Manual Reference Pages  - unexpandviewport (3m_draw)


unexpandviewport(3f) - [M_draw:VIEWPORT] undo expandviewport(3f) (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine unexpandviewport()


Does the reverse of expandviewport. Basically, it returns M_draw to using the largest square of the device for its viewport calculations.


Sample program:

   program demo_unexpandviewport
   use M_draw
   use M_draw,    only  : D_BLACK,   D_WHITE
   use M_draw,    only  : D_RED,     D_GREEN,    D_BLUE
   use M_draw,    only  : D_YELLOW,  D_MAGENTA,  D_CYAN
   implicit none
   integer :: ipaws

!! set up graphics area call prefsize(1000,200) call vinit(’ ’) ! start graphics using device $M_DRAW_DEVICE

!! draw circle that fills default world coordinate window call polyfill(.true.) call color(D_GREEN) call circle(0.0,0.0,1.0) ipaws=getkey() !! pause

!! set new scales for viewport so <-1,-1> and <1,1> are at !! corners of display instead of corners of largest square !! that can fit on display call expandviewport() call viewport(-1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0)

!! draw circle that fills default world coordinate window again !! instead of a circle, the mapping now produces an ellipse unless !! this device has a square display call polyhatch(.true.) call hatchpitch(0.1) call hatchang(30.0) call linewidth(40) call color(D_CYAN) call circle(0.0,0.0,1.0) ipaws=getkey() !! pause

!! set new scales for viewport so <-1,-1> and <1,1> are at !! corners of largest square that fits on display call unexpandviewport() !! actually change to the new viewport call viewport(-1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0)

!! now the same circle should draw where the original one did call color(D_BLACK) call hatchang(120.0) call linewidth(40) call circle(0.0,0.0,1.0) ipaws=getkey() !! pause

call vexit() !! wrap up graphics

end program demo_unexpandviewport

Nemo Release 3.1 unexpandviewport (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from b7c94d78-13f2-43af-bf18-89c726ae181f using man macros.