

calculator - [M_calculator] parse calculator expression and return numeric or string value (LICENSE:PD)


     subroutine calculator(inline,outlin,mssg,slast,ierr)

     character(len=*),intent=(in)           :: inline
     character(len=iclen_calc),intent=(out) :: outlin
     character(len=iclen_calc),intent=(out) :: mssg
     doubleprecision, intent=(out)          :: slast
     integer, intent=(out)                  :: ierr


CALCULATOR(3f) evaluates FORTRAN-like expressions. It can be used to add calculator-like abilities to your program.


INLINE is a string expression up to (iclen\_calc=512) characters long. The syntax of an expression is described in the main document of the Calculator Library.
Returned numeric value as a string when IERR=0.
MSSG is a string that can serve several purposes
  • Returned string value when IERR=2
  • Error message string when IERR=-1
  • Message from 'funcs' or 'dump' command when IERR=1
    • </dd>
      has different meanings depending on whether a string or number is being returned
      • REAL value set to last successfully calculated value when IERR=0
      • Number of characters in returned string variable when IERR=2
      • /ul> </dd>
        status flag.
        • -1 -- An error occurred
        • 0 -- A numeric value was returned
        • 1 -- A message was returned
        • 2 -- A string value was returned
        </dl> ## EXAMPLES Example calculator program ```fortran program demo_calculator !compute(1f): line mode calculator program (that calls calculator(3f)) use M_calculator, only: calculator,iclen_calc ! iclen_calc : max length of expression or variable value as a string implicit none integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0) character(len=iclen_calc) :: line character(len=iclen_calc) :: outlin character(len=iclen_calc) :: event real(kind=dp) :: rvalue integer :: ierr ierr=0 call calculator('ownmode(1)',outlin,event,rvalue,ierr) ! activate user-defined function interface INFINITE: do read(*,'(a)',end=999)line if(line.eq.'.')stop call calculator(line,outlin,event,rvalue,ierr) select case (ierr) ! several different meanings to the error flag returned by calculator case(0) ! a numeric value was returned without error write(*,'(a,a,a)')trim(outlin),' = ',trim(line) case(2) ! a string value was returned without error write(*,'(a)')trim(event(:int(rvalue))) case(1) ! a request for a message has been returned (from DUMP or FUNC) write(*,'(a,a)')'message===>',trim(event(:len_trim(event))) case(-1) ! an error has occurred write(*,'(a,a)')'error===>',trim(event(:len_trim(event))) case default ! this should not occur WRITE(6,'(A,i10)')'*CALCULATOR* UNEXPECTED IERR VALUE ',IERR end select enddo INFINITE 999 continue end program demo_calculator ``` ## SEE ALSO see INUM0(),RNUM0(),SNUM0(),EXPRESSION().