Manual Reference Pages  - hatchpitch (3m_draw)


hatchpitch(3f) - [M_draw:POLYGONS] Set the distance between hatch lines. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine hatchpitch(pitch) real,intent(in) :: pitch


Set the distance between hatch lines. The distance is measured in window units (as opposed to viewport or device units).


Sample program:

      program demo_hatchpitch
      use M_draw
      implicit none
      real :: b
      integer :: idum

call prefsize(1000, 200) call vinit(’ ’) b = 0.1 call page(-25.0 - b, 25.0 + b, -5.0 - b, 5.0 + b) call color(0) call clear() call textsize(0.5, 0.6) call font(’futura.l’) call leftjustify() call circleprecision(3) ! draw circles with hatching call linewidth(150) call polyhatch(.true.) call hatchang(30.0)

call try(pitch=1.0/3.0, col=7, X=-20.0, label=’1/3’) call try(pitch=1.0/2.0, col=2, X=-10.0, label=’1/2’) call try(pitch=1.0, col=6, X= -0.0, label=’1’) call try(pitch=2.0, col=5, X= 10.0, label=’2’) call try(pitch=3.0, col=4, X= 20.0, label=’3’) idum = getkey() call vexit() contains subroutine try(pitch, col, x, label) real, intent(in) :: pitch integer, intent(in) :: col real, intent(in) :: x character(len=*), intent(in) :: label call hatchpitch(pitch) call color(col) call circle(X, 0.0, 5.0) call move2(X - 4.9,-4.9) call color(7) call drawstr(label) end subroutine try

end program demo_hatchpitch

Nemo Release 3.1 hatchpitch (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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