG')
pure elemental function lower(str) result (string)
! Changes a string to lowercase
character(*), intent(In) :: str
character(len(str)) :: string
integer :: i
string = str
! step thru each letter in the string in specified range
do i = 1, len(str)
select case (str(i:i))
case ('A':'Z') ! change letter to miniscule
string(i:i) = char(iachar(str(i:i))+32)
case default
end select
end do
end function lower
end program demo_iachar
> 65
> 65 90 97 122
> abcdefg abcdefg
Fortran 95 , with KIND argument - Fortran 2003
See ichar(3) in particular for a discussion of converting between numerical values and formatted string representations.
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
iall(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise and of array elements
integer(kind=KIND) function iall(array,dim,mask)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(*)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(*)
iall(3) reduces with a bitwise and the elements of array along dimension dim if the corresponding element in mask is .true..
The result is of the same type as array.
If dim is absent, a scalar with the bitwise all of all elements in array is returned. Otherwise, an array of rank n-1, where n equals the rank of array, and a shape similar to that of array with dimension dim dropped is returned.
Sample program:
program demo_iall
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : integer_kinds, &
& int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int8) :: a(2)
a(1) = int(b'00100100')
a(2) = int(b'01101010')
print '(b8.8)', iall(a)
end program demo_iall
> 00100000
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
iand(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise logical AND
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function iand(i,j)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: j
iand(3) returns the bitwise logical and of two values.
If either i or j is a BOZ-literal-constant, it is first converted as if by the intrinsic function int(3) to type integer with the kind type parameter of the other.
The result has the value obtained by combining i and i bit-by-bit according to the following table:
I | J | IAND (I, J)
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 0
0 | 0 | 0
So if both the bit in i and j are on the resulting bit is on (a one); else the resulting bit is off (a zero).
This is commonly called the “bitwise logical AND” of the two values. ### Examples
Sample program:
program demo_iand
implicit none
integer :: a, b
data a / z'f' /, b / z'3' /
write (*,*) 'a=',a,' b=',b,'iand(a,b)=',iand(a, b)
write (*,'(b32.32)') a,b,iand(a,b)
end program demo_iand
> a= 15 b= 3 iand(a,b)= 3
> 00000000000000000000000000001111
> 00000000000000000000000000000011
> 00000000000000000000000000000011
Fortran 2023
btest(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
iany(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise OR of array elements
integer(kind=KIND) function iany(array,dim,mask)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
note a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
iany(3) reduces with bitwise OR (inclusive OR) the elements of array along dimension dim if the corresponding element in mask is .true..
The result is of the same type as array.
If dim is absent, a scalar with the bitwise or of all elements in array is returned. Otherwise, an array of rank n-1, where n equals the rank of array, and a shape similar to that of array with dimension dim dropped is returned.
Sample program:
program demo_iany
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : integer_kinds, &
& int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
logical,parameter :: T=.true., F=.false.
integer(kind=int8) :: a(3)
a(1) = int(b'00100100',int8)
a(2) = int(b'01101010',int8)
a(3) = int(b'10101010',int8)
print '(1x,b8.8)', a
print *
print '(1x,b8.8)', iany(a)
print *
write(*,*)'IANY(A) with a mask'
print '(1x,b8.8)', iany(a,mask=[T,F,T])
print *
write(*,*)'should match '
print '(1x,b8.8)', iany([a(1),a(3)])
print *
write(*,*)'does it?'
write(*,*)iany(a,[T,F,T]) == iany([a(1),a(3)])
end program demo_iany
> A=
> 00100100
> 01101010
> 10101010
> IANY(A)=
> 11101110
> IANY(A) with a mask
> 10101110
> should match
> 10101110
> does it?
> T
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ibclr(3) - [BIT:SET] Clear a bit
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ibclr(i,pos)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: pos
The return value is of the same kind as i.
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
ibclr(3) returns the value of i with the bit at position pos set to zero.
The returned value has the same bit sequence as i except the designated bit is unconditionally set to 0
Sample program:
program demo_ibclr
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int16) :: i
! basic usage
print *,ibclr (16, 1), ' ==> ibclr(16,1) has the value 15'
! it is easier to see using binary representation
write(*,'(b16.16,1x,i0)') ibclr(i,3), ibclr(i,3)
! elemental
print *,'an array of initial values may be given as well'
print *,ibclr(i=[7,4096,9], pos=2)
print *
print *,'a list of positions results in multiple returned values'
print *,'not multiple bits set in one value, as the routine is '
print *,'a scalar function; calling it elementally essentially '
print *,'calls it multiple times. '
write(*,'(b16.16)') ibclr(i=-1_int16, pos=[1,2,3,4])
! both may be arrays if of the same size
end program demo_ibclr
> 16 ==> ibclr(16,1) has the value 15
> 0000000000110111 55
> an array of initial values may be given as well
> 3 4096 9
> a list of positions results in multiple returned values
> not multiple bits set in one value, as the routine is
> a scalar function; calling it elementally essentially
> calls it multiple times.
> 1111111111111101
> 1111111111111011
> 1111111111110111
> 1111111111101111
Fortran 95
btest(3), iand(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ibits(3) - [BIT:COPY] Extraction of a subset of bits
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ibits(i,pos,len)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: pos
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: len
ibits(3) extracts a field of bits from i, starting from bit position pos and extending left for a total of len bits.
The result is then right-justified and the remaining left-most bits in the result are zeroed.
The position pos is calculated assuming the right-most bit is zero and the positions increment to the left.
pos + len shall be less than or equal to bit_size(i).
The return value is composed of the selected bits right-justified, left-padded with zeros.
Sample program:
program demo_ibits
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int16) :: i,j
! basic usage
print *,ibits (14, 1, 3) ! should be seven
print *,ibits(-1,10,3) ! and so is this
! it is easier to see using binary representation
write(*,'(b16.16,1x,i0)') ibits(i,3,3), ibits(i,3,3)
! we can illustrate this as
! #-- position 15
! | #-- position 0
! | <-- +len |
! V V
! 5432109876543210
i =int(b'1111111111111111',kind=int16)
! ^^^^
j=ibits(i,10,4) ! start at 10th from left and proceed
! left for a total of 4 characters
! lets do something less ambiguous
i =int(b'0010011000000000',kind=int16)
end program demo_ibits
> 7
> 7
> 0000000000000011 3
> j=0000000000001111
> j=0000000000010011
Fortran 95
btest(3), iand(3), ibclr(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ibset(3) - [BIT:SET] Set a bit to one in an integer value
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ibset(i,pos)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: pos
ibset(3) returns the value of i with the bit at position pos set to one.
The returned value has the same bit sequence as i except the designated bit is unconditionally set to 1.
Sample program:
program demo_ibset
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int16) :: i
! basic usage
print *,ibset (12, 1), 'ibset(12,1) has the value 14'
! it is easier to see using binary representation
write(*,'(b16.16,1x,i0,1x,i0)') ibset(i,12), ibset(i,12), i
! elemental
print *,'an array of initial values may be given as well'
print *,ibset(i=[0,4096], pos=2)
print *
print *,'a list of positions results in multiple returned values'
print *,'not multiple bits set in one value, as the routine is '
print *,'a scalar function; calling it elementally essentially '
print *,'calls it multiple times. '
write(*,'(b16.16)') ibset(i=0, pos=[1,2,3,4])
! both may be arrays if of the same size
end program demo_ibset
> 14 ibset(12,1) has the value 14
> 0001000000000110 4102 6
> an array of initial values may be given as well
> 4 4100
> a list of positions results in multiple returned values
> not multiple bits set in one value, as the routine is
> a scalar function; calling it elementally essentially
> calls it multiple times.
> 0000000000000010
> 0000000000000100
> 0000000000001000
> 0000000000010000
Fortran 95
btest(3), iand(3), ibits(3), ieor(3), ior(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ichar(3) - [CHARACTER:CONVERSION] Character-to-integer code conversion function
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ichar(c,KIND)
character(len=1,kind=**),intent(in) :: c
integer,intent(in),optional :: KIND
ichar(3) returns the code for the character in the system’s native character set. The correspondence between characters and their codes is not necessarily the same across different Fortran implementations. For example, a platform using EBCDIC would return different values than an ASCII platform.
See iachar(3) for specifically working with the ASCII character set.
The code in the system default character set for the character being queried is returned.
The result is the position of c in the processor collating sequence associated with the kind type parameter of c.
it is nonnegative and less than n, where n is the number of characters in the collating sequence.
The kind type parameter of the result shall specify an integer kind that is capable of representing n.
For any characters C and D capable of representation in the processor, C <= D is true if and only if ICHAR (C) <= ICHAR (D) is true and C == D is true if and only if ICHAR (C) == ICHAR (D) is true.
Sample program:
program demo_ichar
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : b=>int8
implicit none
integer,parameter :: bytes=80
character :: string*(bytes),lets((bytes))*1
integer(kind=b) :: ilets(bytes)
equivalence (string,lets)
equivalence (string,ilets)
string='Do unto others'
associate (a=>ichar(lets))
ilets=merge(a-32,a,a>=97.and.a<=122) ! uppercase
ilets=merge(a+32,a,a>=65.and.a<=90) ! lowercase
end associate
end program demo_ichar
> 97 122 65 90
> do unto others
Fortran 95, with KIND argument -Fortran 2003
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ieor(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise exclusive OR
elemental integer(kind=**) function ieor(i,j)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: j
ieor(3) returns a bitwise exclusive-or of i and j.
An exclusive OR or “exclusive disjunction” is a logical operation that is true if and only if its arguments differ. In this case a one-bit and a zero-bit substitute for true and false.
This is often represented with the notation “XOR”, for “eXclusive OR”.
An alternate way to view the process is that the result has the value obtained by combining i and j bit-by-bit according to the following table:
> I | J |IEOR (I, J)
> --#---#-----------
> 1 | 1 | 0
> 1 | 0 | 1
> 0 | 1 | 1
> 0 | 0 | 0
If either I or J is a boz-literal-constant, it is first converted as if by the intrinsic function INT to type integer with the kind type parameter of the other.
If a bit is different at the same location in i and j the corresponding bit in the result is 1, otherwise it is 0.
Sample program:
program demo_ieor
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int16) :: i,j
! basic usage
print *,ieor (16, 1), ' ==> ieor(16,1) has the value 17'
! it is easier to see using binary representation
write(*,'(a,b16.16,1x,i0)')'i= ',i, i
write(*,'(a,b16.16,1x,i0)')'j= ',j, j
write(*,'(a,b16.16,1x,i0)')'result=',ieor(i,j), ieor(i,j)
! elemental
print *,'arguments may be arrays. If both are arrays they '
print *,'must have the same shape. '
print *,ieor(i=[7,4096,9], j=2)
! both may be arrays if of the same size
end program demo_ieor
> 17 ==> ieor(16,1) has the value 17
> i= 0000000000111111 63
> j= 0000001111110000 1008
> result=0000001111001111 975
> arguments may be arrays. If both are arrays they
> must have the same shape.
> 5 4098 11
Fortran 95
btest(3), iand(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
image_index(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Cosubscript to image index conversion
image_index(3) returns the image index belonging to a cosubscript.
Scalar default integer with the value of the image index which corresponds to the cosubscripts. For invalid cosubscripts the result is zero.
Sample program:
program demo image_index
implicit none
integer :: array[2,-1:4,8,*]
! Writes 28 (or 0 if there are fewer than 28 images)
write (*,*) image_index(array, [2,0,3,1])
end demo image_index
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
index(3) - [CHARACTER:SEARCH] Position of a substring within a string
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function index(string,substring,back,kind)
character(len=*,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: string
character(len=*,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: substring
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: back
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: kind
index(3) returns the position of the start of the leftmost or rightmost occurrence of string substring in string, counting from one. If substring is not present in string, zero is returned.
The result is the starting position of the first substring substring found in string.
If the length of substring is longer than string the result is zero.
If the substring is not found the result is zero.
If back is .true. the greatest starting position is returned (that is, the position of the right-most match). Otherwise, the smallest position starting a match (ie. the left-most match) is returned.
The position returned is measured from the left with the first character of string being position one.
Otherwise, if no match is found zero is returned.
Example program
program demo_index
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: str=&
'Search this string for this expression'
index(str,'this').eq.8, &
! return value is counted from the left end even if BACK=.TRUE.
index(str,'this',back=.true.).eq.24, &
! INDEX is case-sensitive
end program demo_index
Expected Results:
> T T T
FORTRAN 77 , with KIND argument Fortran 2003
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
int(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Truncate towards zero and convert to integer
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function int(a, KIND )
TYPE(kind=**),intent(in) :: a
integer,optional :: KIND
int(3) truncates towards zero and return an integer.
returns an integer variable applying the following rules:
If a is of type integer, int(a) = a
If a is of type real and |a| < 1, int(a) equals 0. If |a| >= 1, then int(a) equals the integer whose magnitude does not exceed a and whose sign is the same as the sign of a.
If a is of type complex, rule 2 is applied to the real part of a.
If a is a boz-literal constant, it is treated as an integer with the kind specified.
The interpretation of a bit sequence whose most significant bit is 1 is processor dependent.
The result is undefined if it cannot be represented in the specified integer type.
Sample program:
program demo_int
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: i = 42
complex :: z = (-3.7, 1.0)
real :: x=-10.5, y=10.5
print *, int(x), int(y)
print *, int(i)
print *, int(z), int(z,8)
! elemental
print *, int([-10.9,-10.5,-10.3,10.3,10.5,10.9])
! note int(3) truncates towards zero
! a number bigger than a default integer can represent
! produces an incorrect result and is not required to
! be detected by the program.
print *, int(x),x
! using a larger kind
print *, int(x,kind=int64),x
print *, int(&
& B"111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",&
& kind=int64)
print *, int(O"777777777777777777777",kind=int64)
print *, int(Z"7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF",kind=int64)
! elemental
print *
print *,int([ &
& -2.7, -2.5, -2.2, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, &
& 0.0, &
& +0.5, +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, +2.2, +2.5, +2.7 ])
end program demo_int
> -10 10
> 42
> -3 -3
> -10 -10 -10 10 10 10
> -2147483648 2.14748467E+09
> 2147484672 2.14748467E+09
> 9223372036854775807
> 9223372036854775807
> 9223372036854775807
> -2 -2 -2 -2 -1
> -1 0 0 0 1
> 1 2 2 2 2
aint(3), anint(3), nint(3), selected_int_kind(3), ceiling(3), floor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ior(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise logical inclusive OR
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ior(i,j)
integer(kind=KIND ,intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=KIND ,intent(in) :: j
ior(3) returns the bit-wise Boolean inclusive-or of i and j.
If either i or j is a BOZ-literal-constant, it is first converted as if by the intrinsic function int(3) to type integer with the kind type parameter of the other.
The result has the value obtained by combining I and J bit-by-bit according to the following table:
I J IOR (I, J)
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
Where if the bit is set in either input value, it is set in the result. Otherwise the result bit is zero.
This is commonly called the “bitwise logical inclusive OR” of the two values.
Sample program:
program demo_ior
implicit none
integer :: i, j, k
i=53 ! i=00110101 binary (lowest order byte)
j=45 ! j=00101101 binary (lowest order byte)
k=ior(i,j) ! k=00111101 binary (lowest order byte), k=61 decimal
end program demo_ior
> 53 00110101
> 45 00101101
> 61 00111101
Fortran 95
btest(3), iand(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), mvbits(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
iparity(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Bitwise exclusive OR of array elements
integer(kind=KIND) function iparity(array, dim, mask )
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(..)
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
iparity(3) reduces with bitwise xor (exclusive or) the elements of array along dimension dim if the corresponding element in mask is .true..
The result is of the same type as array.
If dim is absent, a scalar with the bitwise xor of all elements in array is returned. Otherwise, an array of rank n-1, where n equals the rank of array, and a shape similar to that of array with dimension dim dropped is returned.
The result of IPARITY (ARRAY, MASK=MASK) has a value equal to that of
Case (iii)The result of IPARITY (ARRAY, DIM=DIM [, MASK=MASK]) has a value equal to that of IPARITY (ARRAY [, MASK=MASK]) if ARRAY has rank one.
Otherwise, an array of values reduced along the dimension DIM is returned.
Sample program:
program demo_iparity
implicit none
integer, dimension(2) :: a
a(1) = int(b'00100100')
a(2) = int(b'01101010')
print '(b8.8)', iparity(a)
end program demo_iparity
> 01001110
Fortran 2008
iany(3), iall(3), ieor(3), parity(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
is_contiguous(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Test if object is contiguous
is_contiguous(3) returns .true. if and only if an object is contiguous.
An object is contiguous if it is
(1) an object with the CONTIGUOUS attribute,
(2) a nonpointer whole array that is not assumed-shape,
(3) an assumed-shape array that is argument associated with an array that is contiguous,
(4) an array allocated by an ALLOCATE statement,
(5) a pointer associated with a contiguous target, or
(6) a nonzero-sized array section provided that
(a) its base object is contiguous,
(b) it does not have a vector subscript,
(c) the elements of the section, in array element order, are a subset of the base object elements that are consecutive in array element order,
(d) if the array is of type character and a substring-range appears, the substring-range specifies all of the characters of the parent-string,
(e) only its final part-ref has nonzero rank, and
(f) it is not the real or imaginary part of an array of type complex.
An object is not contiguous if it is an array subobject, and
the object has two or more elements,
the elements of the object in array element order are not consecutive in the elements of the base object,
the object is not of type character with length zero, and
the object is not of a derived type that has no ultimate components other than zero-sized arrays and
characters with length zero.
It is processor-dependent whether any other object is contiguous.
The result has the value .true. if array is contiguous, and .false. otherwise.
Sample program:
program demo_is_contiguous
implicit none
intrinsic is_contiguous
real, DIMENSION (1000, 1000), TARGET :: A
real, DIMENSION (:, :), POINTER :: IN, OUT
IN => A ! Associate IN with target A
OUT => A(1:1000:2,:) ! Associate OUT with subset of target A
write(*,*)'IN is ',IS_CONTIGUOUS(IN)
write(*,*)'OUT is ',IS_CONTIGUOUS(OUT)
end program demo_is_contiguous
> IN is T
> OUT is F
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
ishftc(3) - [BIT:SHIFT] Shift rightmost bits circularly, AKA. a logical shift
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ishftc(i, shift, size)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: size
ishftc(3) circularly shifts just the specified rightmost bits of an integer.
ishftc(3) returns a value corresponding to i with the rightmost size bits shifted circularly shift places; that is, bits shifted out one end of the section are shifted into the opposite end of the section.
A value of shift greater than zero corresponds to a left shift, a value of zero corresponds to no shift, and a value less than zero corresponds to a right shift.
The absolute value of shift must be less than size (simply put, the number of positions to shift must be less than or equal to the number of bits specified to be shifted).
The default if bit_size(i) is absent is to circularly shift the entire value i.
The result characteristics (kind, shape, size, rank, …) are the same as i.
The result has the value obtained by shifting the size rightmost bits of i circularly by shift positions.
No bits are lost.
The unshifted bits are unaltered.
Sample program:
program demo_ishftc
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(b32.32,1x,i0)'
! basics
write(*,*) ishftc(3, 1),' <== typically should have the value 6'
print *, 'lets start with this:'
print *, 'shift the value by various amounts, negative and positive'
do i= -bit_size(0), bit_size(0), 8
write(*,g) ishftc(huge(0),i), i
print *,'elemental'
print *,'note the arrays have to conform when elemental'
end program demo_ishftc
> 6 <== typically should have the value 6
> lets start with this:
> 01111111111111111111111111111111
> shift the value by various amounts, negative and positive
> 01111111111111111111111111111111 -32
> 11111111111111111111111101111111 -24
> 11111111111111110111111111111111 -16
> 11111111011111111111111111111111 -8
> 01111111111111111111111111111111 0
> 11111111111111111111111101111111 8
> 11111111111111110111111111111111 16
> 11111111011111111111111111111111 24
> 01111111111111111111111111111111 32
> elemental
> -3 -5 -9 -17
> 16 64 -1017
> note the arrays have to conform when elemental
> 64 8388608 -128
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ishft(3) - [BIT:SHIFT] Logical shift of bits in an integer
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function ishft(i, shift )
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
ishft(3) returns a value corresponding to i with all of the bits shifted shift places left or right as specified by the sign and magnitude of shift.
Bits shifted out from the left end or right end are lost; zeros are shifted in from the opposite end.
The result has the value obtained by shifting the bits of i by shift positions.
Bits shifted out from the left or from the right, as appropriate, are lost. Zeros are shifted in from the opposite end.
Sample program:
program demo_ishft
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: shift
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(b32.32,1x,i0)'
write(*,*) ishft(3, 1),' <== typically should have the value 6'
write(*,g) ishft(huge(0),shift), shift
write(*,g) ishft(huge(0),shift), shift
write(*,g) ishft(huge(0),shift), shift
end program demo_ishft
> 6 <== typically should have the value 6
> 11111111111111111111111111110000 4
> 01111111111111111111111111111111 0
> 00000111111111111111111111111111 -4
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
is_iostat_end(3) - [STATE:INQUIRY] Test for end-of-file value
is_iostat_end(3) tests whether a variable (assumed returned as a status from an I/O statement) has the “end of file” I/O status value.
The function is equivalent to comparing the variable with the iostat_end parameter of the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env.
returns .true. if and only ifi has the value which indicates an end of file condition for iostat= specifiers, and is .false. otherwise.
Sample program:
program demo_iostat
implicit none
integer,parameter :: wp=kind(0.0d0)
real(kind=wp) :: value
integer :: iostat
integer :: lun
character(len=256) :: message
! make a scratch input file for demonstration purposes
call makefile(lun)
write(*,*)'Begin entering numeric values, one per line'
elseif( is_iostat_end(iostat) ) then
stop 'end of file. Goodbye!'
subroutine makefile(lun)
! make a scratch file just for demonstration purposes
integer :: lun
integer :: i
character(len=255),parameter :: fakefile(*)=[character(len=255) :: &
'3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307 &
&/ pi', &
'0.577215664901532860606512090082402431042 &
&/ The Euler-Mascheroni constant (Gamma)', &
'2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995 &
&/ Napier''s constant "e"&
& is the base of the natural logarithm system,&
& named in honor of Euler ', &
'1.6180339887498948482045868 &
&/ Golden_Ratio', &
'1 / unity', &
!'/ end of data']
end subroutine makefile
end program demo_iostat
> Begin entering numeric values, one per line
> VALUE= 3.1415926535897931
> VALUE= 0.57721566490153287
> VALUE= 2.7182818284590451
> VALUE= 1.6180339887498949
> VALUE= 1.0000000000000000
> STOP end of file. Goodbye!
Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
is_iostat_eor(3) - [STATE:INQUIRY] Test for end-of-record value
is_iostat_eor(3) tests whether a variable has the value of the I/O status “end of record”. The function is equivalent to comparing the variable with the iostat_eor parameter of the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env.
Returns .true. if and only if i has the value which indicates an end-of-record condition for iostat= specifiers, and is .false. otherwise.
Sample program:
program demo_is_iostat_eor
use iso_fortran_env, only : iostat_eor
implicit none
integer :: inums(5), lun, ios
! create a test file to read from
open(newunit=lun, form='formatted',status='scratch',action='readwrite')
write(lun, '(a)') &
'10 20 30', &
'40 50 60 70', &
'80 90', &
'100', &
'110 120 130', &
read(lun, *, iostat=ios) inums
if(is_iostat_eor(ios)) then
print *, 'end of record'
elseif(is_iostat_end(ios)) then
print *,'end of file'
print *,'I/O error',ios
end program demo_is_iostat_eor
> iostat= 0
> inums= 10 20 30 40 50
> iostat= 0
> inums= 80 90 100 110 120
> iostat= -1
> end of file
Note: the list-directed read starts on a new line with each read, and that the read values should not portably be used if IOSTAT is not zero.
Format descriptors, Stream I/O and non-advancing I/O and reads into strings that can then be parsed or read multiple times give full control of what is read. List-directed I/O is generally more appropriate for interactive I/O. ### Standard
Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
kind(3) - [KIND:INQUIRY] Query kind of an entity
kind(x)(3) returns the kind value of the entity x.
The return value indicates the kind of the argument x.
Note that kinds are processor-dependent.
Sample program:
program demo_kind
implicit none
integer,parameter :: dc = kind(' ')
integer,parameter :: dl = kind(.true.)
print *, "The default character kind is ", dc
print *, "The default logical kind is ", dl
end program demo_kind
> The default character kind is 1
> The default logical kind is 4
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
lbound(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Lower dimension bounds of an array
elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function lbound(array,dim,kind)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: kind
array shall be assumed-rank or an array, of any type. It cannot be an unallocated allocatable array or a pointer that is not associated.
dim shall be a scalar integer. The corresponding actual argument shall not be an optional dummy argument, a disassociated pointer, or an unallocated allocatable.
kind an integer initialization expression indicating the kind parameter of the result.
The return value is of type integer and of kind kind. If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind. The result is scalar if dim is present; otherwise, the result is an array of rank one and size n, where n is the rank of array.
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
lbound(3) returns the lower bounds of an array, or a single lower bound along the dim dimension.
If dim is absent, the result is an array of the lower bounds of array.
If dim is present, the result is a scalar corresponding to the lower bound of the array along that dimension. If array is an expression rather than a whole array or array structure component, or if it has a zero extent along the relevant dimension, the lower bound is taken to be 1.
If array is assumed-rank and has rank zero, dim cannot be present since it cannot satisfy the requirement 1 <= dim <= 0.
Note that this function should not be used on assumed-size arrays or in any function without an explicit interface. Errors can occur if there is no interface defined.
Sample program
! program demo_lbound
module m_bounds
implicit none
subroutine msub(arr)
!!integer,intent(in) :: arr(*) ! cannot be assumed-size array
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
write(*,*)'MSUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr), &
& 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
end subroutine msub
end module m_bounds
program demo_lbound
use m_bounds, only : msub
implicit none
subroutine esub(arr)
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
end subroutine esub
end interface
integer :: arr(-10:10)
write(*,*)'MAIN: LOWER=',lbound(arr), &
& 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
call csub()
call msub(arr)
call esub(arr)
subroutine csub
write(*,*)'CSUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr), &
& 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
end subroutine csub
subroutine esub(arr)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
write(*,*)'ESUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr), &
& 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
end subroutine esub
!end program demo_lbound
> MAIN: LOWER= -10 UPPER= 10 SIZE= 21
> CSUB: LOWER= -10 UPPER= 10 SIZE= 21
Fortran 95 , with KIND argument - Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
lcobound(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Lower codimension bounds of an array
lcobound(3) returns the lower bounds of a coarray, or a single lower cobound along the dim codimension.
The return value is of type integer and of kind kind. If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind. If dim is absent, the result is an array of the lower cobounds of coarray. If dim is present, the result is a scalar corresponding to the lower cobound of the array along that codimension.
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
leadz(3) - [BIT:COUNT] Number of leading zero bits of an integer
leadz(3) returns the number of leading zero bits of an integer.
The number of leading zero bits, taking into account the kind of the input value. If all the bits of i are zero, the result value is bit_size(i).
The result may also be thought of as bit_size(i)-1-k where k is the position of the leftmost 1 bit in the input i. Positions are from 0 to bit-size(), with 0 at the right-most bit.
Sample program:
program demo_leadz
implicit none
integer :: value, i
character(len=80) :: f
! make a format statement for writing a value as a bit string
! show output for various integer values
do i=-150, 150, 50
write (*,'("LEADING ZERO BITS=",i3)',advance='no') leadz(value)
write (*,'(" OF VALUE ")',advance='no')
write(*,f,advance='no') value
write(*,'(*(1x,g0))') "AKA",value
! Notes:
! for two's-complements programming environments a negative non-zero
! integer value will always start with a 1 and a positive value with 0
! as the first bit is the sign bit. Such platforms are very common.
end program demo_leadz
> LEADING ZERO BITS= 0 OF VALUE 11111111111111111111111101101010 AKA -150
> LEADING ZERO BITS= 0 OF VALUE 11111111111111111111111110011100 AKA -100
> LEADING ZERO BITS= 0 OF VALUE 11111111111111111111111111001110 AKA -50
> LEADING ZERO BITS=32 OF VALUE 00000000000000000000000000000000 AKA 0
> LEADING ZERO BITS=26 OF VALUE 00000000000000000000000000110010 AKA 50
> LEADING ZERO BITS=25 OF VALUE 00000000000000000000000001100100 AKA 100
> LEADING ZERO BITS=24 OF VALUE 00000000000000000000000010010110 AKA 150
Fortran 2008
bit_size(3), popcnt(3), poppar(3), trailz(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
len(3) - [CHARACTER] Length of a character entity
integer(kind=KIND) function len(string,KIND)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string(..)
integer,optional,intent(in) :: KIND
len(3) returns the length of a character string.
If string is an array, the length of a single element of string is returned, as all elements of an array are the same length.
Note that string need not be defined when this intrinsic is invoked, as only the length (not the content) of string is needed.
The result has a value equal to the number of characters in STRING if it is scalar or in an element of STRING if it is an array.
Sample program
program demo_len
implicit none
! fixed length
character(len=40) :: string
! allocatable length
character(len=:),allocatable :: astring
character(len=:),allocatable :: many_strings(:)
integer :: ii
write(*,*)'length =',ii
! the allocatable string length will be the length of RHS expression
astring=' How long is this allocatable string? '
write(*,*)astring, ' LEN=', len(astring)
! print underline
write(*,*) repeat('=',len(astring))
! assign new value to astring and length changes
astring='New allocatable string'
write(*,*)astring, ' LEN=', len(astring)
! print underline
write(*,*) repeat('=',len(astring))
string=' How long is this fixed string? '
write(*,*)string,' LEN=',len(string)
string='New fixed string '
write(*,*)string,' LEN=',len(string)
! a scalar is returned for an array, as all values in a Fortran
! character array must be of the same length.
many_strings = [ character(len=7) :: 'Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry' ]
write(*,*)'length of ALL elements of array=',len(many_strings)
! you can also query the length (and other attributes) of a string
! using a "type parameter inquiry" (available since fortran 2018)
write(*,*)'length from type parameter inquiry=',string%len
! %len is equivalent to a call to LEN() except the kind of the integer
! value returned is always of default kind.
call passed(' how long? ')
subroutine passed(str)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: str
! the length of str can be used in the definitions of variables
! you can query the length of the passed variable
write(*,*)'length of passed value is ', LEN(str)
end subroutine passed
end program demo_len
> length = 40
> How long is this allocatable string? LEN= 38
> ======================================
> New allocatable string LEN= 22
> ======================
> How long is this fixed string? LEN= 40
> New fixed string LEN= 40
> length of ALL elements of array= 7
> length from type parameter inquiry= 40
> length of passed value is 11
FORTRAN 77 ; with kind argument - Fortran 2003
len_trim(3), adjustr(3), trim(3), and adjustl(3) are related routines that allow you to deal with leading and trailing blanks.
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
len_trim(3) - [CHARACTER:WHITESPACE] Character length without trailing blank characters
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function len_trim(string,KIND)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in),optional :: KIND
len_trim(3) returns the length of a character string, ignoring any trailing blanks.
The result equals the number of characters remaining after any trailing blanks in string are removed.
If the input argument is of zero length or all blanks the result is zero.
Sample program
program demo_len_trim
implicit none
character(len=:),allocatable :: string
integer :: i
! basic usage
string=" how long is this string? "
write(*,*) string
write(*,*)'UNTRIMMED LENGTH=',len(string)
write(*,*)'TRIMMED LENGTH=',len_trim(string)
! print string, then print substring of string
string='xxxxx '
! elemental example
! an array of strings may be used
character(len=:),allocatable :: tablet(:)
tablet=[character(len=256) :: &
& ' how long is this string? ',&
& 'and this one?']
write(*,*)'UNTRIMMED LENGTH= ',len(tablet)
write(*,*)'TRIMMED LENGTH= ',len_trim(tablet)
write(*,*)'SUM TRIMMED LENGTH=',sum(len_trim(tablet))
endblock ELE
end program demo_len_trim
> how long is this string?
> xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fortran 95 . kind argument added with Fortran 2003.
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
lge(3) - [CHARACTER:COMPARE] ASCII Lexical greater than or equal
elemental logical function lge(string_a, string_b)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_a
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_b
lge(3) determines whether one string is lexically greater than or equal to another string, where the two strings are interpreted as containing ASCII character codes. If string_a and string_b are not the same length, the shorter is compared as if spaces were appended to it to form a value that has the same length as the longer.
The lexical comparison intrinsics lge(3), lgt(3), lle(3), and llt(3) differ from the corresponding intrinsic operators .ge., .gt., .le., and .lt., in that the latter use the processor’s character ordering (which is not ASCII on some targets), whereas the former always use the ASCII ordering.
Returns .true. if string_a >= string_b, and .false. otherwise, based on the ASCII collating sequence.
If both input arguments are null strings, .true. is always returned.
If either string contains a character not in the ASCII character set, the result is processor dependent.
Sample program:
program demo_lge
implicit none
integer :: i
print *,'the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters'
write(*,'(1x,19a)')(char(i),i=32,126) ! ASCII order
write(*,*) lge('abc','ABC') ! [T] lowercase is > uppercase
write(*,*) lge('abc','abc ') ! [T] trailing spaces
! If both strings are of zero length the result is true
write(*,*) lge('','') ! [T]
write(*,*) lge('','a') ! [F] the null string is padded
write(*,*) lge('a','') ! [T]
! elemental
write(*,*) lge('abc',['abc','123']) ! [T T] scalar and array
write(*,*) lge(['cba', '123'],'abc') ! [T F]
write(*,*) lge(['abc','123'],['cba','123']) ! [F T] both arrays
end program demo_lge
> the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters
> !"#$%&'()*+,-./012
> 3456789:;<=>?@ABCDE
> YZ[\]^_`abcdefghijk
> lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
> T
> T
> T
> F
> T
> T T
> T F
> F T
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
lgt(3) - [CHARACTER:COMPARE] ASCII Lexical greater than
elemental logical function lgt(string_a, string_b)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_a
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_b
lgt(3) determines whether one string is lexically greater than another string, where the two strings are interpreted as containing ASCII character codes. If the String a and String b are not the same length, the shorter is compared as if spaces were appended to it to form a value that has the same length as the longer.
In general, the lexical comparison intrinsics lge, lgt, lle, and llt differ from the corresponding intrinsic operators .ge., .gt., .le., and .lt., in that the latter use the processor’s character ordering (which is not ASCII on some targets), whereas the former always use the ASCII ordering.
Returns .true. if string_a > string_b, and .false. otherwise, based on the ASCII ordering.
If both input arguments are null strings, .false. is returned.
If either string contains a character not in the ASCII character set, the result is processor dependent.
Sample program:
program demo_lgt
implicit none
integer :: i
print *,'the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters'
write(*,*) lgt('abc','ABC') ! [T] lowercase is > uppercase
write(*,*) lgt('abc','abc ') ! [F] trailing spaces
! If both strings are of zero length the result is false.
write(*,*) lgt('','') ! [F]
write(*,*) lgt('','a') ! [F] the null string is padded
write(*,*) lgt('a','') ! [T]
write(*,*) lgt('abc',['abc','123']) ! [F T] scalar and array
write(*,*) lgt(['cba', '123'],'abc') ! [T F]
write(*,*) lgt(['abc','123'],['cba','123']) ! [F F] both arrays
end program demo_lgt
> the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters
> !"#$%&'()*+,-./012
> 3456789:;<=>?@ABCDE
> YZ[\]^_`abcdefghijk
> lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
> T
> F
> F
> F
> T
> F T
> T F
> F F
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
lle(3) - [CHARACTER:COMPARE] ASCII Lexical less than or equal
elemental logical function lle(string_a, string_b)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_a
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_b
lle(3) determines whether one string is lexically less than or equal to another string, where the two strings are interpreted as containing ASCII character codes.
If string_a and string_b are not the same length, the shorter is compared as if spaces were appended to it to form a value that has the same length as the longer.
Leading spaces are significant.
In general, the lexical comparison intrinsics lge, lgt, lle, and llt differ from the corresponding intrinsic operators .ge., .gt., .le., and .lt., in that the latter use the processor’s character ordering (which is not ASCII on some targets), whereas lle(3) always uses the ASCII ordering.
Returns .true. if string_a <= string_b, and .false. otherwise, based on the ASCII collating sequence.
If both input arguments are null strings, .true. is always returned.
If either string contains a character not in the ASCII character set, the result is processor dependent.
Sample program:
program demo_lle
implicit none
integer :: i
print *,'the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters'
! basics
print *,'case matters'
write(*,*) lle('abc','ABC') ! F lowercase is > uppercase
print *,'a space is the lowest printable character'
write(*,*) lle('abcd','abc') ! F d > space
write(*,*) lle('abc','abcd') ! T space < d
print *,'leading spaces matter, trailing spaces do not'
write(*,*) lle('abc','abc ') ! T trailing spaces
write(*,*) lle('abc',' abc') ! F leading spaces are significant
print *,'even null strings are padded and compared'
! If both strings are of zero length the result is true.
write(*,*) lle('','') ! T
write(*,*) lle('','a') ! T the null string is padded
write(*,*) lle('a','') ! F
print *,'elemental'
write(*,*) lle('abc',['abc','123']) ! [T,F] scalar and array
write(*,*) lle(['cba', '123'],'abc') ! [F,T]
! per the rules for elemental procedures arrays must be the same size
write(*,*) lle(['abc','123'],['cba','123']) ! [T,T] both arrays
end program demo_lle
> the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters
> !"#$%&'()*+,-./012
> 3456789:;<=>?@ABCDE
> YZ[\]^_`abcdefghijk
> lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
> case matters
> F
> a space is the lowest printable character
> F
> T
> leading spaces matter, trailing spaces do not
> T
> F
> even null strings are padded and compared
> T
> T
> F
> elemental
> T F
> F T
> T T
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
llt(3) - [CHARACTER:COMPARE] ASCII Lexical less than
elemental logical function llt(string_a, string_b)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_a
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string_b
llt(3) determines whether one string is lexically less than another string, where the two strings are interpreted as containing ASCII character codes. If the string_a and string_b are not the same length, the shorter is compared as if spaces were appended to it to form a value that has the same length as the longer.
In general, the lexical comparison intrinsics lge, lgt, lle, and llt differ from the corresponding intrinsic operators .ge., .gt., .le., and .lt., in that the latter use the processor’s character ordering (which is not ASCII on some targets), whereas the former always use the ASCII ordering.
Returns .true. if string_a < string_b, and .false. otherwise, based on the ASCII collating sequence.
If both input arguments are null strings, .false. is always returned.
If either string contains a character not in the ASCII character set, the result is processor dependent.
Sample program:
program demo_llt
implicit none
integer :: i
print *,'the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters'
write(*,'(1x,19a)')(char(i),i=32,126) ! ASCII order
! basics
print *,'case matters'
write(*,*) llt('abc','ABC') ! [F] lowercase is > uppercase
write(*,*) llt('abc','abc ') ! [F] trailing spaces
! If both strings are of zero length the result is false.
write(*,*) llt('','') ! [F]
write(*,*) llt('','a') ! [T] the null string is padded
write(*,*) llt('a','') ! [F]
print *,'elemental'
write(*,*) llt('abc',['abc','123']) ! [F F] scalar and array
write(*,*) llt(['cba', '123'],'abc') ! [F T]
write(*,*) llt(['abc','123'],['cba','123']) ! [T F] both arrays
end program demo_llt
> the ASCII collating sequence for printable characters
> !"#$%&'()*+,-./012
> 3456789:;<=>?@ABCDE
> YZ[\]^_`abcdefghijk
> lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
> case matters
> F
> F
> F
> T
> F
> elemental
> F F
> F T
> T F
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
log10(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Base 10 or common logarithm
log10(3) computes the base 10 logarithm of x. This is generally called the “common logarithm”.
The logarithm to base 10 of x
Sample program:
program demo_log10
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 10.0_real64
x = log10(x)
write(*,'(*(g0))')'log10(',x,') is ',log10(x)
! elemental
write(*, *)log10([1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0, &
& 100000.0, 1000000.0, 10000000.0])
end program demo_log10
> log10(1.000000000000000) is .000000000000000
> 0.0000000E+00 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000
> 5.000000 6.000000 7.000000
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
log_gamma(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function
log_gamma(3) computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function.
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the gamma function of x.
Sample program:
program demo_log_gamma
implicit none
real :: x = 1.0
write(*,*)x,log_gamma(x) ! returns 0.0
write(*,*)x,log_gamma(3.0) ! returns 0.693 (approximately)
end program demo_log_gamma
> 1.000000 0.0000000E+00
> 1.000000 0.6931472
Fortran 2008
Gamma function: gamma(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
logical(3) - [TYPE:LOGICAL] Conversion between kinds of logical values
elemental logical(kind=KIND) function logical(l,KIND)
logical(kind=**),intent(in) :: l
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
logical(3) converts one kind of logical variable to another.
The return value is a logical value equal to l, with a kind corresponding to kind, or of the default logical kind if kind is not given.
Sample program:
program demo_logical
! Access array containing the kind type parameter values supported by this
! compiler for entities of logical type
use iso_fortran_env, only : logical_kinds
implicit none
integer :: i
! list kind values supported on this platform, which generally vary
! in storage size as alias declarations
do i =1, size(logical_kinds)
write(*,'(*(g0))')'integer,parameter :: boolean', &
& logical_kinds(i),'=', logical_kinds(i)
end program demo_logical
> integer,parameter :: boolean1=1
> integer,parameter :: boolean2=2
> integer,parameter :: boolean4=4
> integer,parameter :: boolean8=8
> integer,parameter :: boolean16=16
Fortran 95 , related ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module - fortran 2009
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
log(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Natural logarithm
log(3) computes the natural logarithm of x, i.e. the logarithm to the base “e”.
The natural logarithm of x. If x is the complex value (r,i) , the imaginary part “i” is in the range
If the real part of x is less than zero and the imaginary part of x is zero, then the imaginary part of the result is approximately PI if the imaginary part of PI is positive real zero or the processor does not distinguish between positive and negative real zero, and approximately -PI if the imaginary part of x is negative real zero.
Sample program:
program demo_log
implicit none
real(kind(0.0d0)) :: x = 2.71828182845904518d0
complex :: z = (1.0, 2.0)
write(*,*)x, log(x) ! will yield (approximately) 1
write(*,*)z, log(z)
end program demo_log
> 2.7182818284590451 1.0000000000000000
> (1.00000000,2.00000000) (0.804718971,1.10714877)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
maskl(3) - [BIT:SET] Generates a left justified mask
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function maskl(i,KIND)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
maskl(3) has its leftmost i bits set to 1, and the remaining bits set to 0.
i >= 0 .and. i < bitsize(i) ! if KIND is not specified
i >= 0 .and. i < bitsize(0_KIND) ! if KIND is specified
The leftmost i bits of the output integer are set to 1 and the other bits are set to 0.
Sample program:
program demo_maskl
implicit none
integer :: i
! basics
write(*,'(i0,1x,b0)') i, maskl(i)
! elemental
write(*,'(*(i11,1x,b0.32,1x,/))') maskl([(i,i,i=0,bit_size(0),4)])
end program demo_maskl
> 3 11100000000000000000000000000000
> 0 00000000000000000000000000000000
> -268435456 11110000000000000000000000000000
> -16777216 11111111000000000000000000000000
> -1048576 11111111111100000000000000000000
> -65536 11111111111111110000000000000000
> -4096 11111111111111111111000000000000
> -256 11111111111111111111111100000000
> -16 11111111111111111111111111110000
> -1 11111111111111111111111111111111
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
maskr(3) - [BIT:SET] Generates a right-justified mask
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function maskr(i,KIND)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
maskr(3) generates an integer with its rightmost i bits set to 1, and the remaining bits set to 0.
i >= 0 .and. i < bitsize(i) ! if KIND is not specified
i >= 0 .and. i < bitsize(0_KIND) ! if KIND is specified
The rightmost i bits of the output integer are set to 1 and the other bits are set to 0.
Sample program:
program demo_maskr
implicit none
integer :: i
! basics
print *,'basics'
write(*,'(i0,t5,b32.32)') 1, maskr(1)
write(*,'(i0,t5,b32.32)') 5, maskr(5)
write(*,'(i0,t5,b32.32)') 11, maskr(11)
print *,"should be equivalent on two's-complement processors"
write(*,'(i0,t5,b32.32)') 1, shiftr(-1,bit_size(0)-1)
write(*,'(i0,t5,b32.32)') 5, shiftr(-1,bit_size(0)-5)
write(*,'(i0,t5,b32.32)') 11, shiftr(-1,bit_size(0)-11)
! elemental
print *,'elemental '
print *,'(array argument accepted like called with each element)'
write(*,'(*(i11,1x,b0.32,1x,/))') maskr([(i,i,i=0,bit_size(0),4)])
end program demo_maskr
> basics
> 1 00000000000000000000000000000001
> 5 00000000000000000000000000011111
> 11 00000000000000000000011111111111
> should be equivalent on two's-complement processors
> 1 00000000000000000000000000000001
> 5 00000000000000000000000000011111
> 11 00000000000000000000011111111111
> elemental
> (array argument accepted like called with each element)
> 0 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 15 00000000000000000000000000001111
> 255 00000000000000000000000011111111
> 4095 00000000000000000000111111111111
> 65535 00000000000000001111111111111111
> 1048575 00000000000011111111111111111111
> 16777215 00000000111111111111111111111111
> 268435455 00001111111111111111111111111111
> -1 11111111111111111111111111111111
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
matmul(3) - [ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL] Numeric or logical matrix multiplication
function matmul(matrix_a, matrix_b)
type(TYPE1(kind=**)) :: matrix_a(..)
type(TYPE2(kind=**)) :: matrix_b(..)
type(TYPE(kind=PROMOTED)) :: matmul(..)
matmul(3) performs a matrix multiplication on numeric or logical arguments.
If matrix_a and matrix_b are numeric the result is an array containing the conventional matrix product of matrix_a and matrix_b.
First, for the numeric expression C=matmul(A,B)
The shape of the result can then be determined as the number of rows of the first matrix and the number of columns of the second; but if any argument is of rank one (a vector) the result is also rank one. Conversely when both arguments are of rank two, the result has a rank of two. That is …
Then element C(i,j) of the product is obtained by multiplying term-by-term the entries of the ith row of A and the jth column of B, and summing these products. In other words, C(i,j) is the dot product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B.
If matrix_a and matrix_b are of type logical, the array elements of the result are instead:
Sample program:
program demo_matmul
implicit none
integer :: a(2,3), b(3,2), c(2), d(3), e(2,2), f(3), g(2), v1(4),v2(4)
a = reshape([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3])
b = reshape([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60], [3, 2])
c = [1, 2]
d = [1, 2, 3]
e = matmul(a, b)
f = matmul(c,a)
g = matmul(a,d)
call print_matrix_int('A is ',a)
call print_matrix_int('B is ',b)
call print_vector_int('C is ',c)
call print_vector_int('D is ',d)
call print_matrix_int('E is matmul(A,B)',e)
call print_vector_int('F is matmul(C,A)',f)
call print_vector_int('G is matmul(A,D)',g)
! look at argument shapes when one is a vector
write(*,'(" > shape")')
! at least one argument must be of rank two
! so for two vectors at least one must be reshaped
! these return a vector C(1:1)
! treat A(1:n) as A(1:1,1:n)
call print_vector_int('Cd is a vector (not a scalar)',&
& matmul(reshape(v1,[1,size(v1)]),v2))
! or treat B(1:m) as B(1:m,1:1)
call print_vector_int('cD is a vector too',&
& matmul(v1,reshape(v2,[size(v2),1])))
! or treat A(1:n) as A(1:1,1:n) and B(1:m) as B(1:m,1:1)
! but note this returns a matrix C(1:1,1:1) not a vector!
call print_matrix_int('CD is a matrix',matmul(&
& reshape(v1,[1,size(v1)]), &
& reshape(v2,[size(v2),1])))
subroutine print_vector_int(title,arr)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
call print_matrix_int(title,reshape(arr,[1,shape(arr)]))
end subroutine print_vector_int
subroutine print_matrix_int(title,arr)
!@(#) print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(" > ",*(g0,1x))' ! a handy format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest
print all
print all, trim(title)
biggest=' ' ! make buffer to write integer into
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
biggest='(" > [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'
! print one row of array at a time
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
end subroutine print_matrix_int
end program demo_matmul
> A is
> [ 1, 3, 5 ]
> [ 2, 4, 6 ]
> B is
> [ 10, 40 ]
> [ 20, 50 ]
> [ 30, 60 ]
> C is
> [ 1, 2 ]
> D is
> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> E is matmul(A,B)
> [ 220, 490 ]
> [ 280, 640 ]
> F is matmul(C,A)
> [ 5, 11, 17 ]
> G is matmul(A,D)
> [ 22, 28 ]
> shape
> Cd is a vector (not a scalar)
> [ 3300 ]
> cD is a vector too
> [ 3300 ]
> CD is a matrix
> [ 3300 ]
Fortran 95
"GEMMW: A portable level 3 BLAS Winograd variant of Strassen's
matrix-matrix multiply algorithm",
Douglas, C. C., Heroux, M., Slishman, G., and Smith, R. M.,
Journal of Computational Physics,
Vol. 110, No. 1, January 1994, pages 1-10.
The numerical instabilities of Strassen's method for matrix
multiplication requires special processing.
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
maxexponent(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Maximum exponent of a real kind
maxexponent(3) returns the maximum exponent in the model of the type of x.
The value returned is the maximum exponent for the kind of the value queried
Sample program:
program demo_maxexponent
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32,real64,real128
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(*(g0,1x))'
print g, minexponent(0.0_real32), maxexponent(0.0_real32)
print g, minexponent(0.0_real64), maxexponent(0.0_real64)
print g, minexponent(0.0_real128), maxexponent(0.0_real128)
end program demo_maxexponent
> -125 128
> -1021 1024
> -16381 16384
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
maxloc(3) - [ARRAY:LOCATION] Location of the maximum value within an array
NUMERIC function maxloc(array, dim, mask)
NUMERIC,intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
maxloc(3) determines the location of the element in the array with the maximum value, or, if the dim argument is supplied, determines the locations of the maximum element along each row of the array in the dim direction.
If mask is present, only the elements for which mask is .true. are considered. If more than one element in the array has the maximum value, the location returned is that of the first such element in array element order.
If the array has zero size, or all of the elements of mask are .false., then the result is an array of zeroes. Similarly, if dim is supplied and all of the elements of mask along a given row are zero, the result value for that row is zero.
If dim is absent, the result is a rank-one array with a length equal to the rank of array. If dim is present, the result is an array with a rank one less than the rank of array, and a size corresponding to the size of array with the dim dimension removed. If dim is present and array has a rank of one, the result is a scalar. In all cases, the result is of default integer type.
The value returned is reference to the offset from the beginning of the array, not necessarily the subscript value if the array subscripts do not start with one.
sample program
program demo_maxloc
implicit none
integer :: ii
integer,save :: i(-3:3)=[(abs(abs(ii)-50),ii=-3,3)]
integer,save :: ints(3,5)= reshape([&
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, &
11, 22, 33, 44, 55 &
write(*,*) maxloc(ints)
write(*,*) maxloc(ints,dim=1)
write(*,*) maxloc(ints,dim=2)
! when array bounds do not start with one remember MAXLOC(3) returns
! the offset relative to the lower bound-1 of the location of the
! maximum value, not the subscript of the maximum value. When the
! lower bound of the array is one, these values are the same. In
! other words, MAXLOC(3) returns the subscript of the value assuming
! the first subscript of the array is one no matter what the lower
! bound of the subscript actually is.
write(*,'(g0,1x,g0)') (ii,i(ii),ii=lbound(i,dim=1),ubound(i,dim=1))
end program demo_maxloc
> 3 5
> 3 3 3 3 3
> 5 5 5
> -3 47
> -2 48
> -1 49
> 0 50
> 1 49
> 2 48
> 3 47
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
max(3) - [NUMERIC] Maximum value of an argument list
elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function max(a1, a2, a3, ... )
TYPE(kind=KIND,intent(in),optional :: a1
TYPE(kind=KIND,intent(in),optional :: a2
TYPE(kind=KIND,intent(in),optional :: a3
max(3) returns the argument with the largest (most positive) value.
For arguments of character type, the result is as if the arguments had been successively compared with the intrinsic operational operators, taking into account the collating sequence of the character kind.
The returned selected character argument is padded with blanks as needed on the right to the same length of the longest argument.
It is unusual for a Fortran intrinsic to take an arbitrary number of options, and in addition max(3) is elemental, meaning any number of arguments may be arrays as long as they are of the same shape.
The examples contain such cases as examples to clarify the resulting behavior for those not familiar with calling a “scalar” function elementally with arrays.
See maxval(3) for simply getting the max value of an array.
There must be at least two arguments to max(3).
The return value corresponds to an array of the same shape of any array argument, or a scalar if all arguments are scalar.
The returned value when any argument is an array will be an array of the same shape where each element is the maximum value occurring at that location, treating all the scalar values as arrays of that same shape with all elements set to the scalar value.
Sample program
program demo_max
implicit none
real :: arr1(4)= [10.0,11.0,30.0,-100.0]
real :: arr2(5)= [20.0,21.0,32.0,-200.0,2200.0]
integer :: box(3,4)= reshape([-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6],shape(box))
! basic usage
! this is simple enough when all arguments are scalar
! the most positive value is returned, not the one with the
! largest magnitude
! strings do not need to be of the same length
! leading spaces are significant; everyone is padded on the right
! to the length of the longest argument
write(*,*)'characters:',max(' c','b','a')
! elemental
! there must be at least two arguments, so even if A1 is an array
! max(A1) is not valid. See MAXVAL(3) and/or MAXLOC(3) instead.
! strings in a single array do need to be of the same length
! but the different objects can still be of different lengths.
write(*,"(*('""',a,'""':,1x))")MAX(['A','Z'],['BB','Y '])
! note the result is now an array with the max of every element
! position, as can be illustrated numerically as well:
write(*,'(a,*(i3,1x))')'box= ',box
write(*,'(a,*(i3,1x))')'max ',max(box,sign(1,box)*box**2)
! Remember if any argument is an array by the definition of an
! elemental function all the array arguments must be the same shape.
! to find the single largest value of multiple arrays you could
! use something like
! MAXVAL([arr1, arr2])
! or probably better (more likely to avoid creating a large temp array)
! max(maxval(arr1),maxval(arr2))
! instead
! so this returns an array of the same shape as any input array
! where each result is the maximum that occurs at that position.
! this returns an array just like BOX except all values less than
! zero are set to zero:
! When mixing arrays and scalars you can think of the scalars
! as being a copy of one of the arrays with all values set to
! the scalar value.
end program demo_max
> scalars: 30.00000
> scalars: -9.9999997E-05
> characters:words
> characters:c
> characters:b
> "BB" "Z "
> box= -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6
> box**2=-36 -25 -16 -9 -4 -1 1 4 9 16 25 36
> max -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 4 9 16 25 36
> 20.00000 21.00000 32.00000 -100.0000
> 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 1 2 3 4 5 6
maxloc(3), minloc(3), maxval(3), minval(3), min(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
maxval(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Determines the maximum value in an array or row
NUMERIC function maxval(array ,dim, mask)
NUMERIC,intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
maxval(3) determines the maximum value of the elements in an array value, or, if the dim argument is supplied, determines the maximum value along each row of the array in the dim direction. If mask is present, only the elements for which mask is .true. are considered.
If dim is absent, or if array has a rank of one, the result is a scalar. If dim is present, the result is an array with a rank one less than the rank of array, and a size corresponding to the size of array with the dim dimension removed. In all cases, the result is of the same type and kind as array.
If the considered array has zero size then the result is the most negative number of the type and kind of array if array is numeric, or a string of nulls if array is of ASCII character type. or equal to CHAR(0, KIND(ARRAY)) otherwise.
sample program:
program demo_maxval
implicit none
integer,save :: ints(3,5)= reshape([&
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, &
11, 22, 33, 44, 55 &
character(len=:),allocatable :: strs(:)
integer :: i
character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(*(g0,1x))'
character(len=*),parameter :: ind='(3x,*(g0,1x))'
print gen,'Given the array'
write(*,'(1x,*(g4.4,1x))') &
& (ints(i,:),new_line('a'),i=1,size(ints,dim=1))
print gen,'Basics:'
print ind, 'biggest value in array'
print ind, maxval(ints)
print ind, 'biggest value in each column'
print ind, maxval(ints,dim=1)
print ind, 'biggest value in each row'
print ind, maxval(ints,dim=2)
print gen,'With a mask:'
print ind, ' find biggest number less than 30 with mask'
print ind, maxval(ints,mask=ints.lt.30)
print gen,'If zero size considered:'
print ind, 'if zero size numeric array'
print ind, maxval([integer :: ]),'and -huge(0) is',-huge(0),&
& '(often not the same!)'
print ind, 'if zero-size character array all nulls'
print ind, ichar([(strs(i),i=1,len(strs))])
print ind, 'if everything is false,'
print ind, 'same as zero-size array for each subarray'
print ind, maxval(ints,mask=.false.)
print ind, maxval(ints,mask=.false.,dim=1)
end program demo_maxval
> Given the array:
> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &
> 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, &
> 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 &
> biggest value in array
> 55
> biggest value in each column
> 11 22 33 44 55
> biggest value in each row
> 5 50 55
> find biggest number less than 30 with mask
> 22
> if zero size numeric array
> -2147483648 and -huge(0) is -2147483647 (often not the same!)
> if zero-size character array all nulls
> 0 0 0 0 0
> if everything is false, same as zero-size array
> -2147483648
> -2147483648 -2147483648 -2147483648 -2147483648 -2147483648
Fortran 95
minval(3), minloc(3), maxloc(3), min(3) max(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
merge_bits(3) - [BIT:COPY] Merge bits using a mask
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function merge_bits(i,j,mask)
integer(kind=KIND), intent(in) :: i, j, mask
A common graphics operation in Ternary Raster Operations is to combine bits from two different sources, generally referred to as bit-blending. merge_bits(3) performs a masked bit-blend of i and j using the bits of the mask value to determine which of the input values to copy bits from.
Specifically, The k-th bit of the result is equal to the k-th bit of i if the k-th bit of mask is 1; it is equal to the k-th bit of j otherwise (so all three input values must have the same number of bits).
The resulting value is the same as would result from
An exception to all values being of the same integer type is that i or j and/or the mask may be a BOZ constant (A BOZ constant means it is either a Binary, Octal, or Hexadecimal literal constant). The BOZ values are converted to the integer type of the non-BOZ value(s) as if called by the intrinsic function int() with the kind of the non-BOZ value(s), so the BOZ values must be in the range of the type of the result.
The bits blended from i and j using the mask mask.
Sample program:
program demo_merge_bits
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int16) :: if_one,if_zero,msk
character(len=*),parameter :: fmt='(*(g0, 1X))'
! basic usage
print *,'MERGE_BITS( 5,10,41) should be 3.=>',merge_bits(5,10,41)
print *,'MERGE_BITS(13,18,22) should be 4.=>',merge_bits(13,18,22)
! use some values in base2 illustratively:
if_one =int(b'1010101010101010',kind=int16)
print '("should get all zero bits =>",b16.16)', &
& merge_bits(if_one,if_zero,msk)
print '("should get all ones bits =>",b16.16)', &
& merge_bits(if_one,if_zero,msk)
! using BOZ values
print fmt, &
& merge_bits(32767_int16, o'12345', 32767_int16), &
& merge_bits(o'12345', 32767_int16, b'0000000000010101'), &
& merge_bits(32767_int16, o'12345', z'1234')
! a do-it-yourself equivalent for comparison and validation
print fmt, &
& ior(iand(32767_int16, 32767_int16), &
& iand(o'12345', not(32767_int16))), &
& ior(iand(o'12345', int(o'12345', kind=int16)), &
& iand(32767_int16, not(int(o'12345', kind=int16)))), &
& ior(iand(32767_int16, z'1234'), &
& iand(o'12345', not(int( z'1234', kind=int16))))
end program demo_merge_bits
> MERGE_BITS( 5,10,41) should be 3.=> 3
> MERGE_BITS(13,18,22) should be 4.=> 4
> should get all zero bits =>0000000000000000
> should get all ones bits =>1111111111111111
> 32767 32751 5877
> 32767 32767 5877
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
merge(3) - [ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION] Merge variables
elemental type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function merge(tsource,fsource,mask)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: tsource
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: fsource
logical(kind=**),intent(in) :: mask
The elemental function merge(3) selects values from two arrays or scalars according to a logical mask. The result is equal to an element of tsource where the corresponding element of mask is .true., or an element of fsource when it is .false. .
Multi-dimensional arrays are supported.
Note that argument expressions to merge(3) are not required to be short-circuited so (as an example) if the array x contains zero values in the statement below the standard does not prevent floating point divide by zero being generated; as 1.0/x may be evaluated for all values of x before the mask is used to select which value to retain:
Note the compiler is also free to short-circuit or to generate an infinity so this may work in many programming environments but is not recommended.
For cases like this one may instead use masked assignment via the where construct:
instead of the more obscure
Note that (currently) character values must be of the same length.
The result is built from an element of tsource if mask is .true. and from fsource otherwise.
Because tsource and fsource are required to have the same type and type parameters (for both the declared and dynamic types), the result is polymorphic if and only if both tsource and fsource are polymorphic.
Sample program:
program demo_merge
implicit none
integer :: tvals(2,3), fvals(2,3), answer(2,3)
logical :: mask(2,3)
integer :: i
integer :: k
logical :: chooseleft
! Works with scalars
write(*,*)merge (1.0, 0.0, k > 0)
write(*,*)merge (1.0, 0.0, k > 0)
! set up some simple arrays that all conform to the
! same shape
tvals(1,:)=[ 10, -60, 50 ]
tvals(2,:)=[ -20, 40, -60 ]
fvals(1,:)=[ 0, 3, 2 ]
fvals(2,:)=[ 7, 4, 8 ]
mask(1,:)=[ .true., .false., .true. ]
mask(2,:)=[ .false., .false., .true. ]
! lets use the mask of specific values
write(*,*)'mask of logicals'
answer=merge( tvals, fvals, mask )
call printme()
! more typically the mask is an expression
write(*, *)'highest values'
answer=merge( tvals, fvals, tvals > fvals )
call printme()
write(*, *)'lowest values'
answer=merge( tvals, fvals, tvals < fvals )
call printme()
write(*, *)'zero out negative values'
answer=merge( 0, tvals, tvals < 0)
call printme()
write(*, *)'binary choice'
write(*, '(3i4)')merge([1,2,3],[10,20,30],chooseleft)
write(*, '(3i4)')merge([1,2,3],[10,20,30],chooseleft)
subroutine printme()
write(*, '(3i4)')(answer(i, :), i=1, size(answer, dim=1))
end subroutine printme
end program demo_merge
> 1.00000000
> 0.00000000
> mask of logicals
> 10 3 50
> 7 4 -60
> highest values
> 10 3 50
> 7 40 8
> lowest values
> 0 -60 2
> -20 4 -60
> zero out negative values
> 10 0 50
> 0 40 0
> binary choice
> 10 20 30
> 1 2 3
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
minexponent(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Minimum exponent of a real kind
minexponent(3) returns the minimum exponent in the model of the type of x.
The value returned is the maximum exponent for the kind of the value queried
Sample program:
program demo_minexponent
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real32) :: x
real(kind=real64) :: y
print *, minexponent(x), maxexponent(x)
print *, minexponent(y), maxexponent(y)
end program demo_minexponent
Expected Results:
> -125 128
> -1021 1024
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
minloc(3) - [ARRAY:LOCATION] Location of the minimum value within an array
NUMERIC function minloc(array, dim, mask)
NUMERIC,intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
minloc(3) determines the location of the element in the array with the minimum value, or, if the dim argument is supplied, determines the locations of the minimum element along each row of the array in the dim direction.
If mask is present, only the elements for which mask is true. are considered.
If more than one element in the array has the minimum value, the location returned is that of the first such element in array element order.
If the array has zero size, or all of the elements of mask are .false., then the result is an array of zeroes. Similarly, if dim is supplied and all of the elements of mask along a given row are zero, the result value for that row is zero.
If dim is absent, the result is a rank-one array with a length equal to the rank of array. If dim is present, the result is an array with a rank one less than the rank of array, and a size corresponding to the size of array with the dim dimension removed. If dim is present and array has a rank of one, the result is a scalar. In all cases, the result is of default integer type.
sample program:
program demo_minloc
implicit none
integer,save :: ints(3,5)= reshape([&
4, 10, 1, 7, 13, &
9, 15, 6, 12, 3, &
14, 5, 11, 2, 8 &
write(*,*) minloc(ints)
write(*,*) minloc(ints,dim=1)
write(*,*) minloc(ints,dim=2)
! where in each column is the smallest number .gt. 10 ?
write(*,*) minloc(ints,dim=2,mask=ints.gt.10)
! a one-dimensional array with dim=1 explicitly listed returns a scalar
write(*,*) minloc(pack(ints,.true.),dim=1) ! scalar
end program demo_minloc
> 1 3
> 1 3 1 3 2
> 3 5 4
> 5 4 3
> 7
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
min(3) - [NUMERIC] Minimum value of an argument list
elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function min(a1, a2, a3, ... )
TYPE(kind=KIND,intent(in) :: a1
TYPE(kind=KIND,intent(in) :: a2
TYPE(kind=KIND,intent(in) :: a3
min(3) returns the argument with the smallest (most negative) value.
The arguments must the same type which shall be integer, real, or character and they also all have the same kind type parameter.
The type and kind type parameter of the result are the same as those of the arguments.
A common extension is that the argument kinds can vary. In that case the returned value may be the kind of the first argument, or might be the kind of the expression a1+a2+a3+a4… per the rules of promotion.
The return value corresponds to the minimum value among the arguments, and has the same type and kind as the first argument.
Sample program
program demo_min
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: rectangle(3,4)=reshape([(-6+i,i=0,11)],[3,4])
print *, 'basics'
print *, min(10.0,11.0,30.0,-100.0)
print *, min(-200.0,-1.0)
print *, 'elemental'
print *, min(1,[2,3,4])
print *, min(5,[2,3,4])
print *, 'box:'
do i=1,size(rectangle,dim=1)
print *, 'make all values 0 or less:'
do i=1,size(rectangle,dim=1)
end program demo_min
> basics
> -100.000000
> -200.000000
> elemental
> 1 1 1
> 2 3 4
> box:
> -6 -3 0 3
> -5 -2 1 4
> -4 -1 2 5
> make all values 0 or less:
> -6 -3 0 0
> -5 -2 0 0
> -4 -1 0 0
max(3), maxloc(3), minloc(3), minval(3), maxval(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost ’
minval(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Minimum value of all the elements of ARRAY along dimension DIM corresponding to true elements of MASK.
type(TYPE(kind=**)) function minval(array, dim, mask)
NUMERIC,intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
minval(3) determines the minimum value of the elements in an array or, if the dim argument is supplied, determines the minimum value in the subarrays indicated by stepping along the dimth dimension.
Note that the result of
has a value equal to that of
and The result of
has a value equal to that of
if ARRAY has rank one. Otherwise, the value of element (s1 , s2 , . . . , sDIM-1 , sDIM+1 , . . . , sn ) of the result is equal to
MINVAL (ARRAY (s1 , s2 , . . . , sDIM-1 , :, sDIM+1 , . . . , sn )
[, MASK= MASK (s1 , s2 , . . . , sDIM-1 , :, sDIM+1 , . . . , sn ) ] ).
If ARRAY is of type character, the result is the value that would be selected by application of intrinsic relational operators; that is, the collating sequence for characters with the kind type parameter of the arguments is applied.
mask ; If mask is present, only the elements for which mask is .true. are considered when searching for the minimal value.
If dim is absent, or if array has a rank of one, the result is a scalar.
If dim is present, the result is an array with a rank one less than the rank of array, and a size corresponding to the size of array with the dim dimension removed. In all cases, the result is of the same type and kind as array.
sample program:
program demo_minval
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: strs(:)
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(3x,*(g0,1x))'
integer,save :: ints(3,5)= reshape([&
1, -2, 3, 4, 5, &
10, 20, -30, 40, 50, &
11, 22, 33, -44, 55 &
integer,save :: box(3,5,2)
write(*,*)'Given the array'
write(*,'(1x,*(g4.4,1x))') &
& (ints(i,:),new_line('a'),i=1,size(ints,dim=1))
write(*,*)'What is the smallest element in the array?'
write(*,g) minval(ints),'at <',minloc(ints),'>'
write(*,*)'What is the smallest element in each column?'
write(*,g) minval(ints,dim=1)
write(*,*)'What is the smallest element in each row?'
write(*,g) minval(ints,dim=2)
! notice the shape of the output has less columns
! than the input in this case
write(*,*)'What is the smallest element in each column,'
write(*,*)'considering only those elements that are'
write(*,*)'greater than zero?'
write(*,g) minval(ints, dim=1, mask = ints > 0)
& 'if everything is false a zero-sized array is NOT returned'
write(*,*) minval(ints, dim=1, mask = .false.)
write(*,*)'even for a zero-sized input'
write(*,g) minval([integer ::], dim=1, mask = .false.)
write(*,*)'a scalar answer for everything false is huge()'
write(*,g) minval(ints, mask = .false.)
write(*,g) minval([integer ::], mask = .false.)
print *, 'if zero-size character array all dels if ASCII'
print g, ichar([(strs(i),i=1,len(strs))])
write(*,*)'some calls with three dimensions'
write(*,g) minval(box, mask = .true. )
write(*,g) minval(box, dim=1, mask = .true. )
write(*,g) minval(box, dim=2, mask = .true. )
write(*,g) 'shape of answer is ', &
& shape(minval(box, dim=2, mask = .true. ))
end program demo_minval
> Given the array
> 1 -2 3 4 5
> 10 20 -30 40 50
> 11 22 33 -44 55
> What is the smallest element in the array?
> -44 at < 3 4 >
> What is the smallest element in each column?
> 1 -2 -30 -44 5
> What is the smallest element in each row?
> -2 -30 -44
> What is the smallest element in each column,
> considering only those elements that are
> greater than zero?
> 1 20 3 4 5
> if everything is false a zero-sized array is NOT returned
> 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647
> even for a zero-sized input
> 2147483647
> a scalar answer for everything false is huge()
> 2147483647
> 2147483647
> if zero-size character array all dels if ASCII
> some calls with three dimensions
> -55
> 1 -2 -30 -44 5 -11 -22 -33 -40 -55
> -2 -30 -44 -5 -50 -55
> shape of answer is 3 2
Fortran 95
min(3), minloc(3) maxloc(3), maxval(3), min(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
mod(3) - [NUMERIC] Remainder function
elemental type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function mod(a,p)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: a
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: p
mod(3) computes the remainder of the division of a by p.
In mathematics, the remainder is the amount “left over” after performing some computation. In arithmetic, the remainder is the integer “left over” after dividing one integer by another to produce an integer quotient (integer division). In algebra of polynomials, the remainder is the polynomial “left over” after dividing one polynomial by another. The modulo operation is the operation that produces such a remainder when given a dividend and divisor.
The return value is the result of a - (int(a/p) * p).
As can be seen by the formula the sign of p is canceled out. Therefore the returned value always has the sign of a.
Of course, the magnitude of the result will be less than the magnitude of p, as the result has been reduced by all multiples of p.
Sample program:
program demo_mod
implicit none
! basics
print *, mod( -17, 3 ), modulo( -17, 3 )
print *, mod( 17, -3 ), modulo( 17, -3 )
print *, mod( 17, 3 ), modulo( 17, 3 )
print *, mod( -17, -3 ), modulo( -17, -3 )
print *, mod(-17.5, 5.2), modulo(-17.5, 5.2)
print *, mod( 17.5,-5.2), modulo( 17.5,-5.2)
print *, mod( 17.5, 5.2), modulo( 17.5, 5.2)
print *, mod(-17.5,-5.2), modulo(-17.5,-5.2)
! with a divisor of 1 the fractional part is returned
print *, mod(-17.5, 1.0), modulo(-17.5, 1.0)
print *, mod( 17.5,-1.0), modulo( 17.5,-1.0)
print *, mod( 17.5, 1.0), modulo( 17.5, 1.0)
print *, mod(-17.5,-1.0), modulo(-17.5,-1.0)
end program demo_mod
> -2 1
> 2 -1
> 2 2
> -2 -2
> -1.900001 3.299999
> 1.900001 -3.299999
> 1.900001 1.900001
> -1.900001 -1.900001
> -0.5000000 0.5000000
> 0.5000000 -0.5000000
> 0.5000000 0.5000000
> -0.5000000 -0.5000000
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
modulo(3) - [NUMERIC] Modulo function
elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function modulo(a,p)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: a
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: p
modulo(3) computes the a modulo p.
The type and kind of the result are those of the arguments.
If a and p are of type integer: modulo(a,p) has the value of a - floor (real(a) / real(p)) * p.
If a and p are of type real: modulo(a,p) has the value of a - floor (a / p) * p.
The returned value has the same sign as p and a magnitude less than the magnitude of p. ### Examples
Sample program:
program demo_modulo
implicit none
print *, modulo(17,3) ! yields 2
print *, modulo(17.5,5.5) ! yields 1.0
print *, modulo(-17,3) ! yields 1
print *, modulo(-17.5,5.5) ! yields 4.5
print *, modulo(17,-3) ! yields -1
print *, modulo(17.5,-5.5) ! yields -4.5
end program demo_modulo
> 2
> 1.000000
> 1
> 4.500000
> -1
> -4.500000
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
move_alloc(3) - [MEMORY] Move allocation from one object to another
subroutine move_alloc(from, to)
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(inout),allocatable :: from(..)
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(out),allocatable :: to(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(out) :: stat
character(len=*),intent(inout) :: errmsg
move_alloc(3) moves the allocation from from to to. from will become deallocated in the process.
This is potentially more efficient than other methods of assigning the values in from to to and explicitly deallocating from, which are far more likely to require a temporary object or a copy of the elements of the array.
Otherwise, if an error condition occurs:
o if stat is absent, error termination is initiated; o otherwise, if from is a coarray and the current team contains a stopped image, stat is assigned the value STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV; o otherwise, if from is a coarray and the current team contains a failed image, and no other error condition occurs, stat is assigned the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV; o otherwise, stat is assigned a processor-dependent positive value that differs from that of STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE or STAT_FAILED_IMAGE.
Basic sample program to allocate a bigger grid
program demo_move_alloc
implicit none
! Example to allocate a bigger GRID
real, allocatable :: grid(:), tempgrid(:)
integer :: n, i
! initialize small GRID
n = 3
allocate (grid(1:n))
grid = [ (real (i), i=1,n) ]
! initialize TEMPGRID which will be used to replace GRID
allocate (tempgrid(1:2*n)) ! Allocate bigger grid
tempgrid(::2) = grid ! Distribute values to new locations
tempgrid(2::2) = grid + 0.5 ! initialize other values
call MOVE_ALLOC (from=tempgrid, to=grid)
! TEMPGRID should no longer be allocated
! and GRID should be the size TEMPGRID was
if (size (grid) /= 2*n .or. allocated (tempgrid)) then
print *, "Failure in move_alloc!"
print *, allocated(grid), allocated(tempgrid)
print '(99f8.3)', grid
end program demo_move_alloc
> T F
> 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500
Fortran 2003, STAT and ERRMSG options added 2018
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
mvbits(3) - [BIT:COPY] Reproduce bit patterns found in one integer in another
elemental subroutine mvbits( from, frompos, len, to, topos )
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: from
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: frompos
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: len
integer(kind=KIND),intent(inout) :: to
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: topos
mvbits(3) copies a bit pattern found in a range of adjacent bits in the integer from to a specified position in another integer to (which is of the same kind as from). It otherwise leaves the bits in to as-is.
The bit positions copied must exist within the value of from. That is, the values of frompos+len-1 and topos+len-1 must be nonnegative and less than bit_size(from).
The bits are numbered 0 to bit_size(i)-1, from right to left.
to is set by copying the sequence of bits of length len, starting at position frompos of from to position topos of to. No other bits of to are altered. On return, the len bits of to starting at topos are equal to the value that the len bits of from starting at frompos had on entry.
Sample program that populates a new 32-bit integer with its bytes in reverse order from the input value (ie. changes the Endian of the integer).
program demo_mvbits
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int32) :: intfrom, intto, abcd_int
character(len=*),parameter :: bits= '(g0,t30,b32.32)'
character(len=*),parameter :: fmt= '(g0,t30,a,t40,b32.32)'
intfrom=huge(0) ! all bits are 1 accept the sign bit
intto=0 ! all bits are 0
! show the value and bit pattern
! copy bit 0 from intfrom to intto to show the rightmost bit changes
! (from, frompos, len, to, topos)
call mvbits(intfrom, 0, 1, intto, 0) ! change bit 0
! can copy bit from a value to itself
call mvbits(intfrom,0,1,intfrom,31)
! make native integer value with bit patterns
! that happen to be the same as the beginning of the alphabet
! to make it easy to see the bytes are reversed
! show the value and bit pattern
! change endian of the value
! show the values and their bit pattern
pure elemental function int_swap32(intin) result(intout)
! Convert a 32 bit integer from big Endian to little Endian,
! or conversely from little Endian to big Endian.
integer(kind=int32), intent(in) :: intin
integer(kind=int32) :: intout
! copy bytes from input value to new position in output value
! (from, frompos, len, to, topos)
call mvbits(intin, 0, 8, intout, 24) ! byte1 to byte4
call mvbits(intin, 8, 8, intout, 16) ! byte2 to byte3
call mvbits(intin, 16, 8, intout, 8) ! byte3 to byte2
call mvbits(intin, 24, 8, intout, 0) ! byte4 to byte1
end function int_swap32
end program demo_mvbits
> 2147483647 01111111111111111111111111111111
> 0 00000000000000000000000000000000
> 1 00000000000000000000000000000001
> -1 11111111111111111111111111111111
> native
> 1684234849 abcd 01100100011000110110001001100001
> non-native
> 1633837924 dcba 01100001011000100110001101100100
Fortran 95
btest(3), iand(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), not(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
nearest(3) - [MODEL:COMPONENTS] Nearest representable number
elemental real(kind=KIND) function nearest(x,s)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
real(kind=**),intent(in) :: s
nearest(3) returns the processor-representable number nearest to x in the direction indicated by the sign of s.
If s is positive, nearest returns the processor-representable number greater than x and nearest to it.
If s is negative, nearest returns the processor-representable number smaller than x and nearest to it.
The return value is of the same type as x. If s is positive, nearest returns the processor-representable number greater than x and nearest to it. If s is negative, nearest returns the processor-representable number smaller than x and nearest to it.
Sample program:
program demo_nearest
implicit none
real :: x, y
x = nearest(42.0, 1.0)
y = nearest(42.0, -1.0)
write (*,"(3(g20.15))") x, y, x - y
! write (*,"(3(g20.15))") &
! nearest(tiny(0.0),1.0), &
! nearest(tiny(0.0),-1.0), &
! nearest(tiny(0.0),1.0) -nearest(tiny(0.0),-1.0)
! write (*,"(3(g20.15))") &
! nearest(huge(0.0),1.0), &
! nearest(huge(0.0),-1.0), &
! nearest(huge(0.0),1.0)- nearest(huge(0.0),-1.0)
end program demo_nearest
> 42.0000038146973 41.9999961853027 .762939453125000E-05
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
new_line(3) - [CHARACTER:INQUIRY] Newline character
new_line(3) returns the newline character.
Normally, newlines are generated with regular formatted I/O statements like WRITE() and PRINT() when each statement completes:
Alternatively, a “/” descriptor in a format is used to generate a newline on the output. For example:
x = 11
is the answer
Also, for formatted sequential output if more data is listed on the output statement than can be represented by the format statement a newline is generated and then the format is reused until the output list is exhausted.
But there are occasions, particularly when non-advancing I/O or stream I/O is being generated (which does not generate a newline at the end of each WRITE statement, as normally occurs) where it is preferable to place a newline explicitly in the output at specified points.
To do so you must make sure you are generating the correct newline character, which the techniques above do automatically.
The newline character varies between some platforms, and can even depend on the encoding (ie. which character set is being used) of the output file. In these cases selecting the correct character to output can be determined by the new_line(3) procedure.
This is the typical case, and just requires using “new_line(‘a’)”.
Sample program:
program demo_new_line
implicit none
character,parameter :: nl=new_line('a')
character(len=:),allocatable :: string
real :: r
integer :: i, count
! basics
! print a string with a newline embedded in it
string='This is record 1.'//nl//'This is record 2.'
write(*,'(a)') string
! print a newline character string
write(*,'(*(a))',advance='no') &
nl,'This is record 1.',nl,'This is record 2.',nl
! output a number of words of random length as a paragraph
! by inserting a new_line before line exceeds 70 characters
! simplistic paragraph print using non-advancing I/O
do i=1,100
! make some fake word of random length
call random_number(r)
end program demo_new_line
> This is record 1.
> This is record 2.
> This is record 1.
> This is record 2.
> x x xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx x
> xxxxxxxxxx x x x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
> xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx
> xxxxx xxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
> xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx
> xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx x xxxx
> xxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
> xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
> xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
> xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx
Fortran 2003
achar(3), char(3), iachar(3), ichar(3), selected_char_kind(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
nint(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Nearest whole number
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function nint(a, kind )
real(kind=**),intent(in) :: a
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
nint(3) rounds its argument to the nearest whole number with its sign preserved.
The user must ensure the value is a valid value for the range of the kind returned. If the processor cannot represent the result in the kind specified, the result is undefined.
If a is greater than zero, nint(a) has the value int(a+0.5).
If a is less than or equal to zero, nint(a) has the value int(a-0.5).
The result is the integer nearest a, or if there are two integers equally near a, the result is whichever such integer has the greater magnitude.
The result is undefined if it cannot be represented in the specified integer type.
Sample program:
program demo_nint
implicit none
integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0)
real,allocatable :: in(:)
integer,allocatable :: out(:)
integer :: i
real :: x4
real(kind=dp) :: x8
! basic use
x4 = 1.234E0
x8 = 4.721_dp
print *, nint(x4), nint(-x4)
print *, nint(x8), nint(-x8)
! elemental
in = [ -2.7, -2.5, -2.2, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, -0.4, &
& 0.0, &
& +0.04, +0.5, +1.0, +1.5, +2.0, +2.2, +2.5, +2.7 ]
out = nint(in)
do i=1,size(in)
! dusty corners
ISSUES: block
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
integer :: icheck
! make sure input is in range for the type returned
write(*,*)'Range limits for typical KINDS:'
write(*,'(1x,g0,1x,g0)') &
& int8,huge(0_int8), &
& int16,huge(0_int16), &
& int32,huge(0_int32), &
& int64,huge(0_int64)
! the standard does not require this to be an error ...
x8=12345.67e15 ! too big of a number
write(*,*)'Any KIND big enough? ICHECK=',icheck
print *, 'These are all wrong answers for ',x8
print *, nint(x8,kind=int8)
print *, nint(x8,kind=int16)
print *, nint(x8,kind=int32)
print *, nint(x8,kind=int64)
endblock ISSUES
end program demo_nint
> 1 -1
> 5 -5
> -2.700000 -3
> -2.500000 -3
> -2.200000 -2
> -2.000000 -2
> -1.500000 -2
> -1.000000 -1
> -0.5000000 -1
> -0.4000000 0
> 0.0000000E+00 0
> 3.9999999E-02 0
> 0.5000000 1
> 1.000000 1
> 1.500000 2
> 2.000000 2
> 2.200000 2
> 2.500000 3
> 2.700000 3
> Range limits for typical KINDS:
> 1 127
> 2 32767
> 4 2147483647
> 8 9223372036854775807
> Any KIND big enough? ICHECK= -1
> These are all wrong answers for 1.234566949990144E+019
> 0
> 0
> -2147483648
> -9223372036854775808
FORTRAN 77 , with KIND argument - Fortran 90
aint(3), anint(3), int(3), selected_int_kind(3), ceiling(3), floor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
norm2(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Euclidean vector norm
real(kind=KIND) function norm2(array, dim)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
norm2(3) calculates the Euclidean vector norm (L_2 norm or generalized L norm) of array along dimension dim.
If dim is absent, a scalar with the square root of the sum of squares of the elements of array is returned.
Otherwise, an array of rank n-1, where n equals the rank of array, and a shape similar to that of array with dimension DIM dropped is returned.
It is recommended that the processor compute the result without undue overflow or underflow.
Sample program:
program demo_norm2
implicit none
integer :: i
real :: x(2,3) = reshape([ &
1, 2, 3, &
4, 5, 6 &
write(*,*) 'input in row-column order'
write(*,*) 'x='
write(*,*) 'norm2(x)=',norm2(x)
write(*,*) 'which is equivalent to'
write(*,*) 'sqrt(sum(x**2))=',sqrt(sum(x**2))
write(*,*) 'for reference the array squared is'
write(*,*) 'x**2='
write(*,*) 'norm2(x,dim=1)=',norm2(x,dim=1)
write(*,*) 'norm2(x,dim=2)=',norm2(x,dim=2)
write(*,*) '(sqrt(sum(x(:,i)**2)),i=1,3)=',(sqrt(sum(x(:,i)**2)),i=1,3)
write(*,*) '(sqrt(sum(x(i,:)**2)),i=1,2)=',(sqrt(sum(x(i,:)**2)),i=1,2)
end program demo_norm2
> input in row-column order
> x=
> 1. 2. 3.
> 4. 5. 6.
> norm2(x)= 9.539392
> which is equivalent to
> sqrt(sum(x**2))= 9.539392
> for reference the array squared is
> x**2=
> 1. 4. 9.
> 16. 25. 36.
> norm2(x,dim=1)= 4.123106 5.385165 6.708204
> norm2(x,dim=2)= 3.741657 8.774964
> (sqrt(sum(x(:,i)**2)),i=1,3)= 4.123106 5.385165 6.708204
> (sqrt(sum(x(i,:)**2)),i=1,2)= 3.741657 8.774964
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
not(3) - [BIT:LOGICAL] Logical negation; flips all bits in an integer
not(3) returns the bitwise Boolean inverse of i. This is also known as the “Bitwise complement” or “Logical negation” of the value.
If an input bit is a one, that position is a zero on output. Conversely any input bit that is zero is a one on output.
The result has the value obtained by complementing i bit-by-bit according to the following truth table:
> I | NOT(I)
> ----#----------
> 1 | 0
> 0 | 1
That is, every input bit is flipped.
Sample program
program demo_not
implicit none
integer :: i
! basics
print *,'the input value',i,'represented in bits is'
write(*,'(1x,b32.32,1x,i0)') i, i
print *,'on output it is',i
write(*,'(1x,b32.32,1x,i0)') i, i
print *, " on a two's complement machine flip the bits and add 1"
print *, " to get the value with the sign changed, for example."
print *, 1234, not(1234)+1
print *, -1234, not(-1234)+1
print *, " of course 'x=-x' works just fine and more generally."
end program demo_not
> the input value -13741 represented in bits is
> 11111111111111111100101001010011 -13741
> on output it is 13740
> 00000000000000000011010110101100 13740
> on a two's complement machine flip the bits and add 1
> to get the value with the sign changed, for example.
> 1234 -1234
> -1234 1234
> of course 'x=-x' works just fine and more generally.
Fortran 95
iand(3), ior(3), ieor(3), ibits(3), ibset(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
null(3) - [TRANSFORMATIONAL] Function that returns a disassociated pointer
null(3) returns a disassociated pointer.
If mold is present, a disassociated pointer of the same type is returned, otherwise the type is determined by context.
In Fortran 95, mold is optional. Please note that Fortran 2003 includes cases where it is required.
A disassociated pointer or an unallocated allocatable entity.
Sample program:
!program demo_null
module showit
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: g='(*(g0,1x))'
public gen
! a generic interface that only differs in the
! type of the pointer the second argument is
interface gen
module procedure s1
module procedure s2
end interface
subroutine s1 (j, pi)
integer j
integer, pointer :: pi
write(*,g)'Two integers in S1:,',j,'and',pi
write(*,g)'One integer in S1:,',j
end subroutine s1
subroutine s2 (k, pr)
integer k
real, pointer :: pr
write(*,g)'integer and real in S2:,',k,'and',pr
write(*,g)'One integer in S2:,',k
end subroutine s2
end module showit
program demo_null
use showit, only : gen
real,target :: x = 200.0
integer,target :: i = 100
real, pointer :: real_ptr
integer, pointer :: integer_ptr
! so how do we call S1() or S2() with a disassociated pointer?
! the answer is the null() function with a mold value
! since s1() and s2() both have a first integer
! argument the NULL() pointer must be associated
! to a real or integer type via the mold option
! so the following can distinguish whether s1(1)
! or s2() is called, even though the pointers are
! not associated or defined
call gen (1, null (real_ptr) ) ! invokes s2
call gen (2, null (integer_ptr) ) ! invokes s1
real_ptr => x
integer_ptr => i
call gen (3, real_ptr ) ! invokes s2
call gen (4, integer_ptr ) ! invokes s1
end program demo_null
> One integer in S2:, 1
> One integer in S1:, 2
> integer and real in S2:, 3 and 200.000000
> Two integers in S1:, 4 and 100
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
num_images(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Number of images
integer function num_images (team)
type(TEAM_TYPE),intent(in),optional :: team
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in),optional :: team_number
num_images(3) Returns the number of images.
The number of images in the specified team, or in the current team if no team is specified.
Sample program:
program demo_num_images
implicit none
integer :: value[*]
real :: p[*]
integer :: i
value = this_image()
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
do i = 1, num_images()
write(*,'(2(a,i0))') 'value[', i, '] is ', value[i]
end do
! The following code uses image 1 to read data and
! broadcast it to other images.
if (this_image()==1) then
do i = 2, num_images()
p[i] = p
end do
end if
sync all
end program demo_num_images
Fortran 2008 . With DISTANCE or FAILED argument, TS 18508
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
out_of_range(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Whether a numeric value can be converted safely to another type
elemental logical function(x, mold, round)
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in) :: x
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in) :: mold
logical,intent(in),optional :: round
out_of_range(3) determines whether a value x can be converted safely to a real or integer variable the same type and kind as mold.
For example, if int8 is the kind name for an 8-bit binary integer type, then for
L1 likely will have the value .false. because the value will be truncated to -128.0, which is a representable integer number on a two’s complement machine.
L2 will be .true. because it will be rounded to -129.0, which is not likely to be a representable eight-bit integer.
From the standard:
Case (i): If mold is of type integer, and round is absent or present with the value false, the result is true if and only if the value of X is an IEEE infinity or NaN, or if the integer with largest magnitude that lies between zero and X inclusive is not representable by objects with the type and kind of mold.
Case (ii): If mold is of type integer, and round is present with the value true, the result is true if and only if the value of X is an IEEE infinity or NaN, or if the integer nearest X, or the integer of greater magnitude if two integers are equally near to X, is not representable by objects with the type and kind of mold.
Case (iii): Otherwise, the result is true if and only if the value of X is an IEEE infinity or NaN that is not supported by objects of the type and kind of mold, or if X is a finite number and the result of rounding the value of X (according to the IEEE rounding mode if appropriate) to the extended model for the kind of mold has magnitude larger than that of the largest finite number with the same sign as X that is representable by objects with the type and kind of mold.
mold is required to be a scalar because the only information taken from it is its type and kind. Allowing an array mold would require that it be conformable with x. round is scalar because allowing an array rounding mode would have severe performance difficulties on many processors.
Sample program:
program demo_out_of_range
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
integer :: i
integer(kind=int8) :: i8, j8
! compilers are not required to produce an error on out of range.
! here storing the default integers into 1-byte integers
! incorrectly can have unexpected results
do i=127,130
! OUT_OF_RANGE(3) can let you check if the value will fit
write(*,*)i8,j8,' might have expected',i,-i, &
& out_of_range( i,i8), &
& out_of_range(-i,i8)
write(*,*) 'RANGE IS ',-1-huge(0_int8),'TO',huge(0_int8)
! the real -128.5 is truncated to -128 and is in range
write(*,*) out_of_range ( -128.5, 0_int8) ! false
! the real -128.5 is rounded to -129 and is not in range
write(*,*) out_of_range ( -128.5, 0_int8, .true.) ! true
end program demo_out_of_range
> 127 -127 might have expected 127 -127 F F
> -128 -128 might have expected 128 -128 T F
> -127 127 might have expected 129 -129 T T
> -126 126 might have expected 130 -130 T T
> RANGE IS -128 TO 127
> F
> T
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
pack(3) - [ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION] Pack an array into an array of rank one
TYPE(kind=KIND) function pack(array,mask,vector)
TYPE(kind=KIND),option(in) :: array(..)
logical :: mask(..)
TYPE(kind=KIND),option(in),optional :: vector(*)
pack(3) stores the elements of array in an array of rank one.
The beginning of the resulting array is made up of elements whose mask equals .true.. Afterwards, remaining positions are filled with elements taken from vector
vector shall have at least as many elements as there are in array.
The result is an array of rank one and the same type as that of array. If vector is present, the result size is that of vector, the number of .true. values in mask otherwise.
If mask is scalar with the value .true., in which case the result size is the size of array.
Sample program:
program demo_pack
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: m(:)
character(len=10) :: c(4)
! gathering nonzero elements from an array:
m = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0 ]
write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0)
! Gathering nonzero elements from an array and appending elements
! from VECTOR till the size of the mask array (or array size if the
! mask is scalar):
m = [ 1, 0, 0, 2 ]
write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0, [ 0, 0, 3, 4 ])
write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0 )
! select strings whose second character is "a"
c = [ character(len=10) :: 'ape', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog']
write(*, fmt="(*(g0, ' '))") pack(c, c(:)(2:2) == 'a' )
! creating a quicksort using PACK(3f)
intrinsic random_seed, random_number
real :: x(10)
call random_seed()
call random_number(x)
write (*,"(a10,*(1x,f0.3))") "initial",x
write (*,"(a10,*(1x,f0.3))") "sorted",qsort(x)
! concise quicksort from @arjen and @beliavsky shows recursion,
! array sections, and vectorized comparisons.
pure recursive function qsort(values) result(sorted)
intrinsic pack, size
real, intent(in) :: values(:)
real :: sorted(size(values))
if (size(values) > 1) then
sorted = &
& [qsort(pack(values(2:),values(2:)<values(1))), values(1), &
& qsort(pack(values(2:),values(2:)>=values(1)))]
sorted = values
end function qsort
end program demo_pack
> 1 5
> 1 2 3 4
> 1 2
> bat cat
> initial .833 .367 .958 .454 .122 .602 .418 .942 .566 .400
> sorted .122 .367 .400 .418 .454 .566 .602 .833 .942 .958
Fortran 95
merge(3), spread(3), unpack(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
parity(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Array reduction by .NEQV. operation
logical(kind=KIND) function parity(mask, dim)
type(logical(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: mask(..)
type(integer(kind=**)),intent(in),optional :: dim
parity(3) calculates the parity array (i.e. the reduction using .neqv.) of mask along dimension dim if dim is present and not 1. Otherwise, it returns the parity of the entire mask array as a scalar.
The result is of the same type as mask.
If dim is absent, a scalar with the parity of all elements in mask is returned: .true. if an odd number of elements are .true. and .false. otherwise.
If MASK has rank one, PARITY (MASK, DIM) is equal to PARITY (MASK). Otherwise, the result is an array of parity values with dimension dim dropped.
Sample program:
program demo_parity
implicit none
logical, parameter :: T=.true., F=.false.
logical :: x(3,4)
! basics
print *, parity([T,F])
print *, parity([T,F,F])
print *, parity([T,F,F,T])
print *, parity([T,F,F,T,T])
print *, parity(x)
print *, parity(x,dim=1)
print *, parity(x,dim=2)
end program demo_parity
> T
> T
> F
> T
> F
> T T T T
> F F F
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
popcnt(3) - [BIT:COUNT] Number of bits set
popcnt(3) returns the number of bits set to one in the binary representation of an integer.
The number of bits set to one in i.
Sample program:
program demo_popcnt
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : integer_kinds, &
& int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: pretty='(b64,1x,i0)'
! basic usage
print pretty, 127, popcnt(127)
print pretty, int(b"01010"), popcnt(int(b"01010"))
! any kind of an integer can be used
print pretty, huge(0_int8), popcnt(huge(0_int8))
print pretty, huge(0_int16), popcnt(huge(0_int16))
print pretty, huge(0_int32), popcnt(huge(0_int32))
print pretty, huge(0_int64), popcnt(huge(0_int64))
end program demo_popcnt
Note that on most machines the first bit is the sign bit, and a zero is used for positive values; but that this is system-dependent. These are typical values, where the huge(3) function has set all but the first bit to 1.
> 1111111 7
> 1010 2
> 1111111 7
> 111111111111111 15
> 1111111111111111111111111111111 31
> 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 63
Fortran 2008
There are many procedures that operator or query values at the bit level:
poppar(3), leadz(3), trailz(3) atomic_and(3), atomic_fetch_and(3), atomic_fetch_or(3), atomic_fetch_xor(3), atomic_or(3), atomic_xor(3), bge(3), bgt(3), bit_size(3), ble(3), blt(3), btest(3), dshiftl(3), dshiftr(3), iall(3), iand(3), iany(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), iparity(3), ishftc(3), ishft(3), maskl(3), maskr(3), merge_bits(3), mvbits(3), not(3), shifta(3), shiftl(3), shiftr(3), storage_size(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
poppar(3) - [BIT:COUNT] Parity of the number of bits set
poppar(3) returns the parity of an integer’s binary representation (i.e., the parity of the number of bits set).
The parity is expressed as
The return value is equal to 0 if i has an even number of bits set and 1 if an odd number of bits are set.
Sample program:
program demo_poppar
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : integer_kinds, &
& int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: pretty='(b64,1x,i0)'
! basic usage
print pretty, 127, poppar(127)
print pretty, 128, poppar(128)
print pretty, int(b"01010"), poppar(int(b"01010"))
! any kind of an integer can be used
print pretty, huge(0_int8), poppar(huge(0_int8))
print pretty, huge(0_int16), poppar(huge(0_int16))
print pretty, huge(0_int32), poppar(huge(0_int32))
print pretty, huge(0_int64), poppar(huge(0_int64))
end program demo_poppar
> 1111111 1
> 10000000 1
> 1010 0
> 1111111111111111111111111111111 1
> 1111111 1
> 111111111111111 1
> 1111111111111111111111111111111 1
> 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1
Fortran 2008
There are many procedures that operator or query values at the bit level:
popcnt(3), leadz(3), trailz(3) atomic_and(3), atomic_fetch_and(3), atomic_fetch_or(3), atomic_fetch_xor(3), atomic_or(3), atomic_xor(3), bge(3), bgt(3), bit_size(3), ble(3), blt(3), btest(3), dshiftl(3), dshiftr(3), iall(3), iand(3), iany(3), ibclr(3), ibits(3), ibset(3), ieor(3), ior(3), iparity(3), ishftc(3), ishft(3), maskl(3), maskr(3), merge_bits(3), mvbits(3), not(3), shifta(3), shiftl(3), shiftr(3), storage_size(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
precision(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Decimal precision of a real kind
precision(3) returns the decimal precision in the model of the type of x.
The precision of values of the type and kind of x ### Examples
Sample program:
program demo_precision
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64,sp=>real32
implicit none
real(kind=sp) :: x(2)
complex(kind=dp) :: y
print *, precision(x), range(x)
print *, precision(y), range(y)
end program demo_precision
> 6 37
> 15 307
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
present(3) - [STATE:INQUIRY] Determine whether an optional dummy argument is specified
present(3) can be used in a procedure to determine if an optional dummy argument was present on the current call to the procedure.
a shall be the name of an optional dummy argument that is accessible in the subprogram in which the present(3) function reference appears. There are no other requirements on a.
Note when an argument is not present when the current procedure is invoked, you may only pass it as an optional argument to another procedure or pass it as an argument to present.
Returns .true. if the optional argument a is present (was passed on the call to the procedure) , or .false. otherwise.
Sample program:
program demo_present
implicit none
integer :: answer
! argument to func() is not present
write(*,*) answer
! argument to func() is present
write(*,*) answer
integer function func(x)
! the optional characteristic on this definition allows this variable
! to not be specified on a call; and also allows it to subsequently
! be passed to PRESENT(3):
integer, intent(in), optional :: x
integer :: x_local
! basic
! if present, you can use x like any other variable.
! if not, you cannot define or reference x except to
! pass it as an optional parameter to another procedure
! or in a call to present(3)
! passing the argument on to other procedures
! so something like this is a bad idea because x is used
! as the first argument to merge(3) when it might not be
! present
! xlocal=merge(x,0,present(x)) ! NO!!
! We can pass it to another procedure if another
! procedure declares the argument as optional as well,
! or we have tested that X is present
call tattle('optional argument x',x)
if(present(x))call not_optional(x)
end function
subroutine tattle(label,arg)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: label
integer,intent(in),optional :: arg
write(*,*)label,' is present'
write(*,*)label,' is not present'
end subroutine tattle
subroutine not_optional(arg)
integer,intent(in) :: arg
write(*,*)'already tested X is defined',arg
end subroutine not_optional
end program demo_present
> optional argument x is not present
> 0
> optional argument x is present
> already tested X is defined 1492
> 2226064
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
product(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Product of array elements
NUMERIC function product(array, dim, mask)
NUMERIC,intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
product(3) multiplies together all the selected elements of array, or along dimension dim if the corresponding element in mask is .true..
If dim is absent, a scalar with the product of all elements in array is returned. (Note a zero-sized array returns 1).
When dim is present, If the masked array has a dimension of one (ie. is a vector) the result is a scalar. Otherwise, an array of rank n-1, where n equals the rank of array, and a shape similar to that of array with dimension dim dropped is returned.
The result is of the same type as array.
Sample program:
program demo_product
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))' ! a handy format
character(len=1),parameter :: nl=new_line('a')
NO_DIM: block
! If DIM is not specified, the result is the product of all the
! selected array elements.
integer :: i,n, p1, p2
integer,allocatable :: array(:)
! all elements are selected by default
do n=1,10
print all, 'factorial of ',n,' is ', product([(real(i),i=1,n)])
! using a mask
p1=product(array, mask=mod(array, 2)==1) ! only odd elements
p2=product(array, mask=mod(array, 2)/=1) ! only even elements
print all, nl,'product of all elements',product(array) ! all elements
print all, ' odd * even =',nl,p1,'*',p2,'=',p1*p2
! NOTE: If ARRAY is a zero-sized array, the result is equal to one
print all
print all, 'zero-sized array=>',product([integer :: ])
! NOTE: If nothing in the mask is true, this also results in a null
! array
print all, 'all elements have a false mask=>', &
& product(array,mask=.false.)
endblock NO_DIM
WITH_DIM: block
integer :: rect(2,3)
integer :: box(2,3,4)
! lets fill a few arrays
rect = reshape([ &
1, 2, 3, &
4, 5, 6 &
call print_matrix_int('rect',rect)
! Find the product of each column in RECT.
print all, 'product of columns=',product(rect, dim = 1)
! Find the product of each row in RECT.
print all, 'product of rows=',product(rect, dim = 2)
! now lets try a box
! lets look at the values
call print_matrix_int('box 1',box(:,:,1))
call print_matrix_int('box 2',box(:,:,2))
call print_matrix_int('box 3',box(:,:,3))
call print_matrix_int('box 4',box(:,:,4))
! remember without dim= even a box produces a scalar
print all, 'no dim gives a scalar',product(real(box))
! only one plane has negative values, so note all the "1" values
! for vectors with no elements
call print_matrix_int('negative values', &
& product(box,mask=box < 0,dim=1))
! If DIM is specified and ARRAY has rank greater than one, the
! result is a new array in which dimension DIM has been eliminated.
! pick a dimension to multiply though
call print_matrix_int('dim=1',product(box,dim=1))
call print_matrix_int('dim=2',product(box,dim=2))
call print_matrix_int('dim=3',product(box,dim=3))
endblock WITH_DIM
subroutine print_matrix_int(title,arr)
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest
print all
print all, trim(title),':(',shape(arr),')' ! print title
biggest=' ' ! make buffer to write integer into
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
biggest='(" > [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'
! print one row of array at a time
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
end subroutine print_matrix_int
end program demo_product
> factorial of 1 is 1.00000000
> factorial of 2 is 2.00000000
> factorial of 3 is 6.00000000
> factorial of 4 is 24.0000000
> factorial of 5 is 120.000000
> factorial of 6 is 720.000000
> factorial of 7 is 5040.00000
> factorial of 8 is 40320.0000
> factorial of 9 is 362880.000
> factorial of 10 is 3628800.00
> product of all elements 351000000
> odd * even =
> 4875 * 72000 = 351000000
> zero-sized array=> 1
> all elements have a false mask=> 1
> rect :( 2 3 )
> > [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> > [ 4, 5, 6 ]
> product of columns= 4 10 18
> product of rows= 6 120
> box 1 :( 2 3 )
> > [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> > [ 4, 5, 6 ]
> box 2 :( 2 3 )
> > [ 10, 20, 30 ]
> > [ 40, 50, 60 ]
> box 3 :( 2 3 )
> > [ -10, -20, -30 ]
> > [ -40, -50, -60 ]
> box 4 :( 2 3 )
> > [ 2, 4, 6 ]
> > [ 8, 10, 12 ]
> no dim gives a scalar 0.171992703E+26
> negative values :( 3 4 )
> > [ 1, 1, 400, 1 ]
> > [ 1, 1, 1000, 1 ]
> > [ 1, 1, 1800, 1 ]
> dim=1 :( 3 4 )
> > [ 4, 400, 400, 16 ]
> > [ 10, 1000, 1000, 40 ]
> > [ 18, 1800, 1800, 72 ]
> dim=2 :( 2 4 )
> > [ 6, 6000, -6000, 48 ]
> > [ 120, 120000, -120000, 960 ]
> dim=3 :( 2 3 )
> > [ -200, -3200, -16200 ]
> > [ -51200, -125000, -259200 ]
Fortran 95
sum(3), note that an element by element multiplication is done directly using the star character.
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
radix(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Base of a numeric model
radix(3) returns the base of the internal model representing the numeric entity x.
In a positional numeral system, the radix or base is the number of unique digits, including the digit zero, used to represent numbers.
This function helps to represent the internal computing model generically, but will be 2 (representing a binary machine) for any common platform for all the numeric types.
The returned value indicates what base is internally used to represent the type of numeric value x represents.
Sample program:
program demo_radix
implicit none
print *, "The radix for the default integer kind is", radix(0)
print *, "The radix for the default real kind is", radix(0.0)
print *, "The radix for the doubleprecision real kind is", radix(0.0d0)
end program demo_radix
> The radix for the default integer kind is 2
> The radix for the default real kind is 2
> The radix for the doubleprecision real kind is 2
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
random_init(3) - [MATHEMATICS:RANDOM] Initializes the state of the pseudorandom number generator
call random_init(repeatable, image_distinct)
logical,intent(in) :: repeatable
logical,intent(in) :: image_distinct
Initializes the state of the pseudorandom number generator used by random_number.
If it is .false., the seed is set to a processor-dependent value.
, the seed is set to a processor-dependent value that is distinct from the seed set by a call to random_initin another image. If it is .false., the seed is set to a value that does depend on which image called random_init.
Sample program:
program demo_random_init
implicit none
real x(3), y(3)
call random_init(.true., .true.)
call random_number(x)
call random_init(.true., .true.)
call random_number(y)
! x and y should be the same sequence
if ( any(x /= y) ) stop "x(:) and y(:) are not all equal"
end program demo_random_init
RUN 1:
> 0.825262189 0.191325366 0.155503273
> 0.825262189 0.191325366 0.155503273
RUN 2:
> 0.825262189 0.191325366 0.155503273
> 0.825262189 0.191325366 0.155503273
Fortran 2018
_Fortran intrinsic descriptions
random_number(3) - [MATHEMATICS:RANDOM] Pseudo-random number
random_number(3) returns a single pseudorandom number or an array of pseudorandom numbers from the uniform distribution over the range 0 <= x < 1.
Sample program:
program demo_random_number
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
integer :: n
integer :: first,last
integer :: i
integer :: rand_int
integer,allocatable :: count(:)
real(kind=dp) :: rand_val
call random_seed(size = n)
call random_seed(get=seed)
! To have a discrete uniform distribution on the integers
! [first, first+1, ..., last-1, last] carve the continuous
! distribution up into last+1-first equal sized chunks,
! mapping each chunk to an integer.
! One way is:
! call random_number(rand_val)
! choose one from last-first+1 integers
! rand_int = first + FLOOR((last+1-first)*rand_val)
! generate a lot of random integers from 1 to 10 and count them.
! with a large number of values you should get about the same
! number of each value
do i=1,100000000
call random_number(rand_val)
write(*,*)rand_int,' is out of range'
end program demo_random_number
> 1 10003588
> 2 10000104
> 3 10000169
> 4 9997996
> 5 9995349
> 6 10001304
> 7 10001909
> 8 9999133
> 9 10000252
> 10 10000196
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
random_seed(3) - [MATHEMATICS:RANDOM] Initialize a pseudo-random number sequence
subroutine random_seed( size, put, get )
integer,intent(out),optional :: size
integer,intent(in),optional :: put(*)
integer,intent(out),optional :: get(*)
random_seed(3) restarts or queries the state of the pseudorandom number generator used by random_number.
If random_seed is called without arguments, it is seeded with random data retrieved from the operating system.
Sample program:
program demo_random_seed
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: seed(:)
integer :: n
call random_seed(size = n)
call random_seed(get=seed)
write (*, *) seed
end program demo_random_seed
> -674862499 -1750483360 -183136071 -317862567 682500039
> 349459 344020729 -1725483289
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
range(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Decimal exponent range of a numeric kind
range(3) returns the decimal exponent range in the model of the type of x.
Since x is only used to determine the type and kind being interrogated, the value need not be defined.
For an integer argument, the result has the value
Case (ii)For a real argument, the result has the value
Case (iii)For a complex argument, the result has the value
Sample program:
program demo_range
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64,sp=>real32
implicit none
real(kind=sp) :: x(2)
complex(kind=dp) :: y
print *, precision(x), range(x)
print *, precision(y), range(y)
end program demo_range
> 6 37
> 15 307
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
rank(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Rank of a data object
rank(3) returns the rank of a scalar or array data object.
The rank of an array is the number of dimensions it has (zero for a scalar).
a : is the data object to query the dimensionality of. The rank returned may be from 0 to 16.
The argument a may be any data object type, including an assumed-rank array.
For arrays, their rank is returned; for scalars zero is returned.
Sample program:
program demo_rank
implicit none
! a bunch of data objects to query
integer :: a
real, allocatable :: b(:,:)
real, pointer :: c(:)
complex :: d
! make up a type
type mytype
integer :: int
real :: float
character :: char
end type mytype
type(mytype) :: any_thing(1,2,3,4,5)
! basics
print *, 'rank of scalar a=',rank(a)
! you can query this array even though it is not allocated
print *, 'rank of matrix b=',rank(b)
print *, 'rank of vector pointer c=',rank(c)
print *, 'rank of complex scalar d=',rank(d)
! you can query any type, not just intrinsics
print *, 'rank of any arbitrary type=',rank(any_thing)
! an assumed-rank object may be queried
call query_int(10)
call query_int([20,30])
call query_int( reshape([40,50,60,70],[2,2]) )
! you can even query an unlimited polymorphic entity
call query_anything(10.0)
call query_anything([.true.,.false.])
call query_anything( reshape([40.0,50.0,60.0,70.0],[2,2]) )
subroutine query_int(data_object)
! It is hard to do much with something dimensioned
! name(..) if not calling C except inside of a
! SELECT_RANK construct but one thing you can
! do is call the inquiry functions ...
integer,intent(in) :: data_object(..)
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
print all,&
& 'passed a scalar to an assumed rank, &
& rank=',rank(data_object)
print all,&
& 'passed an array to an assumed rank, &
& rank=',rank(data_object)
end subroutine query_int
subroutine query_anything(data_object)
class(*),intent(in) ::data_object(..)
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
print all,&
&'passed a scalar to an unlimited polymorphic rank=', &
& rank(data_object)
print all,&
& 'passed an array to an unlimited polymorphic, rank=', &
& rank(data_object)
end subroutine query_anything
end program demo_rank
> rank of scalar a= 0
> rank of matrix b= 2
> rank of vector pointer c= 1
> rank of complex scalar d= 0
> rank of any arbitrary type= 5
> passed a scalar to an assumed rank, rank= 0
> passed an array to an assumed rank, rank= 1
> passed an array to an assumed rank, rank= 2
> passed a scalar to an unlimited polymorphic rank= 0
> passed an array to an unlimited polymorphic, rank= 1
> passed an array to an unlimited polymorphic, rank= 2
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
real(3) - [TYPE:CONVERSION] Convert to real type
elemental real(kind=KIND) function real(x,KIND)
TYPE(kind=**),intent(in) :: x
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
real(3) converts its argument x to a real type.
The real part of a complex value is returned. For complex values this is similar to the modern complex-part-designator %RE which also designates the real part of a complex value.
real(x) converts x to a default real type if x is an integer or real variable.
real(x) converts a complex value to a real type with the magnitude of the real component of the input with kind type parameter the same as x.
real(x, kind) is converted to a real type with kind type parameter kind if x is a complex, integer, or real variable.
Sample program:
program demo_real
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
implicit none
complex :: zr = (1.0, 2.0)
doubleprecision :: xd=huge(3.0d0)
complex(kind=dp) :: zd=cmplx(4.0e0_dp,5.0e0_dp,kind=dp)
print *, real(zr), aimag(zr)
print *, dble(zd), aimag(zd)
end program demo_real
> 1.00000000 2.00000000
> 4.0000000000000000 5.0000000000000000
> 1.7976931348623157E+308 1.7976931348623157E+308 1.7976931348623157E+30
Fortran has strong support for complex values, including many intrinsics that take or produce complex values in addition to algebraic and logical expressions:
abs(3), acosh(3), acos(3), asinh(3), asin(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), atan(3), cosh(3), cos(3), co_sum(3), dble(3), dot_product(3), exp(3), int(3), is_contiguous(3), kind(3), log(3), matmul(3), precision(3), product(3), range(3), rank(3), sinh(3), sin(3), sqrt(3), storage_size(3), sum(3), tanh(3), tan(3), unpack(3),
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
reduce(3) - [ARRAY:TRANSFORMATIONAL] General reduction of an array
There are two forms to this function:
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function reduce &
& (array, operation, dim, mask, identity, ordered )
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: array
pure function :: operation
integer,intent(in),optional :: dim
logical,optional :: mask
type(TYPE),intent(in),optional :: identity
logical,intent(in),optional :: ordered
reduce(3) reduces a list of conditionally selected values from an array to a single value by iteratively applying a binary function.
Common in functional programming, a reduce function applies a binary operator (a pure function with two arguments) to all elements cumulatively.
reduce is a “higher-order” function; ie. it is a function that receives other functions as arguments.
The reduce function receives a binary operator (a function with two arguments, just like the basic arithmetic operators). It is first applied to two unused values in the list to generate an accumulator value which is subsequently used as the first argument to the function as the function is recursively applied to all the remaining selected values in the input array.
If operation is not computationally associative, REDUCE without ORDERED=.TRUE. with the same argument values might not always produce the same result, as the processor can apply the associative law to the evaluation.
Many operations that mathematically are associative are not when applied to floating-point numbers. The order you sum values in may affect the result, for example.
When present only those elements of array are passed to operation for which the corresponding elements of mask are true, as if array was filtered with pack(3).
The result is of the same type and type parameters as array. It is scalar if dim does not appear.
If dim is present, it indicates the one dimension along which to perform the reduction, and the resultant array has a rank reduced by one relative to the input array.
The following examples all use the function MY_MULT, which returns the product of its two real arguments.
program demo_reduce
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: f='("[",*(g0,",",1x),"]")'
integer,allocatable :: arr(:), b(:,:)
! Basic usage:
! the product of the elements of an array
arr=[1, 2, 3, 4 ]
write(*,*) arr
write(*,*) 'product=', reduce(arr, my_mult)
write(*,*) 'sum=', reduce(arr, my_sum)
! Examples of masking:
! the product of only the positive elements of an array
arr=[1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3 ]
write(*,*)'positive value product=',reduce(arr, my_mult, mask=arr>0)
! sum values ignoring negative values
write(*,*)'sum positive values=',reduce(arr, my_sum, mask=arr>0)
! a single-valued array returns the single value as the
! calls to the operator stop when only one element remains
arr=[ 1234 ]
write(*,*)'single value sum',reduce(arr, my_sum )
write(*,*)'single value product',reduce(arr, my_mult )
! Example of operations along a dimension:
! If B is the array 1 3 5
! 2 4 6
write(*,f) REDUCE(B, MY_MULT),'should be [720]'
write(*,f) REDUCE(B, MY_MULT, DIM=1),'should be [2,12,30]'
write(*,f) REDUCE(B, MY_MULT, DIM=2),'should be [15, 48]'
pure function my_mult(a,b) result(c)
integer,intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: c
end function my_mult
pure function my_sum(a,b) result(c)
integer,intent(in) :: a, b
integer :: c
end function my_sum
end program demo_reduce
> 1 2 3 4
> product= 24
> sum= 10
> positive value sum= 6
> sum positive values= 6
> single value sum 1234
> single value product 1234
> [720, should be [720],
> [2, 12, 30, should be [2,12,30],
> [15, 48, should be [15, 48],
Fortran 2018
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
repeat(3) - [CHARACTER] Repeated string concatenation
character(len=len(string)*ncopies) function repeat(string, ncopies)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: ncopies
repeat(3) concatenates copies of a string.
A new string built up from ncopies copies of string.
Sample program:
program demo_repeat
implicit none
write(*,'(a)') repeat("^v", 35) ! line break
write(*,'(a)') repeat("_", 70) ! line break
write(*,'(a)') repeat("1234567890", 7) ! number line
write(*,'(a)') repeat(" |", 7) !
end program demo_repeat
> ^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> ______________________________________________________________________
> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
> | | | | | | |
Fortran 95
Functions that perform operations on character strings:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Non-elemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
reshape(3) - [ARRAY:RESHAPE] Function to reshape an array
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function reshape
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: source(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shape(:)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in),optional :: pad(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: order(:)
reshape constructs an array of arbitrary shape shape using the elements from source and possibly pad to fill it.
If necessary, the new array may be padded with elements from pad or permuted as defined by order.
Among many other uses, reshape can be used to reorder a Fortran array to match C array ordering before the array is passed from Fortran to a C procedure.
if(size(source) < product(shape))then
stop 'not enough elements in the old array to fill the new one'
The result is an array of shape shape with the same type and type parameters as source. It is first filled with the values of elements of source, with the remainder filled with repeated copies of pad until all elements are filled. The new array may be smaller than source.
Sample program:
program demo_reshape
implicit none
! notice the use of "shape(box)" on the RHS
integer :: box(3,4)=reshape([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12],shape(box))
integer,allocatable :: v(:,:)
integer :: rc(2)
! basics0
! what is the current shape of the array?
call printi('shape of box is ',box)
! change the shape
call printi('reshaped ',reshape(box,[2,6]))
call printi('reshaped ',reshape(box,[4,3]))
! fill in row column order using order
call printi('here is some data to shape',v)
call printi('normally fills columns first ',reshape([v],[3,4]))
call printi('fill rows first', reshape([v],[3,4],order=[2,1]))
! if we take the data and put in back in filling
! rows first instead of columns, and flipping the
! height and width of the box we not only fill in
! a vector using row-column order we actually
! transpose it.
! copy the data in changing column number fastest
call printi('reshaped and reordered',v)
! of course we could have just done a transpose
call printi('transposed',transpose(box))
! making the result bigger than source using pad
call printi('bigger and padded and reordered',v)
subroutine printi(title,arr)
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))' ! a handy format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest
print all
print all, trim(title),':(',shape(arr),')' ! print title
biggest=' ' ! make buffer to write integer into
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
biggest='(" > [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'
! print one row of array at a time
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
end subroutine printi
end program demo_reshape
shape of box is :( 3 4 )
> [ 1, 4, 7, 10 ]
> [ 2, 5, 8, 11 ]
> [ 3, 6, 9, 12 ]
reshaped :( 2 6 )
> [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 ]
> [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 ]
reshaped :( 4 3 )
> [ 1, 5, 9 ]
> [ 2, 6, 10 ]
> [ 3, 7, 11 ]
> [ 4, 8, 12 ]
here is some data to shape :( 1 12 )
> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 300, 400 ]
normally fills columns first :( 3 4 )
> [ 1, 4, 30, 200 ]
> [ 2, 10, 40, 300 ]
> [ 3, 20, 100, 400 ]
fill rows first :( 3 4 )
> [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
> [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]
> [ 100, 200, 300, 400 ]
reshaped and reordered :( 4 3 )
> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> [ 4, 5, 6 ]
> [ 7, 8, 9 ]
> [ 10, 11, 12 ]
transposed :( 4 3 )
> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
> [ 4, 5, 6 ]
> [ 7, 8, 9 ]
> [ 10, 11, 12 ]
bigger and padded and reordered :( 8 6 )
> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
> [ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ]
> [ -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -3 ]
> [ -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -3 ]
> [ -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -3 ]
> [ -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -3 ]
> [ -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -3 ]
> [ -1, -2, -3, -1, -2, -3 ]
Fortran 95
shape(3), pack(3), transpose(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
rrspacing(3) - [MODEL_COMPONENTS] Reciprocal of the relative spacing of a numeric type
rrspacing(3) returns the reciprocal of the relative spacing of model numbers near x.
The return value is of the same type and kind as x. The value returned is equal to abs(fraction(x)) * float(radix(x))**digits(x).
Sample program:
program demo_rrspacing
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sgl = selected_real_kind(p=6, r=37)
integer, parameter :: dbl = selected_real_kind(p=13, r=200)
character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(*(g0))', nl=new_line('A')
real(kind=sgl) :: x
print gen, &
'rrspacing(',x,'_sgl)=', rrspacing(x), nl, &
'rrspacing(x)=abs(fraction(x))*float(radix(x))**digits(x)', nl, &
'so this should be the same as rrspacing():', nl, &
abs( fraction(x) ) * float( radix(x) )**digits(x), nl, &
'RRSPACING (-3.0) has the value 0.75x2**24 for reals', nl, &
'on current typical platforms. For reference:', nl, &
' 0.75*2**24=', 0.75*2**24, nl, &
'sign should not matter, so',rrspacing(x)==rrspacing(-x), nl, &
'note the kind of the value is significant', nl, &
rrspacing(-3.0_dbl), nl, &
'for common platforms rrspacing(487923.3d0)=>', nl, &
' 8.382458680573952E+015', nl, &
rrspacing(487923.3d0), nl, &
' '
end program demo_rrspacing
> rrspacing(-3.00000000_sgl)=12582912.0
> rrspacing(x)=abs(fraction(x))*float(radix(x))**digits(x)
> so this should be the same as rrspacing():
> 12582912.0
> RRSPACING (-3.0) has the value 0.75x2**24 for reals
> on current typical platforms. For reference:
> 0.75*2**24=12582912.0
> sign should not matter, soT
> note the kind of the value is significant
> 6755399441055744.0
> for common platforms rrspacing(487923.3d0)=>8.382458680573952E+015
> 8382458465825587.0
Fortran 90
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
same_type_as(3) - [STATE:INQUIRY] Query dynamic types for equality
logical same_type_as(a, b)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: a
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: b
a shall be an object of extensible declared type or unlimited polymorphic. If it is a polymorphic pointer, it shall not have an undefined association status.
b shall be an object of extensible declared type or unlimited polymorphic. If it is a polymorphic pointer, it shall not have an undefined association status.
same_type_as(3) queries the dynamic types of objects for equality.
If the dynamic type of a or b is extensible, the result is true if and only if the dynamic type of a is the same as the dynamic type of b. If neither a nor b has extensible dynamic type, the result is processor dependent.
The dynamic type of a disassociated pointer or unallocated allocatable variable is its declared type. An unlimited polymorphic entity has no declared type.
The test performed by SAME_TYPE_AS is not the same as the test performed by the type guard TYPE IS. The test performed by SAME_TYPE_AS does not consider kind type parameters.
Sample program:
! program demo_same_type_as
module M_ether
implicit none
type :: dot
real :: x=0
real :: y=0
end type dot
type, extends(dot) :: point
real :: z=0
end type point
type something_else
end type something_else
public :: dot
public :: point
public :: something_else
end module M_ether
program demo_same_type_as
use M_ether, only : dot, point, something_else
implicit none
type(dot) :: dad, mom
type(point) :: me
type(something_else) :: alien
write(*,*)same_type_as(me,dad),'I am descended from Dad, but equal?'
write(*,*)same_type_as(me,me) ,'I am what I am'
write(*,*)same_type_as(dad,mom) ,'what a pair!'
write(*,*)same_type_as(dad,me),'no paradox here'
write(*,*)same_type_as(dad,alien),'no relation'
call pointers()
subroutine pointers()
! Given the declarations and assignments
type t1
real c
end type
type, extends(t1) :: t2
end type
class(t1), pointer :: p, q, r
allocate (p, q)
allocate (t2 :: r)
! the result of SAME_TYPE_AS (P, Q) will be true, and the result
! of SAME_TYPE_AS (P, R) will be false.
write(*,*)'(P,Q)',same_type_as(p,q),"mind your P's and Q's"
end subroutine pointers
end program demo_same_type_as
> F I am descended from Dad, but equal?
> T I am what I am
> T what a pair!
> F no paradox here
> F no relation
> (P,Q) T mind your P's and Q's
> (P,R) F
Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
scale(3) - [MODEL:COMPONENTS] Scale a real value by a whole power of the radix
elemental real(kind=KIND) function scale(x, i)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
scale(3) returns x * radix(x)**i.
It is almost certain the radix(base) of the platform is two, therefore scale(3) is generally the same as **x*2**i**
The return value is x * radix(x)**i, assuming that value can be represented by a value of the type and kind of x.
Sample program:
program demo_scale
implicit none
real :: x
complex :: c
integer :: i
x = 1.0
print *, (scale(x,i),i=1,5)
x = 3.0
print *, (scale(x,i),i=1,5)
print *, (scale(log(1.0),i),i=1,5)
! on modern machines radix(x) is almost certainly 2
x = 178.1387e-4
i = 5
print *, x, i, scale(x, i), x*radix(x)**i
! x*radix(x)**i is the same except roundoff errors are not restricted
i = 2
print *, x, i, scale(x, i), x*radix(x)**i
! relatively easy to do complex values as well
print *, c, i, scale_complex(c, i)!, c*radix(c)**i
function scale_complex(x, n)
! example supporting complex value for default kinds
complex, intent(in) :: x
integer, intent(in) :: n
complex :: scale_complex
scale_complex=cmplx(scale(x%re, n), scale(x%im, n), kind=kind(x%im))
end function scale_complex
end program demo_scale
> 2.00000000 4.00000000 8.00000000 16.0000000 32.0000000
> 6.00000000 12.0000000 24.0000000 48.0000000 96.0000000
> 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
> 1.78138707E-02 5 0.570043862 0.570043862
> 1.78138707E-02 2 7.12554827E-02 7.12554827E-02
> (3.00000000,4.00000000) 2 (12.0000000,16.0000000)
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
scan(3) - [CHARACTER:SEARCH] Scan a string for the presence of a set of characters
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function scan(string,set,back,kind)
character(len=*,kind=**),intent(in) :: string
character(len=*,kind=**),intent(in) :: set
logical,intent(in),optional :: back
integer,intent(in),optional :: kind
scan(3) scans a string for any of the characters in a set of characters.
If back is either absent or equals .false., this function returns the position of the leftmost character of STRING that is in set. If back equals .true., the rightmost position is returned. If no character of set is found in string, the result is zero.
If back is absent or is present with the value false and if string contains at least one character that is in set, the value of the result is the position of the leftmost character of string that is in set.
If back is present with the value true and if string contains at least one character that is in set, the value of the result is the position of the rightmost character of string that is in set.
The value of the result is zero if no character of STRING is in SET or if the length of STRING or SET is zero.
Sample program:
program demo_scan
implicit none
write(*,*) scan("fortran", "ao") ! 2, found 'o'
write(*,*) scan("fortran", "ao", .true.) ! 6, found 'a'
write(*,*) scan("fortran", "c++") ! 0, found none
end program demo_scan
> 2
> 6
> 0
Fortran 95 , with KIND argument - Fortran 2003
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
selected_char_kind(3) - [KIND] Select character kind such as “Unicode”
selected_char_kind(3) returns a kind parameter value for the character set named name.
If a name is not supported, -1 is returned. Otherwise the result is a value equal to that kind type parameter value.
The list of supported names is processor-dependent except for “DEFAULT”.
If name has the value “DEFAULT”, then the result has a value equal to that of the kind type parameter of default character. This name is always supported.
If name has the value “ASCII”, then the result has a value equal to that of the kind type parameter of ASCII character.
If name has the value “ISO_10646”, then the result has a value equal to that of the kind type parameter of the ISO 10646 character kind (corresponding to UCS-4 as specified in ISO/IEC 10646).
If name is a processor-defined name of some other character kind supported by the processor, then the result has a value equal to that kind type parameter value. Pre-defined names include “ASCII” and “ISO_10646”.
The NAME is interpreted without respect to case or trailing blanks.
Sample program:
program demo_selected_char_kind
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
intrinsic date_and_time,selected_char_kind
! set some aliases for common character kinds
! as the numbers can vary from platform to platform
integer, parameter :: default = selected_char_kind ("default")
integer, parameter :: ascii = selected_char_kind ("ascii")
integer, parameter :: ucs4 = selected_char_kind ('ISO_10646')
integer, parameter :: utf8 = selected_char_kind ('utf-8')
! assuming ASCII and UCS4 are supported (ie. not equal to -1)
! define some string variables
character(len=26, kind=ascii ) :: alphabet
character(len=30, kind=ucs4 ) :: hello_world
character(len=30, kind=ucs4 ) :: string
write(*,*)'ASCII ',&
& merge('Supported ','Not Supported',ascii /= -1)
write(*,*)'ISO_10646 ',&
& merge('Supported ','Not Supported',ucs4 /= -1)
write(*,*)'UTF-8 ',&
& merge('Supported ','Not Supported',utf8 /= -1)
write(*,*)'ASCII is the default on this processor'
! for constants the kind precedes the value, somewhat like a
! BOZ constant
alphabet = ascii_"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
write (*,*) alphabet
hello_world = ucs4_'Hello World and Ni Hao -- ' &
// char (int (z'4F60'), ucs4) &
// char (int (z'597D'), ucs4)
! an encoding option is required on OPEN for non-default I/O
if(ucs4 /= -1 )then
open (output_unit, encoding='UTF-8')
write (*,*) trim (hello_world)
write (*,*) 'cannot use utf-8'
call create_date_string(string)
write (*,*) trim (string)
! The following produces a Japanese date stamp.
subroutine create_date_string(string)
intrinsic date_and_time,selected_char_kind
integer,parameter :: ucs4 = selected_char_kind("ISO_10646")
character(len=1,kind=ucs4),parameter :: &
nen = char(int( z'5e74' ),ucs4), & ! year
gatsu = char(int( z'6708' ),ucs4), & ! month
nichi = char(int( z'65e5' ),ucs4) ! day
character(len= *, kind= ucs4) string
integer values(8)
call date_and_time(values=values)
write(string,101) values(1),nen,values(2),gatsu,values(3),nichi
101 format(*(i0,a))
end subroutine create_date_string
end program demo_selected_char_kind
The results are very processor-dependent
> ASCII Supported
> ISO_10646 Supported
> UTF-8 Not Supported
> ASCII is the default on this processor
> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
> Hello World and Ni Hao -- 你好
> 2022年10月15日
Fortran 2003
selected_int_kind(3), selected_real_kind(3)
achar(3), char(3), ichar(3), iachar(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
selected_int_kind(3) - [KIND] Choose integer kind
selected_int_kind(3) return the kind value of the smallest integer type that can represent all values ranging from -10**r (exclusive) to 10**r (exclusive). If there is no integer kind that accommodates this range, selected_int_kind returns -1.
The result has a value equal to the value of the kind type parameter of an integer type that represents all values in the requested range.
if no such kind type parameter is available on the processor, the result is -1.
If more than one kind type parameter meets the criterion, the value returned is the one with the smallest decimal exponent range, unless there are several such values, in which case the smallest of these kind values is returned.
Sample program:
program demo_selected_int_kind
implicit none
integer,parameter :: k5 = selected_int_kind(5)
integer,parameter :: k15 = selected_int_kind(15)
integer(kind=k5) :: i5
integer(kind=k15) :: i15
print *, huge(i5), huge(i15)
! the following inequalities are always true
print *, huge(i5) >= 10_k5**5-1
print *, huge(i15) >= 10_k15**15-1
end program demo_selected_int_kind
> 2147483647 9223372036854775807
> T
> T
Fortran 95
aint(3), anint(3), int(3), nint(3), ceiling(3), floor(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
selected_real_kind(3) - [KIND] Choose real kind
integer function selected_int_kind(r)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in),optional :: p
real(kind=KIND),intent(in),optional :: r
real(kind=KIND),intent(in),optional :: radix
selected_real_kind(3) return the kind value of a real data type with decimal precision of at least p digits, exponent range of at least r, and with a radix of radix. That is, if such a kind exists
If the requested kind does not exist, -1 is returned.
At least one argument shall be present.
selected_real_kind returns the value of the kind type parameter of a real data type with decimal precision of at least p digits, a decimal exponent range of at least R, and with the requested radix.
If p or r is absent, the result value is the same as if it were present with the value zero.
If the radix parameter is absent, there is no requirement on the radix of the selected kind and real kinds with any radix can be returned.
If more than one real data type meet the criteria, the kind of the data type with the smallest decimal precision is returned. If no real data type matches the criteria, the result is
Sample program:
program demo_selected_real_kind
implicit none
integer,parameter :: p6 = selected_real_kind(6)
integer,parameter :: p10r100 = selected_real_kind(10,100)
integer,parameter :: r400 = selected_real_kind(r=400)
real(kind=p6) :: x
real(kind=p10r100) :: y
real(kind=r400) :: z
print *, precision(x), range(x)
print *, precision(y), range(y)
print *, precision(z), range(z)
end program demo_selected_real_kind
> 6 37
> 15 307
> 18 4931
Fortran 95 ; with RADIX - Fortran 2008
precision(3), range(3), radix(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
set_exponent(3) - [MODEL:COMPONENTS] real value with specified exponent
elemental real(kind=KIND) function set_exponent(x,i)
real(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: x
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: i
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
The return value is of the same type and kind as x.
set_exponent(3) returns the real number whose fractional part is that of x and whose exponent part is i.
The return value is of the same type and kind as x. The real number whose fractional part is that of x and whose exponent part if i is returned; it is fraction(x) * real(radix(x))**i.
If x has the value zero, the result has the same value as x.
If x is an IEEE infinity, the result is an IEEE NaN.
If x is an IEEE NaN, the result is the same NaN.
Sample program:
program demo_setexp
implicit none
real :: x = 178.1387e-4
integer :: i = 17
print *, set_exponent(x, i), fraction(x) * real(radix(x))**i
end program demo_setexp
> 74716.7891 74716.7891
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), spacing(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
shape(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Determine the shape of an array or scalar
integer(kind=KIND) function shape( source, KIND )
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(in) :: source(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
source is an array or scalar of any type. If source is a pointer it must be associated and allocatable arrays must be allocated. It shall not be an assumed-size array.
KIND is a constant integer initialization expression.
the result is an integer array of rank one with size equal to the rank of source of the kind specified by KIND if KIND is present, otherwise it has the default integer kind.
shape(3) queries the shape of an array.
An integer array of rank one with as many elements as source has dimensions.
The elements of the resulting array correspond to the extent of source along the respective dimensions.
If source is a scalar, the result is an empty array (a rank-one array of size zero).
Sample program:
program demo_shape
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(*(g0,1x))'
integer, dimension(-1:1, -1:2) :: a
print all, 'shape of array=',shape(a)
print all, 'shape of constant=',shape(42)
print all, 'size of shape of constant=',size(shape(42))
print all, 'ubound of array=',ubound(a)
print all, 'lbound of array=',lbound(a)
end program demo_shape
> shape of array= 3 4
> shape of constant=
> size of shape of constant= 0
> ubound of array= 1 2
> lbound of array= -1 -1
Fortran 95 ; with KIND argument Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
shifta(3) - [BIT:SHIFT] Right shift with fill
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function shifta(i, shift)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
shifta(3) returns a value corresponding to i with all of the bits shifted right by shift places and the vacated bits on the left filled with the value of the original left-most bit.
The result has the value obtained by shifting the bits of i to the right shift bits and replicating the leftmost bit of i in the left shift bits (Note the leftmost bit in “two’s complement” representation is the sign bit).
Bits shifted out from the right end are lost.
If shift is zero the result is i.
Sample program:
program demo_shifta
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int32) :: ival
integer :: shift
integer(kind=int32) :: oval
integer(kind=int32),allocatable :: ivals(:)
integer :: i
integer(kind=int8) :: arr(2,2)=reshape([2,4,8,16],[2,2])
! basic usage
! loop through some interesting values
ivals=[ -1, -0, +0, +1, &
& int(b"01010101010101010101010101010101"), &
& int(b"10101010101010101010101010101010"), &
& int(b"00000000000000000000000000011111") ]
! does your platform distinguish between +0 and -0?
! note the original leftmost bit is used to fill in the vacated bits
write(*,'(/,"SHIFT = ",i0)') shift
do i=1,size(ivals)
write(*,'( "I = ",b32.32," == ",i0)') ival,ival
write(*,'( "RESULT = ",b32.32," == ",i0)') oval,oval
! elemental
write(*,*)"characteristics of the result are the same as input"
write(*,'(*(g0,1x))') &
& "kind=",kind(shifta(arr,3)), "shape=",shape(shifta(arr,3)), &
& "size=",size(shifta(arr,3)) !, "rank=",rank(shifta(arr,3))
end program demo_shifta
> 12
> SHIFT = 5
> I = 11111111111111111111111111111111 == -1
> RESULT = 11111111111111111111111111111111 == -1
> I = 00000000000000000000000000000000 == 0
> RESULT = 00000000000000000000000000000000 == 0
> I = 00000000000000000000000000000000 == 0
> RESULT = 00000000000000000000000000000000 == 0
> I = 00000000000000000000000000000001 == 1
> RESULT = 00000000000000000000000000000000 == 0
> I = 01010101010101010101010101010101 == 1431655765
> RESULT = 00000010101010101010101010101010 == 44739242
> I = 10101010101010101010101010101010 == -1431655766
> RESULT = 11111101010101010101010101010101 == -44739243
> I = 00000000000000000000000000011111 == 31
> RESULT = 00000000000000000000000000000000 == 0
> characteristics of the result are the same as input
> kind= 1 shape= 2 2 size= 4
Fortran 2008
shiftl(3), shiftr(3), ishft(3), ishftc(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
shiftl(3) - [BIT:SHIFT] Shift bits left
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function shiftl(i, shift)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
shiftl(3) returns a value corresponding to i with all of the bits shifted left by shift places.
Bits shifted out from the left end are lost, and bits shifted in from the right end are set to 0.
If the absolute value of shift is greater than bit_size(i), the value is undefined.
For example, for a 16-bit integer left-shifted five …
> |a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p| <- original 16-bit example
> |f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p| <- left-shifted five
> |f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|0|0|0|0|0| <- right-padded with zeros
Note the value of the result is the same as ishft (i, shift).
The return value is of type integer and of the same kind as i.
Sample program:
program demo_shiftl
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: shift
integer(kind=int32) :: oval
integer(kind=int32) :: ival
integer(kind=int32),allocatable :: ivals(:)
integer :: i
print *, ' basic usage'
write(*,*)ival, shiftl(ival,3)
! elemental (input values may be conformant arrays)
print *, ' elemental'
! loop through some ivalues
ivals=[ &
& int(b"01010101010101010101010101010101"), &
& int(b"10101010101010101010101010101010"), &
& int(b"11111111111111111111111111111111") ]
write(*,'(/,"SHIFT = ",i0)') shift
do i=1,size(ivals)
! print initial value as binary and decimal
write(*,'( "I = ",b32.32," == ",i0)') ivals(i),ivals(i)
! print shifted value as binary and decimal
write(*,'( "RESULT = ",b32.32," == ",i0)') oval,oval
! more about elemental
ELEM : block
integer(kind=int8) :: arr(2,2)=reshape([2,4,8,16],[2,2])
write(*,*)"characteristics of the result are the same as input"
write(*,'(*(g0,1x))') &
& "kind=",kind(shiftl(arr,3)), "shape=",shape(shiftl(arr,3)), &
& "size=",size(shiftl(arr,3)) !, "rank=",rank(shiftl(arr,3))
endblock ELEM
end program demo_shiftl
> basic usage
> 100 800
> elemental
> SHIFT = 9
> I = 01010101010101010101010101010101 == 1431655765
> RESULT = 10101010101010101010101000000000 == -1431655936
> I = 10101010101010101010101010101010 == -1431655766
> RESULT = 01010101010101010101010000000000 == 1431655424
> I = 11111111111111111111111111111111 == -1
> RESULT = 11111111111111111111111000000000 == -512
> characteristics of the result are the same as input
> kind= 1 shape= 2 2 size= 4
Fortran 2008
shifta(3), shiftr(3), ishft(3), ishftc(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
shiftr(3) - [BIT:SHIFT] Shift bits right
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function shiftr(i, shift)
integer(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: i
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: shift
shiftr(3) returns a value corresponding to i with all of the bits shifted right by shift places.
If the absolute value of shift is greater than bit_size(i), the value is undefined.
Bits shifted out from the right end are lost, and bits shifted in from the left end are set to 0.
For example, for a 16-bit integer right-shifted five …
> |a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p| <- original 16-bit example
> |a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k| <- right-shifted five
> |0|0|0|0|0|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p| <- left-padded with zeros
Note the value of the result is the same as ishft (i, -shift).
The remaining bits shifted right shift positions. Vacated positions on the left are filled with zeros.
Sample program:
program demo_shiftr
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
integer :: shift
integer(kind=int32) :: oval
integer(kind=int32) :: ival
integer(kind=int32),allocatable :: ivals(:)
integer :: i
print *,' basic usage'
write(*,*)ival, shiftr(100,3)
! elemental (input values may be conformant arrays)
print *,' elemental'
ivals=[ &
& int(b"01010101010101010101010101010101"), &
& int(b"10101010101010101010101010101010"), &
& int(b"11111111111111111111111111111111") ]
write(*,'(/,"SHIFT = ",i0)') shift
do i=1,size(ivals)
! print initial value as binary and decimal
write(*,'( "I = ",b32.32," == ",i0)') ivals(i),ivals(i)
! print shifted value as binary and decimal
write(*,'( "RESULT = ",b32.32," == ",i0,/)') oval,oval
! more on elemental
ELEM : block
integer(kind=int8) :: arr(2,2)=reshape([2,4,8,16],[2,2])
write(*,*)"characteristics of the result are the same as input"
write(*,'(*(g0,1x))') &
& "kind=",kind(shiftr(arr,3)), "shape=",shape(shiftr(arr,3)), &
& "size=",size(shiftr(arr,3)) !, "rank=",rank(shiftr(arr,3))
endblock ELEM
end program demo_shiftr
> basic usage
> 100 12
> elemental
> SHIFT = 9
> I = 01010101010101010101010101010101 == 1431655765
> RESULT = 00000000001010101010101010101010 == 2796202
> I = 10101010101010101010101010101010 == -1431655766
> RESULT = 00000000010101010101010101010101 == 5592405
> I = 11111111111111111111111111111111 == -1
> RESULT = 00000000011111111111111111111111 == 8388607
> characteristics of the result are the same as input
> kind= 1 shape= 2 2 size= 4
Fortran 2008
shifta(3), shiftl(3), ishft(3), ishftc(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
sign(3) - [NUMERIC] Sign copying function
sign(3) returns a value with the magnitude of a but with the sign of b.
For processors that distinguish between positive and negative zeros sign() may be used to distinguish between real values 0.0 and -0.0. SIGN (1.0, -0.0) will return -1.0 when a negative zero is distinguishable.
a value with the magnitude of a with the sign of b. That is,
Sample program:
program demo_sign
implicit none
! basics
print *, sign( -12, 1 )
print *, sign( -12, 0 )
print *, sign( -12, -1 )
print *, sign( 12, 1 )
print *, sign( 12, 0 )
print *, sign( 12, -1 )
if(sign(1.0,-0.0)== -1.0)then
print *, 'this processor distinguishes +0 from -0'
print *, 'this processor does not distinguish +0 from -0'
print *, 'elemental', sign( -12.0, [1.0, 0.0, -1.0] )
end program demo_sign
> 12
> 12
> -12
> 12
> 12
> -12
> this processor does not distinguish +0 from -0
> elemental 12.00000 12.00000 -12.00000
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
sind(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Degree sine function
sind(3) computes the sine of an angle given the size of the angle in degrees.
The sine of an angle in a right-angled triangle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
The return value contains the processor-dependent approximation of the sine of x, which is regarded as a value in degrees.
sind(180.0) has the value 0.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program sample_sind
implicit none
end program sample_sind
From the article on “Haversine formula” in Wikipedia:
The haversine formula is an equation important in navigation,
giving great-circle distances between two points on a sphere from
their longitudes and latitudes.
So to show the great-circle distance between the Nashville International Airport (BNA) in TN, USA, and the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in CA, USA you would start with their latitude and longitude, commonly given as
BNA: N 36 degrees 7.2', W 86 degrees 40.2'
LAX: N 33 degrees 56.4', W 118 degrees 24.0'
which converted to floating-point values in degrees is:
latitude=36.12, longitude=-86.67
latitude=33.94, longitude=-118.40
And then use the haversine formula to roughly calculate the distance along the surface of the Earth between the locations:
Sample program:
program demo_sin
implicit none
real :: d
d = haversine(36.12,-86.67, 33.94,-118.40) ! BNA to LAX
print '(A,F9.4,A)', 'distance: ',d,' km'
function haversine(latA,lonA,latB,lonB) result (dist)
! calculate great circle distance in kilometers
! given latitude and longitude in degrees
real,intent(in) :: latA,lonA,latB,lonB
real :: a,c,dist,delta_lat,delta_lon,lat1,lat2
real,parameter :: radius = 6371 ! mean earth radius in kilometers,
! recommended by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
delta_lat = latB-latA
delta_lon = lonB-lonA
lat1 = latA
lat2 = latB
a = (sind(delta_lat/2))**2 + &
& cosd(lat1)*cosd(lat2)*(sind(delta_lon/2))**2
c = 2*asin(sqrt(a))
dist = radius*c
end function haversine
end program demo_sin
> distance: 2886.4446 km
Fortran 2023
asin(3), cos(3), tan(3), acosh(3), acos(3), asinh(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), acosh(3), asinh(3), atanh(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
sinh(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Hyperbolic sine function
sinh(3) computes the hyperbolic sine of x.
The hyperbolic sine of x is defined mathematically as:
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to sinh(X). If X is of type complex its imaginary part is regarded as a value in radians.
Sample program:
program demo_sinh
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = - 1.0_real64
real(kind=real64) :: nan, inf
character(len=20) :: line
! basics
print *, sinh(x)
print *, (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2.0
! sinh(3) is elemental and can handle an array
print *, sinh([x,2.0*x,x/3.0])
! a NaN input returns NaN
read(line,*) nan
print *, sinh(nan)
! a Inf input returns Inf
read(line,*) inf
print *, sinh(inf)
! an overflow returns Inf
print *, sinh(x)
end program demo_sinh
> -1.1752011936438014
> -1.1752011936438014
> -1.1752011936438014 -3.6268604078470190 -0.33954055725615012
> NaN
> Infinity
> Infinity
Fortran 95 , for a complex argument Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
sin(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Sine function
sin(3) computes the sine of an angle given the size of the angle in radians.
The sine of an angle in a right-angled triangle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
The return value contains the processor-dependent approximation of the sine of x
If X is of type real, it is regarded as a value in radians.
If X is of type complex, its real part is regarded as a value in radians.
Sample program:
> X= 0.0000000E+00
From the article on “Haversine formula” in Wikipedia:
The haversine formula is an equation important in navigation,
giving great-circle distances between two points on a sphere from
their longitudes and latitudes.
So to show the great-circle distance between the Nashville International Airport (BNA) in TN, USA, and the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in CA, USA you would start with their latitude and longitude, commonly given as
BNA: N 36 degrees 7.2', W 86 degrees 40.2'
LAX: N 33 degrees 56.4', W 118 degrees 24.0'
which converted to floating-point values in degrees is:
latitude=36.12, longitude=-86.67
latitude=33.94, longitude=-118.40
And then use the haversine formula to roughly calculate the distance along the surface of the Earth between the locations:
Sample program:
program demo_sin
implicit none
real :: d
d = haversine(36.12,-86.67, 33.94,-118.40) ! BNA to LAX
print '(*(A,1x,F9.4,1x))','distance:',d,'km, or',d*0.62137119,'miles'
function haversine(latA,lonA,latB,lonB) result (dist)
! calculate great circle distance in kilometers
! given latitude and longitude in degrees
real,intent(in) :: latA,lonA,latB,lonB
real :: a,c,dist,delta_lat,delta_lon,lat1,lat2
real,parameter :: radius = 6371 ! mean earth radius in kilometers,
! recommended by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
! generate constant pi/180
real, parameter :: deg_to_rad = atan(1.0)/45.0
delta_lat = deg_to_rad*(latB-latA)
delta_lon = deg_to_rad*(lonB-lonA)
lat1 = deg_to_rad*(latA)
lat2 = deg_to_rad*(latB)
a = (sin(delta_lat/2))**2 + &
& cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*(sin(delta_lon/2))**2
c = 2*asin(sqrt(a))
dist = radius*c
end function haversine
end program demo_sin
> distance: 2886.4446 km, or 1793.5536 miles
asin(3), cos(3), tan(3), acosh(3), acos(3), asinh(3), atan2(3), atanh(3), acosh(3), asinh(3), atanh(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
sinpi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular sine function
sinpi(3) computes the circular sine of an angle given the size of the angle in half-revolutions.
sinpi(X) is approximately equal to sin(x*PI).
The sine of an angle in a right-angled triangle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse.
The return value contains the processor-dependent approximation of the sine of x.
Example. sinpi(1.0) has the value 0.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program demo_sinpi
implicit none
real :: x
integer :: i
real,parameter :: PI=acos(-1.0)
do i=0,8
write(*,*)'x=',x,' sinpi(x)=',sinpi(x)
end program demo_sinpi
> x= 0.00000000 sinpi(x)= 0.00000000
> x= 0.250000000 sinpi(x)= 0.707106769
> x= 0.500000000 sinpi(x)= 1.00000000
> x= 0.750000000 sinpi(x)= 0.707106769
> x= 1.00000000 sinpi(x)= -8.74227766E-08
> x= 1.25000000 sinpi(x)= -0.707106888
> x= 1.50000000 sinpi(x)= -1.00000000
> x= 1.75000000 sinpi(x)= -0.707106531
> x= 2.00000000 sinpi(x)= 1.74845553E-07
fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
size(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Determine the size of an array or extent of one dimension
integer(kind=KIND) function size(array,dim,kind)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: KIND
array is an assumed-rank array or array of any type and associated kind.
If array is a pointer it must be associated and allocatable arrays must be allocated.a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
size(3) returns the total number of elements in an array, or if dim is specified returns the number of elements along that dimension.
size(3) determines the extent of array along a specified dimension dim, or the total number of elements in array if dim is absent.
If not present the total number of elements of the entire array are returned.
If absent the kind type parameter of the returned value is that of default integer type.
The kind must allow for the magnitude returned by size or results are undefined.
If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind.
If dim is not present array is assumed-rank, the result has a value equal to PRODUCT(SHAPE(ARRAY,KIND)). Otherwise, the result has a value equal to the total number of elements of array.
If dim is present the number of elements along that dimension are returned, except that if ARRAY is assumed-rank and associated with an assumed-size array and DIM is present with a value equal to the rank of array, the value is -1.
If array is assumed-rank and has rank zero, dim cannot be present since it cannot satisfy the requirement
1 <= DIM <= 0.
Sample program:
program demo_size
implicit none
integer :: arr(0:2,-5:5)
write(*,*)'SIZE of simple two-dimensional array'
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr) :total count of elements:',size(arr)
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr,DIM=1) :number of rows :',size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr,DIM=2) :number of columns :',size(arr,dim=2)
! pass the same array to a procedure that passes the value two
! different ways
call interfaced(arr,arr)
subroutine interfaced(arr1,arr2)
! notice the difference in the array specification
! for arr1 and arr2.
integer,intent(in) :: arr1(:,:)
integer,intent(in) :: arr2(2,*)
write(*,*)'interfaced assumed-shape array'
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr1) :',size(arr1)
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr1,DIM=1) :',size(arr1,dim=1)
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr1,DIM=2) :',size(arr1,dim=2)
! write(*,*)'SIZE(arr2) :',size(arr2)
write(*,*)'SIZE(arr2,DIM=1) :',size(arr2,dim=1)
! write(*,*)'SIZE(arr2,DIM=2) :',size(arr2,dim=2)
end subroutine interfaced
end program demo_size
> SIZE of simple two-dimensional array
> SIZE(arr) :total count of elements: 33
> SIZE(arr,DIM=1) :number of rows : 3
> SIZE(arr,DIM=2) :number of columns : 11
> interfaced assumed-shape array
> SIZE(arr1) : 33
> SIZE(arr1,DIM=1) : 3
> SIZE(arr1,DIM=2) : 11
> SIZE(arr2,DIM=1) : 2
Fortran 95 , with kind argument - Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
spacing(3) - [MODEL_COMPONENTS] Smallest distance between two numbers of a given type
spacing(3) determines the distance between the argument x and the nearest adjacent number of the same type.
If x does not have the value zero and is not an IEEE infinity or NaN, the result has the value nearest to x for values of the same type and kind assuming the value is representable.
Otherwise, the value is the same as tiny(x). + zero produces tiny(x) + IEEE Infinity produces an IEEE Nan + if an IEEE NaN, that NaN is returned
If there are two extended model values equally near to x, the value of greater absolute value is taken.
Sample program:
program demo_spacing
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sgl = selected_real_kind(p=6, r=37)
integer, parameter :: dbl = selected_real_kind(p=13, r=200)
write(*,*) spacing(1.0_sgl)
write(*,*) nearest(1.0_sgl,+1.0),nearest(1.0_sgl,+1.0)-1.0
write(*,*) spacing(1.0_dbl)
end program demo_spacing
Typical values …
> 1.1920929E-07
> 1.000000 1.1920929E-07
> 0.9999999 -5.9604645E-08
> 2.220446049250313E-016
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), tiny(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
split(3) - [CHARACTER:SPLIT] Parse a string into tokens, one at a time.
call split (string, set, pos [, back])
character(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: string
character(len=*,kind=KIND),intent(in) :: set
integer,intent(inout) :: pos
logical,intent(in),optional :: back
Find the extent of consecutive tokens in a string. Given a string and a position to start looking for a token return the position of the end of the token. A set of separator characters may be specified as well as the direction of parsing.
Typically consecutive calls are used to parse a string into a set of tokens by stepping through the start and end positions of each token.
If back is present with the value .true., the value of pos shall be in the range 0 < POS <= LEN(STRING)+1; otherwise it shall be in the range 0 <= POS <= LEN(STRING).
So pos on input is typically an end of the string or the position of a separator, probably from a previous call to split but pos on input can be any position in the range 1 <= POS <= LEN(STRING). If pos points to a non-separator character in the string the call is still valid but it will start searching from the specified position and that will result (somewhat obviously) in the string from pos on input to the returned pos being a partial token.
If back is present with the value .true., pos is assigned the position of the rightmost token delimiter in string whose position is less than pos, or if there is no such character, it is assigned the value zero. This identifies a token with ending position one less than the value of pos on invocation, and starting position one greater than the value of pos on return.
Sample program:
program demo_split
!use m_strings, only: split=>split2020
implicit none
character (len=:), allocatable :: input
integer :: position, istart, iend
input = "one,last example,,x,, ,,"
position = 0
! write a number line
write(*,'(t3,a)') repeat('1234567890',6)
! display the input line
write(*,'(t3,a)') input
! step through the input string locating the bounds of the
! next token and printing it
do while (position < len(input))
istart = position + 1
call split (input, set=', ', pos=position)
iend = position - 1
if(iend >= istart)then
print '(t3,a,1x,i0,1x,i0)', input (istart:iend),istart,iend
! maybe ignore null fields, maybe not ...
write(*,'(t3,*(g0))')'null between ',iend,' and ',istart
end do
end program demo_split
> 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
> one,last example,,x,, ,,
> one 1 3
> last 5 8
> example 10 16
> null between 17 and 18
> x 19 19
> null between 20 and 21
> null between 21 and 22
> null between 22 and 23
> null between 23 and 24
Fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
spread(3) - [ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION] Add a dimension and replicate data
TYPE(kind=KIND) function spread(source, dim, ncopies)
TYPE(kind=KIND) :: source(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: dim
integer(kind=**),intent(in) :: ncopies
spread(3) replicates a source array along a specified dimension dim. The copy is repeated ncopies times.
So to add additional rows to a matrix dim=1 would be used, but to add additional rows dim=2 would be used, for example.
If source is scalar, the size of the resulting vector is ncopies and each element of the result has a value equal to source.
The result is an array of the same type as source and has rank n+1 where n equals the rank of source.
Sample program:
program demo_spread
implicit none
integer a1(4,3), a2(3,4), v(4), s
write(*,'(a)' ) &
'TEST SPREAD(3) ', &
' SPREAD(3) is a FORTRAN90 function which replicates', &
' an array by adding a dimension. ', &
' '
s = 99
call printi('suppose we have a scalar S',s)
write(*,*) 'to add a new dimension (1) of extent 4 call'
call printi('spread( s, dim=1, ncopies=4 )',spread ( s, 1, 4 ))
v = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
call printi(' first we will set V to',v)
write(*,'(a)')' and then do "spread ( v, dim=2, ncopies=3 )"'
a1 = spread ( v, dim=2, ncopies=3 )
call printi('uses v as a column and makes 3 columns',a1)
a2 = spread ( v, 1, 3 )
call printi(' spread(v,1,3) uses v as a row and makes 3 rows',a2)
subroutine printi(title,a)
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr=>ERROR_UNIT,&
& stdin=>INPUT_UNIT, stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d integer scalar, vector, matrix in row-column format
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(" ",*(g0,1x))'
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
character(len=20) :: row
integer,intent(in) :: a(..)
integer :: i
! select rank of input
select rank(a)
rank (0); write(*,'(a)')' (a scalar)'
write(*,'(" > [ ",i0," ]")')a
rank (1); write(*,'(a)')' (a vector)'
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
row='(" > [",*(i'//trim(row)//':,","))'
do i=1,size(a)
write(*,'(" ]")')
rank (2); write(*,'(a)')' (a matrix) '
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
row='(" > [",*(i'//trim(row)//':,","))'
do i=1,size(a,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
rank default
write(stderr,*)'*printi* did not expect rank=', rank(a), &
& 'shape=', shape(a),'size=',size(a)
stop '*printi* unexpected rank'
end select
write(*,all) '>shape=',shape(a),',rank=',rank(a),',size=',size(a)
end subroutine printi
end program demo_spread
> SPREAD(3) is a FORTRAN90 function which replicates
> an array by adding a dimension.
> suppose we have a scalar S (a scalar)
> > [ 99 ]
> >shape= ,rank= 0 ,size= 1
> to add a new dimension (1) of extent 4 call
> spread( s, dim=1, ncopies=4 ) (a vector)
> > [ 99 ]
> > [ 99 ]
> > [ 99 ]
> > [ 0 ]
> >shape= 4 ,rank= 1 ,size= 4
> first we will set V to (a vector)
> > [ 1 ]
> > [ 2 ]
> > [ 3 ]
> > [ 4 ]
> >shape= 4 ,rank= 1 ,size= 4
> and then do "spread ( v, dim=2, ncopies=3 )"
> uses v as a column and makes 3 columns (a matrix)
> > [ 1, 1, 1 ]
> > [ 2, 2, 2 ]
> > [ 3, 3, 3 ]
> > [ 4, 4, 4 ]
> >shape= 4 3 ,rank= 2 ,size= 12
> spread(v,1,3) uses v as a row and makes 3 rows (a matrix)
> > [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
> > [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
> > [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
> >shape= 3 4 ,rank= 2 ,size= 12
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
sqrt(3) - [MATHEMATICS] Square-root function
sqrt(3) computes the principal square root of x.
The number whose square root is being considered is known as the radicand.
In mathematics, a square root of a radicand x is a number y such that y*y = x.
Every nonnegative radicand x has two square roots of the same unique magnitude, one positive and one negative. The nonnegative square root is called the principal square root.
The principal square root of 9 is 3, for example, even though (-3)*(-3) is also 9.
Square roots of negative numbers are a special case of complex numbers, where with complex input the components of the radicand need not be positive in order to have a valid square root.
The principal square root of x is returned.
For a complex result the real part is greater than or equal to zero.
When the real part of the result is zero, the imaginary part has the same sign as the imaginary part of x.
Sample program:
program demo_sqrt
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x, x2
complex :: z, z2
! basics
x = 2.0_real64
! complex
z = (1.0, 2.0)
write(*,*)'input values ',x,z
x2 = sqrt(x)
z2 = sqrt(z)
write(*,*)'output values ',x2,z2
! elemental
! alternatives
x2 = x**0.5
z2 = z**0.5
end program demo_sqrt
> input values 2.00000000000000 (1.000000,2.000000)
> output values 1.41421356237310 (1.272020,0.7861513)
> elemental 8.000000 11.00000 5.477226
> alternatively 1.41421356237310 (1.272020,0.7861513)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
storage_size(3) - [BIT:INQUIRY] Storage size in bits
integer(kind=KIND) storage_size(a,KIND)
type(TYPE(kind=**)) :: a
integer,intent(in),optional :: KIND
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
a may be of any type and kind. If it is polymorphic it shall not be an undefined pointer. If it is unlimited polymorphic or has any deferred type parameters, it shall not be an unallocated allocatable variable or a disassociated or undefined pointer.
The kind type parameter of the returned value is that specified by the value of kind; otherwise, the kind type parameter is that of default integer type.
The result is an integer scalar of default kind unless kind is specified, in which case it has the kind specified by kind.
storage_size(3) returns the storage size of argument a in bits.
The result value is the size expressed in bits for an element of an array that has the dynamic type and type parameters of a.
If the type and type parameters are such that storage association applies, the result is consistent with the named constants defined in the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV.
An array element might take “type” more bits to store than an isolated scalar, since any hardware-imposed alignment requirements for array elements might not apply to a simple scalar variable.
This is intended to be the size in memory that an object takes when it is stored; this might differ from the size it takes during expression handling (which might be the native register size) or when stored in a file. If an object is never stored in memory but only in a register, this function nonetheless returns the size it would take if it were stored in memory.
Sample program
program demo_storage_size
implicit none
! a default real, integer, and logical are the same storage size
write(*,*)'size of integer ',storage_size(0)
write(*,*)'size of real ',storage_size(0.0)
write(*,*)'size of logical ',storage_size(.true.)
write(*,*)'size of complex ',storage_size((0.0,0.0))
! note the size of an element of the array, not the storage size of
! the entire array is returned for array arguments
write(*,*)'size of integer array ',storage_size([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
end program demo_storage_size
> size of integer 32
> size of real 32
> size of logical 32
> size of complex 64
> size of integer array 32
Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
sum(3) - [ARRAY:REDUCTION] Sum the elements of an array
TYPE(kind=KIND) function sum(array, dim, mask)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
logical(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: mask(..)
sum(3) adds the elements of array.
When only array is specified all elements are summed, but groups of sums may be returned along the dimension specified by dim and/or elements to add may be selected by a logical mask.
No method is designated for how the sum is conducted, so whether or not accumulated error is compensated for is processor-dependent.
If dim is absent, a scalar with the sum of all selected elements in array is returned. Otherwise, an array of rank n-1, where n equals the rank of array, and a shape similar to that of array with dimension dim dropped is returned. Since a vector has a rank of one, the result is a scalar (if n==1, n-1 is zero; and a rank of zero means a scalar).
Sample program:
program demo_sum
implicit none
integer :: vector(5) , matrix(3,4), box(5,6,7)
vector = [ 1, 2, -3, 4, 5 ]
matrix(1,:)=[ -1, 2, -3, 4 ]
matrix(2,:)=[ 10, -20, 30, -40 ]
matrix(3,:)=[ 100, 200, -300, 400 ]
! basics
print *, 'sum all elements:',sum(vector)
print *, 'real :',sum([11.0,-5.0,20.0])
print *, 'complex :',sum([(1.1,-3.3),(4.0,5.0),(8.0,-6.0)])
! with MASK option
print *, 'sum odd elements:',sum(vector, mask=mod(vector, 2)==1)
print *, 'sum positive values:', sum(vector, mask=vector>0)
call printi('the input array', matrix )
call printi('sum of all elements in matrix', sum(matrix) )
call printi('sum of positive elements', sum(matrix,matrix>=0) )
! along dimensions
call printi('sum along rows', sum(matrix,dim=1) )
call printi('sum along columns', sum(matrix,dim=2) )
call printi('sum of a vector is always a scalar', sum(vector,dim=1) )
call printi('sum of a volume by row', sum(box,dim=1) )
call printi('sum of a volume by column', sum(box,dim=2) )
call printi('sum of a volume by depth', sum(box,dim=3) )
subroutine printi(title,a)
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr=>ERROR_UNIT,&
& stdin=>INPUT_UNIT, stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
implicit none
!@(#) print small 2d integer scalar, vector, matrix in row-column format
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: a(..)
character(len=*),parameter :: all='(" ",*(g0,1x))'
character(len=20) :: row
integer,allocatable :: b(:,:)
integer :: i
! copy everything to a matrix to keep code simple
select rank(a)
rank (0); write(*,'(a)')' (a scalar)'; b=reshape([a],[1,1])
rank (1); write(*,'(a)')' (a vector)'; b=reshape(a,[size(a),1])
rank (2); write(*,'(a)')' (a matrix)'; b=a
rank default; stop '*printi* unexpected rank'
end select
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
row='(" > [",*(i'//trim(row)//':,","))'
do i=1,size(b,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
write(*,all) '>shape=',shape(a),',rank=',rank(a),',size=',size(a)
end subroutine printi
end program demo_sum
> sum all elements: 9
> real : 26.0000000
> complex : (13.1000004,-4.30000019)
> sum odd elements: 6
> sum positive values: 12
> the input array (a matrix)
> > [ -1, 2, -3, 4 ]
> > [ 10, -20, 30, -40 ]
> > [ 100, 200, -300, 400 ]
> >shape= 3 4 ,rank= 2 ,size= 12
> sum of all elements in matrix (a scalar)
> > [ 382 ]
> >shape= ,rank= 0 ,size= 1
> sum of positive elements (a scalar)
> > [ 746 ]
> >shape= ,rank= 0 ,size= 1
> sum along rows (a vector)
> > [ 109 ]
> > [ 182 ]
> > [ -273 ]
> > [ 364 ]
> >shape= 4 ,rank= 1 ,size= 4
> sum along columns (a vector)
> > [ 2 ]
> > [ -20 ]
> > [ 400 ]
> >shape= 3 ,rank= 1 ,size= 3
> sum of a vector is always a scalar (a scalar)
> > [ 9 ]
> >shape= ,rank= 0 ,size= 1
> sum of a volume by row (a matrix)
> > [ 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55 ]
> > [ 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55 ]
> > [ 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55 ]
> > [ 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55 ]
> > [ 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55 ]
> > [ 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, 113 ]
> >shape= 6 7 ,rank= 2 ,size= 42
> sum of a volume by column (a matrix)
> > [ 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66 ]
> > [ 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66 ]
> > [ 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66 ]
> > [ 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66 ]
> > [ 66, 66, 66, 66, 66, 66,**** ]
> >shape= 5 7 ,rank= 2 ,size= 35
> sum of a volume by depth (a matrix)
> > [ 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77 ]
> > [ 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77 ]
> > [ 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77 ]
> > [ 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77 ]
> > [ 77, 77, 77, 77, 77,4193 ]
> >shape= 5 6 ,rank= 2 ,size= 30
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
system_clock(3) - [SYSTEM:TIME] Query system clock
subroutine system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max)
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: count
type(TYPE(kind=**)),intent(out),optional :: count_rate
integer(kind=**),intent(out),optional :: count_max
system_clock(3) lets you measure durations of time with the precision of the smallest time increment generally available on a system by returning processor-dependent values based on the current value of the processor clock.
system_clock is typically used to measure short time intervals (system clocks may be 24-hour clocks or measure processor clock ticks since boot, for example). It is most often used for measuring or tracking the time spent in code blocks in lieu of using profiling tools.
count_rate and count_max are assumed constant (even though CPU rates can vary on a single platform).
Whether an image has no clock, has a single clock of its own, or shares a clock with another image, is processor dependent.
If there is no clock, or querying the clock fails, count is set to -huge(count), and count_rate and count_max are set to zero.
The accuracy of the measurements may depend on the kind of the arguments!
Timing-related procedures are obviously processor and system-dependent. More specific information may generally be found in compiler-specific documentation.
Otherwise, the clock value is incremented by one for each clock count until the value count_max is reached and is then reset to zero at the next count. clock therefore is a modulo value that lies in the range 0 to count_max.
If the processor clock is a 24-hour clock that registers time at approximately 18.20648193 ticks per second, at 11:30 A.M. the reference
C = (11*3600+30*60)*18.20648193 = 753748,
R = 18.20648193, and
M = 24*3600*18.20648193-1 = 1573039.
Sample program:
program demo_system_clock
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: wp => real64, int32, int64
implicit none
character(len=*), parameter :: g = '(1x,*(g0,1x))'
integer(kind=int64) :: count64, count_rate64, count_max64
integer(kind=int64) :: start64, finish64
integer(kind=int32) :: count32, count_rate32, count_max32
real(kind=wp) :: time_read
real(kind=wp) :: sum
integer :: i
print g, 'accuracy may vary with argument type!'
print g, 'query all arguments'
call system_clock(count64, count_rate64, count_max64)
print g, 'COUNT_MAX(64bit)=', count_max64
print g, 'COUNT_RATE(64bit)=', count_rate64
print g, 'CURRENT COUNT(64bit)=', count64
call system_clock(count32, count_rate32, count_max32)
print g, 'COUNT_MAX(32bit)=', count_max32
print g, 'COUNT_RATE(32bit)=', count_rate32
print g, 'CURRENT COUNT(32bit)=', count32
print g, 'time some computation'
call system_clock(start64)
! some code to time
sum = 0.0_wp
do i = -0, huge(0) - 1
sum = sum + sqrt(real(i))
end do
print g, 'SUM=', sum
call system_clock(finish64)
time_read = (finish64 - start64)/real(count_rate64, wp)
write (*, '(1x,a,1x,g0,1x,a)') 'time : ', time_read, ' seconds'
end program demo_system_clock
> accuracy may vary with argument type!
> query all arguments
> COUNT_MAX(64bit)= 9223372036854775807
> COUNT_RATE(64bit)= 1000000000
> CURRENT COUNT(64bit)= 1105422387865806
> COUNT_MAX(32bit)= 2147483647
> COUNT_RATE(32bit)= 1000
> CURRENT COUNT(32bit)= 1105422387
> time some computation
> SUM= 66344288183024.266
> time : 6.1341038460000004 seconds
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
tand(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Degree Tangent function
tand(3) computes the degree tangent of x.
The return value is a processor-dependent approximation to the tangent of the value x where x is regarded as a value in degrees.
tand(180.0) has the value 0.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program demo_tand
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 0.5_real64
write(*,*)x, tand(x)
end program demo_tand
> 0.50000000000000000 8.7268677907587893E-003
Fortran 2023
atand(3), atan(3), atan2d(3), atan2(3), cosd(3), sind(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
tanh(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Hyperbolic tangent function
tanh(3) computes the hyperbolic tangent of x.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.
If x is complex, the imaginary part of the result is regarded as a radian value.
If x is real, the return value lies in the range
-1 <= tanh(x) <= 1.
Sample program:
program demo_tanh
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 2.1_real64
write(*,*)x, tanh(x)
end program demo_tanh
> 2.1000000000000001 0.97045193661345386
FORTRAN 77 , for a complex argument Fortran 2008
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
tan(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Tangent function
tan(3) computes the tangent of x.
The return value is the tangent of the value x.
Sample program:
program demo_tan
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real32, real64, real128
implicit none
real(kind=real64) :: x = 0.165_real64
write(*,*)x, tan(x)
end program demo_tan
> 0.16500000000000001 0.16651386310913616
FORTRAN 77 . For a complex argument, Fortran 2008 .
atan(3), atan2(3), cos(3), sin(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
tanpi(3) - [MATHEMATICS:TRIGONOMETRIC] Circular tangent function
tanpi(3) computes the Circular Tangent of x in half-revolutions.
The result has a value equal to a processor-dependent approximation to the tangent of X, which is regarded as a value in half-revolutions; thus, TANPI (X) is approximately equal to tan(X*PI).
The return value is the tangent of the value x.
Example: TAND(1.0) has the value 0.0 (approximately).
Sample program:
program demo_tanpi
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : real64
implicit none
integer :: i
real(kind=real64) :: x
do i=0,8
write(*,101)x, tanpi(x), tanpi(x)*180.0d0
101 format(g0,t23,g0,t50,g0)
end program demo_tanpi
> .000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000
> .2500000000000000 0.9999999999999999 180.0000000000000
> .5000000000000000 0.1633123935319537E+17 0.2939623083575166E+19
> .7500000000000000 -1.000000000000000 -180.0000000000000
> 1.000000000000000 -0.1224646799147353E-15 -0.2204364238465236E-13
> 1.250000000000000 0.9999999999999997 179.9999999999999
> 1.500000000000000 5443746451065123. 0.9798743611917221E+18
> 1.750000000000000 -1.000000000000000 -180.0000000000001
> 2.000000000000000 -0.2449293598294706E-15 -0.4408728476930472E-13
Fortran 2023
atand(3), atand(3), atan2pi(3), atan2d(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
this_image(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Cosubscript index of this image
integer function this_image( distance ,coarray, dim )
type(TYPE(kind=**)),optional :: coarray[*]
integer,intent(in),optional :: distance
integer,intent(in),optional :: dim
this_image(3) returns the cosubscript for this image.
Default integer. If coarray is not present, it is scalar; if distance is not present or has value 0, its value is the image index on the invoking image for the current team, for values smaller or equal distance to the initial team, it returns the image index on the ancestor team which has a distance of distance from the invoking team. If distance is larger than the distance to the initial team, the image index of the initial team is returned. Otherwise when the coarray is present, if dim is not present, a rank-1 array with corank elements is returned, containing the cosubscripts for coarray specifying the invoking image. If dim is present, a scalar is returned, with the value of the dim element of this_image(coarray).
Sample program:
program demo_this_image
implicit none
integer :: value[*]
integer :: i
value = this_image()
sync all
if (this_image() == 1) then
do i = 1, num_images()
write(*,'(2(a,i0))') 'value[', i, '] is ', value[i]
end do
end program demo_this_image
> value[1] is 1
Fortran 2008. With DISTANCE argument, TS 18508
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
tiny(3) - [MODEL:NUMERIC] Smallest positive number of a real kind
tiny(3) returns the smallest positive (non zero) number of the type and kind of x.
For real x
The smallest positive value for the real type of the specified kind.
Sample program:
program demo_tiny
implicit none
print *, 'default real is from', tiny(0.0), 'to',huge(0.0)
print *, 'doubleprecision is from ', tiny(0.0d0), 'to',huge(0.0d0)
end program demo_tiny
> default real is from 1.17549435E-38 to 3.40282347E+38
> doubleprecision is from 2.2250738585072014E-308 to
> 1.7976931348623157E+308
Fortran 95
digits(3), epsilon(3), exponent(3), fraction(3), huge(3), maxexponent(3), minexponent(3), nearest(3), precision(3), radix(3), range(3), rrspacing(3), scale(3), set_exponent(3), spacing(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
tokenize(3) - [CHARACTER:PARSE] Parse a string into tokens.
TOKEN form (returns array of strings)
subroutine tokenize(string, set, tokens [, separator])
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
character(len=*),intent(in) :: set
character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: tokens(:)
character(len=1),allocatable,intent(out),optional :: separator(:)
ARRAY BOUNDS form (returns arrays defining token positions)
subroutine tokenize (string, set, first, last)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
character(len=*),intent(in) :: set
integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: first(:)
integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: last(:)
To reiterate, string, set, tokens and separator must all be of the same CHARACTER kind type parameter.
tokenize(3) parses a string into tokens. There are two forms of the subroutine tokenize(3).
Since the token form pads all the tokens to the same length the original number of trailing spaces of each token accept for the longest is lost.
The array bounds form retains information regarding the exact token length even when padded by spaces.
The tokens in string are assigned in the order found, as if by intrinsic assignment, to the elements of tokens, in array element order.
It is allocated with the lower bound equal to one and the upper bound equal to the number of tokens in string. Each element is assigned, in array element order, the starting position of each token in string, in the order found.
If a token has zero length, the starting position is equal to one if the token is at the beginning of string, and one greater than the position of the preceding delimiter otherwise.
If a token has zero length, the ending position is one less than the starting position.
Sample of uses
program demo_tokenize
!use M_strings, only : tokenize=>split2020
implicit none
! some useful formats
character(len=*),parameter :: brackets='(*("[",g0,"]":,","))'
character(len=*),parameter :: a_commas='(a,*(g0:,","))'
character(len=*),parameter :: space='(*(g0:,1x))'
character(len=*),parameter :: gen='(*(g0))'
! Execution of TOKEN form (return array of tokens)
character (len=:), allocatable :: string
character (len=:), allocatable :: tokens(:)
character (len=:), allocatable :: kludge(:)
integer :: i
string = ' first,second ,third '
call tokenize(string, set=';,', tokens=tokens )
string = ' first , second ,third '
call tokenize(string, set=' ,', tokens=tokens )
! remove blank tokens
! <<<
!tokens=pack(tokens, tokens /= '' )
! gfortran 13.1.0 bug -- concatenate //'' and use scratch
! variable KLUDGE. JSU: 2024-08-18
kludge=pack(tokens//'', tokens /= '' )
! >>>
! Execution of BOUNDS form (return position of tokens)
character (len=:), allocatable :: string
character (len=*),parameter :: set = " ,"
integer, allocatable :: first(:), last(:)
string = 'first,second,,fourth'
call tokenize (string, set, first, last)
write(*,a_commas)'HAS LENGTH=',last-first.gt.0
end program demo_tokenize
> [ first ],[second ],[third ]
> [],[first],[],[],[second],[],[third],[],[],[],[],[]
> [first ],[second],[third ]
> 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
> first,second,,fourth
> FIRST=1,7,14,15
> LAST=5,12,13,20
Fortran 2023
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
trailz(3) - [BIT:COUNT] Number of trailing zero bits of an integer
trailz(3) returns the number of trailing zero bits of an integer value.
The number of trailing rightmost zero bits in an integer value after the last non-zero bit.
> right-most non-zero bit
> V
> |0|0|0|1|1|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|
> ^ |___________| trailing zero bits
> bit_size(i)
If all the bits of i are zero, the result is the size of the input value in bits, ie. bit_size(i).
The result may also be seen as the position of the rightmost 1 bit in i, starting with the rightmost bit being zero and counting to the left.
Sample program:
program demo_trailz
! some common integer kinds
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : &
& integer_kinds, int8, int16, int32, int64
implicit none
! a handy format
character(len=*),parameter :: &
& show = '(1x,"value=",i4,", value(bits)=",b32.32,1x,", trailz=",i3)'
integer(kind=int64) :: bigi
! basics
write(*,*)'Note default integer is',bit_size(0),'bits'
print show, -1, -1, trailz(-1)
print show, 0, 0, trailz(0)
print show, 1, 1, trailz(1)
print show, 96, 96, trailz(96)
! elemental
print *, 'elemental and any integer kind:'
write(*,*) trailz( [ bigi, bigi*256, bigi/2 ] )
write(*,'(1x,b64.64)')[ bigi, bigi*256, bigi/2 ]
end program demo_trailz
> Note default integer is 32 bits
> value= -1, value(bits)=11111111111111111111111111111111 , trailz= 0
> value= 0, value(bits)=00000000000000000000000000000000 , trailz= 32
> value= 1, value(bits)=00000000000000000000000000000001 , trailz= 0
> value= 96, value(bits)=00000000000000000000000001100000 , trailz= 5
> elemental and any integer kind:
> 5 13 4
> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100000
> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000
> 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000
Fortran 2008
bit_size(3), popcnt(3), poppar(3), leadz(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
transfer(3) - [TYPE:MOLD] Transfer bit patterns
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) function transfer(source,mold,size)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: source(..)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: mold(..)
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: size
transfer(3) copies the bitwise representation of source in memory into a variable or array of the same type and type parameters as mold.
This is approximately equivalent to the C concept of “casting” one type to another.
If size is absent but mold is an array (of any size or shape), the result is a one-dimensional array of the minimum length needed to contain the entirety of the bitwise representation of source.
If size is absent and mold is a scalar, the result is a scalar.
The result has the bit level representation of source.
If the bitwise representation of the result is longer than that of source, then the leading bits of the result correspond to those of source but any trailing bits are filled arbitrarily.
When the resulting bit representation does not correspond to a valid representation of a variable of the same type as mold, the results are undefined, and subsequent operations on the result cannot be guaranteed to produce sensible behavior. For example, it is possible to create logical variables for which var and .not.var both appear to be true.
Sample program:
program demo_transfer
use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : int32, real32
integer(kind=int32) :: i = 2143289344
real(kind=real32) :: x
character(len=10) :: string
character(len=1) :: chars(10)
x=transfer(i, 1.0) ! prints "nan" on i686
! the bit patterns are the same
write(*,'(b0,1x,g0)')x,x ! create a NaN
! a string to an array of characters
end program demo_transfer
> 1111111110000000000000000000000 NaN
> 1111111110000000000000000000000 2143289344
> [abcdefghij]
> [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h] [i] [j]
Joe Krahn: Fortran uses molding rather than casting.
Casting, as in C, is an in-place reinterpretation. A cast is a device that is built around an object to change its shape.
Fortran transfer(3) reinterprets data out-of-place. It can be considered molding rather than casting. A mold is a device that confers a shape onto an object placed into it.
The advantage of molding is that data is always valid in the context of the variable that holds it. For many cases, a decent compiler should optimize transfer(3) into a simple assignment.
There are disadvantages of this approach. It is problematic to define a union of data types because you must know the largest data object, which can vary by compiler or compile options. In many cases, an EQUIVALENCE would be far more effective, but Fortran Standards committees seem oblivious to the benefits of EQUIVALENCE when used sparingly.
Fortran 90
-equivalence(7) - alias storage
Fortran intrinsic descriptions
transpose(3) - [ARRAY:MANIPULATION] Transpose an array of rank two
function transpose(matrix)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) :: transpose(N,M)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: matrix(M,N)
transpose(3) transposes an array of rank two.
An array is transposed by interchanging the rows and columns of the given matrix. That is, element (i,j) of the result has the value of element (j,i) of the input for all (i,j).
The transpose of the input array. The result has the same type as matrix, and has shape [ m, n ] if matrix has shape [ n, m ].
Sample program:
program demo_transpose
implicit none
integer,allocatable :: array(:,:)
integer,parameter :: values(3,5)= reshape([&
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, &
11, 22, 33, 44, -1055 &
call print_matrix_int('array:',array)
call print_matrix_int('array transposed:',array)
call print_matrix_int('transposed transpose:',array)
subroutine print_matrix_int(title,arr)
! print small 2d integer arrays in row-column format
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest
write(*,'(a," shape(",i0,",",i0,")")')trim(title),shape(arr) ! print title
biggest=' ' ! make buffer to write integer into
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
biggest='(" [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'
! print one row of array at a time
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
end subroutine print_matrix_int
end program demo_transpose
> array: shape(3,5)
> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
> [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ]
> [ 11, 22, 33, 44, -1055 ]
> array transposed: shape(5,3)
> [ 1, 10, 11 ]
> [ 2, 20, 22 ]
> [ 3, 30, 33 ]
> [ 4, 40, 44 ]
> [ 5, 50, -1055 ]
> transposed transpose: shape(3,5)
> [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
> [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ]
> [ 11, 22, 33, 44, -1055 ]
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
trim(3) - [CHARACTER:WHITESPACE] Remove trailing blank characters from a string
trim(3) removes trailing blank characters from a string.
The result is the same as string except trailing blanks are removed.
If string is composed entirely of blanks or has zero length, the result has zero length.
Sample program:
program demo_trim
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable :: str, strs(:)
character(len=*),parameter :: brackets='( *("[",a,"]":,1x) )'
integer :: i
str=' trailing '
print brackets, str,trim(str) ! trims it
str=' leading'
print brackets, str,trim(str) ! no effect
str=' '
print brackets, str,trim(str) ! becomes zero length
print *, len(str), len(trim(' '))
! array elements are all the same length, so you often
! want to print them
strs=[character(len=10) :: "Z"," a b c","ABC",""]
! everything prints as ten characters; nice for neat columns
print brackets, (strs(i), i=1,size(strs))
print brackets, (strs(i), i=size(strs),1,-1)
! everything prints trimmed
print brackets, (trim(strs(i)), i=1,size(strs))
print brackets, (trim(strs(i)), i=size(strs),1,-1)
end program demo_trim
> [ trailing ] [ trailing]
> [ leading] [ leading]
> [ ] []
> 12 0
> untrimmed:
> [Z ] [ a b c ] [ABC ] [ ]
> [ ] [ABC ] [ a b c ] [Z ]
> trimmed:
> [Z] [ a b c] [ABC] []
> [] [ABC] [ a b c] [Z]
Fortran 95
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3), verify(3)
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ubound(3) - [ARRAY:INQUIRY] Upper dimension bounds of an array
elemental TYPE(kind=KIND) function ubound(array,dim,kind)
TYPE(kind=KIND),intent(in) :: array
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: dim
integer(kind=**),intent(in),optional :: kind
array shall be assumed-rank or an array, of any type. It cannot be an unallocated allocatable array or a pointer that is not associated.
dim shall be a scalar integer. The corresponding actual argument shall not be an optional dummy argument, a disassociated pointer, or an unallocated allocatable.
kind an integer initialization expression indicating the kind parameter of the result.
The return value is of type integer and of kind kind. If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind. The result is scalar if dim is present; otherwise, the result is an array of rank one and size n, where n is the rank of array.
a kind designated as ** may be any supported kind for the type
ubound(3) returns the upper bounds of an array, or a single upper bound along the dim dimension.
The return value is of type integer and of kind kind. If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind.
If dim is absent, the result is an array of the upper bounds of each dimension of the array.
If dim is present, the result is a scalar corresponding to the upper bound of the array along that dimension.
If array is an expression rather than a whole array or array structure component, or if it has a zero extent along the relevant dimension, the upper bound is taken to be the number of elements along the relevant dimension.
NOTE1 If ARRAY is assumed-rank and has rank zero, DIM cannot be present since it cannot satisfy the requirement 1 <= DIM <= 0.
Note this function should not be used on assumed-size arrays or in any function without an explicit interface. Errors can occur if there is no interface defined.
Sample program
! program demo_ubound
module m2_bounds
implicit none
subroutine msub(arr)
!!integer,intent(in) :: arr(*) ! cannot be assumed-size array
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
write(*,*)'MSUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr),'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
end subroutine msub
end module m2_bounds
program demo_ubound
use m2_bounds, only : msub
implicit none
subroutine esub(arr)
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
end subroutine esub
end interface
integer :: arr(-10:10)
write(*,*)'MAIN: LOWER=',lbound(arr),'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
call csub()
call msub(arr)
call esub(arr)
subroutine csub
write(*,*)'CSUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr),'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
end subroutine csub
subroutine esub(arr)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:)
write(*,*)'ESUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr),'UPPER=',ubound(arr), &
& 'SIZE=',size(arr)
end subroutine esub
!end program demo_ubound
> MAIN: LOWER= -10 UPPER= 10 SIZE= 21
> CSUB: LOWER= -10 UPPER= 10 SIZE= 21
Fortran 95 , with KIND argument Fortran 2003
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
ucobound(3) - [COLLECTIVE] Upper codimension bounds of an array
ucobound(3) returns the upper cobounds of a coarray, or a single upper cobound along the dim codimension.
The return value is of type integer and of kind kind. If kind is absent, the return value is of default integer kind. If dim is absent, the result is an array of the lower cobounds of coarray. If dim is present, the result is a scalar corresponding to the lower cobound of the array along that codimension.
Fortran 2008
unpack(3) - [ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION] Scatter the elements of a vector into an array using a mask
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)) unpack(vector, mask, field)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: vector(:)
logical,intent(in) :: mask(..)
type(TYPE(kind=KIND)),intent(in) :: field(..)
unpack(3) scatters the elements of vector into a copy of an array field of any rank using .true. values from mask in array element order to specify placement of the vector values.
So a copy of field is generated with select elements replaced with values from vector. This allows for complex replacement patterns that would be difficult when using array syntax or multiple assignment statements, particularly when the replacements are conditional.
The element of the result that corresponds to the ith true element of mask, in array element order, has the value vector(i) for i = 1, 2, . . ., t, where t is the number of true values in mask. Each other element has a value equal to field if field is scalar or to the corresponding element of field if it is an array.
The resulting array corresponds to field with .true. elements of mask replaced by values from vector in array element order.
Particular values may be “scattered” to particular positions in an array by using
1 0 0
If M is the array 0 1 0
0 0 1
V is the array [1, 2, 3],
. T .
and Q is the logical mask T . .
. . T
where "T" represents true and "." represents false, then the result of
UNPACK (V, MASK = Q, FIELD = M) has the value
1 2 0
1 1 0
0 0 3
and the result of UNPACK (V, MASK = Q, FIELD = 0) has the value
0 2 0
1 0 0
0 0 3
Sample program:
program demo_unpack
implicit none
logical,parameter :: T=.true., F=.false.
integer :: vector(2) = [1,1]
! mask and field must conform
integer,parameter :: r=2, c=2
logical :: mask(r,c) = reshape([ T,F,F,T ],[2,2])
integer :: field(r,c) = 0, unity(2,2)
! basic usage
unity = unpack( vector, mask, field )
call print_matrix_int('unity=', unity)
! if FIELD is a scalar it is used to fill all the elements
! not assigned to by the vector and mask.
call print_matrix_int('scalar field', &
& unpack( &
& vector=[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], &
& mask=reshape([ T,F,T,F,F,F,T,F,T ], [3,3]), &
& field=0) )
subroutine print_matrix_int(title,arr)
! convenience routine:
! just prints small integer arrays in row-column format
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: title
integer,intent(in) :: arr(:,:)
integer :: i
character(len=:),allocatable :: biggest
! make buffer to write integer into
biggest=' '
! find how many characters to use for integers
! use this format to write a row
biggest='(" [",*(i'//trim(biggest)//':,","))'
! print one row of array at a time
do i=1,size(arr,dim=1)
write(*,'(" ]")')
end subroutine print_matrix_int
end program demo_unpack
> unity=
> [ 1, 0 ]
> [ 0, 1 ]
> scalar field
> [ 1, 0, 3 ]
> [ 0, 0, 0 ]
> [ 2, 0, 4 ]
Fortran 95
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost
verify(3) - [CHARACTER:SEARCH] Position of a character in a string of characters that does not appear in a given set of characters.
elemental integer(kind=KIND) function verify(string,set,back,KIND)
character(len=*,kind=**),intent(in) :: string
character(len=*,kind=**),intent(in) :: set
logical,intent(in),optional :: back
integer,intent(in),optional :: KIND
verify(3) verifies that all the characters in string belong to the set of characters in set by identifying the position of the first character in the string that is not in the set.
This makes it easy to verify strings are all uppercase or lowercase, follow a basic syntax, only contain printable characters, and many of the conditions tested for with the C routines isalnum(3c), isalpha(3c), isascii(3c), isblank(3c), iscntrl(3c), isdigit(3c), isgraph(3c), islower(3c), isprint(3c), ispunct(3c), isspace(3c), isupper(3c), and isxdigit(3c); but for a string as well as an array of strings.
If all characters of string are found in set, the result is zero.
If string is of zero length a zero (0) is always returned.
Otherwise, if an unmatched character is found The position of the first or last (if back is .false.) unmatched character in string is returned, starting with position one on the left end of the string.
program demo_verify
implicit none
! some useful character sets
character,parameter :: &
& int*(*) = '1234567890', &
& low*(*) = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', &
& punc*(*) = "!""#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~", &
& blank*(*) = ' ', &
& tab = char(11), &
& prnt*(*) = int//low//upp//blank//punc
character(len=:),allocatable :: string
integer :: i
print *, 'basics:'
print *, VERIFY ('ABBA', 'A') ! has the value 2.
print *, VERIFY ('ABBA', 'A', BACK = .TRUE.) ! has the value 3.
print *, VERIFY ('ABBA', 'AB') ! has the value 0.
print *,'find first non-uppercase letter'
! will produce the location of "d", because there is no match in UPP
write(*,*) 'something unmatched',verify("ABCdEFG", upp)
print *,'if everything is matched return zero'
! will produce 0 as all letters have a match
write(*,*) 'everything matched',verify("ffoorrttrraann", "nartrof")
print *,'easily categorize strings as uppercase, lowercase, ...'
! easy C-like functionality but does entire strings not just characters
write(*,*)'isdigit 123?',verify("123", int) == 0
write(*,*)'islower abc?',verify("abc", low) == 0
write(*,*)'isalpha aBc?',verify("aBc", low//upp) == 0
write(*,*)'isblank aBc dEf?',verify("aBc dEf", blank//tab ) /= 0
! check if all printable characters
string="aB;cde,fgHI!Jklmno PQRSTU vwxyz"
write(*,*)'isprint?',verify(string,prnt) == 0
! this now has a nonprintable tab character in it
write(*,*)'isprint?',verify(string,prnt) == 0
print *,'VERIFY(3) is very powerful using expressions as masks'
! verify(3) is often used in a logical expression
string=" This is NOT all UPPERCASE "
write(*,*)'all uppercase/spaces?',verify(string, blank//upp) == 0
string=" This IS all uppercase "
write(*,*) 'string=['//string//']'
write(*,*)'all uppercase/spaces?',verify(string, blank//upp) == 0
! set and show complex string to be tested
string=' Check this out. Let me know '
! show the string being examined
write(*,*) 'string=['//string//']'
write(*,*) ' '//repeat(int,4) ! number line
! the Fortran functions returns a position just not a logical like C
print *, 'returning a position not just a logical is useful'
! which can be very useful for parsing strings
write(*,*)'first non-blank character',verify(string, blank)
write(*,*)'last non-blank character',verify(string, blank,back=.true.)
write(*,*)'first non-letter non-blank',verify(string,low//upp//blank)
!VERIFY(3) is elemental so you can check an array of strings in one call
print *, 'elemental'
! are strings all letters (or blanks)?
write(*,*) 'array of strings',verify( &
! strings must all be same length, so force to length 10
& [character(len=10) :: "YES","ok","000","good one","Nope!"], &
& low//upp//blank) == 0
! rarer, but the set can be an array, not just the strings to test
! you could do ISPRINT() this (harder) way :>
write(*,*)'isprint?',.not.all(verify("aBc", [(char(i),i=32,126)])==1)
! instead of this way
write(*,*)'isprint?',verify("aBc",prnt) == 0
end program demo_verify
> basics:
> 2
> 3
> 0
> find first non-uppercase letter
> something unmatched 4
> if everything is matched return zero
> everything matched 0
> easily categorize strings as uppercase, lowercase, ...
> isdigit 123? T
> islower abc? T
> isalpha aBc? T
> isblank aBc dEf? T
> isprint? T
> isprint? F
> VERIFY(3) is very powerful using expressions as masks
> all uppercase/spaces? F
> string=[ This IS all uppercase ]
> all uppercase/spaces? F
> string=[ Check this out. Let me know ]
> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
> returning a position not just a logical is useful
> first non-blank character 3
> last non-blank character 29
> first non-letter non-blank 17
> elemental
> array of strings T T F T F
> isprint? T
> isprint? T
Determine if strings are valid integer representations
program fortran_ints
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=*),parameter :: ints(*)=[character(len=10) :: &
'+1 ', &
'3044848 ', &
'30.40 ', &
'September ', &
'1 2 3', &
' -3000 ', &
' ']
! show the strings to test
write(*,'("|",*(g0,"|"))') ints
! show if strings pass or fail the test done by isint(3)
write(*,'("|",*(1x,l1,8x,"|"))') isint(ints)
elemental function isint(line) result (lout)
! determine if string is a valid integer representation
! ignoring trailing spaces and leading spaces
character(len=*),parameter :: digits='0123456789'
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line
character(len=:),allocatable :: name
logical :: lout
! make sure at least two characters long to simplify tests
name=adjustl(line)//' '
! blank string
if( name == '' )return
! allow one leading sign
if( verify(name(1:1),'+-') == 0 ) name=name(2:)
! was just a sign
if( name == '' )return
lout=verify(trim(name), digits) == 0
end function isint
end program fortran_ints
|+1 |3044848 |30.40 |September|1 2 3 | -3000 | |
| T | T | F | F | F | T | F |
Determine if strings represent valid Fortran symbol names
program fortran_symbol_name
implicit none
integer :: i
character(len=*),parameter :: symbols(*)=[character(len=10) :: &
'A_ ', &
'10 ', &
'September ', &
'A B', &
'_A ', &
' ']
write(*,'("|",*(g0,"|"))') symbols
write(*,'("|",*(1x,l1,8x,"|"))') fortran_name(symbols)
elemental function fortran_name(line) result (lout)
! determine if a string is a valid Fortran name
! ignoring trailing spaces (but not leading spaces)
character(len=*),parameter :: int='0123456789'
character(len=*),parameter :: lower='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
character(len=*),parameter :: upper='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
character(len=*),parameter :: allowed=upper//lower//int//'_'
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line
character(len=:),allocatable :: name
logical :: lout
! first character is alphameric
lout = verify(name(1:1), lower//upper) == 0 &
! other characters are allowed in a symbol name
& .and. verify(name,allowed) == 0 &
! allowable length
& .and. len(name) <= 63
lout = .false.
end function fortran_name
end program fortran_symbol_name
|A_ |10 |September |A B |_A | |
| T | F | T | F | F | F |
check if string is of form NN-HHHHH
program checkform
! check if string is of form NN-HHHHH
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: int='1234567890'
character(len=*),parameter :: hex='abcdefABCDEF0123456789'
logical :: lout
character(len=80) :: chars
! are the first two characters integer characters?
lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(1:2), int) == 0)
! is the third character a dash?
lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(3:3), '-') == 0)
! is remaining string a valid representation of a hex value?
lout = lout.and.(verify(chars(4:8), hex) == 0)
write(*,*)trim(chars),' passed'
write(*,*)trim(chars),' failed'
end program checkform
32-af43d passed
exploring uses of elemental functionality and dusty corners
program more_verify
implicit none
character(len=*),parameter :: &
& int='0123456789', &
& low='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', &
& blank=' '
! note character variables in an array have to be of the same length
character(len=6) :: strings(3)=["Go ","right ","home! "]
character(len=2) :: sets(3)=["do","re","me"]
! elemental -- you can use arrays for both strings and for sets
! check each string from right to left for non-letter/non-blank
write(*,*)'last non-letter',verify(strings,upp//low//blank,back=.true.)
! even BACK can be an array
! find last non-uppercase character in "Howdy "
! and first non-lowercase in "there "
write(*,*) verify(strings(1:2),[upp,low],back=[.true.,.false.])
! using a null string for a set is not well defined. Avoid it
write(*,*) 'null',verify("for tran ", "", .true.) ! 8,length of string?
! probably what you expected
write(*,*) 'blank',verify("for tran ", " ", .true.) ! 7,found 'n'
! first character in "Go " not in "do",
! and first letter in "right " not in "ri"
! and first letter in "home! " not in "me"
write(*,*) verify(strings,sets)
end program more_verify
> last non-letter 0 0 5
> 6 6
> null 9
> blank 8
> 1 2 1
Fortran 95 , with kind argument - Fortran 2003
Functions that perform operations on character strings, return lengths of arguments, and search for certain arguments:
Elemental: adjustl(3), adjustr(3), index(3), scan(3),
Nonelemental: len_trim(3), len(3), repeat(3), trim(3)
Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost