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Exploring NAMELIST

multi-case input files

NAMELIST permits a set of variables to be gathered together under one name in order to simplify I/O statements. Most importantly, input values are labeled in the form VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE; allowing values to easily be identified and entered in any order. Indeed, NAMELIST provides an excellent way to support annotated input, as the data is not only labeled; but comments are allowed on input.

When reading a file, lines are skipped until the requested NAMELIST block name is reached. If no REWIND is performed, you can have multiple NAMELIST blocks of the same name and differing data and read them in as needed.

A basic example using an input file to do several problem cases:

file "cases.nml"

   input file with multiple cases. Until a NAMELIST block name is
   recognised input lines are ignored, so you could have the data
   inbedded in a markdown file or HTML file as long as the data cases
   follow the NAMELIST input file rules (easiest with the HTML directive
    <xmp> but it is deprecated although "universally"
   supported by browsers so far).

    temperature=350, pressure=200

redo the same cases just changing temperature and pressure

&CASE temperature=460, pressure=400 /
&case temperature=650, pressure=500 /

 This is for customer X on Fri Jul 24 EDT 1998
 to resolve the issues described in document blah-blah-0124

&CASE TITLE = 'Thermal Analysis', 
 TEMPERATURE = 650.0, PRESSURE = 500.0, X = 611.0, 621.0, 631.0, 
 641., 651., Y = 11., 21., 31., 41., 51., 
Note that the following NAMELIST group input will be skipped because it does
not match the name "CASE"

 This case is for what we talked about Thursday, George ...

 TITLE='Thermal Analysis',
 TEMPERATURE=  650.00000,
 PRESSURE=  500.00000,
 X=  811.00000    ,  821.00000    ,  831.00000    ,  841.00000    ,  851.00000    ,
 Y=  11.000000    ,  21.000000    ,  31.000000    ,  41.000000    ,  51.000000    ,

This example just touches on the possibilities. You could read through cases until you find a certain value, such as the UUID string in some of the cases in the sample input, for example.

Sample program to read "cases.nml"

PROGRAM simple
! define some variables and group them in a NAMELIST
real,dimension(5) :: x=[10,20,30,40,50], y=[10,20,30,40,50]
real              :: temperature=0.0, pressure=0.0
integer           :: i=0, j=0, k=0
character(len=80) :: title='Thermal Analysis', uuid=''
namelist /case/ title, temperature, pressure, x, y, uuid
integer            :: icount=0
character(len=255) :: message=' '
   open(unit=10,file='cases.nml',delim='apostrophe') ! open a file to read NAMELIST data from
   do                    ! loop, reading and processing one read at a time
      uuid=''            ! if you do not set the values between calls the changes are cumulative
      ! it is common to set all values between sets but it can be very useful that the values
      ! are retained when doing a series of cases where only a few values are changing.
      ! note NAMELIST input is very flexible, and allows changing just regions of an array with
      ! array syntax, for example.
      if(ios .ne. 0)then
         if( .not.is_iostat_end(ios) )then
            open(unit=6,delim='apostrophe') ! make sure strings get delimited
      call do_a_problem()
subroutine do_a_problem()
   write(*,'(*(g0,1x))')'did a problem: count=',icount,' title=',trim(title),' uuid=',trim(uuid)
end subroutine do_a_problem
end program simple

Sample program output:

did a problem: count= 1  title= Thermal Analysis  uuid= 90e29ff3-0124-454b-bcaa-cdb5b37ae6c3
 TP=             (350.000000,200.000000)
did a problem: count= 2  title= Thermal Analysis  uuid= 
 TP=             (460.000000,400.000000)
did a problem: count= 3  title= Thermal Analysis  uuid= 
 TP=             (650.000000,500.000000)
did a problem: count= 4  title= Thermal Analysis  uuid= 3709a591-aaad-40b5-ae02-9746ebdd74f1
 TP=             (650.000000,500.000000)
did a problem: count= 5  title= Thermal Analysis  uuid= 
 TP=             (650.000000,500.000000)
 IOSTAT:          -1 End of file