Manual Reference Pages  - textjustify (3m_draw)


textjustify(3f) - [M_draw:TEXT] general text justification (C only) (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine textjustify(val) character(kind=c_short) :: ival character(kind=c_char) :: val


General (direct) control of text justification. The value of val is made up of the logical OR of the following predefined constants in draw.h (FOR C and Fortran only). D_LEFT, D_RIGHT, D_XCENTERED, D_TOP, D_BOTTOM, D_YCENTERED. Centering takes priority, as does RIGHT and TOP justification (if you were silly enough to set it to D_LEFT|D_RIGHT for EXAMPLE that is). A value of 0 (zero) (in all languages) resets the textjustification to the default.

       ! from Fortran, use IANY() to OR the array of options, and CHAR()
       ! to convert the integer result to a C_CHAR type. KIND C_CHAR is
       ! defined by loading the intrinsic module for C bindings
       ! (ie. "USE ISO_C_BINDING").
       call textjustify(val)


Sample program:

   program demo_textjustify
   use M_draw
   use M_draw,    only  : D_BLACK,   D_WHITE
   use M_draw,    only  : D_RED,     D_GREEN,    D_BLUE
   use M_draw,    only  : D_YELLOW,  D_MAGENTA,  D_CYAN
   use iso_c_binding
   implicit none
   real :: x1=-20.0, x2=20.0, y1=-20.0, y2=20.0
      call prefsize(int(x2-x1)*30,int(y2-y1)*30)
      !!call voutput(’|ppmtogif >textjustify.3M_draw.gif’)
      !!call vinit(’p6’)
      call vinit(’ ’)
      call page(x1,x2,y1,y2)
      call clear()
      call textsize(0.9, 1.4)
      call font("times.rb")
      call linewidth(20)
      call seejustify( "right|top",           &
              iany([d_right,d_top]),           -10.0, -10.0 )
      call seejustify( "right|ycentered",     &
              iany([d_right,d_ycentered]),     -10.0,   0.0 )
      call seejustify( "right|bottom",        &
              iany([d_right,d_bottom]),        -10.0, +10.0 )
      call seejustify( "xcentered|top",       &
              iany([d_xcentered,d_top]),         0.0, -10.0 )
      call seejustify( "xcentered|ycentered", &
              iany([d_xcentered,d_ycentered]),   0.0,   0.0 )
      call seejustify( "xcentered|bottom",    &
              iany([d_xcentered,d_bottom]),      0.0, +10.0 )
      call seejustify( "left|top",            &
              iany([d_left,d_top]),            +10.0, -10.0 )
      call seejustify( "left|ycentered",      &
              iany([d_left,d_ycentered]),      +10.0,   0.0 )
      call seejustify( "left|bottom",         &
              iany([d_left,d_bottom]),         +10.0, +10.0 )
      call vexit()
      subroutine seejustify(string,justify,x,y)
         implicit none
         real                    :: x, y
         real                    :: height, width
         integer(kind=c_short)   :: justify
         character(len=*)        :: string
         character(kind=c_char)  :: byte
         call color(D_RED)
         call move2(x-1.0,y); call draw2(x+1.0,y)
         call move2(x,y-1.0); call draw2(x,y+1.0)
         call circle(x,y,5.0)
         call color(D_BLUE)
         call move2(x,y)
         call textjustify(byte)
         call drawstr(string)
         call color(D_WHITE)
         call rmove2(-strlength(string),0.0)
         call rdraw2(+strlength(string),0.0)
         call getfontsize(width, height)
         call rmove2(0.0,height)
         call rmove2(-strlength(string),0.0)
         call rdraw2(+strlength(string),0.0)
      end subroutine seejustify
   end program demo_textjustify

Nemo Release 3.1 textjustify (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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