Manual Reference Pages  - symbol (3m_calcomp)


symbol(3f) - [M_calcomp:basic] draw text string or marker (LICENSE:PD)


Options For Strings
Options For Symbols


The "standard" call which produces a line of text is:

       subroutine symbol(xpage,ypage,height,ibcd,inteq,angle,+nchar)


The SYMBOL subroutine produces plot annotation at any angle and in practically any size. There are two SYMBOL call formats:

     1) the "standard" call, which can be used to draw text such
        as titles, captions, and legends.

2) the "special" call, which is used to draw special centered symbols such as a box, octagon, triangle, etc., for denoting data points.

Both forms of the SYMBOL calling sequence have seven arguments. Which form is being used is determined by the value of the NCHAR parameter.

The standard characters that are drawn by SYMBOL include the letters A-Z, digits 0-9, and certain special characters. See Table 2 for a description of CALCOMP’s symbol table.

The parameter NCHAR is used to specify whether a text string or a single symbol is being plotted. If NCHAR is >= 0, the text string in IBCD is used. If NCHAR= -1 or -2, a single symbol is produced using the value of INTEQ (Which MUST then be between 0 and 90, inclusive).

It is recommended that 999 be used for INTEQ when NCHAR is greater than or equal to zero, and either a dummy character variable (e.g. CHARACTER(len=1) :: DUMMY) or a literal character string (e.g. ’ ’) be used for IBCD when NCHAR is less than zero (not just a plain word as a dummy variable)!


  are the coordinates, in inches, of the lower left-hand corner (before character rotation) of the first character to be produced. The pen is up while moving to this point.

Annotation may be continued from the position following that at which the last annotation ended. Continuation occurs when XPAGE and/or YPAGE equals 999.0, and may be applied to X or Y independently. (Calling WHERE to obtain the current pen position and using RXPAGE, RYPAGE in another call to SYMBOL would not give the same results as using 999.)

HEIGHT is the height, in inches, of the character(s) to be plotted. For best results, it should be a multiple of seven times the standard CALCOMP increment size of 0.01 (e.g., 0.07, 0.14, 0.21), but other values are acceptable. The width of a character, including spacing, is normally the same as the height (e.g., a string of 10 characters 0.14 inch high is 1.4 inches wide).
IBCD is the text to be used as annotation. The character(s) must be in a character array or single variable. (The data should be stored as TYPE CHARACTER.)
INTEQ Ignored (Assuming NCHAR is positive!)
ANGLE is the angle, in degrees from the X axis, at which the annotation is to be plotted. If ANGLE=0.0, the character(s) will be plotted right side up and parallel to the X axis. The absolute magnitude of ANGLE can not exceed 1800 degrees.
+NCHAR is the number of characters to be plotted from IBCD. If NCHAR=0, one alphanumeric character is produced, using a single character which is the first element of IBCD.

For example, the following call to SYMBOL will result in the characters TITLE 10 being output beginning at the X and Y coordinates of 1.0 .

    character(len=8) :: grlbl
    grlbl=’title 10’
    call symbol(1.0,1.0,0.14,grlbl,999,0.0,8)


A second form is the "special" call, which produces only a single symbol based on the value of INTEQ - not on the ASCII representation of a character.

The "special" call is:

       call symbol(xpage,ypage,height,ibcd,inteq,angle,-nchar)

  are the same as described for the "standard" call. If
  the symbol to be produced is one of the centered symbols (e.g., if INTEQ is less than 14), XPAGE, YPAGE represent the geometric center of the character produced.
HEIGHT is the height (and width), in inches, of the centered symbol to be drawn. Preferably, it should be a multiple of four times the CALCOMP 0.01 increment size.
IBCD Ignored (assuming NCHAR is negative!)
INTEQ is the integer equivalent of the desired symbol. Valid integers and their symbols are listed in the Symbol Table (Table 2). If INTEQ is 0 through 14, a centered symbol is produced. INTEQ -MUST- be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 90 .
NCHAR is negative and determines whether the pen is up or down during the move to XPAGE, YPAGE.

When NCHAR is:

-1, the pen is up during the move, after which a single symbol is produced.

-2, or less, the pen is down during the move, after which a single symbol is produced.

For example, the following call to SYMBOL will result in special symbol number 5 being output with its center at X and Y coordinates of 1.0 .

       CALL SYMBOL(1.0,1.0,0.16,’ ’,5,0.0,-1)

Table 2 shows the current symbols available and the integer equivalents for each symbol which are used in the "special" call. When a "standard" call to SYMBOL is made, the host computer’s internal characters are translated to the appropriate characters from this table.


Sample program

   program demo_symbol
   use M_calcomp
   implicit none

! produce a symbol table which shows the characters ! available in the symbol(3f) routine. ! character(len= 38),parameter :: ichr1=’CHARACTERS AVAILABLE IN SYMBOL ROUTINE’ character(len= 38),parameter :: ichr2=’ FOR CALCOMP ON THE CRAY COMPUTER ’ character(len= 60),parameter :: ichr3=’INTEGER FOR USE IN SYMBOL CALL SHOWN TO LEFT OF EACH SYMBOL’ character(len= 1 ) :: ibcd integer :: ia,ib integer :: m, inteq real :: z, xs, ys, x, y call plots(0.0,10.0,0.0,10.0) call plot(0.8,0.8,1001) call plot(0.0,11.0,2) call plot(8.5,11.0,2) call plot(8.5,0.0,2) call plot(0.0,0.0,2) call symbol(0.4,10.50,.2,ichr1,inteq,0.0,38) call symbol(0.4,10.25,.2,ichr2,inteq,0.0,38) call plot(8.1,10.0,3) call plot(0.4,10.0,2) call plot(0.4, 0.5,2) call plot(8.1, 0.5,2) z=0.0 m=0 xs=0.85 ys=0.25 x=0.4 y=9.5 do ia=1,6 do ib=1,15 call number(x+0.10,y+0.18,0.14,z,0.0,-1) call symbol(x+xs,y+ys, 0.4, ibcd,m,0.0,-1) Z=Z+1.0 M=M+1 Y=Y-0.6 enddo if(ia.eq.6) call number(x+0.10,y+0.18,0.14,z,0.0,-1) if(ia.eq.6) call symbol(x+xs,y+ys,0.4,ibcd,m,0.0,-1) x=x+1.283 call plot(x,0.5,3) call plot(x,10.0,2) y=9.5 xs=0.65 ys=0.05 enddo call symbol(0.6,0.25,0.12,ichr3,inteq,0.0,60) call nframe() call plot(0.0,0.0,999) end program demo_symbol


Public Domain

Nemo Release 3.1 symbol (3m_calcomp) May 27, 2023
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