Manual Reference Pages  - greatest_common_divisor (3m_factor)


greatest_common_divisor(3f) - [M_factor] calculate greatest common divisor of two integers or vector m(:), matrix m(:,:) or cuboid m(:,:,:) (LICENSE:MIT)




The function is generic and may take either two integers or an integer vector, matrix, or cuboid.

   integer function greatest_common_divisor(i,j)
   integer,intent(in)::  i,j
   integer function greatest_common_divisor(m)
   integer,intent(in)::  m(:)
   integer,intent(in)::  m(:,:)
   integer,intent(in)::  m(:,:,:)


The method used is the Euler algorithm; that for two integers ...

1. Subtract the 2nd number (N) as many times as possible from the 1st one (M) and save remainder using FORTRAN function MOD.
2. Test if remainder is equal to zero, if so GCD = N. If not replace M with N and N with remainder and proceed with step 1.
3. Repeat both steps until remainder becomes zero.


Sample program:

   program demo_greatest_common_divisor
   use M_factor, only : gcd=>greatest_common_divisor
   implicit none
   integer, allocatable :: matrix(:,:)
      ! SCALAR:
         call writeit(26,130,26)
         call writeit(91,390,13)
         call writeit(-91,390,13)
         call writeit(91,-390,13)
         call writeit(-41,-43,1)
         call writeit(-20,-10,10)
         call writeit(20,10,10)
      ! VECTOR:
         call writeit_v([26,130,91,390],13)
         call writeit_v([5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47],1)
         call writeit_v([-20,-10,0],10)
         call writeit_v([20,10,0],10)
         call writeit_v([26,130],26)
         call writeit_v([91,390],13)
         call writeit_v([-91,390],13)
         call writeit_v([91,-390],13)
         call writeit_v([-41,-43],1)
         call writeit_v([-20,-10],10)
         call writeit_v([20,10],10)
      ! MATRIX:
         matrix=reshape([ 11,22,33,44,55,66],[2,3])
         call write_matrix(matrix,11)
         call write_matrix(matrix,1)
         call write_matrix(matrix,40)


subroutine writeit(ii,jj,answer) integer,intent(in) :: ii,jj integer,intent(in) :: answer write(*,’("gcd([",i0,",",i0,"]) produces ",i0," which is ",l1)’) & & ii,jj,gcd(ii,jj),gcd(ii,jj).eq.answer end subroutine writeit

subroutine writeit_v(vector,answer) integer,intent(in) :: vector(:) integer,intent(in) :: answer write(*,’("gcd([",*(i0:,","))’,advance=’no’)vector write(*,’("]) produces ",i0," which is ",l1)’) & & gcd(vector),gcd(vector).eq.answer end subroutine writeit_v

subroutine write_matrix(matrix,answer) integer,intent(in) :: matrix(:,:) integer,intent(in) :: answer write(*,*)’MATRIX SHAPE:’,size(matrix,dim=1),size(matrix,dim=2) write(*,’("gcd([",*(i0:,","))’,advance=’no’)matrix write(*,’("]) produces ",i0," which is ",l1)’) & & gcd(matrix),gcd(matrix).eq.answer end subroutine write_matrix

end program demo_greatest_common_divisor

Expected Output:

   >  SCALAR:
   > gcd([26,130]) produces 26 which is T
   > gcd([91,390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([-91,390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([91,-390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([-41,-43]) produces 1 which is T
   > gcd([-20,-10]) produces 10 which is T
   > gcd([20,10]) produces 10 which is T
   >  VECTOR:
   > gcd([26,130,91,390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47]) produces 1 which is T
   > gcd([-20,-10,0]) produces 10 which is T
   > gcd([20,10,0]) produces 10 which is T
   > gcd([26,130]) produces 26 which is T
   > gcd([91,390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([-91,390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([91,-390]) produces 13 which is T
   > gcd([-41,-43]) produces 1 which is T
   > gcd([-20,-10]) produces 10 which is T
   > gcd([20,10]) produces 10 which is T
   >  MATRIX:
   >  MATRIX SHAPE:           2           3
   > gcd([11,22,33,44,55,66]) produces 11 which is T
   >  MATRIX SHAPE:          13           1
   > gcd([5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47]) produces 1 which is T
   >  MATRIX SHAPE:           2           2
   > gcd([40,80,120,160]) produces 40 which is T


John S. Urban, 2015


MIT License

Nemo Release 3.1 greatest_common_divisor (3m_factor) March 18, 2023
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