Manual Reference Pages  - backface (3m_draw)


backface(3f) - [M_draw:POLYGONS] Turns on culling of backfacing polygons. (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine backface(onoff) logical onoff


Turns on culling of backfacing polygons. A polygon is backfacing if its orientation in *screen* coords is clockwise, unless a call to backfacedir is made.


Sample program:

   program demo_backface
   ! demonstrate double buffering and what happens
   ! when you hit clipping plane
   ! Specifying an extra argument turns on the polygon filling.
   use M_draw
   implicit none
   character(len=30) :: device
   character(len=1)  :: c
   real    r, t, dr, dt
   integer nplanes
   logical fill, back, backdir
   integer :: ios
   integer :: ipaws

print*,’Enter output device:’ read(*,’(a)’,iostat=ios)device if(’ ’

dr = 0.3 dt = 0.2 print*,’Enter delta in degrees (0.333 is typical):’ read(*,*,iostat=ios) dr if( write(*,*)’DR=’,dr

call prefsize(300, 300)

call vinit(device)

nplanes = getdepth()

fill = .true. back = .true. backdir = .true.

call polyfill(fill) call backface(back) call backfacedir(backdir)

call color(D_BLACK) call clear()

call window(-1.5, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 9.0, -5.0) call lookat(0.0, 0.0, 12.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

t = 0.0 r = 30.0 ! ! Setup drawing into the backbuffer.... ! if (backbuffer().lt.0) then write(*,*)’Device can’’t support doublebuffering’ ! draw a single view so at least the cube is displayed call frontbuffer() call color(D_BLACK) call clear() call translate(0.0, 0.0, t) call rotate(r, ’y’) call rotate(r, ’z’) call rotate(r, ’x’) call color(D_WHITE) call polyfill(.true.) call drawcube(nplanes) call color(D_BLACK) call polyfill(.false.) call drawcube(nplanes) ipaws=getkey() call vexit() stop


do if( r = 0.0 call color(D_BLACK) call clear()

call pushmatrix()

call translate(0.0, 0.0, t) call rotate(r, ’y’) call rotate(r, ’z’) call rotate(r, ’x’) call color(D_WHITE)

call drawcube(nplanes)

if (nplanes .eq. 1 .and. fill) then call polyfill(.false.) call color(D_BLACK) call drawcube(nplanes) call polyfill(fill) endif

call popmatrix()

t = t + dt if ( .or. dt = -dt

call swapbuffers()

c = char(checkkey()) if (c .eq. ’f’) then fill = .not. fill call polyfill(fill) elseif (c .eq. ’b’) then back = .not. back call backface(back) elseif (c .eq. ’d’) then backdir = .not. backdir call backfacedir(backdir) elseif (c .ne. char(0)) then call vexit() stop endif

r = r + dr enddo

contains ! this routine draws the cube, using colours if available ! subroutine drawcube(nplanes) integer nplanes

real carray(3, 8) data carray/ & & -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, & & 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, & & 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, & & -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, & & -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, & & 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, & & 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, & & -1.0, 1.0, -1.0/ save carray

if ( call color(D_RED)

call makepoly() call move(carray(1,1), carray(2,1), carray(3,1)) call draw(carray(1,2), carray(2,2), carray(3,2)) call draw(carray(1,3), carray(2,3), carray(3,3)) call draw(carray(1,4), carray(2,4), carray(3,4)) call draw(carray(1,1), carray(2,1), carray(3,1)) call closepoly()

if ( call color(D_GREEN)

call makepoly() call move(carray(1,6), carray(2,6), carray(3,6)) call draw(carray(1,5), carray(2,5), carray(3,5)) call draw(carray(1,8), carray(2,8), carray(3,8)) call draw(carray(1,7), carray(2,7), carray(3,7)) call draw(carray(1,6), carray(2,6), carray(3,6)) call closepoly()

if ( call color(D_YELLOW)

call makepoly() call move(carray(1,2), carray(2,2), carray(3,2)) call draw(carray(1,6), carray(2,6), carray(3,6)) call draw(carray(1,7), carray(2,7), carray(3,7)) call draw(carray(1,3), carray(2,3), carray(3,3)) call draw(carray(1,2), carray(2,2), carray(3,2)) call closepoly()

if ( call color(D_BLUE)

call makepoly() call move(carray(1,1), carray(2,1), carray(3,1)) call draw(carray(1,4), carray(2,4), carray(3,4)) call draw(carray(1,8), carray(2,8), carray(3,8)) call draw(carray(1,5), carray(2,5), carray(3,5)) call draw(carray(1,1), carray(2,1), carray(3,1)) call closepoly()

if ( call color(D_MAGENTA)

call makepoly() call move(carray(1,3), carray(2,3), carray(3,3)) call draw(carray(1,7), carray(2,7), carray(3,7)) call draw(carray(1,8), carray(2,8), carray(3,8)) call draw(carray(1,4), carray(2,4), carray(3,4)) call draw(carray(1,3), carray(2,3), carray(3,3)) call closepoly()

if ( call color(D_CYAN)

call makepoly() call move(carray(1,1), carray(2,1), carray(3,1)) call draw(carray(1,5), carray(2,5), carray(3,5)) call draw(carray(1,6), carray(2,6), carray(3,6)) call draw(carray(1,2), carray(2,2), carray(3,2)) call draw(carray(1,1), carray(2,1), carray(3,1)) call closepoly()

end subroutine drawcube

end program demo_backface


Nemo Release 3.1 backface (3m_draw) May 28, 2023
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