Manual Reference Pages  - lookat (3m_draw)


lookat(3f) - [M_draw:VIEWPORT] Specify the viewer’s position (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine lookat(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist) real vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist


Specify the viewer’s position by giving a viewpoint and a reference point in world coordinates. A twist about the line of sight may also be given.


Sample program:

     program demo_lookat
     ! Demonstrate a rotating translating tetrahedron, and doublebuffering
     use M_draw
     implicit none
     integer TETRAHEDRON
     parameter (TETRAHEDRON = 1)
     real R, tx, tz, rotval, drotval, zeye
     integer i
     logical back, backdir, fill
     character(len=50) :: device
     integer :: ios
     call prefsize(300, 300)
     print*,’Enter output device:’
     if(’ ’
     back = .true.
     backdir = .true.
     fill = .true.
     call vinit(device)
     ! Make the tetrahedral object
     call maketheobject()
     rotval = 0.0
     drotval = 5.0
     zeye = 5.0
     R = 1.6
     tx = 0.0
     tz = R
     !all polyfill(fill)
     call backface(back)
     call backfacedir(backdir)
     call clipping(.false.)
     ! set up a perspective projection with a field of view of
     ! 40.0 degrees, aspect ratio of 1.0, near clipping plane 0.1,
     ! and the far clipping plane at 1000.0.
     call perspective(40.0, 1.0, 0.001, 15.0)
     call lookat(0.0, 0.0, zeye, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
     ! Setup drawing into the backbuffer....
     if (backbuffer().lt.0) then
        call vexit()
        write(*,*)’Device can’’t support doublebuffering’
     ! we loop back here ad-nauseam until someone hits a non-interpreted key
     INFINITE: do
        rotval = 0.0
        do i = 0, int(359.0 / drotval)
           call color(D_BLACK)
           call clear()
     !  Rotate the whole scene...(this accumulates - hence
     !  drotval)
           call rotate(drotval * 0.1, ’x’)
           call rotate(drotval * 0.1, ’z’)
           call color(D_RED)
           call pushmatrix()
           call polyfill(.false.)
           call rotate(90.0, ’x’)
           call circle(0.0, 0.0, R)
           call polyfill(fill)
           call popmatrix()
           call color(D_BLUE)
           call move(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
           call draw(tx, 0.0, tz)
     ! Remember! The order of the transformations is
     ! the reverse of what is specified here in between
     ! the pushmatrix and the popmatrix. These ones don’t
     ! accumulate because of the push and pop.
           call pushmatrix()
              call translate(tx, 0.0, tz)
              call rotate(rotval, ’x’)
              call rotate(rotval, ’y’)
              call rotate(rotval, ’z’)
              call scale(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)
              call callobj(TETRAHEDRON)
           call popmatrix()
           tz = R * cos(rotval * 3.1415926535 / 180)
           tx = R * sin(rotval * 3.1415926535 / 180)
           call swapbuffers()
           select case(char(checkkey()))
                     fill = .not. fill
                     call polyfill(fill)
                     back = .not. back
                     call backface(back)
                     backdir = .not. backdir
                     call backfacedir(backdir)
           case default
                     call vexit()
            end select
           rotval = rotval + drotval
           call microsleep(30000)
     enddo INFINITE
     ! maketheobject
     !       generate a tetrahedron object as a series of move draws
     subroutine maketheobject()

integer TETRAHEDRON, NSIDES, NFACES, NPNTS parameter (TETRAHEDRON = 1, NSIDES = 3, NFACES = 4, NPNTS = 4) integer colface(NFACES) real pnts(3, NPNTS) integer faces(NSIDES, NFACES) integer i, j real x, y, z

data pnts/ & & -0.5, 0.866, -0.667, & & -0.5, -0.866, -0.667, & & 1.0, 0.0, -0.667, & & 0.0, 0.0, 1.334/


data faces/ & & 3, 2, 1, & & 1, 2, 4, & & 2, 3, 4, & & 3, 1, 4/

call makeobj(TETRAHEDRON)

do i = 1, NFACES call makepoly() call color(colface(i)) x = pnts(1, faces(1, i)) y = pnts(2, faces(1, i)) z = pnts(3, faces(1, i)) call move(x, y, z) do j = 2, NSIDES x = pnts(1, faces(j,i)) y = pnts(2, faces(j,i)) z = pnts(3, faces(j,i)) call draw(x, y, z) enddo call closepoly() enddo

call closeobj()

end subroutine maketheobject

subroutine microsleep(waittime) use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int integer,intent(in) :: waittime integer(kind=c_int) :: status

interface function c_usleep(seconds) bind (C,name="usleep") import ! should be unsigned int (not available in Fortran). ! OK until highest bit gets set. integer(c_int) :: c_usleep integer(c_int), intent(in), VALUE :: seconds end function c_usleep end interface

if(waittime>0)then status=c_usleep(int(waittime,kind=c_int)) endif end subroutine microsleep

end program demo_lookat

Nemo Release 3.1 lookat (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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