Manual Reference Pages  - locator (3m_draw)


locator(3f) - [M_draw:INTERACTIVE] Find out where cursor is (LICENSE:PD)




integer function locator(xaddr, yaddr) real xaddr, yaddr


Find out where the cursor is. XADDR and YADDR are set to the current location in world coordinates. The function returns a bit pattern which indicates which buttons are being held down -- eg. if mouse buttons 1 and 3 are down locator returns binary 101 (decimal 7). The function returns -1 if the device has no locator capability. Note: if doing 3-D transformations XADDR and YADDR may not make a lot of sense. In that case use slocator.


Sample program:

      program demo_locator !     track a cube with the locator
      use M_draw
      implicit none
      real :: trans, sc, tdir, scal, x, y
      integer :: idum, nplanes
      parameter(TRANS=20.0, SC=0.1)
      integer, parameter :: FACE=1, FILLED=2, OUTLINE=3
      character(len=10)  :: device
      character(len=1)   :: but
      logical            :: back, fill, hatch
      integer            :: ios
         write(*,*)’x,y,z = translate’
         write(*,*)’s     = apply scale’
         write(*,*)’+,-   = change scale/translate direction’
         write(*,*)’f,h   = fill, hatch’
         write(*,*)’b     = toggle backface’
         write(*,*)’q     = quit’

print*, ’Enter output device:’ read(*, ’(a)’,iostat=ios) device if( device=’ ’

call prefposition(50, 50) call prefsize(500, 500)

call vinit(device)

call window(-800.0, 800.0, -800.0, 800.0, -800.0, 800.0) call lookat(0.0, 0.0, 1500.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

tdir = TRANS scal = SC

! ! Start with a very ordinary filled cube like in the original demo... ! call polyhatch(.false.) call hatchang(45.0) call hatchpitch(40.0) call polyfill(.true.)

fill = .true. hatch = .false. back = .true.

call makeobj(FACE) call makepoly() call rect(-200.0, -200.0, 200.0, 200.0) call closepoly() call closeobj()

call makecube(FILLED)

nplanes = getdepth() if (nplanes .eq. 1) call makecube(OUTLINE)

call backface(back) ! ! Setup drawing into the backbuffer.... ! if (backbuffer().lt.0) then call vexit() write(*,*)’Device can’’t support doublebuffering’ stop endif

INFINITE: do idum = slocator(x, y) call pushmatrix() call rotate(100.0 * x, ’y’) call rotate(100.0 * y, ’x’) call color(D_BLACK) call clear() call callobj(FILLED) if (nplanes .eq. 1 .and. (fill .or. hatch)) call callobj(OUTLINE) call popmatrix() call swapbuffers()

but = char(checkkey()) select case(but) case(’x’) call translate(tdir, 0.0, 0.0) case(’y’) call translate(0.0, tdir, 0.0) case(’z’) call translate(0.0, 0.0, tdir) case(’s’) call scale(scal, scal, scal) case(’f’) fill = .not. fill hatch = .false. call polyfill(fill) case(’h’) hatch = .not. hatch fill = .false. call polyhatch(hatch) case(’b’) back = .not. back call backface(back) case(’-’) tdir = -tdir if (scal .lt. 1.0) then scal = 1.0 + SC else scal = 1.0 - SC endif case(’+’) tdir = TRANS case(’q’,char(27)) call vexit() stop end select enddo INFINITE contains

subroutine makecube(obj) integer obj

call makeobj(obj) if (obj .eq. OUTLINE) then call pushattributes() call color(D_BLACK) call polyfill(.false.) call polyhatch(.false.) endif

call pushmatrix() call translate(0.0, 0.0, 200.0) if (obj .eq. FILLED) call color(D_RED) call callobj(FACE) call popmatrix()

call pushmatrix() call translate(200.0, 0.0, 0.0) call rotate(90.0, ’y’) if (obj .eq. FILLED) call color(D_GREEN) call callobj(FACE) call popmatrix()

call pushmatrix() call translate(0.0, 0.0, -200.0) call rotate(180.0, ’y’) if (obj .eq. FILLED) call color(D_BLUE) call callobj(FACE) call popmatrix()

call pushmatrix() call translate(-200.0, 0.0, 0.0) call rotate(-90.0, ’y’) if (obj .eq. FILLED) call color(D_CYAN) call callobj(FACE) call popmatrix()

call pushmatrix() call translate(0.0, 200.0, 0.0) call rotate(-90.0, ’x’) if (obj .eq. FILLED) call color(D_MAGENTA) call callobj(FACE) call popmatrix()

call pushmatrix() call translate(0.0, -200.0, 0.0) call rotate(90.0, ’x’) if (obj .eq. FILLED) call color(D_YELLOW) call callobj(FACE) call popmatrix()

if (obj .eq. OUTLINE) call popattributes()

call closeobj()

end subroutine makecube

end program demo_locator

Nemo Release 3.1 locator (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
Generated by manServer 1.08 from d88bb9f3-a326-4eaa-a3cb-5f4d0bdeefd2 using man macros.