Manual Reference Pages  - attr (3m_attr)


attr(3f) - [M_attr] substitute escape sequences for HTML-like syntax in strings (LICENSE:MIT)


See Also


function attr(string,reset) result (expanded)

       ! scalar
       character(len=*),intent(in)  :: string
       logical,intent(in),optional  :: reset
       character(len=:),allocatable :: expanded
       ! or array
       character(len=*),intent(in)  :: string(:)
       logical,intent(in),optional  :: reset
       character(len=:),allocatable :: expanded(:)
       integer,intent(in),optional  :: chars


Use HTML-like syntax to add attributes to terminal output such as color on devices that recognize ANSI escape sequences.


string input string of form
                   "<attribute_name>string</attribute_name> ...".

where the current attributes are color names, bold, italic, underline, ...
reset By default, a sequence to clear all text attributes is sent at the end of each returned line if an escape character appears in the output string. This can be turned off by setting RESET to .false. .

Note if turning off the reset attributes may be continued across lines, but if each line is not self-contained attributes may not display properly when filtered with commands such as grep(1).

chars For arrays, a reset will be placed after the Nth displayable column count in order to make it easier to generate consistent right borders for non-default background colors for a text block.


primary default keywords

       r,         red,       R,  RED
       g,         green,     G,  GREEN
       b,         blue,      B,  BLUE
       m,         magenta,   M,  MAGENTA
       c,         cyan,      C,  CYAN
       y,         yellow,    Y,  YELLOW
       e,         ebony,     E,  EBONY
       w,         white,     W,  WHITE

attributes: it, italic bo, bold un, underline

basic control characters: nul bel (0x07, ^G) beeps; bs (0x08, ^H) backspaces one column (but not past the beginning of the line); ht (0x09, ^I) goes to the next tab stop or to the end of the line if there is no earlier tab stop; lf (0x0A, ^J), vt (0x0B, ^K) ff (0x0C, ^L) all give a linefeed, and if LF/NL (new-line mode) is set also a carriage return cr (0x0D, ^M) gives a carriage return; so (0x0E, ^N) activates the G1 character set; si (0x0F, ^O) activates the G0 character set; can (0x18, ^X) and SUB (0x1A, ^Z) interrupt escape sequences; sub esc (0x1B, ^[) starts an escape sequence; del (0x7F) is ignored;

other: clear default reset gt lt save,DECSC Save current state (cursor coordinates, attributes, character sets pointed at by G0, G1). restore,DECRC Restore state most recently saved by ESC 7. CSI "Control Sequence Introducer"(0x9B) is equivalent to "ESC [".

dual-value (one for color, one for mono):

write(*,*)attr(’<ERROR>an error message’) write(*,*)attr(’<WARNING>a warning message’) write(*,*)attr(’<INFO>an informational message’)

By default, if the color mnemonics (ie. the keywords) are uppercase they change the background color. If lowercase, the foreground color. When preceded by a "/" character the attribute is returned to the default.

The "default" keyword is typically used explicitly when reset=.false, and sets all text attributes to their initial defaults.


o colors are not nestable, keywords are case-sensitive,
o not all terminals obey the sequences. On Windows, it is best if you use Windows 10+ and/or the Linux mode; although it has worked with all CygWin and MinGW and Putty windows and mintty.
o you should use "<gt>" and "<lt>" instead of ">" and "<" in a string processed by attr(3f) instead of in any plain text output so that the raw mode will create correct input for the attr(3f) function if read back in.


Sample program

    program demo_attr
    use M_attr, only : attr, attr_mode, attr_update
       call printstuff(’defaults’)

call attr_mode(manner=’plain’) call printstuff(’plain:’)

call printstuff(’raw’)

call attr_mode(manner=’color’) call printstuff(’’)

write(*,’(a)’) attr(’TEST ADDING A CUSTOM SEQUENCE:’) call attr_update(’blink’,char(27)//’[5m’) call attr_update(’/blink’,char(27)//’[25m’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<blink>Items for Friday</blink>’)

contains subroutine printstuff(label) character(len=*),intent(in) :: label character(len=:),allocatable :: array(:) call attr_mode(manner=label)

array=[character(len=60) :: & ’TEST MANNER=’//label, & ’<r>RED</r>,<g>GREEN</g>,<b>BLUE</b>’, & ’<c>CYAN</c>,<m>MAGENTA</g>,<y>YELLOW</y>’, & ’<w>WHITE</w> and <e>EBONY</e>’] write(*,’(a)’) attr(array)

write(*,’(a)’) attr(’Adding <bo>bold</bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<bo><r>RED</r>,<g>GREEN</g>,<b>BLUE</b></bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<bo><c>CYAN</c>,<m>MAGENTA</g>,<y>YELLOW</y></bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<bo><w>WHITE</w> and <e>EBONY</e></bo>’)

write(*,’(a)’) attr(’Adding <ul>underline</ul>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(& &’<bo><ul><r>RED</r>,<g>GREEN</g>,<b>BLUE</b></ul></bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(& &’<bo><ul><c>CYAN</c>,<m>MAGENTA</g>,<y>YELLOW</y></ul></bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<bo><ul><w>WHITE</w> and <e>EBONY</e></ul></bo>’)

write(*,’(a)’) attr(’Adding <ul>italic</ul>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(& &’<bo><ul><it><r>RED</r>,<g>GREEN</g>,<b>BLUE</b></it></ul></bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(& &’<bo><ul><it><c>CYAN</c>,<m>MAGENTA</g>,<y>YELLOW</it></y></ul></bo>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<bo><ul><it><w>WHITE</w> and <e>EBONY</e></ul></bo>’)

write(*,’(a)’) attr(’Adding <in>inverse</in>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<in><bo><ul><it><r>RED</r>,<g>GREEN</g>,& &<b>BLUE</b></it></ul></bo></in>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(’<in><bo><ul><it><c>CYAN</c>,<m>MAGENTA</g>,& &<y>YELLOW</it></y></ul></bo></in>’) write(*,’(a)’) attr(& &’<in><bo><ul><it><w>WHITE</w> and <e>EBONY</e></ul></bo></in>’) end subroutine printstuff end program demo_attr


John S. Urban, 2021




attr_mode(3f), attr_update(3f)

Nemo Release 3.1 attr (3m_attr) July 20, 2023
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