Manual Reference Pages  - scale (3m_draw)


scale(3f) - [M_draw:TRANSFORMATION] Set up scaling factors in x, y, and z axis. (LICENSE:PD)


See Also


subroutine scale(x, y, z)

    real,intent(in) ::  x, y, z


Set up scaling factors in x, y, and z axis. The scaling is applied relative to the current transformation matrix; ie. the scaling is accumulative.


x scaling factor to apply in X direction to current transformation matrix
y scaling factor to apply in Y direction to current transformation matrix
x scaling factor to apply in Z direction to current transformation matrix


Sample program

      program demo_scale
      use M_draw
      implicit none
      real :: size, x, y
      integer :: idum
      ! set up display
         call prefsize(300, 300)
         call prefposition(200, 10)
         call vinit(’X11’)
         SIZE = 1.2
         X = -0.75
         Y = 0.75
         call color(3)
         call clear()
         call color(2)
         call ortho2(-SIZE, SIZE, -SIZE, SIZE)
      ! create an object to repeatedly draw
         call makeobj(1)
           call polyfill(.true.)
           call color(1)
           call rect(0.0, 0.0, X, Y)
           call polyfill(.false.)
           call linewidth(200)
           call color(2)
           call rect(0.0, 0.0, X, Y)
         call closeobj()
      ! draw object, scaling coordinate system between instantiations
         call pushmatrix()
           call scale(1.1, 2.0, 0.0)
           call callobj(1)
           ! scaling accumulates
           call scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
           call callobj(1)
           ! circles appear as ellipses in this coordinate system
           call circle(0.0, 0.0, X/3.0)
         ! return back to saved coordinate system
         call popmatrix()
         ! now a circle is a circle again
         call color(5)
         call circle(0.0, 0.0, X/3.0)
         idum = getkey()
         call vexit()
      end program demo_scale


rotate, translate, pushmatrix, popmatrix

Nemo Release 3.1 scale (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from 4aa46cd6-76f8-44cb-984d-459517431fd9 using man macros.