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M_framework__attr man(3) pages

grouping page description
M_framework__approxaccdig compare two numbers only up to a specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__approxalmost return true or false if two numbers agree up to specified number of digits (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__approxin_margin check if two reals are approximately equal using a relative margin
M_framework__approxsignificant round val to specified number of significant digits
M_framework__attr::INTROM_framework__attr control text attributes on terminals (LICENSE:MIT)
M_framework__attrattr substitute escape sequences for HTML-like syntax in strings (LICENSE:MIT)
M_framework__attrattr_mode select processing mode for output from attr(3f) (LICENSE:MIT)
M_framework__attrattr_update update internal dictionary given keyword and value (LICENSE:MIT)
M_framework__journal::INTROM_framework__journal write program messages to stdout and/or a log file (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__journaljournal provides public message routine, no paging or graphic mode change (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgassert print filename, linenumber, and message to stderr and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgfmt convert any intrinsic to a string using specified format (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgpdec write out string with ASCII decimal equivalent vertically under it (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgstderr write message to stderr (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgstr converts up to twenty standard scalar type values to a string (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__msgwrt write multiple scalar values to any number of files (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__utilityfstop call stop with both a number and a message (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verify::INTROM_framework__verify unit test framework (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test report if logical expression is true or false, optionally call command and/or stop program. (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_end end test of procedure started by unit_test_start(3f) (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_expected report if two scalar values of like type and kind are equal. (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_mode set testing modes (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_msg converts up to twenty standard scalar values to a message for unit testing (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_start reset counters and start a new test block (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_stop report tally of all checks and stop program (LICENSE:PD)
M_framework__verifyunit_test_system return status from system command (LICENSE:PD)
M_msgset set scalars from an array (LICENSE:PD)