Manual Reference Pages  - vexit (3m_draw)


vexit(3f) - [M_draw:DEVICE] Reset window/terminal and exit graphics mode. Must be last routine called. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine vexit()


Reset the window/terminal and terminate graphics mode. Required to properly close out most output devices. Must be called before any second call to vinit(3f). Must be the last M_draw routine called.


Sample program:

     program demo_vexit
     use M_draw, only: vinit, vexit, voutput, circle, linewidth, color
     use M_draw,    only  : D_BLACK,   D_WHITE
     use M_draw,    only  : D_RED,     D_GREEN,    D_BLUE
     use M_draw,    only  : D_YELLOW,  D_MAGENTA,  D_CYAN
     implicit none
     integer :: i

! assuming you have the NetPBM package installed ! set up output to create a GIF file called one.gif call voutput(’|ppmtogif >vexit.3m_draw.gif’)

call vinit(’p6’) ! start graphics ! default window is -1 <= x <= 1, -1 <= y <= 1 ! default viewport is left bottom justified square ! so essentially you have a square drawing surface ! with the point <0,0> at the center of the square ! with X and Y ranging from -1 to 1.

call color(D_RED) call linewidth(100) ! this loop draws outside the current window ! but by default clipping is on do i=1,30 call circle((real(i)-1)*0.04,0.0,1.0/real(i)) enddo

call vexit() ! exited graphics so can start again

! start second graphics session with new output ! device and output file call voutput(’|ppmtogif >vexit2.3m_draw.gif’) call vinit(’p6’)

do i=10,1,-1 call color(i) call circle(0.0,0.0,1.0/real(i)) enddo

call vexit()

end program demo_vexit

Nemo Release 3.1 vexit (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from 15cdc476-5b78-4b3b-b4ea-5d7ce7255a43 using man macros.