Manual Reference Pages  - inquire (7fortran)


inquire(7f) - [FILE_INQUIRE] File inquiry statement



        ACCESS = scalar_default_char_variable,
        ACTION = scalar_default_char_variable,
        ASYNCHRONOUS = scalar_default_char_variable,
        DIRECT = scalar_default_char_variable,

BLANK = scalar_default_char_variable, DECIMAL = scalar_default_char_variable, DELIM = scalar_default_char_variable, ENCODING = scalar_default_char_variable, PAD = scalar_default_char_variable, SIGN = scalar_default_char_variable,

ERR = label, IOMSG = iomsg_variable, IOSTAT = scalar_int_variable,

EXIST = scalar_logical_variable, FORM = scalar_default_char_variable, FORMATTED = scalar_default_char_variable, ID = scalar_int_expr, NAME = scalar_default_char_variable, NAMED = scalar_logical_variable, NEXTREC = scalar_int_variable, NUMBER = scalar_int_variable, OPENED = scalar_logical_variable, PENDING = scalar_logical_variable, POS = scalar_int_variable, POSITION = scalar_default_char_variable, READ = scalar_default_char_variable, READWRITE = scalar_default_char_variable, RECL = scalar_int_variable, ROUND = scalar_default_char_variable, SEQUENTIAL = scalar_default_char_variable, SIZE = scalar_int_variable, STREAM = scalar_default_char_variable, UNFORMATTED = scalar_default_char_variable, WRITE = scalar_default_char_variable )


INQUIRE(IOLENGTH=scalar_int_variable) output_item_list


The INQUIRE statement may be used to inquire about properties of a particular named file or of the connection to a particular unit. There are three forms of the INQUIRE statement:

o inquire by file, which uses the FILE= specifier
o inquire by unit, which uses the UNIT= specifier
o inquire by output list, which uses only the IOLENGTH= specifier.

All specifier value assignments are performed according to the rules for assignment statements.

For inquiry by unit, the unit specified need not exist or be connected to a file. If it is connected to a file, the inquiry is being made about the connection and about the file connected.

An INQUIRE statement may be executed before, while, or after a file is connected to a unit. All values assigned by an INQUIRE statement are those that are current at the time the statement is executed.


If an error condition occurs during execution of an INQUIRE statement, all of the inquiry specifier variables become undefined, except for variables in the IOSTAT= and IOMSG= specifiers (if any).

The IOSTAT=, ERR=, and IOMSG= specifiers are described in 9.11.


Unless constrained, the following inquiry specifiers may be used in either of the inquire by file or inquire by unit forms of the INQUIRE statement.
o No specifier shall appear more than once in a given inquire_spec_list.
o An inquire_spec_list shall contain one FILE= specifier or one UNIT= specifier, but not both.
o In the inquire by unit form of the INQUIRE statement, if the optional characters UNIT= are omitted, the file_unit-number shall be the first item in the inquire_spec_list.
o If an ID= specifier appears in an inquire_spec_list, a PENDING= specifier shall also appear.
o The label in the ERR= specifier shall be the statement label of a branch target statement that appears in the same scoping unit as the INQUIRE statement.
If file_unit-number identifies an internal unit, an error condition occurs.

When a returned value of a specifier other than the NAME= specifier is of type character, the value returned is in upper case.

The specifier that receives the returned value is a a default scalar variable.



The value of the file_name_expr in the FILE= specifier specifies the name of the file being inquired about. The named file need not exist or be connected to a unit. The value of the file_name_expr shall be of a form acceptable to the processor as a file name. Any trailing blanks are ignored. The interpretation of case is processor dependent.




SEQUENTIAL if the connection is for sequential access
if the connection is for direct access
if the connection is for stream access.
If there is no connection,


the connection is for input only,
the connection is for output only
the connection is for both input and output.
if there is no connection,


YES if the connection allows asynchronous input/output
NO if the connection does not allow asynchronous input/output.
If there is no connection


ZERO blanks are interpreted as zeros on input
NULL blanks are interpreted as a null on input
no connection or the connection is not for formatted input/output


COMMA treat a comma as the separator between mantissa and decimal
POINT use a decimal point as the separator


  the delimiter mode in effect for a connection for
QUOTE, formatted input/output.


no connection or the connection is not for formatted input/output


YES if DIRECT is included in the set of allowed access methods for the file
NO if DIRECT is not included in the set of allowed access methods for the file
  if the processor is unable to determine whether DIRECT is included in the set of allowed access methods for the file.


UTF-8 if the connection is for formatted input/output with an encoding form of UTF-8
the connection is for unformatted input/output.
If there is no connection,
UTF-8 if the processor is able to determine that the encoding form of the file is UTF-8
  if the processor is unable to determine the encoding form of the file


The value assigned may be something other than UTF-8, UNDEFINED, or UNKNOWN if the processor supports other specific encoding forms (e.g. UTF-16BE).


[char46]true. if there exists a file with the specified name if inquire is by FILE=filename statement or if by UNIT=number and the specified unit exists.

[char46]false. otherwise, false is assigned.


FORMATTED if the connection is for formatted input/output, UNFORMATTED if the connection is for unformatted input/output. UNDEFINED If there is no connection


YES if FORMATTED is included in the set of allowed forms for the file NO if FORMATTED is not included in the set of allowed forms for the file UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether FORMATTED is included in the set of allowed forms for the file.


The value of the expression specified in the ID= specifier shall be the identifier of a pending data transfer operation for the specified unit. This specifier interacts with the PENDING= specifier.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the NAME= specifier is assigned the value of the name of the file if the file has a name; otherwise, it becomes undefined.


If this specifier appears in an INQUIRE by file statement, its value is not necessarily the same as the name given in the FILE= specifier. However, the value returned shall be suitable for use as the value of the file_name_expr in the FILE= specifier in an OPEN statement.

The processor may return a file name qualified by a user identification, device, directory, or other relevant information.

The case of the characters assigned to scalar_default_char_variable is processor dependent.


The scalar_logical_variable in the NAMED= specifier is assigned the value true if the file has a name; otherwise, it is assigned the value false.


The scalar_int_variable in the NEXTREC= specifier is assigned the value n + 1, where n is the record number of the last record read from or written to the connection for direct access. If there is a connection but no records have been read or written since the connection, the scalar_int_variable is assigned the value 1. If there is no connection, the connection is not for direct access, or the position is indeterminate because of a previous error condition, the scalar_int_variable becomes undefined. If there are pending data transfer operations for the specified unit, the value assigned is computed as if all the pending data transfers had already completed.


The scalar_int_variable in the NUMBER= specifier is assigned the value of the external unit number of the unit that is connected to the file. If there is no unit connected to the file, the value -1 is assigned.


[char46]true. if the file specified is connected to a unit .false. otherwise


YES, corresponding to the pad mode in effect for a connection. NO


If there is no connection or if the connection is not for formatted input/output,


The PENDING= specifier is used to determine whether previously pending asynchronous data transfers are complete. A data transfer operation is previously pending if it is pending at the beginning of execution of the INQUIRE statement.

If an ID= specifier appears and the specified data transfer operation is complete, then the variable specified in the PENDING= specifier is assigned the value false and the INQUIRE statement performs the wait operation for the specified data transfer.

If the ID= specifier is omitted and all previously pending data transfer operations for the specified unit are complete, then the variable specified in the PENDING= specifier is assigned the value false and the INQUIRE statement performs wait operations for all previously pending data transfers for the specified unit.

In all other cases, the variable specified in the PENDING= specifier is assigned the value true and no wait operations are performed; in this case the previously pending data transfers remain pending after the execution of the INQUIRE statement.

        The processor has considerable flexibility in defining when
        it considers a transfer to be complete. Any of the following
        approaches could be used:

o The INQUIRE statement could consider an asynchronous data transfer to be incomplete until after the corresponding wait operation. In this case PENDING= would always return true unless there were no previously pending data transfers for the unit.

o The INQUIRE statement could wait for all specified data transfers to complete and then always return false for PENDING=.

o The INQUIRE statement could actually test the state of the specified data transfer operations.


The scalar_int_variable in the POS= specifier is assigned the number of the file storage unit immediately following the current position of a file connected for stream access. If the file is positioned at its terminal position, the variable is assigned a value one greater than the number of the highest-numbered file storage unit in the file. If the file is not connected for stream access or if the position of the file is indeterminate because of previous error conditions, the variable becomes undefined.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the POSITION= specifier is assigned the value REWIND if the connection was opened for positioning at its initial point, APPEND if the connection was opened for positioning before its endfile record or at its terminal point, and ASIS if the connection was opened without changing its position. If there is no connection or if the file is connected for direct access, the scalar_default_char_variable is assigned the value UNDEFINED. If the file has been repositioned since the connection, the scalar_default_char_variable is assigned a processor-dependent value, which shall not be REWIND unless the file is positioned at its initial point and shall not be APPEND unless the file is positioned so that its endfile record is the next record or at its terminal point if it has no endfile record.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the READ= specifier is assigned the value YES if READ is included in the set of allowed actions for the file, NO if READ is not included in the set of allowed actions for the file, and UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether READ is included in the set of allowed actions for the file.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the READWRITE= specifier is assigned the value YES if READWRITE is included in the set of allowed actions for the file, NO if READWRITE is not included in the set of allowed actions for the file, and UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether READWRITE is included in the set of allowed actions for the file.


The scalar_int_variable in the RECL= specifier is assigned the value of the record length of a connection for direct access, or the value of the maximum record length of a connection for sequential access. If the connection is for formatted input/output, the length is the number of characters for all records that contain only characters of default kind. If the connection is for unformatted input/output, the length is measured in file storage units. If there is no connection, or if the connection is for stream access, the scalar_int_variable becomes undefined.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the ROUND= specifier is assigned the value UP, DOWN, ZERO, NEAREST, COMPATIBLE, or PROCESSOR DEFINED, corresponding to the I/O rounding mode in effect for a connection for formatted input/output. If there is no connection or if the connection is not for formatted input/output, the scalar_default_char_variable is assigned the value UNDEFINED. The processor shall return the value PROCESSOR DEFINED only if the behavior of the current I/O rounding mode is different from that of the UP, DOWN, ZERO, NEAREST, and COMPATIBLE modes.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the SEQUENTIAL= specifier is assigned the value YES if SEQUENTIAL is included in the set of allowed access methods for the file, NO if SEQUENTIAL is not included in the set of allowed access methods for the file, and UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether SEQUENTIAL is included in the set of allowed access methods for the file.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the SIGN= specifier is assigned the value PLUS, SUPPRESS, or PROCESSOR DEFINED, corresponding to the sign mode in effect for a connection for formatted input/output. If there is no connection, or if the connection is not for formatted input/output, the scalar_default_char_variable is assigned the value UNDEFINED.


The scalar_int_variable in the SIZE= specifier is assigned the size of the file in file storage units. If the file size cannot be determined, the variable is assigned the value -1.

For a file that may be connected for stream access, the file size is the number of the highest-numbered file storage unit in the file.

For a file that may be connected for sequential or direct access, the file size may be different from the number of storage units implied by the data in the records; the exact relationship is processor-dependent.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the STREAM= specifier is assigned the value YES if STREAM is included in the set of allowed access methods for the file, NO if STREAM is not included in the set of allowed access methods for the file, and UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether STREAM is included in the set of allowed access methods for the file.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the UNFORMATTED= specifier is assigned the value YES if UNFORMATTED is included in the set of allowed forms for the file, NO if UNFORMATTED is not included in the set of allowed forms for the file, and UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether UNFORMATTED is included in the set of allowed forms for the file.


The scalar_default_char_variable in the WRITE= specifier is assigned the value YES if WRITE is included in the set of allowed actions for the file, NO if WRITE is not included in the set of allowed actions for the file, and UNKNOWN if the processor is unable to determine whether WRITE is included in the set of allowed actions for the file.


The scalar_int_variable in the IOLENGTH= specifier is assigned the processor-dependent number of file storage units that would be required to store the data of the output list in an unformatted file. The value shall be suitable as a RECL= specifier in an OPEN statement that connects a file for unformatted direct access when there are input/output statements with the same input/output list.

The output list in an INQUIRE statement shall not contain any derived-type list items that require a defined input/output procedure as described in subclause 9.6.3. If a derived-type list item appears in the output list, the value returned for the IOLENGTH= specifier assumes that no defined input/output procedure will be invoked.


Examples of INQUIRE statements are:

         INQUIRE (IOLENGTH = IOL) A (1:N)
         INQUIRE (UNIT = JOAN, OPENED = LOG_01, NAMED = LOG_02, &
            FORM = CHAR_VAR, IOSTAT = IOS)


Sample program:

    program demo_inquire
    implicit none
    integer :: lun=40
    integer :: iostat
       write(*,*)’is it open or predefined?’
       call print_inquire(lun,’’)
       write(*,*)’what are the defaults?’
       call print_inquire(lun,’’)
    subroutine print_inquire(lun_in,filename)

! @(#) print_inquire(3f) print INQUIRE of file by name/number

integer,intent(in),optional :: lun_in character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: filename integer :: iostat character(len=256) :: message character(len=:),allocatable :: filename_ integer :: lun ! STATUS=NEW|REPLACE|OLD|SCRATCH|UNKNOWN ! SEQUENTIAL | DIRECT | STREAM | UNDEFINED character(len=20) :: access ; namelist/inquire/access character(len=20) :: asynchronous ; namelist/inquire/asynchronous character(len=20) :: blank ; namelist/inquire/blank character(len=20) :: decimal ; namelist/inquire/decimal character(len=20) :: delim ; namelist/inquire/delim character(len=20) :: direct ; namelist/inquire/direct character(len=20) :: encoding ; namelist/inquire/encoding ! FORMATTED | UNFORMATTED character(len=20) :: form ; namelist/inquire/form character(len=20) :: formatted ; namelist/inquire/formatted character(len=20) :: unformatted ; namelist/inquire/unformatted character(len=20) :: name ; namelist/inquire/name character(len=20) :: pad ; namelist/inquire/pad ! ASIS | REWIND | APPEND character(len=20) :: position ; namelist/inquire/position ! READ | WRITE | READWRITE character(len=20) :: action ; namelist/inquire/action character(len=20) :: read ; namelist/inquire/read character(len=20) :: readwrite ; namelist/inquire/readwrite character(len=20) :: write ; namelist/inquire/write character(len=20) :: round ; namelist/inquire/round character(len=20) :: sequential ; namelist/inquire/sequential character(len=20) :: sign ; namelist/inquire/sign character(len=20) :: stream ; namelist/inquire/stream integer :: id ; namelist/inquire/id integer :: nextrec ; namelist/inquire/nextrec integer :: number ; namelist/inquire/number integer :: pos ; namelist/inquire/pos integer :: recl ; namelist/inquire/recl integer :: size ; namelist/inquire/size logical :: exist ; namelist/inquire/exist logical :: named ; namelist/inquire/named logical :: opened ; namelist/inquire/opened logical :: pending ; namelist/inquire/pending

if(present(filename))then filename_ =filename else filename_ =’’ endif lun=merge(lun_in,-1,present(lun_in)) ! exist, opened, and named always become defined ! unless an error condition occurs. if(filename_ == ’’.and.lun /= -1)then write(*,*)’*print_inquire* checking unit’,lun inquire(unit=lun,recl=recl,nextrec=nextrec,pos=pos,size=size, & & position=position,name=name,form=form,formatted=formatted, & & unformatted=unformatted,access=access,sequential=sequential, & & direct=direct,stream=stream,action=action,read=read,write=write, & & readwrite=readwrite,sign=sign,round=round,blank=blank, & & decimal=decimal,delim=delim,encoding=encoding,pad=pad, & & named=named,opened=opened,exist=exist,number=number, & !bug & pending=pending, & & asynchronous=asynchronous, & & iostat=iostat,err=999,iomsg=message) elseif(filename_ /= ’’)then write(*,*)’*print_inquire* checking file:’//filename_ inquire(file=filename_, & & recl=recl,nextrec=nextrec,pos=pos, & & size=size,position=position,name=name, & & form=form,formatted=formatted,unformatted=unformatted, & & access=access,sequential=sequential,direct=direct,stream=stream, & & action=action,read=read,write=write,readwrite=readwrite, & & sign=sign,round=round,blank=blank,decimal=decimal,delim=delim, & & encoding=encoding,pad=pad,named=named,opened=opened,exist=exist, & & number=number,pending=pending,asynchronous=asynchronous, & & iostat=iostat,err=999,iomsg=message) else write(*,*) & & ’*print_inquire* must specify either filename or unit number’ endif write(*,nml=inquire,delim=’none’) return 999 continue write(*,*)’*print_inquire* bad inquire’ ! If an error condition occurs during execution of an INQUIRE statement, ! all of the inquiry identifiers except iostat become undefined. write(*,*) ’*print_inquire* inquire call failed,iostat=’,iostat, & & ’message=’,message end subroutine print_inquire end program demo_inquire



Nemo Release 3.1 inquire (7fortran) March 14, 2025
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