Manual Reference Pages  - getstring (3m_draw)


getstring(3f) - [M_draw:INTERACTIVE] Read in a string, echoing it in current font (LICENSE:PD)




integer function getstring(bcol, string) integer bcol character *(*) string


Read in a string, echoing it in the current font, using the current color and the current transformation.

getstring(3f) interprets the Backspace key (ASCII 8) and the Del key (ASCII 127) as erasing characters. An EOT (ASCII 4) or a Carriage return (ASCII 13) will terminate input.


BCOL is the background color which is used for erasing characters after a backspace or a delete key is received.


getstring(3f) returns the number of characters read. Getstring does not check for overflow in the input buffer string.


Sample program:

   program demo_getstring
   use M_draw
   implicit none
   ! reading a string from graphic input with getstring(3f)
   character(len=128) :: buf(10)
   character(len=20)  :: dev
   character(len=20)  :: fname
   integer            :: ios, i, n
   real               :: shft, tsize, y

print*, ’Enter device:’ read (*, ’(a)’,iostat=ios) dev if(’ ’

print*, ’Enter a font name:’ read (*, ’(a)’,iostat=ios) fname if(’futura.l’ if(fname.eq.’’)fname=’futura.l’

call vinit(dev)

call font(fname)

call clipping(.false.)

shft=0.14 call window(-1.0-shft, 1.0-shft, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0) call lookat(0.0-shft, 0.0-shft, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

call rotate(30.0, ’x’) call rotate(30.0, ’z’) call rotate(60.0, ’y’)

call color(D_BLACK) call clear() call color(D_YELLOW)

tsize=0.25 call textsize(tsize/2.5, tsize) call linewidth(100) call rect(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5)


call linewidth(40) call move2(-0.5, y) call color(D_GREEN) call drawstr(’getstring(3f) demo’)

write(*,*)’Enter 10 lines up to 128 characters long.’ write(*,*)’Program ends on blank line.’

do n=1,10 y=y-tsize call move2(-0.5, y) i = getstring(D_BLACK, buf(n)) write(*,’(/,a,i0,a,i0)’,advance=’no’)’N=’,n,’ I=’,i if( .and. n.le.size(buf))write(*,*)’ BUF=’,trim(buf(n)(:i)) buf(n)(min(128,i+1):)=’ ’ if(i.le.0)exit ! exit on empty line enddo

call vexit()

do i = 1, n-1 write(*, ’(1x, ’’Line’’,i3,’’ was: ’’, a)’) i, buf(i) enddo

end program demo_getstring

Nemo Release 3.1 getstring (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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