get_subcommand(3f) - [ARGUMENTS:M_CLI2] special-case routine for handling subcommands on a command line (LICENSE:PD)
function get_subcommand()
character(len=:),allocatable :: get_subcommand
In the special case when creating a program with subcommands it is assumed the first word on the command line is the subcommand. A routine is required to handle response file processing, therefore this routine (optionally processing response files) returns that first word as the subcommand name.It should not be used by programs not building a more elaborate command with subcommands.
NAME name of subcommand
Sample program:
program demo_get_subcommand !x! SUBCOMMANDS !x! For a command with subcommands like git(1) !x! you can make separate namelists for each subcommand. !x! You can call this program which has two subcommands (run, test), !x! like this: !x! demo_get_subcommand --help !x! demo_get_subcommand run -x -y -z --title -l -L !x! demo_get_subcommand test --title -l -L --testname !x! demo_get_subcommand run --help implicit none !x! DEFINE VALUES TO USE AS ARGUMENTS WITH INITIAL VALUES real :: x=-999.0,y=-999.0,z=-999.0 character(len=80) :: title="not set" logical :: l=.false. logical :: l_=.false. character(len=80) :: testname="not set" character(len=20) :: name call parse(name) !x! DEFINE AND PARSE COMMAND LINE !x! ALL DONE CRACKING THE COMMAND LINE. !x! USE THE VALUES IN YOUR PROGRAM. write(*,*)command was ,name write(*,*)x,y,z .... ,x,y,z write(*,*)title .... ,title write(*,*)l,l_ ..... ,l,l_ write(*,*)testname . ,testname contains subroutine parse(name) !x! PUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH COMMAND PARSING HERE FOR CLARITY use M_CLI2, only : set_args, get_args, get_args_fixed_length use M_CLI2, only : get_subcommand, set_mode character(len=*) :: name ! the subcommand name character(len=:),allocatable :: help_text(:), version_text(:) call set_mode(response_file) ! define version text version_text=[character(len=80) :: & @(#)PROGRAM: demo_get_subcommand >, & @(#)DESCRIPTION: My demo program >, & @(#)VERSION: 1.0 20200715 >, & @(#)AUTHOR: me, myself, and I>, & @(#)LICENSE: Public Domain >, & ] ! general help for "demo_get_subcommand --help" help_text=[character(len=80) :: & allowed subcommands are , & * run -l -L --title -x -y -z , & * test -l -L --title , & ] ! find the subcommand name by looking for first word on command ! not starting with dash name = get_subcommand() select case(name) case(run) help_text=[character(len=80) :: & , & Help for subcommand "run" , & , & ] call set_args( & & -x 1 -y 2 -z 3 --title "my title" -l F -L F,& & help_text,version_text) call get_args(x,x) call get_args(y,y) call get_args(z,z) call get_args_fixed_length(title,title) call get_args(l,l) call get_args(L,l_) case(test) help_text=[character(len=80) :: & , & Help for subcommand "test" , & , & ] call set_args(& & --title "my title" -l F -L F --testname "Test",& & help_text,version_text) call get_args_fixed_length(title,title) call get_args(l,l) call get_args(L,l_) call get_args_fixed_length(testname,testname) case default ! process help and version call set_args( ,help_text,version_text) write(*,(*(a)))unknown or missing subcommand [,trim(name),] write(*,(a))[character(len=80) :: & allowed subcommands are , & * run -l -L -title -x -y -z , & * test -l -L -title , & ] stop end select end subroutine parse end program demo_get_subcommand
John S. Urban, 2019
Public Domain
Nemo Release 3.1 | get_subcommand (3m_cli2) | August 01, 2024 |