Manual Reference Pages  - poly (3m_draw)


poly(3f) - [M_draw:POLYGONS] Construct a polygon from an array of points (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine poly(n, points) integer,intent(in) :: n real,intent(in) :: points(3, n)


Construct a polygon from an array of points provided by the user.


Sample program:

   program demo_poly
   use M_draw
   implicit none
   ! Using polygons, hatching, and filling.
   integer           :: ios
   character(len=50) :: device
      print*,’Enter output device:’
         call prefsize(1000,1000)
         device=’ ’
      call vinit(device)
   ! clear to black
      call color(D_BLACK)
      call clear()
   ! world coordinates are now in the range -10 to 10
   ! in x, y, and z. Note that positive z is towards us.
      call ortho(-10.0, 10.0, -10.0, 10.0, 10.0, -10.0)
      call color(D_YELLOW)
   ! write out the string "Polygon from poly()" in the
   ! starting at (-8.0, -4.0) and scaled to be 4.0 units long,
   ! 0.5 units high.
      call boxtext(-8.0, -4.0, 4.0, 0.5, ’Polygon from poly()’)
      call color(D_GREEN)
   ! write out a scaled string starting at (0.0, 6.0)
      call boxtext(0.0, 6.0, 4.0, 0.5, ’Polygon from move()/ draw()’)
      call color(D_MAGENTA)
   ! write out a scaled string starting at (0.0, 6.0)
      call boxtext(3.5, -3.5, 1.9, 0.5, ’Sector’)
   ! draw some polygons
      call drawpoly()
   ! turn on polygon hatching
      call polyhatch(.true.)
      call hatchang(45.0)
      call hatchpitch(0.3)
   !  Rotate 20 degrees around x and 30 around y
      call rotate(20.0, ’x’)
      call rotate(30.0, ’y’)
   ! draw some polygons with hatching
      call drawpoly()
   ! turn on polygon filling - this automatically turns off hatching
      call polyfill(.true.)
   !  Do another set of rotations.
      call rotate(20.0, ’x’)
      call rotate(30.0, ’y’)
   ! draw some polygons with filling
      call drawpoly()
      call vexit()
   subroutine drawpoly()
      integer :: idum
      real parray(3,4)                   ! An array of points for a polygon
      data parray/ -8.0, -8.0, 0.0,  &
                 & -5.0, -8.0, 0.0,  &
                 & -5.0, -5.0, 0.0,  &
                 & -8.0, -5.0, 0.0 /
      call color(D_YELLOW)
   ! Draw a polygon using poly, parray is our array of
   ! points and 4 is the number of points in it.
      call poly(4, parray)
      call color(D_GREEN)
   ! Draw a 5 sided figure by using move, draw and closepoly.
      call makepoly()
         call move(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
         call draw(3.0, 0.0, 0.0)
         call draw(3.0, 4.0, 0.0)
         call draw(-1.0, 5.0, 0.0)
         call draw(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
      call closepoly()
      call color(D_MAGENTA)
   ! draw a sector representing a 1/4 circle
      call sector(1.5, -7.0, 3.0, 0.0, 90.0)
   end subroutine drawpoly

end program demo_poly

Nemo Release 3.1 poly (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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