Manual Reference Pages  - M_args (3m_args)


M_args(3fm) - [ARGUMENTS::M_args::INTRO] - define a NAMELIST in a module template to provide command line argument parsing (LICENSE:PD)





     use M_args, only : get_namelist, print_dictionary, unnamed
     use M_args, only : get_command_arguments_as_raw_namelist
     use M_args, only : get_command_arguments_stack
     use M_args, only : get_command_arguments_string
     use M_args, only : longest_command_argument
     use M_args, only : debug
     use M_args, only : oneline


Use the M_arguments(3fp) module template in the following example program to allow for command line parsing much like standard Unix command line parsing. Just change the variables defined in the NAMELIST. There are further details in the documentation for get_namelist(3f) and print_dictionary(3f), but for basic use starting with the example program should be sufficient.

Then, your program can be called with forms like:

    cmd -x 1.0 -y -20 --points 1,2,3 -title ’This is my title’
    cmd --help *.data

A variable of the form LETTER_ becomes the uppercase keyword -LETTER, and negative values do not need quoted as values. Single-letter keywords are assumed to be used on the command line as short options with a single dash prefix, while multi-letter keywords are assumed to be long options. variable names may be equivalenced to allow for short and long versions of a keyword.


Sample program

   !program demo_M_args
   module M_arguments
   use M_args,    only : get_namelist, print_dictionary, unnamed, oneline

! >>> CHANGE THIS ! declare and initialize a namelist. Letter_ denotes an uppercase short command keyword real :: x=111.1, y=222.2, z=333.3 real :: point(3)=[10.0,20.0,30.0] character(len=80) :: title=" " logical :: l=.false., l_=.false. logical :: help=.false., version=.false., v=.false., h=.false. equivalence (help,h),(version,v) namelist /args/ x,y,z,point,title,help,h,version,v,l,l_ ! << END OF CHANGES

contains subroutine get_args() integer :: ios character(len=255) :: message ! use for I/O error messages character(len=:),allocatable :: readme ! stores updated namelist character(len=10000) :: hold_namelist(60) hold_namelist=’’ write(hold_namelist,nml=args,iostat=ios,iomsg=message) if(ios.eq.0)then readme=get_namelist(oneline(hold_namelist)) read(readme,nml=args,iostat=ios,iomsg=message) endif if( write(*,’("ERROR:",i0,1x,a)’)ios, trim(message) call print_dictionary() stop 1 endif end subroutine get_args end module M_arguments

program short use M_arguments, only : get_args, unnamed use M_arguments ! make user variables available implicit none integer :: i call get_args() ! crack command line options ! >> USER YOUR VARIABLES HERE. FOR EXAMPLE: write(*,*)’VALUES ARE NOW ’, new_line(’A’),& &’x ’,x, new_line(’A’),& &’y ’,y, new_line(’A’),& &’z ’,z, new_line(’A’),& &’point ’,point, new_line(’A’),& &’title ’,title, new_line(’A’),& &’help ’,help,’h ’,h, new_line(’A’),& &’version ’,version,’v ’,v, new_line(’A’),& &’l ’,l, new_line(’A’),& &’l_ ’,l_ if(size(unnamed).gt.0)then write(*,’(a)’)’UNNAMED:’ write(*,’(i6.6,3a)’)(i,’[’,unnamed(i),’]’,i=1,size(unnamed)) endif !<< END OF EXAMPLE USAGE OF VARIABLES end program short !end program demo_M_args


John S. Urban, 2019


Public Domain

Nemo Release 3.1 M_args (3m_args) May 14, 2023
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