Manual Reference Pages  - flush (7fortran)


flush(7f) - [IO] flush I/O buffers of specified files


flush file-unit-number flush([UNIT=]file_unit_number,[iostat=i],[iomsg=str],[err=label_number])


I/O statements can buffer output before delivering it to the host system in order to minimize the overhead of system calls. Use FLUSH(7F) to deliver any such pending I/O for the identified file to the host system.

This is generally not required accept to ensure critical information is displayed or written as reliably as possible or to synchronise data from different units going to the same device. Do not arbitrarily flush all I/O operations or programs using large amounts of I/O might experience significant performance degradation, particularly if the I/O is to a block-oriented device.

Note execution of a FLUSH(7F) statement performs a wait operation for all pending asynchronous data transfer operations for the specified unit.

More generally execution of a FLUSH(7F) statement causes data written to an external file not only to be available to other processes, causes data placed in an external file by means other than Fortran to be available to a READ(7F) statement; but these actions are processor dependent.

Execution of a FLUSH(7F) statement for a file that is connected but does not exist is permitted and has no effect on any file.

A FLUSH(7F) statement has no effect on file position.


UNIT : A file-unit-number is required; if the optional characters "UNIT=" are omitted, the unit-number must be the first item in the FLUSH(7) statement.


IOSTAT : status variable. It is set to a processor-dependent positive value if an error occurs, to zero if the flush operation was successful, or to a processor-dependent negative value if the flush operation is not supported for the unit specified. IOMSG : character variable holding error description when iostat is not zero. ERR : The numeric line label of a target statement in the same scope as the FLUSH(7F) statement.

NOTE From the Fortran standard:

      Because the Fortran standard does not specify the mechanism of file
      storage, the exact meaning of the flush operation is not precisely
      defined. It is expected that the flush operation will make all data
      written to a file available to other processes or devices, or make data
      recently added to a file by other processes or devices available to
      the program via a subsequent read operation. This is commonly called
      flushing input/output buffers.


Sample program:

        program demo_flush
        use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : &
        & stderr=>ERROR_UNIT, &
        & stdin=>INPUT_UNIT,  &
        & stdout=>OUTPUT_UNIT
        implicit none
        integer :: iostat
        character(len=255) :: iomsg
           flush (stderr, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)
              error stop 1
           flush (stdout, err = 999 )
           999 continue
           stop 10
        end program demo_flush

Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) @urbanjost

Nemo Release 3.1 flush (7fortran) March 14, 2025
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