Manual Reference Pages  - textslant (3m_draw)


textslant(3f) - [M_draw:TEXT] Defines the obliqueness of the fonts. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine textslant(var) real var


Defines the obliqueness of the fonts. This is a simplistic method that allows you to generate italicized versions of the software fonts. The x- values of the software font coordinates after the current textsize() values are applied are multiplied by (1+val).

Note that this means the same value tilts the characters less the taller the characters are relative to their width.

Generally, practical values are generally between -1 and 1 times the


Sample program:

   program demo_textslant
   use M_draw
   implicit none
   real    :: x1, x2, y1, y2
   real    :: scl
   integer :: key
      call prefsize(1200,300)
      call vinit(’ ’)
      call color(D_BLACK)
      call clear()
      x1=0.0; x2=40.0; y1=0.0; y2=10.0; scl=3*0.7
      call page(x1,x2,y1,y2)
      call font("times.rb")
      call linewidth(180)
      call textsize(0.8*scl,1.2*scl)
      call move2( x1+.3,y1+.4)
      call color(D_RED)
      call textslant(0.0);  call drawstr("textslant(0.0); ")
      call color(D_GREEN)
      call textslant(-1.0); call drawstr(" textslant(-1.0);")
      call color(D_BLUE)
      call textslant(1.0);  call drawstr(" textslant(1.0);")
      call textsize(0.8*scl,1.2*3*scl)
      call move2(x1+.3,y1+3+.4)
      call color(D_MAGENTA)
      call textslant(1.0); call drawstr(" textslant(1.0);")
      call textsize(0.8*scl,1.2*scl)
      call color(D_CYAN)
      call textslant(0.3); call drawstr(" textslant(0.3);")
      call color(D_WHITE)
      call textslant(0.5); call drawstr(" textslant(0.5);")
      call vflush()
      call vexit()
   end program demo_textslant

Nemo Release 3.1 textslant (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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