Manual Reference Pages  - polyhatch (3m_draw)


polyhatch(3f) - [M_draw:POLYGONS] Set the polygon hatch flag (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine polyhatch(onoff) logical onoff


Set the polygon hatch flag. This will always turn off fill. A LOGICAL .true. turns polyhatch on. Note that hatched polygons must initially be defined parallel to the X-Y plane.


Sample program:

   program demo_polyhatch
   use M_draw
   use M_draw, only: D_BLACK, D_WHITE
   use M_draw, only: D_RED, D_GREEN, D_BLUE
   use M_draw, only: D_YELLOW, D_MAGENTA, D_CYAN
   implicit none
   integer :: key
   real :: N = 11.0
      call prefsize(600*10/6, 200*10/6)
      call vinit(’ ’)
      call page(-15.0, 15.0, -5.0, 5.0)
      call linewidth(100)
      call color(D_BLACK)
      call clear()
      call color(D_RED)
      call spirograph(-10.0, 0.0, N, 1.0, N, 5.0, 1000, 0.0, 0.0, 0)
      call polyhatch(.true.) ! turn on polygon hatching
      call hatchang(45.0)
      call hatchpitch(0.3)
      call color(D_GREEN)
      call spirograph(10.0, 0.0, N, 1.0, N, 5.0, 1000, 0.0, 0.0, 2)
      call vflush()
      key = getkey()
      call vexit()
   subroutine spirograph(xc,yc,sun,planet0,offset0,rad,ilines,ang,angs,ifill)
   real, parameter :: PI=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
   ! center of curve
   real, intent(in)    :: xc, yc
   ! radii of sun, planet, and planet offset
   real, intent(in)    :: sun, planet0, offset0
   ! radius to fit the shape to (no fit if radius is 0)
   real, intent(in)    :: rad
   ! number of points to sample along curve
   integer, intent(in) :: ilines
   ! angle to rotate the shape by, to orientate it.
   real, intent(in)    :: ang
   ! angle to start sampling points at; ccw is +; 0 is East
   real, intent(in)    :: angs
   ! 1 make a filled polygon, 2 make a hatched polygon
   integer, intent(in) :: ifill
   real                :: ang1, con1, con2, factor, offset, planet
   real                :: r, sunr, u, xpoin, xpoin1, ypoin, ypoin1
   integer             :: i10
      sunr = sun
      offset = offset0
      planet = planet0
      if (ilines  ==  0) return
      if (planet  ==  0.0) return
      if (sunr  ==  0.0) return
      if (rad  /=  0 .and. sunr - planet + offset  /=  0) then
         factor = rad/(sunr - planet + offset)
         sunr = factor*sunr
         planet = factor*planet
         offset = factor*offset
      end if
      u = 0.0 + ang
      con1 = PI*2.*(sunr/planet)/real(ilines)
      con2 = (1.0 - planet/sunr)*u
      xpoin1 = (sunr - planet)*cos(planet*u/sunr) + offset*cos(con2)
      ypoin1 = (sunr - planet)*sin(planet*u/sunr) - offset*sin(con2)
      ang1 = atan2(ypoin1, xpoin1) + angs
      r = sqrt(xpoin1**2 + ypoin1**2)
      xpoin1 = r*cos(ang1) + xc
      ypoin1 = r*sin(ang1) + yc
      select case (ifill)
      case (0)
      case (1)
         call polyfill(.true.)
         call makepoly()
      case (2)
         call polyhatch(.true.)
         call makepoly()
      case (3:)
         call makepoly()
      case default
      end select
      call move2(xpoin1, ypoin1)
      do i10 = 1, ilines
         u = con1*i10 + ang
         con2 = (1.0 - planet/sunr)*u
         if (con2  >=  2**24) con2 = amod(con2, PI)
         xpoin = (sunr - planet)*cos(planet*u/sunr) + offset*cos(con2)
         ypoin = (sunr - planet)*sin(planet*u/sunr) - offset*sin(con2)
         ang1 = atan2(ypoin, xpoin) + angs
         r = sqrt(xpoin**2 + ypoin**2)
         xpoin = r*cos(ang1) + xc
         ypoin = r*sin(ang1) + yc
         call draw2(xpoin, ypoin)
      end do
      if (ifill  >  0) then
         call closepoly()
         call polyfill(.false.)
      end if
   end subroutine spirograph
   end program demo_polyhatch

Nemo Release 3.1 polyhatch (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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