Manual Reference Pages  - cntour (3m_calcomp)


cntour(3f) - [M_calcomp:scientific] draw a contour plot (LICENSE:PD)




subroutine cntour(a, NX_Q, NY_Q, x, y, hgt, cv, ncv, legend, ndima)


A contour map is a graphical representation of a three-dimensional surface or a function of two variables. A contour is defined as the intersection of the surface or function with a specified plane parallel to the reference plane. If the surface is denoted by z = f(x,y) where x and y are the coordinate values in the (x,y)-plane (reference plane), then z equals a constant defines the plane of intersection.

A contour map consists of a set of contours, usually generated for equally spaced values of z. In a region where the surface changes rapidly, the individual contours are close together, and where the surface changes gradually, they are far apart. Thus, a contour map provides a means of observing topological behavior of a surface as well as locating regions where the function z has specific values.

The CNTOUR subroutine and its supporting routines provide the user with a general-purpose package for preparing contour maps. The package was developed at the Westinghouse Research Laboratories and released at the Westinghouse Symposium for general use.


A input double-subscripted array containing the discrete values of the function.
NX_Q index of the last row of data in A (INTEGER).
NY_Q index of the last column of data in A (INTEGER).
X single-scripted array containing values of x corresponding to row positions of A.
Y single-subscripted array containing values of y corresponding to column positions of A.
HGT height of plot restricted to less than or equal to 6.5 inches (REAL). The width is established accordingly.
CV single-scripted array of contour values to be plotted.
NCV number of contour values (INTEGER).
LEGEND Logical option. If .TRUE., the legend relating contour values and their identification numbers is printed. If [char46]FALSE., this legend will not be printed.
NDIMA the dimensional number of rows for A.


The CALCOMP initialization (PLOTS(0,0,0)) and termination (PLOT(X,Y,999)) calls must be supplied by the user, external to CNTOUR. These calls were left out of CNTOUR to allow the user to create multiple plots in a single program.


Public Domain

Nemo Release 3.1 cntour (3m_calcomp) May 27, 2023
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