Manual Reference Pages  - drawchar (3m_draw)


drawchar(3f) - [M_draw:TEXT] Draw the character c and update current position. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine drawchar(ch) character(len=1),intent(in) :: ch


Draw the character c at the current position. The current graphics position represents the bottom left hand corner of the character space.

Uses current line color and thickness and text justification mode.


Sample program:

   program demo_drawchar
   !      display all the hershey fonts and demonstrate textang

use M_draw, only: vinit, vsetflush, color, clear, font, vexit, vflush use M_draw, only: ortho2, textang, boxtext, rect, textsize, getkey use M_draw, only : D_BLACK, D_WHITE use M_draw, only : D_RED, D_GREEN, D_BLUE use M_draw, only : D_YELLOW, D_MAGENTA, D_CYAN use M_draw implicit none

character(len=40) :: str1, str2, str3, str4, fonts(22) character(len=100) :: buf character(len=1) :: c integer :: i, ios data fonts/ ’astrology’, ’cursive’, ’futura.l’, & & ’futura.m’, ’gothic.eng’, ’gothic.ger’, & & ’gothic.ita’,’greek’, ’japanese’, ’markers’, & & ’math.low’, ’math.upp’, ’meteorology’, ’music’, & & ’cyrillic’, ’script’, ’symbolic’, ’times.g’, & & ’times.ib’, ’times.i’, ’times.r’, ’times.rb’ /

data str1/ ’ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’ / data str2/ ’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’ / data str3/ ’1234567890+-=!@#$%^&*(){}[]’ / data str4/ ’<>,./?~‘\|_BONK,blark’ / integer :: idum print*,’Enter output device:’ read(*,’(a)’,iostat=ios)buf if(’ ’ call prefsize(1000,1000) call vinit(buf) call vsetflush(.false.) call linewidth(20) call clear() ! define the world space call ortho2(-14.0, 14.0, -14.0, 14.0) do i = 1, 22 ! do the title call textang(0.0) ! reset text angle so title is straight call color(D_CYAN) call font(’futura.m’) write(buf, ’(’’This is Hershey font ’’,a)’) fonts(i) !call printattribs(’before’) call boxtext(-11.0, 12.0, 20.0, 1.0, buf) !call printattribs(’after’) call rect(-11.0, 12.0, 9.0, 13.0) ! draw a box around the title call font(fonts(i)) ! grab a font from the table call color(D_BLUE) ! show the outer ring call textsize(1.5, 1.5) call ShowCircularText(11.0, str1) ! show the second ring call textsize(1.3, 1.3) call ShowCircularText(8.5, str2) ! show the third ring call textsize(1.1, 1.1) call ShowCircularText(7.0, str3) ! show the inside ring call textsize(0.9, 0.9) call ShowCircularText(5.0, str4) call vflush()

idum= getkey() select case(idum) case(:-1,ichar(’q’),ichar(’Q’)) exit end select

call color(D_BLACK) call clear() enddo call vexit() contains

subroutine ShowCircularText(r, str) ! show a ring of text use M_draw, only : move2, textang, drawchar

real :: r character(len=*) :: str real :: i, inc, x, y, a integer :: j, i10 character(len=1) :: c real,parameter :: pi = 3.1415926535

j = 1 inc = 360.0 / len_trim(str)

i=0.0 do i10 = 1,len_trim(str) ! ! calculate the next drawing position c = str(j:j) x = r * cos(i * pi / 180.0) y = r * sin(i * pi / 180.0) call move2(x, y) ! ! calculate angle for next character a = 90.0 + i ! ! set the orientation of the next character call textang(a) ! ! draw the character call drawchar(c) j = j + 1 i=i+inc enddo

end subroutine ShowCircularText

end program demo_drawchar

Nemo Release 3.1 drawchar (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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