M_CLI2(3fm) - [ARGUMENTS::M_CLI2::INTRO] command line argument parsing using a prototype command (LICENSE:PD)
See Also
Available procedures and variables:
! basic procedures use M_CLI2, only : set_args, get_args, specified, set_mode ! convenience functions use M_CLI2, only : dget, iget, lget, rget, sget, cget use M_CLI2, only : dgets, igets, lgets, rgets, sgets, cgets ! variables use M_CLI2, only : unnamed, remaining, args ! working with non-allocatable strings and arrays use M_CLI2, only : get_args_fixed_length, get_args_fixed_size ! special function for creating subcommands use M_CLI2, only : get_subcommand(3f)
The M_CLI2 module cracks a Unix-style command line.Typically one call to SET_ARGS(3f) is made to define the command arguments, set default values and parse the command line. Then a call is made to the convenience procedures or GET_ARGS(3f) proper for each command keyword to obtain the argument values.
Detailed descriptions of each procedure and example programs are included.
Sample minimal program:
program minimal use M_CLI2, only : set_args, lget, rget, sgets implicit none real :: x, y integer :: i character(len=:),allocatable :: version_text(:), help_text(:) character(len=:),allocatable :: filenames(:) ! define and crack command line. ! creates argument --yvalue with short name y with default value 0 ! creates argument --xvalue with short name x with default value 0 ! creates boolean argument call setup() ! define help text and version text call set_args( --yvalue:y 0.0 --xvalue:x 0.0 --debug F,& & help_text=help_text,& & version_text=version_text) ! get values x=rget(xvalue) y=rget(yvalue) if(lget(debug))then write(*,*)X=,x write(*,*)Y=,y write(*,*)ATAN2(Y,X)=,atan2(x=x,y=y) else write(*,*)atan2(x=x,y=y) endif filenames=sgets() ! sgets(3f) with no name gets "unnamed" values if(size(filenames) > 0)then write(*,(g0))filenames: write(*,(i6.6,3a))(i,[,filenames(i),],i=1,size(filenames)) endif contains subroutine setup()which may be called in various ways:help_text=[character(len=80) :: & & "wish I put instructions", & & "here I suppose. ", & & " "]
version_text=[character(len=80) :: "version 1.0","author: me"]
end subroutine setup end program minimal
mimimal -x 100.3 -y 3.0e4 mimimal --xvalue=300 --debug mimimal --yvalue 400 mimimal -x 10 file1 file2 file3Sample program using get_args() and variants
program demo_M_CLI2 use M_CLI2, only : set_args, get_args use M_CLI2, only : filenames=>unnamed use M_CLI2, only : get_args_fixed_length, get_args_fixed_size implicit none integer,parameter :: dp=kind(0.0d0) integer :: i ! ! Define ARGS real :: x, y, z logical :: l, lbig character(len=40) :: label ! FIXED LENGTH real(kind=dp),allocatable :: point(:) logical,allocatable :: logicals(:) character(len=:),allocatable :: title ! VARIABLE LENGTH real :: p(3) ! FIXED SIZE logical :: logi(3) ! FIXED SIZE ! ! DEFINE AND PARSE (TO SET INITIAL VALUES) COMMAND LINE ! o set a value for all keywords. ! o double-quote strings, strings must be at least one space ! because adjacent double-quotes designate a double-quote ! in the value. ! o set all logical values to F ! o numeric values support an "e" or "E" exponent ! o for lists delimit with a comma, colon, or space call set_args( & & -x 1 -y 2 -z 3 & & -p -1 -2 -3 & & --point 11.11, 22.22, 33.33e0 & & --title "my title" -l F -L F & & --logicals F F F F F & & --logi F T F & & --label " " & ! note space between quotes is required & ) ! Assign values to elements using G_ARGS(3f). ! non-allocatable scalars can be done up to twenty per call call get_args(x,x, y,y, z,z, l,l, L,lbig) ! As a convenience multiple pairs of keywords and variables may be ! specified if and only if all the values are scalars and the CHARACTER ! variables are fixed-length or pre-allocated. ! ! After SET_ARGS(3f) has parsed the command line ! GET_ARGS(3f) retrieves the value of keywords accept for ! two special cases. For fixed-length CHARACTER variables ! see GET_ARGS_FIXED_LENGTH(3f). For fixed-size arrays see ! GET_ARGS_FIXED_SIZE(3f). ! ! allocatables should be done one at a time call get_args(title,title) ! allocatable string call get_args(point,point) ! allocatable arrays call get_args(logicals,logicals) ! ! less commonly ...Results:! for fixed-length strings call get_args_fixed_length(label,label)
! for non-allocatable arrays call get_args_fixed_size(p,p) call get_args_fixed_size(logi,logi) ! ! all done parsing, use values write(*,*)x=,x, y=,y, z=,z, x+y+z write(*,*)p=,p write(*,*)point=,point write(*,*)title=,title write(*,*)label=,label write(*,*)l=,l write(*,*)L=,lbig write(*,*)logicals=,logicals write(*,*)logi=,logi ! ! unnamed strings ! if(size(filenames) > 0)then write(*,(i6.6,3a))(i,[,filenames(i),],i=1,size(filenames)) endif ! end program demo_M_CLI2
> x=1.00000000 y=2.00000000 z=3.00000000 6.00000000 > p= -1.00000000 -2.00000000 -3.00000000 > point= 11.109999999999999 22.219999999999999 33.329999999999998 > title=my title > label= > l= F > L= F > logicals= F F F F F > logi= F T F
John S. Urban, 2019
Public Domain
o get_args(3f) o get_args_fixed_size(3f) o get_args_fixed_length(3f) o get_subcommand(3f) o set_mode(3f) o specified(3f)
Note that the convenience routines are described under get_args(3f): dget(3f), iget(3f), lget(3f), rget(3f), sget(3f), cget(3f) dgets(3f), igets(3f), lgets(3f), rgets(3f), sgets(3f), cgets(3f)
Nemo Release 3.1 | M_CLI2 (3m_cli2) | August 01, 2024 |