Manual Reference Pages  - drawstr (3m_draw)


drawstr(3f) - [M_draw:TEXT] Draw the text in string at the current position. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine drawstr(str) character(len=*),intent(in) :: str


Draw a text string at the current position. Uses current line color and thickness and text centering mode.


Sample program:

      program demo_drawstr
      use M_draw
      implicit none
      integer :: idum
      call vinit(’’)
      ! by default the drawing surface is
      ! a square ranging from -1 to 1 in both
      ! the X and Y axis

call color(D_BLACK) ! set current color to black call clear() ! clear to current color

! SET COMMON TEXT ATTRIBUTES call color(D_GREEN) ! we want to draw in green call font(’futura.m’) ! set font call textsize(0.1,0.1) ! font size

! DRAW A STRING call move2(-1.0, 0.0) call drawstr(’Hello’) ! draw string at current position ! note that current position is now at end of this string

! CHANGE SOME TEXT ATTRIBUTES AGAIN call linewidth(20) ! set line width call color(D_RED) ! change color call textang(45.0) ! change text angle

call drawstr(’ World!’)! draw string at current position idum=getkey() ! pause

call vexit() ! wrap up and exit graphics mode

end program demo_drawstr

Nemo Release 3.1 drawstr (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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